nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 134 I Don't Know What to Name This Chapter

Chapter 134 I Don’t Know What to Name This Chapter (Two in One)

"Okay, let's not talk about what's there, I'm looking for you today, it's really something."

After exchanging pleasantries, Li Zhongwan also put away his sloppy look, restored his serious expression, and looked at Jing Hao seriously.

When Jing Hao saw Li Zhongwan coming, he had a premonition in his heart that Li Zhongwan had something to do, and Li Zhongwan's words confirmed his premonition.

"Teacher, tell me." Jing Hao nodded, and returned to his usual "ice charcoal" appearance.

Li Zhongwan looked around the office, looked at the interns and Gui Peisheng who were following Jing Hao, and then winked at Jing Hao.

Jing Hao and Li Zhongwan looked at each other, nodded their heads knowingly, and then told the interns: "Everyone can go out for a while, the teacher should have something to say to me alone, thank you all. "

Following this order, the interns and regular trainees all carried the materials and walked out of the door one by one, but when Li Yanxi was about to go out with everyone at the end, Li Zhongwan stopped her: "Little Yanxi, keep your words."

"Me?" Li Yanxi showed a confused expression, pointed to her little face with her hand, and followed Li Zhongwan with a questioning look.

Li Zhongwan greeted him with his hand, and Li Yanxi immediately responded, and after closing the door of the office, he ran back "peddling".

Seeing that Jing Hao and Li Yanxi were already in place, Li Zhongwan began to talk: "I came here this time to bring you a lesson."

"Problem?" Jing Hao was a little stunned.

"Hmm." Li Zhongwan casually picked up a bag that he brought with him from Jing Hao's desk, found a portfolio inside, and handed it to Jing Hao.

Jing Hao took Li Zhongwan's file bag with both hands, opened the outer seal, took out the documents inside, and started browsing directly like this.

Li Zhongwan watched Jing Hao reading there, and didn't bother him, just stood aside and waited quietly.

After looking back and forth twice, Jing Hao let out a breath, and there was a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

"Research on chronic cor pulmonale? This issue seems to be more discussed by respiratory doctors..."

Li Yanxi looked at the side for a long time, just stood aside and listened to the conversation between the two of them, the curiosity in her heart was almost uncontrollable.

"Yes, although this disease is not a particularly novel subject, I think it is better for you to carry out this subject."

Li Zhongwan went on to say: "Although this disease is not a very new topic now, the difficulty of studying it is not simpler than the research of any other disease."

"As far as I know, even in China, there should be quite a few patients suffering from this disease. In our peninsula, there are also many people suffering from this disease, and many of them are developing cor pulmonale of those patients."

"This project was asked by our dean to pick someone to carry out, and the most suitable person in our courtyard to carry out this project happens to be you."

Li Yanxi was suddenly a little confused. Logically speaking, this disease should be treated by a professional respiratory doctor. How could it be. . . ?
It turned out that before Jing Hao came to the peninsula, when he was studying in Huaguo, he first studied for a master's degree in respiratory department.

When Jing Hao was still in college, his academic performance had always been excellent, especially during his graduate studies.At the very beginning, when he chose the direction of postgraduate study, he actually chose not cardiology, but respiratory medicine.

And the reason why he chose this way at the beginning was because one of his seniors happened to be his fellow villager.

The senior, named Wu Yangzhou, is a student from the Northeast like Jing Hao. During college, the two got to know each other because of their work in the student union.

Although the two of them did not come from the same province, they are students from the three eastern provinces after all. On Xiehe's side, they gradually became a pair of best friends. Since Wu Yangzhou is two years older than Jing Hao, so in I have always taken care of my little junior brother.

When Wu Yangzhou was in graduate school, the tutor he chose happened to be his class teacher in college, a doctor in respiratory medicine, so when Jing Hao was going to graduate school, he chose his senior's tutor as a matter of course, and entered the respiratory medicine department .

Jing Hao's transfer to heart medicine still happened after he came to the peninsula.

