nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 131 Bought the Wrong Ticket

Chapter 131 Bought the Wrong Ticket (Two in One)

"Yuner, it's time to put on makeup, why are you still standing here?" In the filming location of the film crew, the agent who was busy communicating with the director about the follow-up shooting plan suddenly saw Lin Yuner who was supposed to go to the dressing room for styling , At this time, he just stayed on the stool, staring blankly at the front, holding the mobile phone in his hand, muttering in a low voice, looking in a daze, he couldn't help but make a sound of urging.

It seemed that this sound broke Lin Yun'er's contemplation, and pulled her back from the state of being in a trance just now.She turned her head, showing a lackluster face, forced a smile at the manager, and then responded, then paced and walked towards the dressing room step by step.

Others didn't pay much attention to Lin Yuner's state, only the manager who had just seen Lin Yuner noticed Lin Yuner's obviously absent-minded state, as well as her slightly pale face, with a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong with this child?"

"It's been like this for the past few days, and I don't know what happened suddenly. It's time to find an opportunity to ask her later."

Lin Yuner, who walked outside the dressing room, tidied up reluctantly, then closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

"Please come in."

Following a response from the room, Lin Yuner controlled herself to show a standardized smile trained by the company, and pushed open the door of the dressing room. . . . .

Jing Hao and Cheng Cailing came to the nearest theater to the coffee shop together. After the two discussed with each other, the first set of shots today went to the nearest theater to watch.

When they came to the front desk of the theater, the two of them didn't have any preparations in advance. When the receptionist at the front desk asked the two of them what movie they wanted to watch, they were a little confused.

Jing Hao was busy managing patients' matters every day, especially during the period after Lin Yuner left, he was a little confused every day, paying attention to the recently released movies.

And Cheng Cailing didn't know even more. She is a middle and high-level manager of the company. How can she have the time to go shopping openly every day like now?

In the end, it was the "understanding" receptionist who saw the embarrassment of the two of them, and asked aloud:
"Excuse me, are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"is not it."

Two completely different answers echoed in front of her at the same time.

Following this response, the two also looked at each other.

The one who answered "no" was Jing Hao, and the one who answered "yes" was Cheng Cailing.

The young lady at the reception pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of the nose. There seems to be something wrong with these two people. Could it be that they are male and female friends who are in an "ambiguous state"?The one that hasn't settled yet?
After this idea appeared in her head, the eyes of the "understanding" young lady hidden behind the lens lighted up for a while, and then she showed a big smile, and manipulated the computer a few times , and then handed the movie tickets for the two lovers' seats that had just been printed out to the two of them.

"Since the two of you don't have any ideas, then I'll make it my own to give the two of you a group of tickets to our recent popular movie."

"Nei, Kangsang Amida X2." After Jing Hao and Cheng Cailing hastily settled their tickets, they thanked the receptionist.

After asking about the ticket price, Jing Hao habitually took out his wallet and gave the movie ticket money to the receptionist at the front desk.

At the end when the two were about to leave, the young lady at the reception seemed to think of something again, and hurriedly stopped the two people, and finally said a few words: "Well, two, the movie theater you are going to is at [-] Hall, it just so happens that it will start soon."

"Inner X2."

"In the end, I hope you two can enjoy your time in the theater."

"Kangsang Armida X2."

After receiving the tickets from the front desk, the two of them took the tickets, the two cups of coke and a popcorn that came with buying the tickets, and rushed to Hall [-] together. . . . .

"Yun'er, what happened to you recently?" When applying makeup to Lin Yun'er, the young lady makeup artist couldn't help but stop what she was doing, and asked this question.

She had wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but she hadn't been able to ask it before, and she couldn't help asking it until today when she saw Lin Yuner's state seemed particularly absent-minded.

"Arnie,... Ernie, why do you ask that?"

Lin Yuner, who thought she hid it well, was still trying to struggle, and didn't want others to know about her emotional problems, so she didn't admit it.

