nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 133 Jing Hao Under the Spotlight

Chapter 133 Jing Hao Under the Spotlight (Two in One)

While attracting the attention of countless photographers all over the world, the things behind this photo were gradually discovered by many people. . .

The first ones to discover were the netizens on the Hua side.Because the nationality of the photographer "Wang Taika" is Hua, more and more Chinese people are paying attention to this photo.

Gradually, some fans of Girls' Generation, or Lin Yuner's only fan, found some inexplicable similarities between the heroine in the photo and Lin Yuner.

First, someone posted a comment on Sina Weibo about the photo contest: "Does anyone think...the heroine...why does she look so much like Lin Yuner from Girls' Generation?..."

If there is one, there are two. In this super chat, some people gradually discovered this point, and released it directly in Girls' Generation and Lin Yuner's super chat.

Girls' Generation's Super Talk: "Everyone, take a look at this photo, has anyone noticed that this heroine looks so much like Yoona?"

"It's really similar. Does anyone know who this heroine is?"

From time to time, there are several comments about Jing Hao, such as:
"And this male lead, does anyone think that this little brother is so handsome?" This kind of comment was obviously sent by a female fan.

"Yes, yes, is there anyone who can check, who is this little brother?"

With the increase in attention, the news gradually spread to the Peninsula's network by Huaguo netizens who were able to "climb the wall", as well as some peninsula students who were originally in Huaguo.

In the Naver community, there was also a discussion about the hero and heroine in the photo. As of the post, within three days, the number of people participating in the discussion had soared to more than 4000 million, and it was about to reach 5000 million. close.

What is the concept of this number?
The total population of the entire peninsula is only over [-] million. At this time, the number of people who are following this matter on can almost be regarded as the level of public awareness.

Subsequently, some people dug out the digging about the identity of the hero and heroine.

Some anonymous people posted Jing Hao’s information on the Internet: Name Jing Hao, from Huaguo, a doctor by profession, currently studying at the Faculty of Medicine of Yonsei University, and concurrently serving as a university lecturer at Yonsei University, graduated in [-] Huaguo's Concord University obtained a bachelor's and master's degree, and is currently studying for a doctorate at Yonsei University.

Many people also dug out the key news that Jing Hao became the technical director of "Descendants of the Sun"!
According to the whistleblower, Jing Hao was invited by director Li Yingfu a few months ago to take over the art direction of the doctor part in the Mizuki drama "Descendants of the Sun" filmed by kbs TV station. In the way of cameo, participated in the filming of the character.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Internet was immediately sensationalized.

On the peninsula side, it has been a long time since an artist from Huaguo has appeared in a drama series on this side of the peninsula. Although Jing Hao seems to be playing a supporting role, the meaning is really different.

And on Huaguo's side, many people in the entertainment industry who followed the peninsula noticed this news immediately!

The networks of the two countries were suddenly filled with countless discussions about Jing Hao, especially in Huaguo. After many of Jing Hao's classmates broke the news, Jing Hao's information was dug up.

During this period, many photos of Jing Hao when he was a child, as well as some group photos with friends or classmates were also revealed.

And that's not the end, Jing Hao's photos taken after growing up, especially before and after going abroad, were also dug out one by one.

Thanks to his very handsome appearance, especially his cool demeanor behind the white coat on the bed, many netizens commented on his characteristics as "abstinence style", which made his popularity even worse. There is a lot of noise.

. . . . . .

"Excuse me, are you...?"

On the second day, when Jing Hao came to the hospital and took Li Yanxi, several other interns, and Gui Peisheng for routine rounds, a young girl with bright eyes held her face in her hands, looking expectant. He looked at Jing Hao's face.

"Huh?" Jing Hao rubbed his head, he couldn't turn the corner when he encountered such a situation for a while.

It was Li Yanxi who was the first to get to Jing Hao's surprise, hiding behind Jing Hao, her little hand was silently reaching for Jing Hao's clothes corner, and when she pulled it a few times, the little girl seemed to remember it too. .

She glanced at Jing Hao's bewildered expression, immediately took out her mobile phone from her pocket, quickly approached Jing Hao, and motioned for him to look at the screen.

Jing Hao looked at the excited expression of the little girl in doubt, took the phone hesitantly, looked at the screen carefully, and found that there was a fan club specially set up for him on it, and looked at the number of people in the upper left corner, the number of fans had already Reached more than one hundred thousand trees.

"This is...?"

Seeing Jing Hao's puzzled look, the girl who handed him the phone couldn't wait to explain to him.

It turned out that when Jing Hao's identity was exposed, many people paid attention to Jing Hao. Because of his outstanding appearance and unique temperament, many girls, the first time they saw Jing Hao Immediately fell in love with this foreign student from China.

And because of his excellent grades, he was able to be admitted to the medical school of Yonsei University, and he is still studying for a Ph. Parents love it.

Many parents would like their children to like college tutors like Jing Hao or elite doctors rather than chasing those idol groups in the idol world. Being able to learn a little bit of light from working hard with Jing Hao.

Moreover, due to the expansion of Jing Hao's popularity, when he was giving lectures to students at Yonsei University School of Medicine, some little fans secretly filmed his class clips and some public class videos, which were also taken by many people. People posted it online.

When he lectured, he was very rigorous about academics, and his vivid and clear narration also attracted a large number of fans for him.

There are also some shy and decisive ways when he was confessed by the fans of Yonsei University in private, which also added a lot of points.

At this time, the fan club that appeared on the screen was formed spontaneously on the Internet by many fans who fell in love with him, as well as some parents of students.

