nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 135 Meeting with Jin Zhiyong

Chapter 135 Meeting with Jin Zhiyong ([-] in [-])

Jin Zhiyong had been worrying about his father's affairs before. He really wanted to find a relationship and let Professor Li Zhongwan perform surgery on his father, but he had been suffering from no channels.

His biggest proof is only his younger sister Kim Taeyeon, but even though Kim Taeyeon is a well-known artist, in the social class of the peninsula, compared with Li Zhongwan, his younger sister is really a lot worse.

But if Jing Hao can be contacted, it will be different.

In the past two days, he has been checking Jing Hao's identity on the Internet, the most important thing is the identity of Jing Hao and Li Zhongwan.

Because when I first saw Jing Hao's information, I could see that he was an international student from Huaguo. It's impossible to judge directly if you catch up late.

After all, Lee Jong-man is the ace professor of Yonsei University. In the entire peninsula, he has a ceiling of medical skills in heart medicine.

So Jin Zhiyong searched the Internet for a long time, and even managed to join Jing Hao's fan club to inquire about news.

"Today, when I went to the hospital to secretly take pictures of Dr. Jing Hao, I saw that he was accompanying an old man all the time. Do any of you sisters know who this person is?"

While browsing the forums in the club, a newly published post immediately attracted Jin Zhiyong's attention.

He moved the mouse, clicked on the post, and found that there were several pictures attached to the content posted by the host, the most conspicuous of which was Jing Hao chatting with an old man, and Jing Hao was smiling brightly .

It seems that because the latest photo of Jing Hao was included in the post, the comments below quickly increased.

Jin Zhiyong casually refreshed this post, and casually glanced at the reply below.

"Wow, is this the freshest Doctor Jing Hao!!! So handsome, so handsome!"

"+1+1, saved, ready to make wallpaper."

. . . .

Soon there were a lot of replies like this below, but there were also a few valuable replies.

Regarding the description of Jing Hao's recent workload, "Dr. Jing Hao admitted three new patients today. One of the previous patients was just discharged today. I am very concerned about Dr. Jing Hao's health."

"Indeed, I have added a lot of workload today, and it hurts me to see it."

Seeing such a reply, Jin Zhiyong couldn't help but smiled knowingly. It seems that Jing Hao's popularity is indeed very high, but it is also true that he is really handsome. No wonder he can become a boy with a girl like Lin Yuner. girlfriend relationship.

But when he refreshed this post again and continued to read the comments, his eyes suddenly widened a bit.

On the screen, the latest comment read: "The old man is Dr. Jing Hao's teacher, and he is the doctoral supervisor of Mr. Jing Hao at the Yonsei University School of Medicine. For those who don't know well, you can check it out. The old man is very famous. of."

Below this comment, there are still several comments that are asking: "Really? What's the old man's name, I'll check it out."

The owner of this level of comments also replied patiently: "The old man's name is Professor Li Zhongwan, a medical expert at the ceiling level of Yonsei University, and also the deputy dean of Yonsei University's School of Medicine."

"Is it so powerful? Sure enough, a famous teacher gave birth to a talented student!"

Jin Zhiyong was stunned for a moment, and at the same time, a thought flashed in his mind: Really, the wheat awn fell into the eye of the needle—it just happened!

If I can contact Jing Hao, relying on the relationship between Lin Yuner and Taeyeon, I believe Jing Hao will help.

Because of "Cai Cai", Jin Zhiyong will learn some Chinese when he is free recently. Although his Chinese is not very good now, an old Chinese saying at this time really fits his situation at this time. There is no place to look for, and it takes no effort to get it!

However, before going to Seoul to find Jing Hao, there are still some things to think about.

The first thing is to make sure that his sister cannot know about it.Taeyeon is going to make her solo debut soon, at this time point, if I can not distract her, it is best not to distract her.

If this matter affected her mood, and then affected her solo performance this time, such a result would be absolutely unacceptable to me.

Therefore, I must make all preparations and not let my sister know.

