nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 146 Learn Chinese!

Chapter 146 Learn Chinese! (two in one)

Gu Minyan picked up the phone, and after sending out the password to the servants to prepare meals, she and Jing Hao chatted casually while waiting for the food to be served.

"How are your parents doing recently?"

Jing Hao thought for a while: "My parents are basically okay, except that my father's blood pressure is a little high, and everything else is fine."

Gu Minyan nodded: "That's okay."

Then he asked Jing Hao again: "Is Chinese easy to learn?"

Jing Hao was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Dou Minyan wanted to express when he suddenly asked Chinese.

Gu Minyan saw Jing Hao's thoughts, she bent forward calmly, moved a little closer to Jing Hao, and said in a low voice: "You and Yun'er will always get married in the future, this transnational love affair , she must learn Chinese!"

"And I will also meet your parents in the future. It's impossible. Find a translator to communicate?"

Jing Hao's pupils widened for a moment, and his mouth was wide open, with an unbelievable look on his face, and he couldn't quite digest the news he got all of a sudden.

Seeing Jing Hao's expression, Gu Minyan felt a little ashamed and angry for a while, she glared at Jing Hao vigorously, and said sharply: "You and our Yuner are both like this, why don't you think about the future of your being together? ? Are you really going to break up with her?"

Gu Minyan was very excited, her eyes widened, and she slapped the coffee table suddenly, with an air of atmosphere.

Hearing the sound in the room, the door was opened soon, and Gu Minyan's butler heard the sound of Gu Minyan slapping the table inside the room, and immediately walked in from the outside.

Without losing his composure, he first glanced at Jing Hao, then at Gu Minyan, then bowed his body, raised his hand and said, "Second Miss, do you need my help?"

Gu Minyan gouged out one Jing Hao vigorously, then waved her hand at the butler without looking back: "It's nothing, you can go out, the food will be ready and brought in later."

The butler bowed a little more, lowered his head and said, "Okay Second Miss, then I will wait outside first." The butler's voice became a little more serious: "If something happens in the house If so, Second Miss, just call me and I'll know."

The butler bowed his body vigorously, and Jing Hao could clearly see a bulge at the waist of the butler's trousers. Looking closely, it seemed to be in the shape of a gun.

All of a sudden, cold sweat broke out all over his body, and his heart was pounding in his chest.

It wasn't until the housekeeper went out that Jing Hao inadvertently wiped the sweat from his forehead, full of fear in his heart.

Of course, Gu Minyan also noticed Jing Hao's movements. She held up the teacup for a while, and said casually: "My housekeeper and guards will always take the guys with them. Don't be afraid. They carry these. It's just to keep me safe."

Gu Minyan took a sip of the tea in her cup, moistened her throat: "After all, we are more popular people on the peninsula, and there will inevitably be some people who are jealous of us. It is still necessary to bring some preparations, you don't have to worry gone."

Afterwards, Gu Minyan slowed down her speaking tone, and patted Jing Hao's shoulder comfortingly: "Did you get scared just now?"

Jing Hao didn't hide anything, and nodded silently at Gu Minyan. The butler's posture just now seemed as if the butler was ready to take out a gun and shoot as soon as Gu Minyan gave an order.

Such a scene was a bit too shocking for a doctor.

Gu Minyan picked up the teapot, slowly poured half a cup into the cup in front of Jing Hao, then picked it up and handed it to Jing Hao: "Drink a cup of tea first, so as not to panic."

Jing Hao took the cup of tea, poured it into his mouth, closed his eyes and felt the reality of the tea flowing down the esophagus gently towards the abdomen, and then he slowly recovered.

"Auntie, you really scared me just now."

After putting down the cup, Jing Hao still looked scared.

"I really felt like walking through the gate of hell just now."

"I was also a little excited just now, but you should understand, after all, Yun'er is my child."

