nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 141 The Golden Father's Surgery

Chapter 141 Golden Father's Surgery (Two in One)

Jing Hao never thought that Li Yanxi actually likes him!
In fact, I don't blame Jing Hao himself. He has always had the same personality as his nickname "Bing Tan", especially when it comes to emotional matters. He will wait until Lin Yun'er takes the initiative to talk to him before finally being with her.

In the past, he always regarded Li Yanxi as his very close sister. He never thought that one day he would have a relationship with Li Yanxi.

Similarly, Li Yanxi also knew about Jing Hao, so she never revealed her thoughts on him in front of Jing Hao. She just stayed by his side and enjoyed the time with him in the name of brother and sister. .

Different from Jing Hao's reason for choosing the Department of Cardiology in the first place, Li Yanxi actually wanted to go to the Department of General Surgery when she first entered college.And the reason why she chose Jing Hao was because in her sophomore year, she met Jing Hao, a doctor from China, in the class taught by Professor Li Zhongwan. It left a deep impression on Li Yanxi. Since then, she has been fascinated by Professor Li Zhongwan's courses. She just wanted to see Jing Hao a few more times in the courses. Over time, she fell in love with it like this. he.

Jing Hao didn't choose to tell Li Yanxi that what happened between him and Lin Yun'er was actually not because he didn't believe her, it's just that the fewer people who knew about this matter that could affect more than himself, The better.

Although it caused a misunderstanding between Li Yanxi and himself, Jing Hao still didn't tell Li Yanxi what he thought about it.

"This girl, you really have a big temper,... hiss... the strength of your hand is also so strong." Jing Hao touched his hot cheek, and the tingling pain on his face suddenly He gritted his teeth and cracked his mouth in pain.

After rubbing his face on the roof for a long time, Jing Hao managed to control his expression. Although his face was still flushed, the pain was no longer so painful.So he also pushed open the door on the top of the building, and returned to the department along the stairs.

When he came back, he first went to the ward of Jin Zhiyong's father.No matter how you say it, Jin's father is Kim Taeyeon's father after all, and Jin Zhiyong is also here, even if you don't look at Lin Yuner's relationship, you should take a look at it based on your own relationship with Kim Taeyeon.

He walked to the door of the ward, knocked on the door first, and only when he heard the answer of "Come in" came from inside, Jing Hao opened the door and walked in with a smile on his face.

"Who is it?..." Jin Zhiyong was feeding his father porridge. He just blew a spoonful of rice porridge and put it into Father Jin's mouth. Then he turned his head and looked at the person who came. Jing Hao.

Jin Zhiyong hastily put down the porridge on the bedside table, "It's Doctor Jing." Jin Zhiyong hurriedly inspected the room, and found a stool in the innermost corner of the room, so he ran over and took the stool away. He came over and put it in front of Jing Hao.

"Doctor Jing, you do it."

Jing Hao nodded with a smile: "Thank you." Then he took the stool and was not polite. He first said hello to Father Jin, then sat on the stool and began to ask about Father Jin's condition in the past two days.

"Uncle, have you been sleeping here for the past two nights?"

Jin Zhiyong: "Thanks to you, I specially arranged a single room for my father. I slept well at night and didn't stay up overnight."

"Well, that's good, that's good."

Jing Hao looked at Jin Zhiyong's nervous expression, thinking that he was worrying about the timing of his father's operation.So Jing Hao pondered for a minute, thinking about how to tell Jin Zhiyong about this matter.

But in the end, Jing Hao still didn't go around in circles with Jin Zhiyong, but said frankly and directly: "I checked the teacher's timetable, and I also called the teacher to mention your father's illness."

"Frankly speaking, if you ask my teacher to perform this operation, it may be the fastest and the fastest, and it will take more than a month and a half to do it."

Hearing this, Jin Zhiyong asked cautiously, "If that's the case, how long will it take to recover from the operation?"

Jing Hao thought for a while: "Normally, the average patient would need about two to three months to recover."

