nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 143 Best Drinking Friend

Chapter 143 Best Drinking Friend



"Do you know why the company insists that I study Chinese well?"

Holding the door frame, the manager pondered for a moment before deciding to tell Lin Yun'er something: "Yun'er, I wonder if you have heard the news that the company is going to let you go to Huaguo for filming?"

Lin Yuner was taken aback when she heard the words, and then asked in surprise: "Ouba, has the company decided to let me go to Huaguo to film a TV series?"

Agent: "Although I'm not sure about this news, after all, I've been in the company for so many years, and I still have some connections."

"Before you came to Greece, when you were still filming in China, someone told me that the shareholders in the company decided to send an idol from our company to China to participate in the filming of the TV series. Most of them chose It's all about you."

"Because your popularity is very high in China, and your appearance is easy to attract a lot of attention from passers-by who haven't paid attention to you before, so the company is more inclined to choose you."

"What's more, this time, the scandal between you and Dr. Jing Hao has made your favorability in Huaguo rise again. So, from the current point of view, you should be the most suitable person for this candidate. "

Lin Yuner nodded, and almost understood what the manager meant.


"And what?"

"And in fact, last year, the company wanted you to shoot, but because of the "Descendants of the Sun" you are shooting now, the investors are very optimistic about you, and they called you to participate in the show, so that's why In the end, you were not allowed to go to Huaguo."

"Is it like this?"

"Well, that drama should have already finished its premiere. If you are interested in it later, you can search the Internet and have a look."

"What's the name of that show?"

"It seems to be called... "War God Zhao Zilong"? If I remember correctly, it should be the name."

"Okay, I know Oppa."

The manager saw that Lin Yuner had already understood what he said, so he didn't bother him too much, and gently opened the door, and finally said hello to Lin Yuner, and left.

Only Lin Yun'er was left thinking and digesting the news she got from her manager tonight.

"Because the investor asked me to participate?"

What Lin Yuner remembered most about the words just now was this sentence.Although this sentence is nothing to the manager, it has a big problem in Lin Yuner's eyesight.

She is not the kind of actor who pays some unspoken rules in order to be able to film. She herself is not short of money, and she is engaged in the idol industry only because of a dream of her own.

But if such a dream had to be realized by means that she could not accept, then she would not accept it no matter what.

But what puzzles her the most is that, if the investors of this show have some ideas about her, but the investors of this show, from the first day she joined the group until now, from the beginning to the end, have never had any thoughts. Contacted myself.

And if she was chosen because of her acting skills, although Lin Yuner didn't really believe in the result, she could only reluctantly accept it.

After all, from the initial filming of this drama so far, the scenes I have filmed have always been pretty good, and everyone has seen it.

"Perhaps, this is the investor's ability to recognize people with insight?"

Such a thought suddenly flashed in Lin Yuner's mind, but she immediately made herself laugh.

"Forget it, no matter how many there are, the soldiers will come and cover them with water and soil, even if there is really something, we will talk about it later!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuner remembered the request of "requiring her to study Chinese seriously", and the first thing that came to her mind was Jing Hao.

This request is actually nothing to her, because in the last few days, the night she communicated with Jin Zhiyuan, after she untied her knot, she was already thinking about how to go back when she went back. It's like being with Jing Hao once.

She wanted to have a serious relationship with Jing Hao, with the goal of getting married.

Therefore, even for the convenience of communicating with Jing Hao's family members for my future self, Chinese is already in the ranks of my learning process.The company asked her to learn Chinese at this time, and it really happened to be in her arms.

"During this time, when you have nothing to do, just take a look at the Chinese tutorial, and learn a little bit of simple Chinese first."

. . . . .

A small table where no one is disturbed, a cozy and lazy drink.

A young man wearing a peaked cap who was eating here was lowering his head at this moment, taking a sip from the wine glass in front of him.His slightly curled bangs under his peaked cap are a pair of lazy, clear but cold narrow eyes.

