nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 147 Preliminary Discussion

Chapter 147 Preliminary Discussion (Two in One)

While the two of them were eating, probably because Jing Hao came to visit her today, Gu Minyan had a rare drink. Jing Hao also had a drink with Gu Minyan, who was in high spirits, because he couldn't avoid it. Some.

While drinking, Gu Minyan suddenly laughed.Then he smiled and laughed, tears streaming down his face. After a while, he stopped laughing, and then murmured meaningfully in a low voice:
"Sure enough, am I too lonely?"

Seeing this, many wolf friends who are reading this book suddenly feel uplifted, looking forward to a scene of Hao and Gu Minyan's story?

However, it should disappoint you, after all, this book is a single heroine. o(〃'▽'〃)o
Although Gu Minyan's words were a bit misleading, the two people present all knew the meaning of Gu Minyan's words.

It has been more than twenty years since Gu Minyan left her husband and a pair of daughters. For such a long time, if she hadn't been secretly paying attention to her daughters, maybe in her memory now, for Lin Yuner's appearance was about to become vague.

The long-term lack of getting along with her daughter made her proud heart inevitably become sad. Every year, on the festivals of family reunion, when other parents gather with their children, Gu Minyan spends it all by herself.

Especially in the first few years, Gu Minyan would experience a torment like a knife in her heart every time. It was not until time passed that she gradually adapted to this kind of life.

But all of this is different after Jing Hao's arrival.

She can confide to Jing Hao what is in her heart and the deep love she has for her child without any taboo.

Although there is still a relationship between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law between the two, it is not just the mother-in-law and the son-in-law between the two.

Gu Minyan really regards Jing Hao as her own child, and also a child that she can rely on with peace of mind when things go wrong.

For so many years, there have been countless young juniors who deliberately got close to Gu Minyan because of her identity and ability, but Jing Hao was really the only child who could really enter her heart and be recognized by her.

Although there is part of the reason why Jing Hao and Lim Yoona are in love, Jing Hao is not like other people, who has the attitude of changing his appearance in front of Gu Minyan because of his identity and the wealth she possesses.

She could really feel that Jing Hao didn't really value those wealth very much. In front of Jing Hao, she had always been the mother of his girlfriend whom he respected.

In fact, this beautiful middle-aged woman with many scars has a clear view of this terrible world. After so many years of being alone, she has unconsciously formed a sense of loneliness and independence.

As long as she treats with a little sincerity, she will give her greatest sincerity.

"Speaking of which, when you came to me today, you probably didn't just want to talk to me about our LG's involvement in medical supplies, right?" Gu Minyan suddenly mentioned what Jing Hao had told her before.

"Hmm." Jing Hao nodded, and didn't shy away from it, after all, he came here this time to talk about it.

"Then tell me, I want to hear, what exactly is it?" Gu Minyan put down her wine glass, leaned back, unknowingly corrected her posture, and inadvertently returned to the appearance of that strong woman .

"Then I have something to say."

"I want to recommend a candidate to Auntie."

"Huh?" Gu Minyan glanced at Jing Hao.

"Yeah, I'd like to get a guy to do it."

"Who is that person you're talking about?" Gu Minyan crossed her arms and looked at Jing Hao curiously.

"Jin Zhiyong."

"Jin Zhiyong...? Who is he?"

It is inevitable that Gu Minyan will be surprised when hearing this name, because although Jin Zhiyong is Taeyeon's older brother, he is actually only a little famous among Girls' Generation fans. Although Gu Minyan is very concerned about her daughter's group, But certainly not too much understanding of people outside of their group.

And just hearing this name, it is difficult to directly imagine the family group of Girls' Generation.

"He's Kim Taeyeon's brother, that is, the real brother of the captain of Yoona's group."

"Is there anything outstanding about this person?" Gu Minyan asked.

"No, but my senses tell me he's a good fit for the job."

Gu Minyan glanced at Jing Hao with a half-smile, her white and tender lotus root arms were placed on the table, and her white and jade-like green onion fingers were tapping rhythmically on the table.

"Don't tell me that you have a crush on her own sister."

Suddenly, Gu Minyan uttered a sentence that caught Jing Hao off guard.

"Cough cough...cough..." Jing Hao suddenly choked on his own saliva, and then looked at Gu Minyan who was smiling at him with complicated eyes.

"It's hard to would make such a joke..." Jing Hao groaned for a long time before uttering these words.

"Actually, women also hold grudges, no matter how old they are." Gu Minyan snorted softly, and there was a little girlish playfulness in her tone.

Jing Hao immediately thought of the scene when Gu Minyan was caught playing a game console the last time he came here.

"You... really are... a bit surprising to me..."

"So, you really like that person?"

"Yes." Jing Hao nodded emphatically, "Although I don't have very deep contact with him, when I think about it, I really feel that he is very suitable.",

Jing Hao didn't say this casually, he had really imagined it before coming here.

It's not that he doesn't believe that LG has business geniuses, and it's not that he doesn't like Gu Minyan's vision, it's just that people from the LG Group have nothing to do with this industry because of medical supplies.

Although he can talk to Gu Minyan, it doesn't mean that the person Gu Minyan appoints can listen to him, a little doctor.

But Jin Zhiyong's words are different.It can be seen that Jin Zhiyong really wants to do a more promising job, and now Jin Zhiyong really trusts Jing Hao.

Although Jin Zhiyong has experienced many jobs in various industries before, he has never achieved outstanding results.

But it was precisely his rich work experience that made Jing Hao value him so much.

A person who has experienced the baptism of countless industries must have much more experience than others.

In particular, this person has worked in many service industries before, so if such a person is given such an opportunity, it will be difficult to put on airs. If he can find some experienced employees, then Coupled with Jing Hao's evaluation of the use of his products, maybe he can really do a good job.