At that time, when Jing Hao came to the peninsula, he still chose respiratory medicine. It was only by chance that he really met Li Zhongwan. . . .

It was autumn, Jing Hao had just arrived at Yonsei University School of Medicine for more than two months, and that night happened to be the day when he was on duty at the affiliated hospital with his tutor.

Several patients suddenly came in at night in the cardiology department, and all of them needed surgery, especially among those few patients, there was a baby boy who had just been born for several months.

However, the Department of Cardiology was urgent that day, and it would be too late to call those doctors who were not on duty to rush to the hospital, so Li Zhongwan brought two students and rushed to the place of Professor Liu Yixian who was familiar with him. The department, that is, the Department of Respiratory Medicine, and Professor Liu Yixian urgently called for two people to accompany him to treat patients.

Among the two students who were "borrowed" by Li Zhongwan, one of them was Jing Hao.

Although Jing Hao's master's degree is specialized in the respiratory system, as a student from a medical university in Huaguo, especially a doctor from Xiehe, his knowledge is deeper than most people.

Even the students of Yonsei University School of Medicine who specialize in cardiology may not dare to say that they are sure to beat Jing Hao at that time.

When they entered the operating room with Li Zhongwan, Jing Hao's performance surprised Li Zhongwan.

Jing Hao was originally a student that Li Zhongwan "borrowed" from his friend, so when he was in the operating room, Li Zhongwan wanted to remind him a little bit.

So during the operation, he casually asked Jing Hao some questions.

To his surprise, every question he asked was perfectly answered by Jing Hao.

When Li Zhongwan asked questions, he chose difficult questions. He was always used to being black-bellied. He originally wanted to ask a few questions that would be very difficult for the current students, but at their current stage The knowledge learned can be answered without being completely beyond the outline.

And when Jing Hao was stumped by the question and couldn't answer it, he casually announced the answer, and then "lightly" reprimanded Jing Hao, making him study harder in the future.

This is everything Lee Jong-man envisioned at that time.

But who knew that Jing Hao not only perfectly answered Li Zhongwan's questions, but even some of his ideas were more subtle than Li Zhongwan's own thought!

Li Zhongwan, who did not receive the expected result, not only did not feel the slightest sense of loss in his heart, but instead developed an extremely strong interest in Jing Hao.

During the operation, he asked many questions about heart medicine, and Jing Hao's answers also made him very satisfied.

Although he didn't major in cardiology, Jing Hao still answered a series of questions beautifully with his own understanding.

This made Li Zhongwan suddenly have a love for talents.

There was an urge to snatch this young man over.

So Li Zhongwan resorted to his most "lethal" trick.

During the operation, the child's heart has been in a relatively "stagnant" state.

What Li Zhongwan did during the operation was mainly for the repair of the heart valve of the child.

During the operation, Li Zhongwan's operation was performed so well that even Jing Hao, who was relatively not an "expert", could clearly feel that this professor seemed to be very capable. look.

At the end of the operation, the child's heart was successfully restored to beating.

"You heard your heartbeat?" Li Zhongwan looked down at the operating table while chatting with Jing Hao.

"Inside." Jing Hao looked at the baby's beating heart and said involuntarily.

"As a medical student, you still say you heard it. It must be your own heartbeat."

Jing Hao choked immediately, but just when he was embarrassed by his answer, the corners of Li Zhongwan's mouth rose slightly, and an imperceptible smile appeared on his face:

"Be careful, touch it once and try it,"

"At the same time, with the feeling of thanking Guangcan for surviving."


A gloved, trembling palm cautiously and tentatively reached out to the beating heart.

The second after he touched the heart, Jing Hao's hand jerked back as if it had been electrocuted, as if he had been shocked.

He stared at his retracted palm, a strange light appeared in his eyes, and a strange wave suddenly surged up slowly from the bottom of his heart.

"So powerful..."

Jing Hao turned around abruptly, and looked at Li Zhongwan emotionally, the eyes above the mask: "The heart beats so powerfully, professor!"