After saying this, Jing Hao thought for a while, and added: "However, there are patients with stronger resilience, but it will take more than a month at the fastest."

Jin Zhiyong was dumbfounded.

He did all his calculations, and only thought of hiding the truth from Kim Taeyeon and performing surgery on his father, but he didn't expect that the recovery period of the surgery would be so long!
Just yesterday, my mother called me, and my mother said that Taeyeon called her yesterday afternoon, saying that she has been quite busy recently, and after finishing her solo debut, she will go home and have a look parents.

Jin Zhiyong really didn't expect the little girl to go home. Now when he was communicating with Jing Hao, he finally remembered to ask about this matter, and suddenly he felt numb in his heart.

"Two or three months..."

Jin Zhiyong subconsciously read it several times in a low voice, feeling extremely flustered.

At this moment, Father Jin who was lying on the bed spoke.

Father Jin also heard the conversation between Jin Zhiyong and Jing Hao just now on the bed. He naturally knew what Jin Zhiyong was worried about. He smiled kindly with Jing Hao, then coughed, interrupting Jing Hao and Jin Zhiyong dialogue.

"Ahem... Doctor Jing, can I ask you something?"

Seeing Father Jin open his mouth, Jing Hao stood up quickly, looked at Father Jin and said, "Uncle, you said, as long as I can do it, I can do it."

Jin's father laughed, then patted Jin Zhiyong on the shoulder first, and then said: "Actually, to tell you the truth, Zhiyong was worried. He was afraid that after my family returned home, he would see me lying on the bed recovering." look."

Father Jin slowly lay back a little bit, staring up at the ceiling, with a kind smile on his face, and said: "Maybe you don't know, our family is soft, we really like to cry at home, especially In front of me and my wife, as long as she was injured outside, she would cry when she came back to us."

"Zhiyong is afraid that when Ruanruan goes back, he will be worried when he sees me after the surgery."

"So, the old man will be direct and ask you a question that is a bit too much."

Jing Hao nodded: "It's okay, I can understand, after all, I also have parents. Uncle, you can just say it directly."

"Then I said it?"


Father Jin nodded: "I want to ask, since your teacher doesn't have time to do my surgery in a short time, can you do it for me?"

Hearing Father Jin's words, Jin Zhiyong turned his head violently and looked at his father who was resting on the hospital bed.

Jing Hao nodded: "I've read your previous medical records for your symptoms, and I've understood about the same. If it's really like what's written in your medical records, I'll tell you the truth, I can do it. "

Father Jin: "Then, can I trouble you to do it for me yourself?"

Jing Hao didn't answer, but looked at Jin Zhiyong with a questioning expression on his face.

Jin Zhiyong gritted his teeth and nodded towards Jing Hao: "If it's convenient, Dr. Jing can do it for my father. You are a student of Professor Li Zhongwan. My father and I believe in your medical skills."

Jing Hao thought for a while, then nodded: "Since you both think so, then I will take over your operation, uncle."

Jing Hao took out his mobile phone and looked at the schedule on the mobile phone: "Uncle, your health, judging from the various data sent to me by the nurse in the past two days, is still very good."

"Today is Monday, so like this, you have an early dinner tonight, and then you must not eat tomorrow morning, and go for a heart angiography first, and I will take a look first."

"If there is no problem, I will arrange an operation for you on Wednesday, do you think it will work?"

Father Jin smiled: "Since this is the case, I will trouble you. I will follow your arrangement. I will do what you say."

Jing Hao nodded to Jin's father, then smiled at Jin Zhiyong, and stood up from the stool: "In this case, I will not bother you two, and wait for the results of the cardiac imaging examination tomorrow , I’ve confirmed that there’s nothing wrong with it, so I’ll come over and talk to you two about the surgery in detail.”

"Then, if there is nothing else, I will go first."

"You walk slowly."

Jing Hao pushed open the door, finally nodded to the Jins and his son, and walked out.Seeing that Jing Hao was about to leave, Jin Zhiyong hurriedly followed him, and when Jing Hao just went out and was about to leave, he called out to stop him.

