nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 136 Ernie, I really really envy you.

Chapter 136 Ernie, I really really envy you. (two in one)

"I can understand your thoughts." Jing Hao understood what Jin Zhiyong meant when he heard this, and his expression became serious.

It's embarrassing to say, Jing Hao really didn't expect Jin Zhiyong to do this.Because when she was chatting with Kim Taeyeon before, she showed her worry about her brother in front of Jing Hao.

For so many years, my brother has never had a job that he can persevere in.Although he didn't mention too many things about Jin Zhiyong, it can be guessed that in Kim Taeyeon's heart, her brother has always had a rather carefree temperament.

Although he is not a bad person and has a good nature, he has never had the feeling of being righteous and not able to endure hardship.

But I'm afraid Kim Taeyeon herself didn't expect that Jin Zhiyong at this time could become so responsible. When his father's body had problems, Jin Zhiyong could almost be said to have thought of everything that could be considered, even To be precise, it can already be said that there are no details.

"Then what is your plan?"

Jing Hao already knew about Jin Zhiyong's plans for his younger sister, but Jin Zhiyong had to make the decision regarding the admission of Jin's father to the hospital.

Jin Zhiyong pondered for a moment, then touched his head, smiled embarrassedly at Jing Hao, then blinked and asked the question he wanted to ask the most: "Excuse me, if possible, can you please invite Professor Li Zhongwan to come here?" Do you want to operate on my father?"

Jing Hao pondered for a while, and Jin Zhiyong thought that it might be because of his request that Jing Hao was a little difficult to deal with, so he gritted his teeth and continued, "If it's inconvenient, you can find another doctor!"

Jing Hao smiled and waved his hand in front of Jin Zhiyong: "Ani, it's not very difficult, it's just that I was just thinking about the teacher's time."

After a pause, he continued: "As you know, the teacher is the ace tutor of our school. He is usually very busy. I have to check the time first before making a decision. But don't worry, since you have already found me Here it is, how can I refuse?"

"Even if I don't look at it... Even if I don't look at Yoona's face, I still have to take a look at Kim Taeyeon's face."

Jin Zhiyong also realized at this time that he had misunderstood Jing Hao just now, so he smiled honestly and patted Jing Hao on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but Doctor Jing, you are really kind, you have no airs at all. It’s not like the doctors in our hospital who look at people with their eyelids all day long.”

"No, this is what a doctor should do. In fact, even if you don't come to me, as long as I encounter it, I will take over. As a medical staff, how can there be any reason to push patients out of the door? "

So, just like that, Kim's father was successfully admitted to Yonsei University Hospital.

. . . . . .

"Yuner O'Neil, what are you thinking about sitting here by yourself? I saw you bored here by yourself just now, what are you thinking about?"

A figure appeared next to Lin Yuner, and then sat down next to Lin Yuner, and handed a can of Coke to Lin Yuner's hand.

Lin Yun'er was suddenly broken from her dazed state, she turned her head to look at her side, and forced a smile on her face: "I guess, Zhiyuan."

"What do you think?"

Holding the Coke in her hand, Jin Zhiyuan urged Lin Yun'er to open the bottle cap of the can, then touched it, and took a big gulp of Coke.

Lin Yuner also took a sip.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly want to be alone."

When Jin Zhiyuan heard the sound, she didn't say much, she just sat silently beside Lin Yuner, hugging Lin Yuner's shoulders in a manly manner, as if she was silently comforting, anyone in front of her could see that she was in a state of broken love Lin Yuner.

Several leading actors in the crew, after the last party at the bar, have roughly understood Lin Yuner's current relationship, and there should be something wrong.

As for Jin Zhiyuan, she knew more about Lin Yun'er than the others, but she only knew a little bit, and the rest was her own guess.

The whole production crew is relaxing around the bonfire tonight, because the first set of important episodes in Greece has passed, and the funds given by the investors are also very abundant, so Li Yingfu, who has always been relatively generous, directly responded to The staff made a promise, "After today's filming is over, let's have fun together."

By the bonfire tonight, Li Yingfu invited many local craftsmen to perform for everyone.But when everyone was enjoying tonight's show in front of the bonfire, Lin Yuner, one of the leading actors, left the bonfire early and went to the beach by herself.