"You," the make-up artist girl continued to reply while she was doing her hair, "Although I haven't been with you for a long time, I still know your usual state in the film crew. "


"Not only these, but most importantly, I am a makeup artist!"


Lin Yuner was a little puzzled, it was understandable to know her state, but what was the phrase "I'm a makeup artist" followed by this O'Neill?

"As a makeup artist, I can see the condition of your skin every day. I may know yourself better than you, Yoona."

Lin Yuner suddenly realized, it turns out. . .

I saw that she didn't stop, and while she was busy with the work in hand, she followed up and said: "Oni knows your usual skin condition, but recently, since you came to Greece, your skin condition It's been getting worse, especially the last two days."

"So," she stopped what she was doing, put her hands on the sides of Lin Yuner's head, and lifted it up a little, so that Lin Yuner's eyes could look directly at the mirror in front of her, and her eyes were facing Lin Yuner's eyes in the mirror, tenderly He said, "What happened, can you tell O'Neill?"


"Even though O'Neill and you are not close friends, but after working with you for so long, I still like you very much. Besides, O'Neill is a few years older than you. If you have any problems in your mind, just say it, O'Neill." Can Nicky help you?"

"dont you agree?"


Facing O'Neill's gentle smiling face in the mirror, Lin Yun'er hesitated for a while, and then finally spoke.

"Oni, what did I look like in your eyes?"

The makeup artist lady thought for a while, and then seriously answered Lin Yuner's question: "I haven't seen you before I met me, so I won't comment."

"However, when I first met you, although you were very polite, you could still faintly feel that there was a little distance between you and me."

"Is that so?" Lin Yun'er whispered.

"Well," the makeup artist affirmed Lin Yuner's answer, and then continued: "But after a while, I could feel that you were different in front of me."

"Oh?" Lin Yun'er's expression changed, and she was somewhat surprised by this answer.

"During that time, you should be in love, right?" Unexpectedly, the makeup artist lady suddenly said such a sentence.

Lin Yuner's eyes widened, she leaned on the back of the chair and moved forward suddenly, then turned her head back, and asked the makeup artist lady with a shocked expression: "Oni, how did you see that?" ?I...."

"Sit down properly first, and don't mess up the hairstyle you just made." The makeup artist lady smiled, and then controlled Lin Yuner's head with both hands, and helped it back to the previous angle, allowing her body to lean against it. Relaxed back on the back of the chair,

"Oni is also someone who has been here. Although Ernie is not as beautiful as you, he has also been in love."

"Your appearance during that time was definitely the appearance of just falling in love. Ernie is not stupid, so you can definitely guess it."

While continuing to help her with the unfinished look, the makeup artist explained.

"During that time, your whole face was full of uncontrollable excitement every day, and your eyes were slowly filled with happiness. How could O'Neill not see it?"

Lin Yuner couldn't help being stunned.

"However, do you encounter any emotional problems now?"

Lin Yun'er lowered her head for a few minutes, and after two seconds, she let out a muffled voice: "Nei."

Seeing her listless look, the makeup artist lady laughed and said softly: "When two people are together, it is inevitable to encounter some things. Love without problems is all in fairy tales, and we They are all real people, Yoona."


"Although I don't know what the problem is on your side, O'Neill didn't ask you what happened."

"But what O'Neill wants to tell you is that no matter what problems arise, you must make a careful decision, and don't let your future self leave any regrets."

"Don't leave any regrets..." Lin Yuner murmured and repeated these words,

"Guild, relationship is a matter between two people, so no matter what happens, it is possible, so what we can do is to be ourselves, and when we think about this relationship in the future, It’s good that you don’t feel any regrets.”

"Oni, thank you." Through the reflection in the mirror, Lin Yuner bit her lip and looked at the young lady makeup artist who was working above her head, and thanked earnestly.

