nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 144 Untitled

Chapter 144 Untitled
But looking at Jing Hao's comfortable look when he was drinking now, Taeyeon really couldn't see any negative emotions on Jing Hao caused by the breakup with Lin Yuner.

It's just that people have become a little more indifferent than usual.

"You don't believe in eternity?" At this time, Taeyeon simply didn't think about what was there or what was missing, and just wanted to chat with Jing Hao, and it would be fine to have a simple chat like this, and maybe she would receive some unexpected surprises Woolen cloth?

Jing Hao nodded, took a sip of his wine, looked up at Taeyeon, whose eyes were cold and dangerous, and grinned recklessly and said:

"As a doctor, I have to keep my head in a clear and rational state at all times. I can't say something casually, even I myself can't be sure."

"For example, in front of the family members, the family members very much hope to hear an answer from me, such as 'this operation, there will be no problem'."

"But no matter when, no matter in front of whom, I will not say such an answer."

"At most, I can only say 'I will do my best to deal with this operation, please don't worry about it.' Such an answer."

Kim Taeyeon suddenly felt a little curious, and asked Jing Hao directly at the wine table: "Why don't you say something to reassure them? As the family members of the patients, shouldn't it make them less frightened? Is it something a doctor can easily do?"

"rest assured?"

"What doctors do is to seek truth from facts. Regardless of any operation, there is a risk of failure. No matter who performs the operation, the chance of success will not be [-]%."

"If I say what you think to the family members, if the operation still fails, how can the family members' psychological gap be remedied?"

"There are even many operations, and the serious consequences will lead to the death of the patient directly on the operating table."

"Nu Na, matters of life are not to be joked about."

"In our line of work, such words are not allowed."

The young man who was talking and drinking, paused.

He looked up at the ticking sound of the old clock on the wall, as if it was slowing down, and the memory was playing backwards.

She stared at him.

It's strange, at this night, there is nowhere to put her sadness, although Kim Taeyeon clearly understands the expression in Jing Hao's words, but for some reason, hearing such a description, she is really unhappy.

Compared with all kinds of groundless gossip she has suffered in recent years, she hates Jing Hao who is "outspoken" at the moment.

His movements froze, because the small cup in his hand was snatched away by the girl.

She looked down at the small cup she snatched in her hand, picked up the shochu and poured herself a cup, raised her head and drank it all in one gulp.


The loud sound of wine glasses smashing on the table attracted the attention of some drinkers and diners who were watching.

This time, facing the gazes of people scattered in all directions, Kim Taeyeon has become too lazy to respond, just wiped the wine stains from the corners of her mouth, natural and unaffected, her eyes are indescribably domineering and stubborn, and her eyes are fixed on young people.

For some reason, another unspeakable irritability suddenly rose in Taeyeon's heart, and in her chest, there was a desire to vent this suppressed mood.

Facing the gaze focused on her own table, Kim Taeyeon didn't panic at all in her heart at this moment.

Before she came, she had already made sufficient preparations. First, she put on an exaggerated makeup that she had never put on before, and a large cushion was stuffed in her chest, at least It was a larger cushion than any I had ever worn before.

The whole person is dressed up like a Halloween makeup, a little bit like a sickly doll.Her makeup, coupled with the silent atmosphere between the two of them at this time, looks very strange.

It was silent again, and it was a dull and suffocating atmosphere.

Kim Taeyeon propped her chin with one hand, and the index finger of the other hand hooked the empty wine glass that kept shaking.

She looked at Jing Hao with hazy, gloomy and indifferent eyes, and murmured:

"What's wrong with me?"

Jing Hao was also a little puzzled. It seemed that Kim Tae-yeon was not in a particularly good condition when she was on the Han River Bridge last time, but now she gave Jing Hao a feeling that she was far better than when she met last time. strong.

"It seems that the last two times, when I saw you, you were not in a good mood?"

Jing Hao didn't mean to be angry when his wine glass was taken away, because he didn't particularly like alcohol. He came to drink just to relieve his mood. Add some unnecessary troubles.


"Yes, every time I see you, I don't seem to be in a particularly good mood, but when I ask you, you don't say anything."

Taeyeon took another big gulp into her mouth, raised her head and swallowed all the wine in her mouth, and then smacked her lips unsatisfied.

"I don't know very well, but it should have nothing to do with you."

"I believe this. If it's because it has something to do with me, then there's a big problem." Jing Hao made a rare joke in front of Kim Taeyeon.

But this joke didn't seem to be particularly good. It didn't succeed in making Taeyeon laugh, but instead caused her to roll her eyes.


Jing Hao heard the evaluation muttered by Kim Taeyeon, and suddenly he laughed and laughed, "Hahahaha!"

"However, each other each other."

Kim Taeyeon didn't pay much attention to it, she just regarded the psychopath in her eyes and entertained herself.

"Taeyeon xi, although I didn't communicate with you very much before, but in the information about your Girls' Generation that I read on the Internet because of Lin Yuner, if I remember correctly, it seems that you don't drink too much. Not very good?"

Kim Taeyeon took another sip in noncommittal, did not affirm his statement, but did not deny it either.

Jing Hao nodded and understood.

"So, why didn't you drag me to drink coffee, but chose to challenge the alcohol game that you are not good at?"

"People, always have to learn to grow."

"What's more," Kim Taeyeon glanced at Jing Hao from the corner of her eyes, showing a somewhat disgusted expression, "Although now in my opinion, you are not a very reliable person, but as a person who has been in love with Yuner I still believe in your character."

"It seems to be my honor to be recognized by Ms. Kim Taeyeon for my character."

Kim Taeyeon didn't answer him, but just passed the wine glass to her mouth again, but what Jing Hao couldn't see, the red lips covered by the wine glass raised a trace that was very obscure, but a little bright arc.

