nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 140 "In the future, you will no longer be the person I like!"

Chapter 140 "In the future, you will no longer be the person I like!" (two in one)

As soon as Jing Hao's Weibo and ins were posted, there were comments soon.

In less than 10 minutes after his Weibo post was sent out, it was directly on the top trending headlines of Sina Weibo, even if he had never heard of the name "Jing Hao" before. People will be amazed at the amazing traffic brought by the word "Jing Hao" when they see this.

Similarly, this time, Jing Hao also swept most of the top ten hot searches. The first item was "Jing Hao clarifies", the second item, the third item, and the fourth item were "Jing Hao" and "Lin Yuner". , "Jing Hao and Lin Yuner", and even the top ten searches related to Jing Hao directly had nine hot searches this time.

It is enough to prove how many people are paying attention to Jing Hao now.

It's the same on the ins side. Ten minutes after Jing Hao's ins was posted, there were already more than 10 comments below, and the number of comments was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The number of fans on his ins account is also increasing rapidly, breaking 10 in just 20 minutes, and half an hour after the accumulative release, the number of fans has already exceeded 50.

And the number of followers on his Weibo account has reached more than 80, and it is still breaking through the 100 million mark at a flying speed.

In the past, there were not people on Weibo who did not have a rapid increase in the number of fans, but like him, the speed of increasing fans was so fast, it was the only one in history.

On the ins side, half an hour after his ins was released, Lin Yoona's account "yoona__lim" followed him, and even sent him an ins.Lin Yuner uploaded a theater photo taken when she was filming in Greece, wearing the costumes of the crew, and the text description is also attached below.

Lin Yuner: "I am very glad that my good friend Jing Hao has opened his own personal account. He is a friend I am very close to. You can pay attention to him~~" Aite specifically added Jing Hao's account below. .

Then he commented under the ins posted by Jing Hao: "Actually, I don't really know why everyone thinks we are a couple. Hearing such news makes me feel troubled, but also a little Secretly happy. Jing Hao is a very attractive friend, if he hadn’t already had a girlfriend, maybe I would really pursue him~~~”

Below her comment, the number of replies began to increase rapidly.At the same time, Lin Yuner's reply also became a hot search on Sina Weibo.

I don't know who brought up the topic first, but the topic of "Lin Yuner confesses to Jing Hao" was quickly picked up by many people.

A Weibo that many of them liked was like this: "I am a fan of Yoona. At the very beginning, I saw that many people were discussing the relationship between a man named "Jing Hao" and Yoona. When talking about the topic of being together, I was very angry, because I had never heard of this name before.

But after I got to know Jing Hao, I really really hope that such news will come true. Frankly speaking, I am already a CP fan of both of them.

After Jing Hao clarified the scandal with Yuner, I was really disappointed, but Yuner's reply really surprised me!

How about, Jing Hao, break up first, and then try it out with our little Lu Yun? "

Such comments, although at first glance, seem to be teasing, are indeed the thoughts of many people.

As fans of Girls' Generation in China, Girls' Generation has debuted for more than eight years, and basically, except for Lee Soon Kyu and Seo Hyun in the team, everyone else has boyfriends successively.

Although as a fan, I really don't want to see my favorite idol explode in a relationship, but as a fan, the most true thought is that since you guys want to fall in love, I have no chance. Instead of making it cheaper for other Peninsula male stars, It would be better for you to be with the people of our country of China.

Besides, Jing Hao himself is very good, whether it is his excellent academic qualifications or his very handsome appearance, it really adds a lot of points in the hearts of the sones.Moreover, his personality was revealed to be the image of "ice charcoal", which is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. People with such a personality are generally very dedicated to their significant other.

So out of this kind of thinking, Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er will have a lot of CP fans.Moreover, many passers-by who are not very familiar with Girls' Generation also hope that these two people will be together.

Their thinking is even more real: if your boy can be with foreign female stars, that is to win glory for the country!

Jing Hao's ins account soon attracted a lot of attention from many people, such as Song Joong-ki, Kim Ji-won and other leading actors in the crew, as well as some supporting actors who have opened their personal social media, including Song Joong-ki's friend , Lee Kwang-soo, who appeared as a cameo in this drama, all paid attention to him.