By the way, there are also parents, we must communicate well with them, and we must not accidentally tell Taeyeon about this when Taeyeon calls.

The second thing is to find Jing Hao's contact information.Because he couldn't tell his sister, Jin Zhiyong could only figure out a way by himself. If he could find Jing Hao, then the rest should not be a problem.

After figuring out these two things, Jin Zhiyong quickly packed up his luggage for Seoul at home, estimated the cost of the operation this time, and spent all his savings over the years come out, save for a spare,

So on the second day, the impetuous Jin Zhiyong took his father and boarded the train to Seoul. . . .

After arriving in Seoul, Jin Zhiyong stopped a taxi at the exit and took his father directly to Yonsei University School of Medicine.

Although Kim Taeyeon is very famous, along with her own name, many fans also know it, but not everyone knows her father's name and appearance.

It was for this reason that Jin Zhiyong was not worried about whether his father would be recognized by some people.

"Li Yanxi, I'm going to change the medicines for the 19th and 21st patients in a while, and by the way, bring these new interns and trainees to familiarize themselves with our department."

Today is the day when the interns and regular trainees of the Medical College affiliated to Yonsei University switched departments. As usual, Jing Hao first gave a few words to the new students in the Department of Cardiology, and then gave Li Yanxi a task. .

Li Yanxi was no stranger to this, she nodded with Jing Hao, and after a nod, she took her "students" with ease to chat about cardiology.

"Dingling, ringing~~~~" Jing Hao, who had just picked up a new medical record to look through after giving out the task, was suddenly disrupted by the ringing of a bell on the table.

But he showed no signs of impatience, and reached out to answer the phone the second the ring rang, "Why don't you have it? This is the Department of Cardiology, what can I do?"

On the other side of the phone is a call from Corey's doctor in the outpatient clinic: "Doctor Jing, a family member of a patient is here to find you, and he says he knows you."

"Oh?" Jing Hao was a little surprised for a while. Logically speaking, he didn't know many people in the peninsula, but the people he knew basically had his own phone number. If you want to find yourself, in fact, you don't need to go to the outpatient clinic to contact yourself.

But Jing Hao still wanted to see who was calling first, so he pondered for a second, then said flatly: "Doctor Cui, I don't know who is looking for me, but if it's convenient for you, I Better ask him himself."

The other side of the phone smiled: "Okay, Doctor Jing, I'll give him the call right now, just wait a moment."

"Thank you."

"It's okay it's okay."

After a rustling sound on the other end of the phone, a deep voice appeared on the phone: "Hello, Doctor Jing, my name is Jin Zhiyong."

Jin Zhiyong?
Jing Hao thought for a few seconds in his mind, and realized that he didn't seem to know anyone by that name. . . . .but. . .Jin Zhiyong. . .Why does this name sound familiar? . . .

Jin Zhiyong. . .

Jing Hao searched quickly in his mind. He always felt that although he didn't know anyone with this name, he seemed to be able to remember that someone he knew seemed to be related to this name. . .

Jin Zhiyong. . .The surname is Jin, someone I know. .

Suddenly, a Kim Taeyeon wrapped in a jacket and like a mini doll flashed in his mind on the Han River Bridge.

correct!Kim Taeyeon seems to have an older brother or a younger brother, and it seems to be called this name!

When I was in love with Lin Yuner, when I was looking at the information about Girls' Generation, I seemed to have seen this name.

"Excuse me... What is your relationship with Taeyeon...?" Jing Hao still asked just in case he remembered someone wrong.

There is a show!The same sentence also appeared in Jin Zhiyong's heart.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reported his identity, Jing Hao would think of Kim Taeyeon. It seems that the decision to find Jing Hao this time may be really right.

"Yes, I am his brother."

Kim Taeyeon's brother came to Seoul to find him?Although Jing Hao is now sure of the identity of the person on the other end of the phone, he still doesn't know why Jin Zhiyong came here specially for him.

But Kim Taeyeon can be regarded as her friend now, her brother came to find her, so she must not lose sight of him.