Compared with the shochu on the peninsula, such as the glass he was tasting at this time, Jing Hao prefers the baijiu from his hometown.

He didn't move his chopsticks, he didn't speak, he just took one cup after another, occasionally turning his head, looking at the pedestrians coming and going, his eyes were melancholy and indifferent.

Sudden indifference, like a disaster in ordinary life.

The Jeonju girl sitting across from him was fascinated by the young Busan boy who had faded from his temperament and was suddenly inexplicably melancholy.

She pursed her lips and slowly put down the spoon in her hand.

With a "click", the sound of the spoon hitting the table brought back the deep thoughts of the person opposite.

"Why are you so cold all of a sudden?" she said.


Jing Hao was puzzled at first, but after he realized it, he smiled and said to the girl in front of him who was questioning with a very unhappy expression:
"Well, enthusiasm, like talking too much, will be disgusted by others, Nuna."

"I, Taeyeon, will not, never." She said seriously.

"You know, Nuna? The word 'forever' can't be kept on the lips, really, I really don't have the concept of time." Jing Hao sighed, and continued to pour himself a glass of soju.

"As a doctor, I'm sorry, but I really, really don't like the idea of ​​'forever'."

The rich fragrance is fascinating.

I don't know if it's from the shochu brewed by myself, or the good smell from the Quanzhou girl sitting opposite me at this time.

Tonight, I don't know what went wrong. On the Han River Bridge, Kim Taeyeon, Lin Yuner's friendly captain, who I met by chance before, suddenly called Jing Hao and asked him to come out for a drink.

At first, when Jing Hao heard a call from Kim Taeyeon, asking him out for a drink, he was very confused.But after the first moment of bewilderment passed, he didn't know if there was something wrong with his own brain, so he agreed to Kim Taeyeon's invitation to come out.

So, the two of them just sat together face to face.

Kim Taeyeon looked at the young man in front of her, under the dim light, with that charming chin pressed against the wine glass, with the sound of "grumbling" from time to time, the Adam's apple that was swinging up and down, suddenly for no reason, and felt trembled.

Although it was only for a moment, it still made Kim Taeyeon feel a wave of irritability in her heart.

She looked at Jing Hao, suddenly patted the table for no reason, and yelled "Ah!", which immediately attracted the guests near the table where the two were sitting, and couldn't help but look at the two of them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kim Taeyeon, who was very excited just now, saw so many people staring at her, she was so panicked, she quickly stood up from the stool, slightly bent her knees, and sat opposite her. The people in the tavern apologized.

"Hehehehe..." Jing Hao on the side, seeing Kim Taeyeon's embarrassment, let out a few laughs like "sneering", which immediately aroused Kim Taeyeon's anger just now, and sneered again The child rushed up.

Gritting her teeth, Taeyeon looked at Jing Hao who took another big sip, and suddenly had the urge to throw the wine glass in her hand directly to his face.

Fortunately, such a thought was only in her mind, and disappeared in a flash.

Kim Taeyeon inexplicably felt a little wronged.

Originally, I felt that Yuner dumped Jing Hao directly before going to Greece, and felt a little bit sorry for him. I felt that this person might have been in a depressed mood during this time, so I decided to invite him out for a drink today. See if it can make him feel better.

A few days ago, when I saw what Jing Hao posted on ins, Kim Taeyeon was still a bit puzzled, because from her perspective, the relationship between these two people seemed to be relatively good, and they should not suddenly separate.

Especially in the content released by Jing Hao, he and the company executive named "Cheng Cailing" had known each other in the first half of the year and were already together. This is obviously different from the facts that Taeyeon knew.

So, there must be a reason for that ins.

And on that day, shortly after Jing Hao's ins was released, the phone call from Lin Yuner further confirmed Taeyeon's guess.

At that time, Taeyeon was sitting in the dormitory, playing the game console she snatched from the big-breasted woman, when she suddenly received a call from Lin Yuner who was far away in Greece.

