nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 139 The Center of the Vortex

Chapter 139 The Center of the Vortex (Two in One)

"Old Zhang, did you read the news last night?"

"No, what's the big deal?"

"There's a kid on the other side of the peninsula, and he got a big star!"

"Huh? Tell me about it in detail!"

"I heard that the kid is from the Northeast of our country and works on the peninsula, and then I don't know what to do, so I met a female celebrity..."

On the second day, conversations like this were staged in countless places.

On Huaguo's Sina Weibo, the trending search for "Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er" has been parachuting to the top of the trending search list since last night, and it has remained at the top of the list.

Below this hot search, there are words such as "Lin Yuner", "Jing Hao", "Lee Seung Gi", "Jing Hao and Lee Seung Gi", "Descendants of the Sun", "Girls' Generation", "Girls' Generation Lin Yuner" and so on. Hot searches related to Jing Hao and Lin Yuner.

Among the top ten trending searches alone, Jing Hao and Lin Yuner's trending searches already occupied seven, while the eighth was "Wang, Mr. Feng is about to release a new album".

Poor Wang, Teacher Feng, just like that once again got the headlines. . . . .

In one of BJ's studios, Mr. Wang Feng, who had just finished recording, was walking out of the recording studio where he had stayed all night with a tired and unstoppable joy on his face.

Although the recording lasted all night, Mr. Wang and Feng, who asked the studio staff yesterday to announce that he was going to release a new album, had a premonition that this time he would succeed in snatching the headlines.

But just after he drank a whole bottle of mineral water with a joyful expression, the staff around him stood there awkwardly with an expression like a frosted eggplant, faltering I wanted to say something to Mr. Wang Feng who was in high spirits at this time, but I still didn't say it.

Wang, Mr. Feng looked at the staff, but didn't notice anything. He just thought that the staff was a little tired after listening to his recording all night outside, so with a considerate expression, he put it on the staff's shoulder like this. I patted him, trying to comfort him.

But just as he was on the stool, he said to the staff: "Xiao Zheng, pass me my mobile phone, I'll check the trending searches."

The staff felt awkwardly for a while, and then handed the phone to Mr. Wang and Feng with great reluctance.

Just as he finished unlocking the screen of his phone and was about to open a new page and surf Weibo, the staff gritted his teeth and said this: "Brother Feng, I...I have something I want to tell you ..."

At this time, Wang Feng was waiting for the countdown at the advertiser on Sina Weibo, and said without raising his head, "What's the matter? Tell me."

"That... that... your hot search headlines..."

Just when the staff was about to tell the whole thing about the disappearance of the hot search headlines, Wang Feng had already waited for the advertisement, clicked in, and excitedly clicked on the search icon in the center of the bottom corner of the screen, and then clicked on the displayed interface , clicked on the sign of "More Hot Searches".

"????? Lying, trough!"

"Your hot search headlines are gone."

Wang, when Feng saw the number one most searched item, it wasn't him. He jumped up from the stool suddenly, turned his head to look at the staff, and almost touched the staff's face so quickly. It's true. The staff was shocked, and they took a big step back, with a look of fear on their face, and quickly smoothed the violent heartbeat with their hands up and down on their chests.

Wang, Teacher Feng frowned: "What's going on? Why isn't I the first one this time?"

"By the way, before the release, I went to the circle to ask, is there no one who wants to make big news recently?"

The staff stammered and said, "This's a member of Girls' Generation in the peninsula, and the news of their relationship was suddenly dug out from every corner by the netizens."

"Who was in Girls' Generation?"

"Lin Yuner, is the most beautiful one."

Wang, Feng's mind turned for a long time, as if he had seen news related to this name before,

"Lin Yuner? So familiar..."

Wang, Feng thought for a while, and suddenly remembered the news that he had read before.He clapped his palms hard: "Is it, the one who broke up suddenly before?"

The staff nodded their heads continuously, and the frequency was exaggerated to compare with the speed of a chicken pecking rice.

"It's that Lin Yun'er who was suddenly dug out and fell in love!"