Of course, the above are just things that Jing Hao has thought about, and he hasn't talked to anyone yet.

But just when he was about to explain to Gu Minyan why he was optimistic about Jin Zhiyong, Gu Minyan waved her hand directly, interrupting what Jing Hao wanted to say.

"Since you are optimistic about him, then I am optimistic about him."

"I don't trust anyone else, but I absolutely trust you."

"So, just do what you want." Gu Minyan quickly made a decision, and then quickly shouted to the door.

"Jae Hyun!"

The butler came in again, ran all the way to the restaurant, and bowed again in front of Gu Minyan: "Second Miss, do you have any orders?"

Gu Minyan pointed to Jing Hao and showed it to the housekeeper: "Just let him talk to you later, what he said is what I mean, and you just do it."

The butler was visibly stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it, and confirmed with Gu Minyan again: "Does everything depend on this person?"

"It's all up to him to decide. You can just follow what he says. I will give him the greatest authority."

The housekeeper nodded: "Jaexian understands."

Then the butler turned slightly towards Jing Hao, looked at Jing Hao's facial features carefully, and bowed to him in the same way: "Master Jing Hao, you can just contact me directly later." .”

Gu Minyan smiled slightly: "That's a good name, I can just call him Master Jinghao like this from now on, he is someone I value very much."

"My subordinate understands."

Then the butler bowed to Gu Minyan again, turned around and bowed to Jing Hao again: "Then if there's nothing else, I'll go down first."


. . . . . .

After Jing Hao got home that night, he immediately called Jin Zhiyong.

"Brother Zhiyong."

"Ah, Jing Haoxi?"

"I'll talk to you about the specifics tomorrow. If I call you now, I'm talking to you. You should pay more attention to the industry standards related to medical supplies. I'll talk to you in detail when I arrive at the unit tomorrow." Say."

Although Jin Zhiyong was puzzled by Jing Hao's meaning, he still agreed: "Okay, anyway, my father has nothing to do now, I will take a look at this in a while."

"By the way, there is one more thing to inform you."

"You said."

"I've almost found your job for you."

"Really!" Jin Zhiyong's voice suddenly became louder. Even through the phone, he could feel how excited he was now.

"Yes, and it should be considered a pretty good job."

"Really? Thank you Jing Haoxi so much! Don't worry, I will work hard and I will not let you down!"

"I believe you can do it."

"Thank you so much!"

"See you tomorrow then."

"Okay, okay, see you tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Jin Zhiyong fell into a state of excitement, his whole body was a little high.

It's not to blame for his appearance. When he first approached Jing Hao and said that he wanted Jing Hao to find a job for him, he was actually a little uncertain.

But he still had nothing to do, although he didn't know if Jing Hao would feel embarrassed because of his hasty request, but the best candidate he could think of so far was Jing Hao alone.

Those friends I have known in the past, Jin Zhiyong asked himself, if you ask them to drink and eat, there is no problem, but if you really need them to help you find a reliable job, those people really don’t have that ability .

It's not that I look down on them, it's just that they are all my friends, and their abilities are indeed limited. Jin Zhiyong is still very clear about this.

"Dingling, ringing, ringing~~~~jingling, jingling~~~"

Just after hanging up the phone call with Jin Zhiyong, Jing Hao's cell phone rang again impatiently.

After Jing Hao finished making the phone call, he went to the toilet and let out all the wine that he drank at Gu Minyan's house, which filled his bladder and bladder.

Just after flushing the water and returning to his bedroom after washing his hands, Jing Hao heard the phone ring.

"Who is calling so late?" It's not surprising that Jing Hao thought too much. Recently, because of his sudden explosion, he has received countless calls from his former friends or various classmates.

During this period of time, Jing Hao has even been harassed by this group of people, to the point where he can't bear to be harassed. He already has the idea of ​​turning on the Do Not Disturb mode all day long.

It was only because of my status as a doctor that when I was resting at home, I was afraid that the hospital would suddenly call me to notify me of a patient's emergency, so I dispelled this idea.

"Let me see who is calling again..." With such thoughts in mind, Jing Hao frowned, and stretched out his hand to his mobile phone, which was placed in front of the desk, which was constantly vibrating.

Jing Hao picked up the phone and glanced at the caller ID. Suddenly, his fair face became tense, his pupils shrank sharply, and all the thoughts in his mind disappeared in an instant, leaving only a blank space.

"is her!"

Jing Hao's heart was full of unbelievable thoughts.

The caller was the one who hadn't communicated with him for more than half a month, Lin Yun'er!
"Hello?" Jing Hao answered the phone and said in a low tone.

"Huh? What's the matter with your tone? Are you very unhappy when you received my call?" On the other side of the phone, Lin Yuner heard Jing Hao's resentful tone immediately after the call was connected. Initiated the long-lost girlish temper towards him, staining her beautiful and pure appearance with a faint murderous intent, like sugar sprinkled on a bleeding wound, sweet and stinging.

"Eh..." Jing Hao didn't expect Lin Yuner to behave like this, and he was a little surprised.

But Lin Yun'er on the other end of the phone seemed to have seen Jing Hao's appearance at this time.

When she heard the "forehead" all over her body, those clear and translucent eyes like a deer suddenly changed from a murderous look to a shy smile, and a certain kind of sharpness appeared and disappeared in the beauty. .

"You and that 'Cheng Cailing', where are you now!"

Although separated by the phone, Jing Hao could already imagine the hidden dissatisfaction in Lin Yuner's pretendingly calm tone.

"None of your business."

"Can you say that again?"

 It has been modified, you can refresh and read everyone~~~
(End of this chapter)

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