nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 148 If you dare to break up, I will kill you!

Chapter 148 If you dare to break up, I will kill you! (two in one)

Jing Hao was choked for a moment, but he still said something calmly, which almost made Lin Yuner who was opposite him jump up from the ground in anger.

"Didn't we break up already?"

When Lin Yuner heard Jing Hao's sentence "Didn't we break up already?", just about to say "What are you talking about?" Hao had the urge to kill him, but he suppressed it abruptly.

"I want to be calm, I need to be calm." Lin Yuner admonished herself silently in her heart, and finally held back the thought of swearing.

"Then how far have you and your current girlfriend developed?" Lin Yuner changed her title and asked again in a different way.

"Uh...girlfriend." Jing Hao hasn't chatted with Lin Yun'er for a long time, so he became interested in it for a while, so he changed to a comfortable sitting position on the stool, and then changed the phone's call mode to "hands-free mode." ", placed on the table.

After thinking for a while, he added: "Although it is only a girlfriend in the sense of gossip, the official name is indeed a girlfriend now."

Jing Hao suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the phone. The sound was like the sound of a bamboo rat grinding its teeth on TV.

"Then in your eyes, what is the relationship between me and you?" Lin Yun'er seemed a little unconvinced, and quickly asked another sentence.


The voice on the phone got a little louder.

Lin Yuner touched the bag next to her, hooked the chain from her shoulder, and stroked it down, thought for a while and asked unwillingly: "So?"


Jing Hao couldn't answer, so what?
Lin Yuner swears that she is definitely not looking for reasons to be angry at this time, the kind of stupid things that she finds trouble for herself and then gets angry and uncomfortable is not her style.

"I broke up with you like this?"

"Well... it's possible to break up. Maybe when we first got together, we didn't think too much about it. It was just a hormonal impulse, but after we got together, we found it wasn't suitable, and then we broke up... This is love, and it's still a long way from marriage. "

Jing Hao casually picked up a pen from the desk, twirled it casually in his hand, and explained to her solemnly: "Love itself is an act of trial and error. If you feel it's not suitable, break up as soon as possible. Don't delay anyone, otherwise If you get married without enough understanding, the rest of your life will be over——I will live with someone I don’t like in the future, just thinking about it makes me a little desperate.”

Lin Yuner suddenly became anxious.

"What do you mean?" The moment the question was raised, Lin Yuner's expression turned cold.

After knowing it, I regret saying it.

"You said 'living with someone you don't like', who exactly said that?"

Jing Hao was choked again.

"Well, I admit, even now, I still like you."

After Lin Yun'er heard that he confessed, she suddenly became in a good mood, the corners of her mouth could not help but smile slightly.

"He still likes me!" Lin Yun'er nodded secretly, affirming her thoughts.

"Then why do you say that on purpose? Just to annoy me?"

Although Lin Yun'er was much happier, she still felt a little angry because of what Jing Hao said just now, so she continued to ask this question again.


Jing Hao didn't hide it either, and answered very straightforwardly.

"To be honest, you suddenly asked me to announce your breakup before, which really made me feel very angry. Although I can understand your thoughts, I am still very angry."

Jing Hao said it calmly, and explained why he was so angry with Lin Yuner.

"The two of us, it doesn't matter if we break up?" Lin Yun'er remembered the purpose of her call tonight, and she still threw out this sentence that she cared about the most.

"Of course, what does it matter if we broke up?"

Hearing Jing Hao's words, Lin Yun'er was inexplicably a little irritable. Judging from his tone, it seemed that breaking up was a very normal and common thing.

If two people break up, there will be no relationship in the future, and they will not meet or contact each other...

Then I have nowhere to find a reason to cry!

So what's the difference between this and the two people who have never met before?
Oh no, it seems to be more uncomfortable than this, he will be nice to another girl, kiss another girl, and another girl...

