nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 145 Goodbye Gu Minyan

Chapter 145 Goodbye Gu Minyan

Jing Hao frowned: "What's wrong with the mask? Tell me carefully."

The intern gritted his teeth, with a look of resentment on his face, pointed at the mask that had been handed to Jing Hao with his finger, and motioned for him to open it to have a look.

Jing Hao straightened the wrinkled mask with his hands little by little, looked carefully, and found that the tie on the top of the mask was broken.

The intern continued: "The manufacturer of this mask does not know how much it paid our hospital leaders. Many of the masks sent recently have quality problems."

Then he pointed to the place where it was broken, and gave Jing Hao a signal: "Many of our masks are head-mounted masks like this. It is very problematic to wear it there, and it will break when wearing it."

"If you don't want to always encounter the broken mask, you can only choose the ear-hung mask, but if you wear it for a long time, your ears will hurt very much."

Jing Hao shook the mask in his hand, and he also remembered that he had encountered such a situation when he was wearing a mask before.But in the past, I really didn't think so much, I just thought that because of fitness, I might be stronger than others, and I didn't take this matter to heart.

With the topic started by the interns, other doctors and interns gradually joined the discussion about masks.

"Isn't it just me who thinks so?"

"Hey, I also encountered a situation where the mask was broken, so it wasn't just mine?"

"Indeed, the masks issued by our hospital are indeed very good."


At this time, Jing Hao also heard other people's discussion about the masks distributed in the department. While thinking about whether he should report this matter to the hospital, he suddenly seemed to have a little inspiration in his heart.

But he didn't think of it for a while, what was the idea, just felt that the idea seemed to be on his lips, but he couldn't come up with it for a while.

However, Jing Hao’s time is very tight, and he will write down today’s medical history on the computer in a while. After thinking for a while, but still can’t come up with this idea, he simply stopped thinking and started to record today’s medical history on the computer. course of disease.

"On September 2015, 9, the routine course record of the xx bed patient:..."

While recording today's course of illness one by one, and writing about Jin's father's illness course in sequence, suddenly, the idea in Jing Hao's mind popped up in his mind.

"Jin Zhiyong is looking for a more reliable job?"

Now the equipment suppliers in the hospital, many large-scale equipment, are friends who have cooperated with each other for many years, and the equipment provided has always been guaranteed.

But in all the departments in the hospital, many people don't like it very much. The only thing that is relatively poor is the masks provided by the hospital.

Because the cost and selling price of masks are not very high, the gross profit here cannot be compared with those large equipment, so the masks made in the hospital are actually scattered in many places. The goods purchased from the supplier.

Although the price is indeed very low, the quality is indeed not very good. Although the masks supplied are relatively safe in terms of safety, it is really difficult to describe the user experience.

"Since no one else is doing very well with this item, will there be some better results if the supply of this item is handled by someone you know well?"

"For example, what about Jin Zhiyong to do it?..."

Jing Hao has always been a very vigorous and decisive person. The first time this idea appeared in his mind, he thought a lot about it.

"First of all, Jin Zhiyong's character is quite trustworthy. Although Jing Hao and Jin Zhiyong are not very familiar with each other, from what we usually see, Jin Zhiyong gets along well with other patients' families, and often gives medical advice to doctors and doctors in the department. Judging from the helpful actions of the nurses, they are quite nice.”

Moreover, Jin Zhiyong is not the kind of person who is very short of money.Because in the previous chat with Taeyeon, Jing Hao and Kim Taeyeon also chatted a little about Jin Zhiyong. And bottom line, still pretty sure.

As far as Kim Taeyeon is concerned, there is a high probability that Jin Zhiyong will not do those things that have no bottom line.

And even so, Jing Hao wasn't very worried.

Jing Hao was going to talk to Gu Minyan about this matter. From the current point of view, this industry is not actually an industry that can earn huge profits, but its advantage lies in its stability.

As long as the quality of the product can pass the test and there are so many hospitals, it will not worry about sales channels.

With this idea in mind, Jing Hao had a solid foundation in his mind, and he was going to talk to Jin Zhiyong about this matter first. If he really had an idea about this matter, then Jing Hao could indeed help.

That night, Jing Hao called Gu Minyan on the phone, and bluntly said that he needed Gu Minyan's help with something.

Gu Minyan, who has always had a good sense of Jing Hao, even asked Jing Hao to come directly to her home to have a meal with her on the phone.

So soon, Jing Hao came to this magnificent and luxurious residence again.

When the sky was just beginning to darken, Jing Hao drove to Gu Minyan's residence for the second time. This time, the same as the previous time, the staff still did not verify Jing Hao's identity, only after seeing his As soon as the license plate number was displayed, the two iron doors full of European manor style were opened.

But this time, he didn't even need the staff's guidance. Jing Hao, who already had experience once, parked the car in the parking lot where he parked last time by himself, and then went directly to the underground elevator. , and sat in the room on the first floor leading to Gu Minyan.

Standing outside the door of Gu Minyan's room, Jing Hao remembered the embarrassing scene when he bumped into Gu Minyan by himself and played games there by accident last time, so this time he became smarter.

He knocked hard on the door several times, then stood outside, waiting for Gu Minyan's call.

There was no response from the room, but Jing Hao still didn't push the door recklessly in, but continued to wait patiently.

After a while, Jing Hao heard the sound of a bunch of high-heeled shoes walking towards the door, and then, the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor was already nearby.

The crimson wooden door in front of him was pulled open from the inside.


