nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 142 Yuner is going to learn Chinese!

Chapter 142 Yuner is going to learn Chinese! (two in one)

"Yuner," Lin Yuner's manager suddenly called Lin Yuner who was about to change clothes for the next shoot during the filming break.

"What's wrong, Oppa?"

The manager kicked his hand, hesitated for a while, looked at Lin Yun'er's puzzled expression, then grasped weakly in the air with his raised hand, and then put it down again.

The manager saw that there was something he wanted to say to Lin Yun'er, but for some reason, he hesitated to speak, and finally did not say it.

"Ani, it's nothing, you go to shoot first."

Although Lin Yuner felt a little strange in her heart, Jin Zhiyuan beside her turned around and urged her to change clothes with her, so she turned around and agreed: "Here we come!"

Then he nodded to his manager, trotted all the way to catch up with Jin Zhiyuan, chatted and laughed together and went to the dressing room, ready to change the clothes to be worn in the next scene.

"Hey, the company suddenly made this request. Is there any arrangement?"

The agent stood aside for a long while, still shook his head with a wry smile: "Forget it, let's talk to her after today's filming is over, after all, it's not something that's in a hurry."

The scene to be filmed today is a scene in which medical staff and peacekeeping troops provide emergency rescue to the masses after an earthquake designed in Greece.

This scene, for this drama, can be regarded as a most important scene, so in the past two days, under the strong request of director Li Yingfu, everyone has been studying the script urgently, striving to shoot the most perfect status.

"Medical Center! Medical Center!"

"Is the military medical officer here! Is the military medical officer here!"

The medical staff and the military medical officer were discussing the earthquake that had just occurred in the hall of the base, when suddenly a powerful shout came from the walkie-talkie of the person carrying "Yin Mingzhu".

"I'm Lieutenant Yin, what's the matter?"

"Here is the power station! The site has collapsed!"

"What? Can't hear you clearly!"

"The power station has collapsed!"

"Yin Mingzhu" looked at "Jiang Muyan" who was standing at the side, and the two quickly looked at each other, both showing unbelievable expressions, and their pupils widened.

A military ambulance, carrying these doctors and nurses who were just about to return to China, rushed to the place where the accident happened with the medical supplies they carried with them.

Everyone got out of the car immediately and looked at the fallen wreckage of the power station affected by the earthquake after the earthquake. out of the wounded.

Looking at the messy power station and the wailing of the wounded who were rescued, everyone was shocked by the tragedy.

Even when several nurses saw such a scene, they shed tears directly from the tragedy in front of them.

As the person in charge of the medical team here, "Jiang Muyan" quickly gave orders to the team members he led after briefly looking at the scene.

"Put on the vest of the medical team, so that patients can easily recognize us, and know the medical classification method?"

"Green is for those who are not nervous, yellow is for minor injuries, and red is for the emergency wounded who need the most treatment." A young doctor who followed "Jiang Muyan" as the hospital assignment this time, directly continued on the spot " Jiang Muyan" explained the medical classification method just mentioned to the people present.

"Also, the seriously injured who could no longer be treated at the scene are black like the dead."

"Give up treatment for the wounded with black labels, and concentrate on rescuing those who can be saved."

"Do you need permission to use morphine and pethidine?"

"No, I can't confirm them one by one. Everyone, according to the situation on the spot, make your own judgment and take the best measures possible."

"Okay, let's go."

Following the order of "Jiang Muyan", a group of people, carrying the first aid kit on their backs, started the rescue on the spot.

"Cut!" With a shout from outside the venue, the shooting was finally over. Li Yingfu, who was very satisfied, directly gave the order for everyone to rest first, and then followed the assistant director and the prop master of the crew to give orders. Prepared for the next game.

"Oni, when you said your lines just now, your eyes were really amazing!"

As soon as the filming ended, Kim Ji-won rushed to Lin Yuner's side, and told her about Lin Yuner's impressive performance during the filming just now.

Indeed, at the beginning of filming, Lin Yuner was just like "Jiang Muyan" in the play, truly showing a kind of resoluteness of a real leader in the face of disasters caused by nature. Feel.

Lin Yun'er just smiled faintly: "When the two of us practiced with Jing Hao, we didn't just watch there for nothing."

"Especially, have you forgotten the time we followed him to the orphanage?"

Jin Zhiyuan's eyes lit up immediately, and she nodded vigorously: "I remember, I remember!"

"Those children are really pitiful. Thinking about it now, I still feel very uncomfortable."

Lin Yuner smiled: "That's right, when I was filming the scene just now, I was thinking about those children, the mood we felt when we saw those children."

"There is also Jing Hao's feeling when he took us together to treat the children."

After hearing this, Jin Zhiyuan took it for granted, and said with sympathy: "That's true, don't tell me, your appearance just now is really similar to Jing Hao's feeling at that time."

After saying this, Jin Zhiyuan immediately cast a strange look at Lin Yuner, and said with a little disgust: "My Ernie, do you still think about Jing Hao in your heart at this time?"

Lin Yuner was also teased by Jin Zhiyuan's words, her face became hot immediately, her face blushed, she trimmed her hair in embarrassment, then raised her hands restlessly, lowered her head, and poked secretly like this played with his fingers.

"I...I do miss him a little recently..."

"I don't know, after I left, how is he doing now..."

Jin Zhiyuan shook her head fiercely, with a disgusted expression on her face, "Huh~~~"

"Let's say, at a time like this, Ernie, can you not mention him?"