"Doctor Jing Hao, please wait a moment!"

Jing Hao heard the shout behind him, stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked back.

I saw Jin Zhiyong following behind him and ran over quickly.Jing Hao stepped on Jin Zhiyong just like this, and opened his mouth when he walked in front of him, "Brother, do you have anything else to tell me?"

Jin Zhiyong scratched his head, and said falteringly: "Well, I saw something you posted on ins yesterday, and I just want to ask, how are you and Yoona doing?"

Jing Hao smiled: "The two of us are not very suitable, so we broke up peacefully in the end. And brother, you also know the identity of Yun'er, since we have already broken up, there is no need to add to others. That kind of trouble for no reason, don't you think?"

Jin Zhiyong hesitated for a moment. He came here originally to comfort Jing Hao, thinking that he should feel very uncomfortable.But when Jin Zhiyong saw Jing Hao's performance in front of him, he really looked like those who had just broken up in love, and for a while, he didn't know how to comfort him.

Jin Zhiyong had no choice but to nod: "Jing Haoxi, I'm a few years older than you, and you and my sister are still friends, just because of this, I won't say those polite words to you."

"Yun'er is a good girl. Although I don't have much contact with her, I can still hear my sister's opinion of Yun'er when I occasionally chat with her. She is really a pretty good girl."

"I want to say, if the two of you really haven't reached the point where you have to break up, it's better to work hard towards each other. The two of you are really like the idiom of Hua Guo: With the appearance of a man and a woman, I really hope to see the two of you can be together well."

Jing Hao smiled: "Thank you brother, I will think about it carefully, but recently I have to take care of my uncle's body before talking about those things. I don't have time to think about those things recently."

Jin Zhiyong: "Well, don't blame me for saying so much, because I also met a girl recently, and I have some feelings in my heart, so seeing the relationship between you and Yoona, I still hope that the two of you can return to the old days. OK."

Jing Hao smiled: "I will think about it." Then he bowed politely to Jin Zhiyong and left.

Jin Zhiyong looked at Jing Hao's leaving figure, watched him leave in place, shook his head, and sighed.

In Jin Zhiyong's heart, to be honest, it was quite unpleasant.He found Jing Hao here and entered the Yonsei University Affiliated Hospital because he had seen Jing Hao's news on the Internet.

Because Kim Taeyeon talked about it when chatting with herself in private, her teammate Lin Yuner just talked about a boyfriend recently, and the relationship between the two of them made the rest of them feel a little envious.

Moreover, the man is not a star in the entertainment circle, but an excellent male doctor working in the affiliated hospital of Yonsei University, which can be regarded as a perfect match.

Although Kim Taeyeon didn't tell Jin Zhiyong at the time who this person was or what his name was, she just vaguely revealed that that person and Lin Yoona met in the production team where Yoona is currently filming, and they are Yoona's technical director.

Based on these clues, Jin Zhiyong slowly deduced Jing Hao's identity, and therefore pushed his father to find Jing Hao.

Originally, I thought that Jing Hao was Lin Yuner's boyfriend. When I found Jing Hao with the help of Kim Taeyeon's brother, he would definitely help me because of this relationship.

But who would have thought that Jing Hao has separated from Lin Yuner now, and judging from the things and pictures Jing Hao posted on his ins last night, he did not separate from Yuner in the past two days, but had been separated before. Separated.

But Jing Hao still accepted that he and his father, and didn't mention anything, and didn't break up with Yun'er, regardless of his father's illness, but was always communicating with the teacher, for himself Thinking about it.

"Oh, I hope the two of them can reconcile in the future, otherwise this kind of favor will really be a big debt!"

Jin Zhiyong looked at the direction where Jing Hao disappeared just now. At this time, Jing Hao had already left, and the corner was empty. He looked at the wall at the corner with a bitter smile on his face.

"This favor, in the end, let Ruan Ruan recite it in the end! Sigh!"

"My brother, when will he be able to become a person who can be independent without relying on his own sister or anyone else?"

(End of this chapter)

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