"What's more, I haven't been able to see her face to face for a long time." Mentioning the matter between Lin Yuner and herself, Gu Minyan's tone also unknowingly lowered, and her expression became a little sad. When Fu just gave the password to the butler, he felt so superior.

Jing Hao also sighed slightly in his heart. Although Gu Minyan enjoys resources and material life that are difficult for everyone on the entire peninsula to enjoy, but with his own daughter and his beloved lover like this, The feeling of having to separate abruptly is also a pain that many people can hardly understand.

Youdao is that every family has hard-to-recite scriptures. Although Gu Minyan is a very outstanding and perfect strong woman outside, when she lives alone in this luxurious house, It is inevitable that I will miss the original family of four in my heart.

If he could give up everything he has now in exchange for a chance to be reunited with his daughter and lover, Jing Hao believed that this cold and beautiful woman in front of him would definitely agree without hesitation.

"Actually, recently I have been asking them to prepare Huaguo dishes for me to adapt to your diet in advance."

"I think that the two of you will definitely get married in the future. Anyway, I must go to the wedding between you and my daughter, including your family. I also want to chat with them without any obstacles. .”

"I have been working hard for this wish, no matter what the price will be!"

Speaking of this, Gu Minyan's whole body glowed with a confident aura, and her spirit changed from the lost look just now to the usual confident feeling.

"I want to learn Chinese. If you are free, can you come here a few more times and teach me?"

Gu Minyan stared straight at Jing Hao with expectant eyes, expecting him to say affirmative words.

Jing Hao shook his head first, and then nodded: "I don't usually have much free time, but if I really have time, I will come here to see you more, Auntie."

Seeing Jing Hao shaking his head at the beginning, Gu Minyan nodded subconsciously, then after hearing Jing Hao's follow-up words, she quickly reacted, snorted heavily, and passed an hour proudly. After the meeting, he tilted his head back.

Her subconscious performance seems to be quite cute, which doesn't match her current age and status.

However, it was her subconscious performance that made Jing Hao feel that Gu Minyan really seemed to regard him as someone close to her, as her prospective son-in-law.

The image of Gu Minyan in front of outsiders has always been a cold and somewhat cold woman. When she treats her opponents, she never seems to know what holding back is. Every time she wants to make a move, she will definitely Let the people in front of you feel the despair like the doomsday.

And her resolute and merciless means also made the people of the big families in the entire peninsula deeply fearful of this "crazy woman" who was forced to leave her family.

Even the Li family of Samsung, when they realized that Gu Minyan was about to be unable to hold back and wanted to meet her own daughter, they didn't dare to directly attack Lin Yuner.

In the end, they only punished Jung Soo-yeon, who was on the same team as Lin Yoon-ah, with a punishment that was "neither light nor heavy" to them, as a warning to Gu Min-yeon.

Gu Minyan is a person who advocates separation, is too lazy to touch useless and complicated interpersonal relationships, and has always used thunderous means to overcome things. But this kind of person, once he really agrees with a person, is a person who will devote himself to his heart.

At this time, Jing Hao in front of her has undoubtedly been truly accepted by her "narrow" heart, and she regards her as her prospective son-in-law.

It is actually not very accurate to say that he is a prospective son-in-law. To be precise, the current Jing Hao has been truly regarded by her as a junior whom she likes very much and a person who is very close to her.

And such a person, when treating his close juniors, will protect the calf to an incomprehensible degree.

Gu Minyan felt that this kid was interesting from the bottom of her heart, she liked him, and really liked this young man.

Besides, she still owes this young man a debt, a debt of affection to Jing Hao, because not everyone believes in a stranger who has never met.

And Jing Hao not only believed in Gu Minyan, but also unreservedly accepted the solution proposed by Gu Minyan.

You know, although Jing Hao's approach is a good choice for Lin Yuner and her teammates, it is not a good thing for Jing Hao himself.