Wang, Feng closed his eyes, opened both nostrils, took a few breaths, and finally let out a breath after a long while: "Oh, it's really not as good as man! I've already I have calculated everything in advance, but I still can't get the number one hot search!"

He looked out of the window, staring at the clouds outside, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "Wow, Feng! Is it true that I won't be in the headlines! It really is fate!"

. . . . . .

At this time, Jing Hao and Lin Yuner had become the hottest topic that everyone was vying to discuss. At the same time, Lin Yuner's previous "ex-boyfriend" - Li Shengji was also mentioned.

The reason why Lee Seung Gi is mentioned is because he is Yoona Lin's ex-boyfriend who was publicly exposed before, and he just announced the news of breaking up recently.

At this time, Jing Hao was dug out of the news that he was in love with Lin Yuner, and the time connection between the two relationships could not help but attract the attention of the majority of people who eat melons.

Because, this time is really too sensitive.

You know, the news of Lin Yuner's breakup just broke out, and within a month, she was suddenly dug up with the news of her new relationship. No matter who reads the story, she will find it a bit problematic.

In particular, there are many people who can "turn over the wall" and use magic to log in to the external network. They even found the photographer named "Wang Taika" in the photography contest from the external network and uploaded it on the website. A screenshot of the webpage at the time of the photo.

On the official website of this year's photography competition, click on the homepage of the photographer "Wang Taika"'s personal information, and you can clearly see every photo he has uploaded, as well as his participation in this photography competition. Before the competition, photos of each event submitted.

Regarding the "scandal photo" of Jing Hao and Lin Yuner, if you click on it, you can clearly see that it was uploaded at [-]:[-] pm on August [-]th.

And then search for the release time of Yoona and Lee Seung Gi's "Breakup Announcement", it is August NO.13 three days later!

It can be said that if the date of photo delivery is August [-]th, then the photo will only be taken on the days before the tenth.And even if he took the photo on the [-]th day, it was still a photo taken before the announcement of the two breaking up.

Then, obviously, a very sensitive question arises:
Did Jing Hao and Lin Yuner get together before the "love" between Lin Yuner and Lee Seung-ki ended, or did Lin Yuner and Jing Hao come together after the "love" between Lin Yuner and Lee Seung-ki ended long ago? together?

The time before and after is completely different.

If it is the first possibility, then the problem is very big.The one who bears the brunt is Lin Yuner, this heroine who has participated in two relationships, is an existence with two feet on her feet.

Jing Hao, on the other hand, will be given the title of "the third party who destroys a beautiful relationship".

And already many people are secretly speculating whether the original Lee Seung Gi and Lin Yuner are still a very beautiful golden boy and girl, and it is only because of the very troublesome existence of the "schedule" that the relationship between the two has changed. At the same time, Lin Yuner met the "third party" Jing Hao, fell in love with this amazing Chinese man, and kicked her national brother Li Shengji away?

Or before the two broke up, Jing Hao, the "third party", successfully hooked up with Lin Yuner, the national goddess, and then Li Shengji, who had been kept in the dark, suddenly discovered this one day. Regarding the matter of the two people, they resolutely made the decision to break up, but seeing the very good relationship between the two people in the past, they suddenly softened their hearts, and decided to leave each other with the last bit of decency, and at the same time leave a little bit for each other. He forgave her and made the decision to break up. What about Cheng Quanhao and Lin Yuner?
It can be said that the former guess is the story of "kicking the ex-boyfriend because of a change of heart and defecting to the new little milk dog", and the second is the story of "although she was greened, but she still chooses to forgive her and fulfill her". .

But no matter what kind of speculation it is, it will be a devastating blow to the good impression Jing Hao and Lin Yuner left on the public.

And if it is because of the "schedule" of Lin Yuner and Li Shengji, the relationship between the two people has already made the decision to break up amicably because they get together less and more, but they have not announced it to the public, but stayed with Lin Yuner to take over the new relationship. During the filming process, the filming invitation of the drama "Descendants of the Sun" broke out to increase the public's attention to the new drama.