"I never thought...a heart the size of a plum...would be able to beat with such power!"

"The child's beating heart, made it beat again..."

At this moment, his pupils, which were as dark as glass, shone with a ray of hope.


"I'm going to the cardiology department!"

. . . . . . .

Professor Liu Yixian never thought that he, a new student and also the student he was most optimistic about, would never come back the day after he was "borrowed" by Li Zhongwan. . .

Jing Hao became the first and only student in the history of Yonsei University School of Medicine who directly changed his research direction during his Ph.D. and successfully found a famous tutor.

Time goes back to this moment, the moment when Li Zhongwan asked Jing Hao to research the subject.

"Remember how you got here?"

Jing Hao nodded: "Student, I will never forget that day."

Li Zhongwan smiled: "You transferred directly from Professor Liu Yixian to me."

"Although I was interested in you first, but in the end I lost to him."

Jing Hao also nodded: "Students have always been ashamed of Professor Liu Yixian. Until today, every time students see Professor Liu Yixian, they feel very guilty."

"Actually, when you were going to transfer to my place, Liu Yixian said a word to me."


"He said that you are a medical genius, so I must teach you well. If you don't have his consent, even if you can learn from me, you won't have the title of my apprentice."

Li Zhongwan looked into Jing Hao's eyes, and said softly, "This time, the topic is the one that the two of us set for you together."

Jing Hao was stunned.

He really never dreamed that he came to Li Zhongwan's name in this way.

"I see, I will be serious." Jing Hao looked into Li Zhongwan's eyes and said seriously.

"Before you came to me, you were Liu Yixian's best student, and after you came to me, you were also my best student."

"I believe that there is no one more suitable than you for the research on this topic. So when the dean asked me, I proposed you."

"So now, you have to work hard!"

. . . . .

In the past two days, Jin Zhiyong has been struggling.

In the previous call between him and Kim Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon accidentally mentioned Lin Yuner's matter to her brother, Kim Taeyeon looked envious, and mentioned to her brother that Lin Yuner already had a boyfriend.

As Kim Taeyeon's elder brother, Kim Jiyong naturally knew that the relationship between Lin Yoona and Lee Seung Gi was fake, and he also knew that Lin Yoona had never had a boyfriend.

In his impression, and in his cognition, although his younger sister Kim Taeyeon is very outstanding, compared with Lin Yuner, his younger sister is still slightly inferior.

Lin Yuner is a perfect existence no matter in appearance or emotional intelligence.Sometimes even when Jin Zhiyong thinks of this second youngest in his younger sister's team, he will subconsciously think about who is worthy of her.

However, every time he thinks about it, Jin Zhiyong can't think of anyone who is really worthy of her, at least among his peers.

So when he heard the news of Lin Yuner's love affair, he was really surprised. He was not particularly gossip, but he did gossip once in a while.

Kim Taeyeon was just being mysterious, and didn't tell him who he was, but said that that person was a technical director in the same crew as Yoona.

And that person was working at the Yonsei University Affiliated Hospital, a very good doctor, and he was from China.

At that time, it could be said that Jin Zhiyong only heard about this person, but he didn't know who this person was.

It wasn't until recently that Jing Hao, who had been appearing in various news, appeared that he really knew who that person was.

A subconscious impulse appeared in Jin Zhiyong's heart:
Find Jing Hao to treat his father!

 Today's heartbeat song: My story, My gift——Sf9
  There was no update yesterday, because I had to get up early this morning to go out to collect nucleic acid.

  Everyone knows that I am a medical worker in Dalian. I got up at four o'clock this morning and went to work. Then I was assigned to the community to do nucleic acid. I worked all day and didn't come back until after ten o'clock in the evening.

  I happened to have a leave note, so I used it yesterday.But yesterday I took the time to code more than 1000 words, so when I came back tonight, I hurriedly continued to write and sent it directly.

  I am quite tired after coming back, and my mind may be a little messed up, so the writing style of this chapter may not be very good, but the basic plot is still written.

  Let's take a look at it today.

(End of this chapter)

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