Through the light of the desk lamp in the bedroom, the night outside has already fallen, and the night wind blows slowly along the open window from the outside. Jing Hao suddenly felt a little cold, and tightened his thin pajamas, but he still felt cold. A touch of coolness.

"Do you really think so?"

"This is a very subjective thing, and it's hard for me to explain it to you, but if it's based on other normal couple relationships, most of them should be like this."

Lin Yuner was a little annoyed, she returned the call interface to the background, and opened the answer that she searched on Naver before this call.

"When your boyfriend is angry, and the two of you are in different places, what can you do to restore the relationship?"

Lin Yun'er didn't answer, she found that the answer on naver lied to her, or gave her wrong answer.

This made her feel very irritated. It turns out that the two of them will not always be together, and it may not matter in the future...

Thinking of this, Lin Yun'er became even more irritable, the palm of her hand holding the phone was a little bit harder, and the fingertips pinched on both sides of the phone turned a little bit white due to excessive force.

"But we should be different."

When Lin Yuner was brainstorming, such a sentence suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"What do you mean?"

"Although I can't guarantee what I will be like in the future, at least at this point in time, I still love you."

"Although you took the initiative to break up with me, I still feel that I can't live without you."

Through the bright light on the screen on the other side of the phone, Lin Yuner's mouth opened wide into the shape of a big letter "O". She tightly covered her mouth with her hands, not letting herself cry out suddenly because of excessive excitement. .

Visible to the naked eye, Lin Yuner's cheeks turned red.

Her tone became softer unconsciously.

"Since when have you been so good at talking..."

It's no wonder that Lin Yun'er's reaction was so strong at this time. You must know that during the time when the two of them were together, Jing Hao would never, like the men in other couples, say something that made the woman want to refuse or welcome. Shy love story.

In addition, Lin Yun'er is also in love for the first time, and she has never seen those fancy thoughts in their hearts like other men.

So Lin Yun'er's reaction was really a bit big. In order not to let Jing Hao hear something from the phone, he could only cover himself with one hand, fundamentally shielding those who might be excitedly shouting out due to excessive excitement. possible.

But suddenly, Lin Yun'er thought of something again. . . .

Lin Yuner never thought about what it would be like if she was with other people in the future, and she didn't think that she would think about hugging or kissing others, it would be disgusting to think about it, but Jing Hao...

From the words coming out of the phone now, I immediately feel that this guy seems very skilled.

In case he felt that something was inappropriate... Lin Yuner narrowed her eyes when she thought of this, her expression changed several times again.

"I knew your thoughts from the very beginning, and I knew that you would not think about breaking up, so I had already thought about the consequences before that day."

When they were together, although Lin Yuner didn't show much, but since she and Jing Hao were together in private, when they were fighting each other, Lin Yuner would occasionally punch Jing Hao impulsively because of being too excited.

Although if you really felt it, it would be more of a fist waving because of shyness, but as we all know, Lin Yuner has the title of "Lin Dali", and her strength is a bit exaggerated compared with other friends in the team. In other words, it can be said to be "natural power".

Sometimes Jing Hao still thought evilly about the possibility, could it be that Lin Yuner's thickness was exchanged for the strength of her old fist?
Sometimes Jing Hao really felt that the strength in her hands was stronger than the curvature of her chest.

Jing Hao sighed, "Either live together as a partner, or be beaten to death by you, I have figured it out a long time ago, you only have widowed spouse, there is no such thing as divorce or breakup."

Especially in addition, when she was angry, she would punch Jing Hao a few times, and Jing Hao could be in charge of the person's guess.

In Lin Yuner's subconscious, there is definitely such a slight, violent element. . .

"I'm not what you think!" Jing Hao's words just now sounded a little too exaggerated to Lin Yuner, which directly aroused her dissatisfaction.

"How can I be as scary as you say?"

"Honestly, when we were together, how many old punches did you give me?"

"Uh..." Lin Yun'er was speechless.