It is very possible that he will be separated from Lin Yuner from now on because of this incident, and Lin Yuner will give him a bad impression.

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong~~~" At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and the housekeeper's loud voice came from outside the door: "Second Miss, today's meal is ready."

After Gu Minyan responded to the door, she ordered the butler to bring in the food.

After the butler agreed through the door, he pushed open the door, pushed a dining car with both hands, and walked into the living room.

Gu Minyan stood up from the sofa, and then pulled Jing Hao up again. Just like this, she took Jing Hao's hand, walked in along the living room, and entered a very luxurious home restaurant. .

Because it is Gu Minyan's own residence, the design of the restaurant is relatively small, but the layout is strictly in place, and whether it is the materials used for decoration or those hanging on the walls Art decorations, at a glance, are not ordinary items that can be taken off casually.

Gu Minyan pulled Jing Hao and sat down on the table in the middle of the restaurant.

The butler followed the two of them familiarly, slowly pushing the dining car forward along the way, and followed them to the dining table.

The butler opened the sealed dining car, carefully took out several dishes from inside, brought them to the table one by one, and then took out a few delicate dishes from a cabinet in front of the table, and put them on the table. In front of Hao and Gu Minyan.

After the butler prepared everything, Gu Minyan picked up the chopsticks, pointed to the dishes on the table, and said to Jing Hao with a smile, "How about you try these dishes?"

Then he used chopsticks to pick up a piece of pork ribs on top of a dish that looked like sweet and sour pork ribs, and handed it to Jing Hao's bowl.

Jing Hao didn't make any further concessions, and smiled politely at Gu Minyan, then stuffed the rib into his mouth, feeling it.

As soon as he bit the meat on the spare ribs, Jing Hao's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help nodding his head. With his left hand on the dining table, he gave a big thumbs up to Gu Minyan who was opposite him: " It’s delicious! Auntie, where did you find the chef? It’s really good!”

Gu Minyan smiled slightly, with an expression like showing off, and proudly said to Jing Hao: "This is made by a well-known chef I found from Huaguo at a high price. The food must be delicious."

Jing Hao also nodded in agreement: "You can feel it just from the sweet and sour pork ribs. The Chinese restaurants on the peninsula usually put tomato sauce directly to make the sweet and sour taste. You can taste it for a while. I can eat it."

After speaking, Jing Hao stuffed another piece of ribs into his mouth, closed his eyes to feel the taste in his mouth, and kept saying, "But this one is very different, it's obviously very authentic. Sweet and sour, and the heat of the pork ribs is really just right!"

"Is it delicious?"

Jing Hao kept nodding his head.

Gu Minyan smiled and became even happier. She put down her chopsticks and picked up a tissue from the dining table. When Jing Hao just gnawed on the ribs, she carefully wiped the sauce on her mouth. Seriously. Said: "If it's delicious, eat more. In the future, if you want to eat some food from your hometown, you can come to Auntie's place anytime!"

"Auntie here, no matter what time it is, you are always welcome!"

Jing Hao was really touched at this time, his eyes couldn't help but get wet, he didn't say anything, just nodded heavily, and responded vigorously: "En!"

To be honest, since he came to the peninsula, Jing Hao really hasn't tasted authentic Chinese cuisine for a long time, and he didn't even have an authentic mapo tofu during the few years he lived here. I have tasted it here, all the Chinese restaurants he was late to have tasted improved, and even the chefs in the restaurant have never really studied in Huaguo, but just found some recipes on the Internet to learn. .

Although Jing Hao didn't say anything else, in his heart, he had already kept everything in mind.

"Try this again. This is my chef. The blood sausage I learned from your Northeast side. Try it and see if it is similar to your home?"


"Really delicious!"

"Try this again..."

. . . . . .

For a moment, Gu Minyan's restaurant became warmer than ever before. . .

 Today's recommended song: When we were young (begin again Season [-] Berlin roadshow live) - Taeyeon

  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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