When the girl was telling Jing Hao the origin of his fan club and the composition of some club veterans with bright eyes, Li Yanxi, who had been staying behind Jing Hao, carefully swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her eyes changed. He became more and more careful, and tiptoed back a few steps, trying his best to hide his figure behind Jing Hao.

Especially when the girl talked about the president of Jing Hao's fan club, she mentioned that many exclusive videos in the club were uploaded by the club president, even including a lot of Jing Hao's videos at school and in the office. During the time of the video, Li Yanxi was already about to leave quietly.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Jing Hao glanced back, and happened to see her who was about to sneak away while no one was paying attention.

Seeing Jing Hao's meaningful gaze, Li Yanxi shrank her neck suddenly like a mouse meeting a cat, and secretly stuck out her tongue, smiled flatteringly at Jing Hao, and tried to use "show cuteness" "Come to muddle through. (/ω\*)………(/ω\*)
Jing Hao just pointed at her with his finger, and didn't say anything about Li Yanxi in public.

"Then what is the name of the president of my fan club?"

"Ah oh oh, this is it," the girl holding the phone quickly clicked on the phone a few times, found out the business card of an account, and handed it to Jing Hao, "That's it, Jing Hao warmed me up today." Is the bed gone, it’s this account.”

When Jing Hao saw the weird id of this account, the corners of his mouth twitched, the veins on his forehead popped out and jumped, and his thick eyebrows and big eyes rolled his eyes at the right time.

I saw him click his tongue, and while looking at Li Yanxi from the corner of his eye, he muttered a sentence that just happened to be heard by everyone present: "How can I have such a naughty id, if I know Whoever it is, he has to be pushed on the stool and his buttocks can be slapped hard."

Hearing this sentence, Li Yanxi jumped up from the ground like a hedgehog, and even shook the two upturned braids on the top of her head a few times, her whole body trembled several times in fright.

When she took a deep breath and barely adjusted her emotions, she turned around and saw that everyone present was staring at her who was "playing funny" with puzzled faces. ("")
She immediately pretended to be nonchalant, put her hands behind her back, raised her head slightly, her eyes swept back and forth to the sky, and kept saying: "Which toad wants to eat swan meat? How dare you miss my teacher Jing Hao nim, if you let me know who it is, you must fight her for [-] rounds online!" Σ( ̄д ̄;)! ! !

Jing Hao took another deep look at Li Yanxi. ("")
Lee Yeon Hee:/)/)

Jing Hao saw that Li Yanxi's cheeks were already red, like the monkey's buttocks of a monkey on Mount Emei, so he stopped talking about the president. He clenched one hand into a fist and put it on his lips, coughing a few times , and asked the girl again.

"Although this is the case, why did you find it here?"

The girl smiled, and said sincerely to Jing Hao: "At first, I really didn't know, but when I was visiting your fan club yesterday, my father took a look at it and told me that you are giving it to me right now. The doctor my grandfather treated."

"That's why I know you are here. Today is also the day when I should visit my grandpa, so I will stop by to see you."

Jing Hao nodded and understood what had happened. When he turned around and was about to leave, he heard the girl shout again.

"Actually, if there are no accidents... I will probably be your student next year..."

Hearing this, Jing Hao just turned around, then turned back, looking at the girl in confusion.

"I have just been admitted to the medical school of Yonsei University this year, and now I am studying in the clinical medical school in my freshman year..."

"According to our seniors, we will have the opportunity to take your courses in our sophomore year..."

Jing Hao nodded, expressing his understanding, and asked politely before leaving: "What's your name?"

"Kim Minna."

"I see." Jing Hao turned around, took Li Yanxi and a group of interns and Gui Peisheng, and continued to walk to the next ward to be investigated, but as he walked forward, he walked behind him again. Shouted: "My course has very high requirements for students... Since you are my fan now, you have to study harder. If the grades are not good, I won't just because you are me." Your fans will be lenient to you."

Jin Minna kept watching Jing Hao's back, and the moment Jing Hao's figure disappeared around the corner, with a happy and bright smile on her face, she yelled crisply to the door: "Inside!"

"I will study hard, Mr. Jing Hao nim!"

There was a faint smile on Jing Hao's lips.

Just as Jing Hao led a group of people, after checking the room and returning to the office, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a figure sitting in front of his desk. His cold expression immediately looked like a glacier that had encountered the sun. The same, quickly melted down, and a smile from the heart bloomed on his face.

"Teacher! Why are you here!"

At this time, when the figure sitting in front of Jing Hao's desk heard the call, he put down the medical record that he had just spread out in his hand, and looked at Jing Hao who was standing at the door. , There was also a happy smile on his face.

"You're back, Xiaohao!"

When Jing Hao heard the call, he trotted forward quickly, hugged the figure excitedly, and said happily: "Teacher, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you here today?"

Li Zhongwan laughed heartily a few times, and patted Jing Hao's shoulders hard a few times. After parting, he looked at Jing Hao with a smile and said in a strange tone, "Damn, didn't I have something wrong?" Big star student, of course I have to come and take a look, you are so popular now, teacher, I also want to follow you to gain some popularity."

After saying this, Li Zhongwan winked at Jing Hao several times, held his mobile phone, turned on the flash, and took several photos of Jing Hao.

Jing Hao looked at Li Zhongwan's mischievous appearance, smiled wryly and shook his head: "Teacher, don't make fun of me as your student. You've been making fun of me every day when you see me."

 Song of the Day: Million Days - Sabai, Hoang, Claire Rodgely
  Today's update is a bit late. I watched the Uzi game there tonight, so I sent it a bit late. Although I was a little busy when coding, it's okay.

  Then continue to ask for tickets~~~~
  The [-] words per day can still be maintained, everyone can rest assured~~~
(End of this chapter)

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