Even Kim Taeyeon paid attention to him.

While these people followed Jing Hao's account, they also left a lot of comments.

Song Joong Ki: It's really rare to see Dr. Jing Hao talking so much at once. (¬_¬).But to be honest, I haven't seen Dr. Jing Hao recently, and I really miss you a little bit. Why don't we have a drink together when we come back?

Jing Hao replied: It’s okay to drink, but am I so indifferent (╯#-_-)╯~~~?

Jin Jiu replied under this comment: Yes, yes, Dr. Jing Hao, I usually dare not talk to you first. . .

Kim Ji-won: hhhh~~~(o^^o).

Among the friends of these film crews, a comment from Kim Taeyeon was mixed in, which immediately aroused the interest of many people.

Kim Taeyeon first posted a cute emoji, and then posted one below: So, when will Jing Haoxi come to my house?
When many fans saw this comment from Taeyeon Kim, and their cp-craving mentality was on the rise, Jing Hao replied to Taeyeon in a timely manner: "Huh? Taeyeon xi, what do you want from me?"

Taeyeon: "Aren't you a doctor? My family's Jinze is over two years old. I heard that neutering is better for dogs, so when will you come to my house to have Jinze neutered?"

Jing Hao: "..."

Fans who are familiar with Kim Taeyeon, seeing Taeyeon’s miraculous brain circuit, have long been familiar with it. There are only many who are not very familiar with Taeyeon because of Jing Hao. The new fans of Girls’ Generation are below Keep replying.

Early the next morning, during Jing Hao's routine morning run before going to work, some aunts and uncles that he usually met in the community at one time greeted Jing Hao, as if they were very familiar. He was very puzzled.

Then at work, from parking the car in the underground parking lot to entering the hospital building and entering the elevator, Jing Hao also greeted him all the way.

Especially in the elevator, several doctors and nurses who went to work in the same elevator as Jing Hao tightly surrounded Jing Hao.

"Jing Haoxi, I saw your ins, do you know Taeyeon? Can I ask you to get an autographed photo for me and Taeyeon?"

"Jing Haoxi, can you give me Song Zhongji's phone number?"

The elevator finally arrived at the cardiology department floor, and Jing Hao spent a lot of effort to squeeze out from the crowd of these people and through the opened elevator door.

During the short time he was in the elevator, the enthusiasm of the people in the elevator towards him was truly to the extent that Jing Hao couldn't stand it.

Jing Hao, who was not very extroverted at first, felt very embarrassed when he was messed with like this.

After finally entering the department, as soon as Jing Hao opened the door of the doctor's office, he saw Li Yanxi sitting on Jing Hao's desk with his hands on his hips and a gloomy face.As soon as she saw Jing Hao walking in, her eyes immediately turned fierce, and she looked at him fiercely.

When Jing Hao saw Li Yanxi's expression, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know what was wrong with his little sister, so he walked over and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why is this expression blocking me?"

Li Yanxi was still waiting for Jing Hao imposingly. When he first appeared at the door, she remembered the news she had read on ins last night, but when she saw Jing Hao staring at her in a daze , the bright and clear eyes met his gaze for less than three seconds, then quickly moved away, turned to look to the side, the white and crystal clear ears and the collar of the jacket, the exposed slender neck was visible to the naked eye. .

When Jing Hao saw Li Yanxi's expression, he suddenly became stunned. He touched the back of his head, his heart full of question marks.

"What kind of medicine did this girl take early this morning?"

But in this case, it is definitely not possible to say it, you can only think about it for yourself.But looking at Li Yanxi standing in front of him, Jing Hao still had to go back to work.

So Jing Hao took a deep breath, then coughed, controlled his expression, and asked calmly: "What's wrong, Li Yanxi? Why are you blocking me?" Jing Hao pointed to the aisle blocked by Li Yanxi, signaling to let her go. She went back quickly when she had nothing to do.

Li Yanxi didn't get out of the way, puffed her cheeks, and asked, "What was your ins yesterday?"

Jing Hao thought about what he posted yesterday. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it?So he was even more confused, touched his head again, thought for a while and said, "I posted it yesterday, is there anything wrong?"