The make-up artist was stunned for a moment, then she looked in the mirror and noticed Lin Yuner's serious expression, so she smiled brightly and nodded to Lin Yuner who was looking at her.


The two laughed at the same time.

. . . . .

Jing Hao and Cheng Cailing held the drinks and popcorn in their hands, found the movie theater they were in, and walked in.

At this time, the movie hall has just started to play. It may be because it is during the daytime on a working day. There are not many people in the movie hall at this time, but the two of them look around, and it seems that they are all coming together in pairs. .

But the two of them didn't care about that, they just hurriedly found a seat with no one nearby, and sat down.

The reason why I found a seat with no one around is because I took two people into consideration when taking pictures.The flash of the mobile phone may affect the feelings of other people around, so I chose such a position.

Once seated, Jing Hao took out the movie tickets for the two of them, and then handed one to Cheng Cailing, who then took out her mobile phone, ready to take a "scandal photo".

At this time, the two of them each held a ticket in their hands, facing the front of the ticket, and then they each moved a little closer, and at the moment when the flashlight of the mobile phone turned on, they made a perfect pose.

"Crack." After the sound of the phone's camera sounding, the two of them moved to the other side in a tacit understanding at the same time. With the armrest of the seat between the two of them as the boundary, each left a space for the other side. some distance.

Cheng Cailing checked the time on the phone, then looked at the movie on the big screen, and asked Jing Hao from the air: "Jing Haoxi, what is the name of this movie?"

"I don't know either, but I seem to have seen Yoo Yeon-seok."

"Oh? That should look pretty good."

"You know him too? I thought high-level executives like you would never read anything in the entertainment industry."

Through the armrest in the middle, Cheng Cailing gave Jing Hao a speechless glance from the corner of her eye in the dim movie theater, then casually picked up the Coke beside the seat, handed it to her mouth and took a sip.

"I'm not as nerdy as you might imagine. I also watch it occasionally. For example, I just watched the movie "Please Answer 1994" he made."

Jing Hao: "Have you seen that one too? I was dragged to watch it by my girlfriend, but it's really good."

"Well, it's really pretty."

The two of them were like this, chatting casually while watching a movie.

But after a while, both of them felt strange in each other's hearts, but both were afraid that it was their own problem.

In the end, Cheng Cailing couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Do you think this movie seems a little weird?"

Jing Hao couldn't help but tilt his head towards her and nodded.

"I also feel that there is a little bit, it is not like the movies I watched before... But it should be a problem with the director's shooting method?"

"It should be, let's talk about it later..."

The two watched it like this for a while, but when a very hot "love action scene" appeared, Cheng Cailing couldn't help but blushed, and shouted to Jing Hao in a low voice, holding back her embarrassment : "Damn it, what kind of movie did you buy the ticket for? Nineteen bans?"

At this time, Jing Hao was also a little dumbfounded, and said in a dumbfounded way: "I... I don't know..."

Cheng Cailing seemed to think of something at this time, then she clenched her fists and slapped the armrest of the seat hard: "I finally know why the front desk asked us if we were a couple!"

Jing Hao: "?"

Cheng Cailing: "She gave us the tickets for the [-] bans for couples!"

As she said that, she glanced at the other people in the theater, and then said to Jing Hao in a low voice: "Look at this movie hall, there are all couples, and she treats us as if we are looking for excitement. My little lover! Damn it!"

Jing Hao also somewhat reacted at this time, and then took out from his trouser pocket the movie ticket that the front desk handed him earlier, and the movie ticket he took out when he and Cheng Cailing took a photo.

He put it in front of his eyes, turned the front side over, and carefully looked at the name on the movie ticket through the dim light in the theater.

I saw that the name of the movie ticket above said: "Secret Temptation"!
 Today's favorite song: Collapsing World——Lightscape This song should be in everyone's playlist. I suddenly remembered this song when I edited the video yesterday, so I specially share it today.

  And today is still a two-in-one chapter, just read it together.

  In the end, I still ask for votes, and I still ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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