nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 132 The Encounter Under the Sunset

Chapter 132 Encounter in the Sunset (Two in One)

As Jing Hao and Cheng Cailing's series of "scandal photos" were completed, the blockade on Jing Hao and Lin Yuner's photo was gradually lifted.

"emmm. Let me see if there are any classics that I haven't noticed in this photo contest..."

A middle-aged man who was fishing after work and licking a huge beer belly secretly opened the URL of the photography contest entry website when there was no one in the office, and smacked his lips while typing on the webpage. Quickly browsed up.

"Hiss...this sea view is so beautiful...let me see the creator's name first... Xi Jieming?,,,"

Following the appearance of a very beautiful landscape photo on the screen, the middle-aged uncle quickly clicked on the contestant's homepage and began to read the author's profile.

"I'm still a newcomer! But one thing to say, the series of works I shot are very impressive, and I am worthy of being an upstart creator who can participate in this competition."

At the same time, photography enthusiasts from all over the world are pouring into the website for this competition at this moment.

Some of them were originally contestants this time. The purpose of logging in is to check the number of clicks on their own works, and also to check the comments of the public, because people who dare to comment on such a competition generally They are not the kind of ordinary people. Many comments are comments that can give them better suggestions.

Rather than the silly comments like "This is it?" and "[-]% off water bottle?" that are visible on the Internet.

However, there are also some contestants who take a look at other contestants by the way, because the contestants who can participate are not new writers, and the works that can pass the initial review of the judges and select the final works are all excellent works that already have their own styles .

While appreciating other people's works, you can also have some good style influence on your own follow-up creation.

"Let me see if there are any new works with more hits."

Under a bridge in London, a bearded man sat down on the side of the road, took off the SLR camera hanging around his neck, first adjusted the focus on the bridge, and took a photo Afterwards, he conveniently put the DSLR by his side, took out a tablet from his backpack, and laid it on his lap to look at it.

His fingers quickly slid across the screen, browsing through the photos with the fastest-rising views on the participating websites one by one.

After looking for a while, he didn't find a few photos that could make him feel very amazing. On his face, the expression of disappointment became more and more intense, and at the same time, he muttered something that only he could hear.

"Let's look again to see if there are any works by newcomers. The works of these old fritters are really nothing new..."

His eyes jumped line by line on the screen until a strange name appeared in front of his eyes.

"Wang Taika...? What the hell kind of name is this?"

"However, if I can participate in the competition, I think it should be of good standard, so let me see what kind of works this strangely named author has made..."

He picked up a water bottle from his backpack, poured it into his mouth a few times, then put it back, then casually touched his beard, wiped his mouth, and clicked in.

"Well, it's not bad. The angle of the aurora is okay. It seems that the author's ability to find angles is not bad."

It seems that the photos taken by the author named "Wang Taika" are more likely to make people's throat dry?The bearded man took the water bottle back, changed the position of his legs, and sat up cross-legged. While pouring water into his mouth, he continued to browse the rest of "Wang Taika" works.

"This one is also good, and the work of African lions is also very good."

The man's eyes lit up a little more, and he sped up the flipping speed until a photo appeared in the center of the screen, and then he stopped the fingers that continued to flip, and stopped just like that.

The man's eyes widened, and he looked at the screen in surprise.

"Wow, this one is amazing!"

The man hastily put the kettle back, and looked at the photo carefully. On the screen, there was a picture of a pair of couples lying happily on a double deck chair in a park under the setting sun.

What surprised him was not the looks of the couple, but the artistic conception that moved him.

The setting sun on the screen and the artistic conception formed by the couple are really heart-warming. The first time you see it, you can't help but think of her, the first love you met in your life.

It's so youthful but it makes people feel the feeling of incomparable happiness between two people just by looking at it, it's really amazing.

. . . . . . .

At this moment, not only him, but also many, many people noticed this photo at this moment.


"Say, what's wrong?"

In a building, a young man with a form in his hand was hurriedly standing outside the door of an office.

"There was a sudden increase in clicks on one of the entries."

A woman in a professional dress who seemed to be his boss asked calmly, "Oh? How long has it been since the announcement?"

The young brother glanced at the form in his arms strangely,

"...almost... almost half a month..."

"Huh? What's the name of the work?"

"Encounter Under the Sunset"

"Wait a minute, let me take a look first."

As she said that, the woman in a professional attire in a hip skirt stepped on her high heels and hurriedly sat down in front of the computer, opened the screen in front of her, and searched for "Encounter at sunset".

Soon, a photo appeared in front of her, it was the photo of Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er.

The woman frowned and looked carefully.

"According to the quality of the work, it seems that it is not surprising that there is a good traffic?... But why..."

She shook her head, and asked the young brother again: "How long did you say the interval between publications?"

"Exactly 21 days until now."

"Really..." She clicked on a hidden work bar on the website, entered an account number and password on the pop-up account, tapped Enter, and jumped to a data analysis website .

After checking the click data in the background, her brows were squeezed a little bit harder, and a bit of weirdness appeared on her face.