If she really separated from Lin Yun'er, it would not be surprising that she would do anything in a rage.What's more, I have a mother-in-law with arms reaching the sky, if she really dares to abandon Lin Yun'er all the time, don't look at Gu Minyan who loves her so much.

If Gu Minyan gets angry, she might really throw Jing Hao into the sea!
He can see clearly that this is the price of liking.

If you don't really like it, who would... Cough cough.

"Is that so?" Lin Yun'er suddenly became less irritable.

"Of course."

. . . . .

Both sides of the phone, each other, seemed to have a tacit understanding, and suddenly at the same time, they all fell into a silence.

Only the sound of two people breathing into each other rang on the receiver of the phone.

"Actually, after I came here alone, I figured out a problem."

Lin Yun'er said this sentence suddenly.

"Huh?" Jing Hao was a little puzzled.

"A problem I hadn't noticed before."

"You said."

Lin Yun'er spoke at full speed, and stuck to the microphone of the phone, she said word by word, very seriously: "I have never thought about it before, why can you find one so quickly, in terms of appearance, in terms of appearance? In terms of temperament, except for my facial features, it is almost the same as me, such a substitute?"

"Come to cover up the things between us for the two of us?"

Jing Hao fell silent.

Lin Yun'er didn't stop, but continued to analyze Jing Hao about this matter.

"To be able to do such a thing, you must be in your hands. You have an energy that I can't imagine, and it's even more powerful than our company."

Jing Hao was noncommittal and continued to remain silent.

When Lin Yuner said this, she paused for a moment, wanting to see Jing Hao's reaction, but seeing that he still didn't say anything, Lin Yuner was not discouraged, but continued like this: "Although I'm with you It's not a long time, but I know that your parents, your family, are ordinary working-class people."

"At your family level, you can't do things of this level."

"So, I can basically be sure that you must have some kind of connection with some people with great energy."

Finally, Jing Hao didn't continue to keep silent, but he didn't say much, he simply affirmed Lin Yuner's guess: "Yes."

"When I asked you, you refused to say anything, just told me that the matter has been resolved."

"But what I really want to hear is not such words! Jing Hao!"

Lin Yun'er was very emotional at this time, and two tears flowed down her face inevitably, but she still tried her best to control her emotions when she spoke: "Although I don't know much, and I know it too late, but What I can guess now is that you must have paid a price to do such a thing."

Lin Yun'er's voice was trembling slightly because of being too excited, but even so, she still insisted on saying: "I hope you can tell me what you paid for."

"Emotions are mutual things. I don't want to see you agree to something that will make you feel embarrassed because of me."

Hearing Lin Yun'er's voice, Jing Hao felt a warm current in his heart. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he said to the other side: "Although I can't tell you the ins and outs of the whole thing right now, but you don't have to worry about it." , I have not received any coercion or embarrassment."

"Things are still different from what you imagined."

For some reason, after hearing the news from Jing Hao's steady voice, Lin Yuner firmly believed what he said.

But her voice was still a little trembling, it could be seen that Lin Yuner was really excited just now.

On the other side of the phone, Lin Yuner sniffled, "You are not a good person." Lin Yuner said quietly.

"Well, I don't deny it."


When the two heard each other's words, they laughed again at the same time.

Smiling, Lin Yuner restrained her smile, wiped her mouth with a serious expression, raised her fist and made two crisp clicks.

"Well, I forgive you for what happened before, but if you dare to break up with me."

"I'm really going to kill you!"

"When I go back, after you chase me back!"

 Today's favorite song: puss——jimin, Iron
  Later, I will slowly return to the candy of the two people. At first, I wanted to write more ruthlessly, but several friends who read this book told me not to be too cruel, so I took it lightly.

  Then there should be some activities at the end of the month, let’s see what Brother Heizi plans to open. There is still [-] operating funds left this month, and there should be rewards or subscriptions. Everyone can just watch it when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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