When Li Yanxi saw Jing Hao's bewildered expression just now, her heart trembled violently because of Jing Hao's expression at that moment. The expression she had prepared had already collapsed.

But when he heard Jing Hao's answer, the anger that had just disappeared in his heart suddenly surged up again, and he changed directly from a shy look to an angry Yanxi.

She showed a vicious expression, stared straight at Jing Hao, and said word by word: "You still have the nerve to ask me what's wrong? Did you dump our Yun'er?"

As soon as Jing Hao heard "Dump Yuner", he knew it was broken, and quickly interrupted Li Yanxi who was about to say something, and then looked to both sides, the interns and Gui Peisheng We, and a few doctors who had just arrived before hurriedly withdrew their eyes.

He took Li Yanxi's arm, quickly led Li Yanxi out of the office, and then dragged Li Yanxi all the way to the top floor.

He opened the door on the top floor, took Li Yanxi out and stopped, looked at Li Yanxi, and said, "What do you know?"

Li Yanxi's stubborn temper also surged up at this time, and she felt a little worthless for Lin Yuner, so she puffed up her cheeks, turned her head to the side, deliberately ignored Jing Hao, and said, "What the hell did you do?" , you know it yourself."

Jing Hao was helpless, shook his head, stretched his hands towards Li Yanxi's face, put both hands on both sides of her face, straightened her head, and said, "Who do you think I am? Also, you What do you think I've done?"

These few sentences stopped Li Yanxi directly.

Li Yanxi faltered for a long time, but still couldn't say a word.

The Jing Hao in her original understanding should not be like that. After falling in love with a girl, under the eyes of the public, she directly chose to break up with her, and turned her head to find another girlfriend.

Li Yanxi thought for a while, and then continued to ask: "What's going on with that girlfriend you mentioned yesterday?"

Jing Hao didn't want too many people to know about his relationship with Lin Yun'er, so he didn't tell the truth: "That's my girlfriend, didn't I post some photos? Those were all photos taken by me and my girlfriend ?”

Li Yanxi originally thought that Jing Hao would explain yesterday, but she didn't expect him to say this. She gritted her teeth in anger, narrowed her eyes, looked at Jing Hao, and asked, "Then you and Lin Yuner What about O'Neill? Don't tell me that the two of you weren't boyfriend and girlfriend before!"

Jing Hao: "How did you know what happened between the two of us?"

Li Yanxi sneered, and put her hands on her chest: "Jing Hao! I'm a fan of Lin Yuner! That's my idol. Every time she comes, I don't know what kind of expression she looks at you? Are you really Do you think you can trick me?"

"Do you dare to say that the two of you had no relationship at all before?"

Speaking of this, Li Yanxi was already excited. It was the first time that Jing Hao saw Li Yanxi like this since he had known Jing Hao for so long.

Her small breasts that rose and fell with anger completely proved how angry the person standing in front of Jing Hao was at this moment.

Jing Hao paused, then turned his body more than 30 degrees, looked at the building outside the building, held his trouser legs tightly with his hands at an angle that Li Yanxi couldn't see, pretended to be calm and said: " I did have a relationship with her before, but that was in the past. Now I have a new girlfriend, the one you see in the photo."

Li Yanxi was so angry that her entire body trembled. She didn't expect that the idol she had liked for so long would be so lightly told by Jing Hao that the result of "breaking up" was so light, and she even didn't expect that from the first time she saw him On the one hand, this man who has liked for more than three years is actually such a cold person.

She ran directly opposite Jing Hao, took a few breaths, then jumped up, and slapped Jing Hao hard on the face: "I misread you, Jing Hao!"

"From now on, you are no longer the person I like!"

Then he ran away without looking back.

When Jing Hao heard Li Yanxi's last words, his pupils suddenly shrank, and when Li Yanxi ran out the door, he suddenly turned around and looked at the figure of Li Yanxi running out, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Xiao Yanxi... she actually likes me...?"

At first he thought it was a joke, but the hot feeling on his face reminded him that all of this was real.

Jing Hao's gaze became complicated. . . .

 Today's favorite song: Go Again——King Caan, Elysa
  Today's chapter~~~
(End of this chapter)

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