. . . . . .

The next day, in the ward where Jin's father was.

"Have the results of the cardiac angiography come out?"

Jing Hao stood in front of Jin's father's bed and asked Jin Zhiyong who was waiting by the side.

"Come out, come out!"

Jin Zhiyong quickly took out a video report that he had prepared from the cabinet next to Father Jin's bed.

Jing Hao took the report and read it carefully for a while.

"Well, there should be no problem. I will check the dynamic video on the computer later. If there is no problem, I will arrange surgery tomorrow."

"There should be no problem?"

Jin Zhiyong still couldn't feel relieved, and asked again from the side.

"According to the results I have observed so far, there is no big problem."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Jing Hao then chatted with Father Jin who was lying on the hospital bed for a while, then greeted Father Jin and left the ward.

Jin Zhiyong followed Jing Hao and sent him out of the ward, but Jing Hao grabbed Jin Zhiyong who was about to go back.

"Brother Zhiyong, can I tell you something?"

Jin Zhiyong: "Tell me, is it about my father?"

Jing Hao nodded, then pulled Jin Zhiyong to a corner where no one was around, looked at Jin Zhiyong seriously, and said, "Uncle's medical records are related to the subject I'm working on recently, and they happened to be given to me by my tutor." The topic I have set, may I ask, after tomorrow's operation, can I continue to stay in the ward for a period of time and let me observe it for a period of time?"

"Ah?" Jin Zhiyong didn't expect Jing Hao to pull him to ask this question, and suddenly he felt a little embarrassed.

"It won't be too long, half a month, okay? The hospitalization fee will be deducted from the scientific research fund this time, and it won't be taken from you, including the medical expenses for uncle's hospitalization. You don't need to come consider."

Hearing this, Jin Zhiyong felt a little troubled in his heart.

"Let me just say it straight. Although my uncle's body is a problem with the heart, according to my judgment, it is very likely that the problem does not originate from the heart."

"What do you mean?"

"I suspect that uncle's symptoms are somewhat related to the respiratory system."

"Because from the electrocardiogram you brought from the hospital over there, I saw that the p wave on uncle's electrocardiogram is relatively normal, with some signs of elevation, and from uncle's heart color Doppler ultrasound, three The regurgitation of the cusp valve is also more serious than that of other valves."

"This time I did surgery on the tricuspid valve, but I don't think it's just the problem of the tricuspid valve. Uncle should have some factors of pulmonary arterial hypertension. From my comprehensive consideration, it is very likely that the source of the lung Sexual heart disease."

After all, Jin Zhiyong is not a doctor. Hearing Jing Hao's analysis, he didn't know what to do for a while, but what he could know was that Jing Hao judged that his father might not just have a heart problem.

"Then, Jing Haoxi, you can do whatever you want. I'll just listen to you."

Jing Hao nodded: "Then tomorrow, as I mentioned to you two before, I performed the tricuspid valve surgery on uncle first, because no matter whether my judgment is correct or not, uncle's tricuspid valve is indeed There are some problems."

Jin Zhiyong nodded: "You can do whatever you say."

Jing Hao nodded, and when Jing Hao was about to leave, Jin Zhiyong suddenly pulled him back, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, he faltered and said, "That...Jing Hao xi. .I have one more thing."

Jing Hao: "Just say what you want."

"Well, I don't know if there is any job suitable for me at Jing Haoxi's side?"

Jing Hao didn't understand, so he asked again: "Taeyeon Xi should be very rich, right? And I told you that you don't need to worry about all the charges this time. Brother, you don't need to think about the charges. The problem."

Jin Zhiyong scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "To be honest, Jing Haoxi, when I was in the hospital for the past two days, I also learned more or less about the situation of other patients, and I really have some feelings about the charges."

"Although, this time you also said that we don't need to consider charging, but everyone has a little headache. This time I was admitted to the hospital. I really hope that I can find a job that suits me. I don't want to, If there is another time like this happens, I still need to get money from my parents, or even from Ruanruan."

"Jing Haoxi, you are a great doctor working in a big city like Seoul. The people you know, and the channels you have come into contact with and learned about should be much more than what I can get in touch with. I hope that if you If there are some jobs that are more suitable for me here, please give me a suggestion."

Jing Hao pondered for a while, but after thinking about it, he really couldn't think of any suitable job for Jin Zhiyong, at least he didn't imagine it at the first time.

"I don't have any idea yet. Brother, wait for me to go back and think about it. If there are really some jobs that are suitable for you, I will contact you."

"That's good, that's good! Sorry to trouble you, Jing Haoxi."


Afterwards, Jing Hao bid farewell to Jin Zhiyong and returned to the office.

But just as Jing Hao was sitting in his seat, he accidentally overheard an intern who was following him, complaining in a low voice.

"What's wrong with the quality, can't we find a better factory?..."

Jing Hao greeted the intern casually, and asked the intern, "I heard you complaining about something just now. Is there any problem with the equipment?"

It’s no wonder that Jing Hao paid attention to it. As a doctor, if there is a problem with the medical equipment in the department, he should pay attention to it immediately, because if at a critical moment, the treatment of the patient is affected by the problem of the equipment, it should not be done. There was a mistake.

The intern looked at Jing Hao's expression, but didn't dare to speak out immediately.

Looking at her expression, Jing Hao knew that it should be the state he has been used to, which made the intern feel pressured, so he controlled himself and smiled as gently as possible: "You can just say it, if there is a problem with the equipment , I still have to pay attention to it.”

The intern gritted his teeth, took out a crumpled surgical mask from the pocket of his white coat, and handed it to Jing Hao.

"It's the masks in our department, the kind that are always of substandard quality!"

 The chapter has been revised, you can read it with confidence~~~
(End of this chapter)

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