"You also know that I like him very much. At this time, are you showing off when you say these words in front of me?"

Lin Yuner suddenly smiled embarrassedly: "Hey hey hey~~~", the blush on her face became a little thicker, as if she just drank a glass of wine that was a bit bright, her whole face showed a faint smile. Drunk look.

But soon, she seemed to think of something again, and there was a little bit of excitement on her face, but she immediately became disappointed, and the light in her eyes dimmed a little bit.

"The me before may still have the possibility to show off. But... I broke up with him before I left... The me now, in front of you, has nothing to show off."

Seeing Lin Yuner's appearance in front of her now, Jin Zhiyuan felt angry and funny in her heart.

On the one hand, because this woman is like this, she always gives me the feeling that she is showing off her relationship with Jing Hao, which makes my heart sour, and I can only envy and envy her in vain, but I can't do anything.

On the other hand, there is also a little bit of pity for Ernie.

Yes, that's right, it just hurts.

In Shipwreck Bay, on the night of the bonfire party, the two people who had chatted together for a long time at the seaside said many, many things to each other without reservation.

After the secret conversation that night, the two have become very good friends now, and at the same time they regard each other as a close friend of their own.

Although Jin Zhiyuan still has not given up on Jing Hao's idea, she still hopes to catch up with Jing Hao and successfully get together with her favorite Prince Charming, but this does not prevent her and Lin Yuner from becoming each other's two sides, which is very important friends, or confidantes.

And what about Lin Yuner?After that night, Jin Zhiyuan reminded her that at this time, she already deeply regretted her impulsive decision to break up in front of Jing Hao.

Although she is in Greece and is still in the process of filming, her heart has already returned to that land, and she is concerned about the person she has been avoiding for so many days.

At this time, she desperately hoped to appear beside him, gave him a big hug, put her whole body into his arms, and apologized loudly to him.

The decision made on that day was the most regretful thing she had ever done since birth.

Although the two people standing together at this time were competing with each other, they hoped to have such a relationship with Jing Hao after going back this time, but neither of them minded that the other had such thoughts.

In other words, the two are now close friends who are friendly competitors.

. . . . . .

When returning to the hotel at night, Lin Yuner just opened the door of the room, and shouted to the manager: "Good night, Oppa, see you tomorrow morning!" Just as she was about to go in and prepare to take a shower and then go to sleep, the manager once again stopped her.


"Huh?" Lin Yun'er turned her head, showing a puzzled expression once again, just like during the day.

"What's wrong, Oppa?"

Lin Yuner looked at the manager's hesitant expression in front of her again, and directly guessed that her manager had something to tell her, and most of the time, it should be things on the company side.

So she just smiled at the agent, then opened the door of her room, and said to the agent: "Ouba should have something to tell me? Come in and talk to me."

As he said that, he pulled the manager with a troubled expression into the door.

"Ouba, what the hell is going on? Did the company give you some mission?"

The manager nodded, and Lin Yuner immediately understood.

"Tell me, we've been working together for such a long time, Oppa, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"Then I'll just say it straight?"

Lin Yun'er immediately became impatient, and put one hand on the manager's shoulder, and hammered it lightly: "Speak frankly, are you still like this in front of me?"

"Well...the company suddenly called me today, saying that President Kim Young-min wants you to learn Chinese well during this time."

"Huh?" A puzzled expression appeared on Lin Yun'er's face.

learn Chinese?I am currently filming "Descendants of the Sun", and this year is almost at the end of the year. After the filming is over, I probably won't have much time to go to Huaguo again.

If the company plans to let the group go to Huaguo to hold a concert next year, then there should be no need to study hard?Basically, simply learning a few short sentences for communication is enough.

"Besides, what the company told me at the beginning was, isn't Dr. Jing Hao in our film crew from Huaguo? The company said that you have nothing to do and study more with Dr. Jing Hao, so that the relationship between the two will be better." .”

If she didn't know what the agent said earlier, then about "building a good relationship with Jing Hao" later, Lin Yuner almost knew what the company's thinking was like.

First of all, the company probably didn't know that he and Jing Hao were in a relationship, at least before, or the two of them used to be in a relationship.

This matter, the whole company, should only his teammates know about it.

As for the relationship between me and Jing Hao, the company sent someone to ask me about the first time the photos of the two of them were exposed.But at that time, Jing Hao had already communicated with himself about the news that Jing Hao had found a "scandal replacement", so Lin Yun'er at that time did not communicate truthfully with the company.

Such an approach is actually understandable.

If at the very beginning, Lin Yuner, who just debuted, still had one heart with the company, in the past two years, Lin Yuner will no longer be 100% one mind with the company like she was at the beginning.

Especially, after September [-] last year.

After that incident happened, although Lin Yuner couldn't say that she hated the company, she still felt dissatisfied to some extent, but she couldn't say it outright.

After that incident happened, Lin Yuner felt somewhat disdainful of the concept of "family love" conveyed by the company in front of them and fans.

"Family love?" That was just a slogan shouted by the company's senior management.

She is no longer the silly little girl she was back then.

The company's idea is nothing more than to see that Jing Hao has announced on ins and other social media that he already has a girlfriend, and it is not Lin Yuner's statement, so he is not very afraid that Jing Hao will really marry him. , There is a sudden emotional intersection.

But if the relationship between myself and Jing Hao is good, the two of them will be able to attract a large wave of public attention in front of the media. For idols like me, it is obvious that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

However, what is the reason for learning Chinese?

 Today's favorite song: Egotistic——MAMAMOO
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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