Lin Yun'er was currently on this island, a place called "Shipwreck Bay".The reason why this place is called "Shipwreck Bay" is because in 1983, a smuggling ship named Panagiotis, translated into Chinese as "Panagiotis", ran aground here because of an accident while transporting cigarettes. That's why the place got its name "Shipwreck Bay".

There are very steep cliffs here, and a particularly clear blue sea, and between the white sandy beaches, there is also a rusty old iron boat, the scenery is very beautiful.

But surrounded by such beautiful scenery, Lin Yuner couldn't be happy at all.

Before Jin Zhiyuan came over because she was worried about her, Lin Yuner buried her head in her knees and fell into a dull silence.

At this time, although the clock has just pointed to six o'clock, the sky has already darkened early, and there is a cloudless scene in the silent sky at this time, and the stars have also appeared early, twinkling and twinkling in the sky, proclaiming its own existence.

On the sea in the distance, a few seagulls flew over from time to time, making a "cuckoo" cry, accompanied by the sound of tidal waves, embellishing the quiet night sky at this time.

The bonfire in the distance is just a bustling scene, and the tranquility here seems to present the opposite atmosphere.

The sea breeze blowing from the sea gently hit the faces of the two of them from time to time, messing up the ends of Lin Yuner's neatly arranged hair, making the delicate face hidden behind the hair appear slightly confused eyes.

She looked at the sea in the distance in a daze, and all she could think about was the story of Jing Hao and her.

Before she left the peninsula, she left some hidden clues on her kakao.Originally, she didn't care much about whether Jing Hao would find her clues.

In the first few days after coming to Greece, she has been sending emails to Jing Hao's mailbox as prompted in the clues she left behind.

Originally, she thought that if Jing Hao didn't see those letters, it meant that the fate between the two of them was over, and after she returned to the peninsula, she said goodbye to Jing Hao.

The encounter between two people should be regarded as the confusion of first love. Although it is very beautiful, it is still a story of mirrors and moons.

At the very beginning, when Jing Hao didn't see the letter and wrote back to her, Lin Yuner even felt a little lucky.If he didn't find the email, the few letters he wrote would be a memoir of this relationship.

But unexpectedly, but very reasonable, Jing Hao really noticed the clues he left, and he was really serious, leaving a reply to himself.

On that day, Lin Yuner, who opened the mailbox as usual and was about to continue writing to Jing Hao, suddenly received several receipts and replies.

At that time, her heart was inexplicably confused.

It seemed that when I saw his letter, I still couldn't help my heartbeat. The heart in my chest that had been silent for a few days, once again beat wildly for Jing Hao like a deer bumping around.

"I love him, yes, that's right."

"I've always loved him, then, and still do."

At that moment, Lin Yuner once again confirmed her feelings for Jing Hao.

Although the two have formally announced the "breakup" situation, their own hearts cannot deceive themselves.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Two people are already in love, and they have been trying to get closer to each other. Although the process of the two people is not so perfect, they are both seriously trying to get closer to each other. .

When opening the email from Jing Hao, Lin Yuner looked at the letter from Jing Hao, and when she read it silently, she was out of breath with laughter at first, and the strong laughter was so infatuated. drunk.

But soon she was crying until the pear blossoms were raining, and she was crying heart-piercingly.

Although she is a big star, although she is a perfect girl in the eyes of outsiders and fans, like a princess in a fairy tale, no matter how perfect or delicate she is, she is still human.

If you are a human being, you must have the seven emotions and six desires, and if you are a human being, you must experience emotional things.

In particular, this is her first love, and this is the only relationship she has ever really experienced since she was a child.

Lin Yuner was really amused when she first saw Jing Hao's "read" reply when she replied.

He looked like a steady doctor who was meticulous in his work, but when he replied to the letter, he was still so childish, as if he was still angry with himself because of the reason he proposed to "break up".

But Lin Yuner thought about it, and it was true.Jing Hao was two years younger than himself, and this relationship was originally a relationship with a young man, especially, it was a relationship with a young man who had never been in a relationship.