"It's strange... The data seems to have been locked before?... But the current data seems to have indeed become normal..."

She turned her head and gave a few more instructions to the young brother: "You should pay attention to observe this work in the future, and if there are any strange changes, please notify me immediately."

"Good director."

. . . . . .

It’s no wonder that the official staff of the competition were surprised by the number of clicks on that work, because before that, Gu Minyan used many methods to lock the data of this work, so the previous data has never been very high.

But after starting to unlock its data, it is not surprising that it can quickly win a high number of hits by virtue of the excellent quality of the work itself and its outstanding level among the entries in the same year.

Seeing this, some readers may want to ask: Since Gu Minyan can lock its traffic, why not lock it all the time?

This year's entry rules are different from the usual ones. They are selected according to the entries uploaded every day. First of all, the first layer is based on the click-through rate.

If it is said that the traffic that has been locked up can be suppressed at this level, then the selection in the second step cannot be done.

There is a rule for the last place to be eliminated for the daily entries. Among the works with low click volume, the website will send this part of the works to the judges for a second screening.

What the organizer will consider is that because the data is sometimes not very reliable, in order to prevent some excellent works from getting the clicks they deserve and being eliminated intelligently, they will be added again in each batch of eliminated works. Read it again and again, if you find some works that have encountered such a situation, you will screen them out again, and intelligently give a certain amount of traffic on the website again, and then judge again based on the user's score .

Due to the restriction of such rules, Gu Minyan can't lock the traffic of this photo all the time, and this is why Gu Minyan and Jing Hao decided to find a "gossip heroine" plan in the end.

Because the first time Gu Minyan discovered the photo, she asked some people in the industry to comment on this photo, and everyone rated it unanimously high.

So if you keep suppressing the data, you won't be able to pass the judges' screening, but if you don't suppress the data, it will also make = its exposure time come earlier.

Therefore, the creation of this plan is also out of desperation.

At this time, without Gu Minyan's suppression, this work quickly won unanimous praise from the people who clicked on it by virtue of its own excellence.


A quiet woman who was sitting on the sofa, thinking with her eyes closed, was interrupted by this call.

However, there was no trace of anger in her opened eyes, but a soft smile, and she looked at the little rascal who was calling for her.

"What's the matter, Seul-gi? Did you call me for something?"

I saw a girl holding a mobile phone, trotting all the way to her side, jumped up and jumped onto the sofa, leaning against her.

She hugged the one who jumped up, and curiously asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Seulqi didn't say a word, she just pointed at the screen with her finger, motioning for her to take a look.

She shifted her gaze to the mobile phone she held up, her eyes froze for a moment, and she was stunned for a moment.

"Why did you show me this photo again? Isn't this the one of Yoona's?"

"Yes, yes, but look at the number of likes and comments below."

She reached out to take the phone, and quickly turned it down. At this time, there were already more than [-] likes and thousands of comments on the screen.

"how come..."

It's no wonder that the two of them behaved like this. When they first discovered this photo, they have been paying attention to this work.

The day before, it had only received more than a thousand likes and few comments.Who would have thought that only one day later, there are already so many comments and likes!

The two looked at each other in a daze, and finally Pei Zhuxuan gave a wry smile: "If you continue with this posture, I feel that Yuner O'Neill will be exposed soon..."

At this moment, likes and new comments on photos are rapidly increasing at a frequency visible to the naked eye.

On the Naver community, there are already many discussion posts about this photo in the photography column at this time. If you click on it, they all lament the author's shooting method, and many people reply to the shooting location below.

"Does anyone know where this photo was taken?"

"It's so beautiful to ask the same question!"

. . . . .

And there are many replies below, and they are still increasing: "I know this is the garden of Dongguo University."

"That's right, it's from Dongguk University."

. . . . . .

As the number of comments and followers increased, more and more people who hadn't seen this photo before began to inquire about it.

"What are you talking about? What pictures?"

"Yeah, I don't know, why are there so many discussions about photos when I came in today? What's the situation..."

Soon a kind person replied to them in a friendly manner: "It's this photo contest, and a photo suddenly came out."

"What's it called? Which master delivered the work?"

"It was submitted by a man named 'Wang Taika', but he was not very famous before, at least I didn't know him."

Some people have been adding: "The name of this work is "Encounter under the Sunset". You can search it directly after you go up."

"Okay, thank you kind person."

At the same time, in Huaguo on the other side, many people also noticed this work called "Encounter under the Sunset".

There are more people who like photography in Huaguo, and because of the excellent image quality of "Encounter under the Sunset", many people have also noticed this work, and many people have also noticed the name of the contestant: Wang Taika .

And in the back, the author's identity is marked as a Chinese.

Due to the excellent quality of its own works, coupled with the blessing of being a native of Huaguo, the number of hits from Huaguo is also increasing rapidly.

This situation is going on synchronously all over the world.

Finally, the photo broke.

However, the follow-up storm that may follow is still brewing. . . . .

In the end, will this time really survive smoothly as Jing Hao and Gu Minyan imagined?

 Today's favorite song: Apollo——Timebelle
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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