So Jing Hao said to the other side: "Jin Zhiyong Xi, you can call Dr. Cui over there first, and I will talk to him."

"Okay okay."

Jin Zhiyong hurriedly handed the phone to the previous doctor who called Jing Hao. When handing over the phone, he gave the doctor a flattering smile, gestured to the phone with his hand, and motioned for him to answer it.

"Doctor Jing, does this patient know you?"

"Yes, yes, he is my friend's family member. If it is convenient, could you please let him come to my place?"

"No problem, I'll tell him right away."

"Okay, thank you very much."

The other side smiled and said politely: "It's okay, it's okay, if you're okay, I'll hang up first, and let him go."

"It's troublesome."

After putting down the phone and waiting for Jin Zhiyong to come over, Jing Hao began to think.

Why did Jin Zhiyong come to him?By the way, how did Jin Zhiyong want to contact himself?During the few contacts with Kim Taeyeon before, the two of them also talked about some common things during the chat, but it seems that Kim Taeyeon didn't tell the family about herself and Lin Yuner.

But it's okay, Jin Zhiyong came to him, he couldn't be looking for him to treat his illness.

. . . . .

"Mo?" Following a surprised question, Jing Hao stared dumbfounded at a figure standing in front of his desk, his eyes full of puzzlement.

"You want to seek medical treatment from me?"

No wonder Jing Hao was surprised, he had no contact with Jin Zhiyong before, and Jin Zhiyong suddenly found himself wanting to ask Li Zhongwan for an operation, such a thing itself sounds incredible.

If there is really a request, it should be Kim Taeyeon calling herself?How could it be Jin Zhiyong who came to find him?
Jin Zhiyong also showed a little unnatural expression on his face.

He also knew that it might have been a little sudden that he found Jing Hao this time, and it was expected that Jing Hao would be surprised.

But he still bite the bullet, clutching his trousers tightly with both hands, and explained to Jing Hao bit by bit.

"I'm sorry to disturb you suddenly, Dr. Jing Hao."

"I came to you because my father has a heart problem."

heart disease?Jing Hao couldn't help thinking of the chat with Kim Taeyeon when they first met.

That was the time when Kim Taeyeon came to the film crew to visit Lim Yoona. At that time, I was also helping to watch the scenes of Lim Yoona and Kim Jiwon in the crew. When Lin Yoona was busy filming, I chatted with Kim Taeyeon for a while.

He vaguely remembered that it seemed that Kim Taeyeon did say about his father that time, and his heart seemed to be not very good.

Jing Hao nodded after remembering, and found that there was indeed such a thing.

"But if your father needs surgery, why didn't Taeyeon xi' come to me?"

Jin Zhiyong smiled awkwardly, reached out and wiped the sweat from his bangs on his forehead. On the way to find Jing Hao, he had been worried for a long time, fearing that Jing Hao would not even let him see him face to face. .

But now that I have seen Jing Hao, I can take a little breather in my heart.

He shook his head with a wry smile, looked at Jing Hao sincerely and said, "Dr. Jing Hao nim, since you know my little sister, I believe you should also know that my little sister is about to start her solo album soon. "

Jing Hao nodded clearly. As an ex-boyfriend who was in love with Lin Yuner, he naturally knew the news that Kim Taeyeon was going to solo.

"My father had a heart attack more than half a month ago. I was not in the store at that time, but fortunately, several tourists near the store saw my father's condition and sent my father to the hospital in time. , rescued and returned."

"I came to you this time because the doctor who saved my father said that it is very difficult to cure a patient like my father. If you want to be cured, you can only come here to see Professor Li Zhongwan."

Jing Hao nodded, roughly understanding what he meant.

"At that time, I didn't tell my little sister about my father, because I was afraid of affecting her solo performance. After all, this is her dream all along. I don't want to affect my little sister for any reason at this time."

"Specially, due to my own incompetence."

"If it's because of my incompetence that my little sister is distracted, I will never forgive myself!"

 Today's favorite song: Honey——Solar
  Today is still two in one, save a little trouble.

  Then I still ask for everyone's votes~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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