It was Jing Hao's calmness all the time, and his meticulous care when he was acting like a baby, that gave him the psychological hint of a little woman.

But in fact, Jing Hao is younger than himself, and the reply letter with small emotions sent at this time is really the performance he should have.

As for the reason for crying afterwards, on the one hand, it was because Jing Hao mentioned that he was going to take photos with that "rumored girlfriend", but the main reason was because of regret.

Yes, because of regret.

Lin Yuner began to regret that she didn't seriously get along with Jing Hao after running in. If the two of them had made sufficient preparations at the very beginning, I believe that this relationship would definitely be perfect. love marches.

The reason for the estrangement is precisely because the two people don't know each other so deeply.Although when two people are in unrequited love for each other, their understanding of each other is already deep enough.

But after all, that is what you can see from the perspective of a friend, the relationship as a friend.

The two did not pursue the process like other couples did.

In real life, there are indeed examples of slowly turning from friends to lovers, but such feelings only slowly transform into lovers after the two parties have spent a long time as friends.

It can be said that the two people were doomed to such an ending from the moment they impulsively chose each other on the first night.

But fortunately, both of them have each other in their hearts.

Lin Yuner directly moved away from home, moved out of the residence, and then flew directly to Greece, choosing to deal with it coldly, just hoping to let both parties calm down and give this relationship a process of self-knowledge.

Although this kind of treatment will appear cruel and cold at the beginning, it is really the wisest choice compared to the result of the real disintegration between the two people.

Maybe, when he went back, he and Jing Hao would have a chance to continue.

"Yuner O'Neil, actually, I really really envy you." Just as Lin Yuner was thinking about her relationship with Jing Hao in her mind, Jin Zhiyuan who was sitting beside her suddenly said such a sentence.

"Huh?" Lin Yun'er was a little disturbed, and looked at Jin Zhiyuan in confusion.

Jin Zhiyuan didn't turn her head to look at Lin Yuner, she still maintained the posture of facing the sea in front of her, her eyes fixed on the rusty old iron boat on the beach.

"Actually, I know that you are in love with Jing Hao, right?" Jin Zhiyuan suddenly poured a few more mouthfuls of Coke, sighed, and said back.

"How could you..." Lin Yuner's eyes widened, and the big pupils were full of surprise.

"You want to ask me how I know, don't you?"

"I have liked Dr. Jing Hao for a long time, I should say longer than you."

Lin Yuner was silent.

She didn't expect that Jin Zhiyuan beside her also liked Jing Hao. . . .

"Did you know? Since I was a child, the other half I have always fantasized about is a doctor..."

"An image that is almost exactly the same as Jing Hao."

"It's so warm, it's so good, it's so mesmerizing."

"He is like a heavy book. Every page I turn is a precious book that will keep surprising me."

"Sometimes, I'm really, really jealous of you."

On this peaceful night, two people who fell in love with the same man at the same time sat together. . . . . .

 Today's favorite song: Switch——Kim Woo Seok

  Then let me inform you, Xiaojiang, I have been selected to participate in the ranks of doctors who are escorted by hotel isolation.The epidemic situation in Dalian is still a bit fierce this time. The city attaches great importance to it. I don’t know when I will receive a call informing me of my departure. I have already prepared my luggage tonight.

  And on my side, because there are many doctors and nurses in our hospital, and their families happen to live in the area with positive results, suddenly there is not enough manpower in the hospital, so I, an ultrasound doctor, have to part-time The task of going out to collect nucleic acid. . .

  Anyway, if you send me to go out, it will be difficult to update the videos on Douyin as usual, but for the book, I still try to keep updating as much as possible. After all, this is the idea I wanted to write a long time ago.

  Rory babbled so much, his mind was a little confused, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

  Anyway, I would like to remind everyone at the end, you must pay attention to your own safety, and you must wear a mask when you go out. This is the most important thing!
  Even if you are ordering takeaway or picking up a courier, try to spray it with medical alcohol to sterilize it before taking it, remember!
  This time the new crown is very evil, everyone should try their best to protect themselves, and it can be regarded as reducing the workload of medical staff like me.

  that is it.

(End of this chapter)

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