"Jingling, ringing~~~~"

Taeyeon was playing the game console in her palm, she casually glanced at the phone screen beside her, and found that the caller was actually Lin Yuner, so she casually dropped the game console and took the call.

"Why don't you have it? Yun'er, call me, what's the matter?"


Hearing Lin Yuner's eager tone on the phone, Kim Taeyeon's eyebrows, which were not very luxuriant in the first place, suddenly raised upwards.

"what happened?"

"Oni, have you seen Jing Hao's ins?"

Hearing this, Taeyeon immediately wanted to complain a lot: "Well, I saw it, but you two..."

Lin Yuner, who was very eager, interrupted Kim Taeyeon before she finished speaking: "Oni, it's too late now, listen to me first!"

Kim Taeyeon curled her lips and said, "Okay, tell me."

"Oni, I just realized now that Jing Hao may have hidden something from me..."

? ? ? ! ! !
Kim Taeyeon's expression at this time was like that black question mark face on the Internet, and a thought came to her heart: wtf? !hide?Could it be that what Jing Hao posted is true?

"Ah! Yisiba, Keseiga!..." Taeyeon's eyebrows were about to explode in anger!Cooperating with this bastard, stepping on two boats?

When Lin Yuner heard Kim Taeyeon's reaction, she immediately realized that she was too anxious to say something a bit off, she hurriedly shouted: "That's not the case! O'Neill! Listen to me first!"

"Jing Hao may have a reason..."

Afterwards, Lin Yuner told Kim Taeyeon on the phone about the things she had chatted with Jin Zhiyuan at the beach that night, and gave her a brief explanation.

"Oh~~~" When Taeyeon heard Lin Yuner's explanation, she also felt that the explanation that Jin Zhiyuan said had a great possibility.After all, if Jing Hao had really "derailed" that "Cheng Cailing", when Lin Yuner guessed that he was looking for a substitute, Jing Hao would not have been so calm and acquiesced.

Moreover, in such a short period of time, it is possible to find someone who is almost the same as Lin Yuner, and after wearing a mask, it is difficult for others to distinguish. Such a nearly perfect substitute is indeed not something that ordinary people can do. matter.

From this point of view, there may indeed be such a possibility.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Yuner bit her lips, her tone became low at this moment: "I broke up with him that day so unfeelingly, he will definitely feel very sad."

"I...I'm worried about his current mental state,"

" Ernie...can you check on him occasionally for me?"

It seems that it was because of the impulsiveness with Jing Hao that time, even if Lin Yoona asked Kim Taeyeon to go and see Jing Hao's condition for her, the tone of her speech seemed extra cautious.

Kim Taeyeon's heart was full of pity for Lin Yuner, and as soon as she gritted her teeth, she said impulsively, "Okay! It's on O'Neill! When you come back, I will definitely return you a normal Jing Hao!"

"Thank you Ernie!"

"It's okay, between the two of us, what else can we say to thank you?"

Lin Yun'er laughed naively: "Hey hey."

After the two chatted for a while, they reluctantly put down the phone.

As soon as she put down the phone, Taeyeon felt a little regretful in her heart.

"Why did I take such a job? How can I understand Jing Hao's psychology..."

But the matter was at this point, and he was already on the phone and agreed to Lin Yun'er confidently, so he could only bite the bullet and give it a try.

Taeyeon also deliberately picked a time, contacted Jing Hao just after she finished contacting from the practice room that day, and asked him to come out for a drink.

On the one hand, I have been a bit gluttonous recently, but if I sneak out to drink alone, with my amount of alcohol, it is very likely that I will not be able to come back on the table. If Jing Hao drinks with me, I don’t have to. Worry about such things.

After all, as her brother-in-law, at least her ex-brother-in-law, Kim Taeyeon still believes in Jing Hao's character.

On the other hand, it was to fulfill Lin Yuner's promise.She promised to give Lin Yuner a normal Jing Hao, first of all, she had to find out what kind of psychology Jing Hao had towards Lin Yuner now, so that she could proceed to the next step.

 Today's favorite song: Wannabe——ITZY
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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