But it is a coincidence that during the filming of this drama, Lin Yuner, who had already broken up, met Jing Hao, the technical director who made her feel the power of love once again, in the mood of being broken in love. Resolutely and resolutely walked together with Jing Hao.

Such a possibility has another influence on the image of the two of them.

This kind of possibility, although Lin Yuner is in love again, hurts the possibility of many fans who like her, but because Jing Hao is from Huaguo, people in Huaguo who love Jinghao and love Wuji will bring Lin Yuner The intimacy of "Hua Guo's daughter-in-law".

These two kinds of remarks are supported by many people in Southeast Asian countries such as China, Japan, China, Thailand, etc. The supporters of the two kinds of remarks have a very high support rate. The quarrel is a bit inseparable. After you sing, we will appear on the stage.

Just as the quarrel between the two parties became more and more heated, and even many, many people were already arguing with anger, one of the protagonists of the incident—Jing Hao, suddenly released a statement about the incident.

He first created a new social account on ins, and then followed him with the official account of his current school, Yonsei University, and after passing the official ins review, he posted a message on social media.

On Jing Hao's ins, he first uploaded a group of photos of Jiugongge, and also posted a text description below:
"I have been following me, and those fans who like Ms. Lin Yuner, hello:
I'm Jing Hao, that is, Jing Hao, the protagonist of the "Third Party in Love" that everyone has been arguing about in the past two days.

Today I want to clarify one thing with you. The photo you saw uploaded by the photographer "Wang Taika" in the photo contest does not feature Ms. Lin Yuner and me.

I can tell you one thing, that is, I do already have a girlfriend, but my girlfriend is not Ms. Lin Yuner as you are familiar with.

Although Ms. Lin Yuner and I have become a pair of very good friends through contact during the shooting process, but between the two of us, we are just a pair of relatively good friends, that’s all, there is no love Relationship.

The man you saw in the popular photo is indeed me, but the woman is not Ms. Lin Yuner.

My girlfriend is an outsider. She is a white-collar worker working in LG Electronics Group. The two of us met in March this year. Our relationship with each other has always been very good.I love her very much, and of course, I can confidently say that she loves me too.

At first, I didn't have the idea of ​​telling this matter, because maybe now I have a high degree of attention, and I know this matter myself, I don't want to share my feelings under the spotlight, I also don't want my girlfriend to be involved in this turmoil for no reason.

But the development of things is a bit beyond my expectation.

I really didn't expect that everyone could think that I was in a relationship with Ms. Lin Yuner, and I didn't even expect that this idea was no longer a minority, but most people have already inclined to such a possibility.

Of course, being able to be regarded as Ms. Lin Yuner's boyfriend, I am a little secretly happy, after all, everyone can see it this way, which is equivalent to proving my charm from the side.

But I don't want to affect Ms. Lin Yuner because of this incident. If people misunderstand a perfect woman in my opinion because of such fake news, I will feel very guilty.

My girlfriend, when she was in college, was often mistaken for Miss Lin Yuner by many people, because my girlfriend has a little allergic constitution, so she is used to wearing a mask when she goes out, but when she wears a mask At the time, it might be true that from the outside, there are many similarities with Ms. Lin Yuner.

But the person in the photo you see is indeed not Ms. Lin Yuner.

In order to prove the authenticity of what I said, I randomly posted a few photos taken when I was with my girlfriend, and how she looked when she was wearing a mask. I hope that after seeing these photos, everyone , don't get me wrong, this really bothered Ms. Lin Yuner a lot, as her friend, I really don't want to see such a thing. "

After these posts on ins were released, Jing Haoyu also registered an account on Lang Weibo, and also quickly got Weibo's certification, and posted these words, as well as the Jiugongge picture on ins , sent to Weibo together.

 Today's Heartbeat Song: Satellite——Suzy (Pei Xiuzhi)
  The new crown epidemic is indeed a bit evil now. While reading books, don't ignore your own protection, and you must protect yourself.

  Then I hope that all of you, including your family and friends, can get through this epidemic safely and be negative throughout the whole process.

  I also hope that those who are far away on the peninsula, the nine people I like, can get through this time in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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