As the old saying goes, before you see the person, you hear the voice first.

Before the door was fully opened, a melodious voice, like an oriole, entered Jing Hao's ears. The owner of the voice had a strong sense of intimacy in his words, which made people just hear Such a voice will subconsciously feel very warm.

As soon as the door opened, the two eyes met.

Looking at each other, Jing Hao's eyes are as deep as the night, like a pair of the most transparent black crystal chess pieces, reflected in Gu Minyan's beautiful pupils.

Gu Minyan laughed brightly, then patted Jing Hao's shoulder gently, as if an elder was welcoming his child, and said, "Finally remember to visit your aunt?"

Jing Hao touched his head in embarrassment: "I've been a little busy these days, and I haven't had time to come and see my aunt."

With funny eyes, Gu Minyan looked at Jing Hao's nose without blinking, and her voice kept picking up: "Oh? Isn't it because you broke up with my little girl that you are embarrassed to come to see me?" ?”

Jing Hao, whose little thoughts in his heart were broken by Gu Minyan, felt a little hot on his face, subconsciously touched the tip of his nose with his hand, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Gu Minyan also felt Jing Hao's embarrassment at this time, and after teasing him a little, she turned sideways to get out of the way, signaling Jing Hao to go in quickly.

Jing Hao immediately slipped in as if he had been pardoned, not daring to look at Gu Minyan's half-smile expression.

After Jing Hao entered, Gu Minyan pulled him to the sofa where the two of them talked face to face last time, pulled Jing Hao, and let Jing Hao sit down on the seat in front of her.

"If you didn't have something to do, you probably wouldn't have come to me on your own initiative."

Gu Minyan lifted her skirt gracefully, crossed her legs on the sofa, leaned over and sat down opposite Jing Hao.

The tip of Gu Minyan's upturned Erlang-legged shoe swayed a few times under Jing Hao's lowered head, and the bright red sole and the deep black paint on the shoe also shone under the light. Heart-pounding luster.

"Tell me, come here this time, what is the matter with me?"

Seeing that Gu Minyan was not too polite and just entered the topic like this, Jing Hao didn't hide it, looked at Gu Minyan seriously, and explained in detail the purpose of his visit this time.

"Auntie, I want to discuss with you about some medical supplies."

"Oh? Come and see?"

Jing Hao took out a mask from his pocket, put it in his palm, and stretched it out in front of Gu Minyan.

Gu Minyan stretched out her slender lotus root arms, picked up the mask from Jing Hao's palm with one hand, put it under her eyes, and looked at it carefully.

"What you want to talk about is about the mask?"

Gu Minyan is also a smart person, the first time she realized that she was holding a mask, she asked.

"Yes, look at this mask, it was taken from our department."

Holding the mask, Gu Minyan looked carefully, and immediately found the strap on one side of the mask, which seemed to be broken.

"Why is this mask broken?"

"This is what I want to talk to you about when I come here this time."

Gu Minyan threw the mask towards the tea table between the two of them, and then adjusted Erlang's legs, and then put her round buttocks on the sofa in a very comfortable position, sinking comfortably , ready to listen carefully to what Jing Hao wanted to say.

"This mask is one of the miniatures of many masks in our department. Some of the large equipment in our hospital are all purchased from some big brands such as SK or Lotte."

"However, when it comes to many products that are used in daily departments, such as masks, headgear, medical gloves and other items, there are no more cost-effective manufacturers to provide them."

"So our hospitals can only purchase some small manufacturers that have passed the safety standard and the price is not very high."

"And many of these manufacturers, although the products they provide us have passed safety testing, but in actual use, it is easy to have some cases where the lanyards are broken."

Gu Minyan had been listening to Jing Hao's explanation very carefully, and her eyes lit up when she heard this, as if she was very interested in what Jing Hao said.

Jing Hao naturally also noticed Gu Minyan's expression, and continued to talk about many things he felt.

"Maybe, Auntie, you are not our medical staff, so you don't have a good understanding of this aspect, but as a clinician, I still have a deep understanding of this industry."

"To tell you the truth, in my department alone, many doctors are often complaining about the masks we got in our department."

"But because I don't have any particularly good suppliers, I can only complain."

Gu Minyan interrupted Jing Hao's words with her hand, and directly asked a question she was most interested in: "How about the profit of this industry?"

Jing Hao thought about it, and said what he felt: "These things, if you are just going to take a share, then the profit can only be said to be okay, but if you really make up your mind, in this field If you work hard, if you can achieve a monopoly position, it will be different."

"These daily necessities are quite important to us doctors. And, most importantly, I think that Auntie's LG Electronics has never been involved in this industry, and you should also You know how much money you can make in this field.”

"If you directly invest in large-scale equipment, there may indeed be a gap with sk, but if you start with these things that are not so conspicuous, it may not be so."

Gu Minyan didn't answer Jing Hao immediately, but thought carefully first.

Jing Hao definitely wouldn't lie to himself, after all, the relationship between the two is quite delicate.But if Gu Minyan doesn't think about anything, just listen to what Jing Hao said, and just blindly step into a field that LG has never set foot in before, there will be a deep risk in front of him.

After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Minyan still couldn't figure it out, but she was not in a hurry.

"Let's not talk about these things for now. Let Auntie think about it again. After all, directly entering a field that has not been entered before is not a decision that can be made casually."

"Let's eat first."


 Today's Heartbeat Song: Really Really——Winner
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(End of this chapter)

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