nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 149 This time, you will chase me!

Chapter 149 This time, you will chase me! (two in one)

"After chasing you back?" Jing Hao whispered what Lin Yun'er said just now, with a slightly puzzled tone.

"Yes." Lin Yuner said without thinking.

"Although I know it now, you probably have some reasons why you can't tell me, so you kept it secret."

"But this doesn't mean that I will forgive you now!" Lin Yuner said seriously.

"Especially, last time I took the initiative to find you, so this time, it's up to you to chase me again!" Lin Yuner muttered.

Jing Hao felt a little funny, so she was still brooding over the fact that she confessed to her that time?It's really like a little girl who hasn't grown up, and her waywardness makes people feel a little funny.

However, don't you just like her like this, so you will unknowingly rely on your own feelings like this?

Thinking of this, Jing Hao said decisively: "Okay, I accept it!"

Lin Yun'er was thinking wildly by herself just now, isn't it too much for her?Will he be angry because of himself?After getting angry, will you ignore yourself again?
It wasn't until she heard that this body was "good", that Lin Yun'er stopped her wild thoughts, and said crisply: "You don't allow cheating!"

Jing Hao suppressed a smile: "What else?"

"Or...or I won't talk to you for a year!"

"Is it so long? That's really a long time."

"Then... that's one month!"

"it is good."

"You play the video for me first, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you a little..."

Lin Yun'er said in a pretty way, with a vaguely embarrassing tone in her tone.


Jing Hao's expression suddenly became a little indescribable.

Lin Yun'er didn't hear Jing Hao's voice of hanging up the phone, so she waited patiently for several seconds of silence on Jing Hao's side, and took a special look at the phone, and said suspiciously: "Why are you standing there again? Hurry up and send me a video!"

Jing Hao held back for a second, and said in a low tone, "I'll hit you with a hammer! Did you forget that you blocked me?"

"Uh, is that so?" Lin Yuner was taken aback for a moment, switched the call page to the background, opened the KAKAO interface, and looked at it, and she did not know when she had already pulled this person into her blacklist.

Lin Yun'er rubbed her head in embarrassment, and said to the other side: "Um... I forgot, I'll pull you back right now."

With that said, Lin Yun'er was on the phone and started her own operation.

She pulled Jing Hao out of the blacklist, and then sent Jing Hao a friend request, waiting for his approval.

But after sending it, there was no response for a long time, so she was taken aback: "Oh? Why haven't you responded for so long, haven't you received my friend request?"

Jing Hao just heard Lin Yun'er send him a friend request on the phone, but he opened the kakao page, but he didn't receive any notification.

"I haven't received any news?"

"Eh? Strange? Is there something wrong with kakao's system?" Lin Yun'er rubbed her head. Rao, it was kakao that she had used for a long time, but it was the first time she encountered such a thing. Can't figure it out.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuner confirmed her guess even more, so she hurriedly shouted to the mobile phone that was still on the phone: "You wait, I'll go online to see what the problem is, there should be some bug."


She decisively switched back to the browser interface, and entered in the search box on Naver: "After unblocking the old friends, and then adding them back as friends, what should I do if the other party can't receive the message?"

As soon as she sent out this message, she saw that under the search engine, there were also people asking such questions like herself.

So she quickly clicked on the link curiously, and the first answer she saw was: "Go back to the original poster, let me ask weakly, did the other party also block you?"

Lin Yuner swiped down and found that the host who asked the question also sent a reply below.

"Thank you, thank you! I just went to find my friend and found out that this person really blocked me! After I beat him up, he threw me out of the blacklist, and then I was able to receive messages. "

Immediately, Lin Yun'er couldn't help clenching her fists tightly, with the urge to hit someone.

Several black lines appeared on her forehead, and she said to the phone speechlessly, "Hello? Can you still hear me?"

"I'm here."

"Did you block me too?"

There was silence on the phone for several seconds, and then a sentence came: "It seems to be..."

Lin Yun'er's fists clenched even tighter, and the desire to hit someone in her heart became even stronger.

Jing Hao quickly found Lin Yun'er from the blacklist, who was also blocked by him, and immediately pulled him out of the blacklist, and then received a friend request from Lin Yuner.

Jing Hao quickly clicked the agree button, then thought for a while on the remark page that appeared, and then wrote "Boxing King Lin Linlin".

Coincidentally, when Lin Yuner was making notes, she also wrote down a name called "criminal suspect Jing Hanhan" as if she had a tacit understanding.

After adding each other as friends, the two hung up the call they were on, and then turned on the video call on kakao.

"The video call has been connected."

As this line of words popped up on the screen, the two people on both sides of the phone saw each other.

What Jing Hao saw was a slender waist, slender cartilage, and a pure black high-waisted hip-wrapping skirt.

At this moment, it is fading at the knees, and the long white and straight legs add a touch of bright color to the girl's youthful and charming temperament.

Jing Hao's eyes couldn't help but look straight like this.

When Lin Yuner first connected to the video, when she saw Jing Hao, whom she had missed for a long time, finally appear in front of her, she was stunned for a moment visible to the naked eye.

At the same time when her eye circles were turning red, she immediately saw Jing Hao's dull eyes, and reflexively lowered her head to look at her attire.

When she raised her head again and saw someone's shameless face who was still staring at her, Lin Yun'er, who was a little bit ashamed and angry for a moment, gritted her teeth resentfully, then narrowed her eyes, looked up, and smiled quietly.

Delicate and cute, she called softly: "Ouba."

When the two were in love before, Lin Yuner herself was two years older than Jing Hao, and Lin Yuner and Jing Hao fell in love suddenly, so I was a little awkward when calling this name in front of Jing Hao.

So Lin Yun'er never called out this title in front of Jing Hao.

Although Jing Hao asked many times in private, he wanted to hear Lin Yuner's request to call himself "Ouba", but Lin Yuner never agreed.

Hearing this name suddenly at this time, Jing Hao's body suddenly felt a little crispy, and his whole body felt a little ecstatic.

"Ah, so comfortable." Jing Hao thought silently.


"Is it white and thin, do you want to touch it?"

"Want to touch... um?!"

Lin Yuner immediately tilted the angle of the phone upwards, so as not to let this "sex, wolf" see her lower body.

Jing Hao immediately sighed in disappointment, looking a little disappointed.

Lin Yun'er looked at Jing Hao's slightly regretful expression with a funny face, feeling angry and wanting to laugh in her heart.

This silly man, when he was with me, he had never seen him greedy for his beauty like this. After a while, his whole person has become like this?
"By the way, I'm looking for you this time, and I have one more thing to tell you."

Lin Yuner suddenly remembered that in the past few days, her manager told herself that the company wanted her to learn Chinese.

"Go ahead." Seeing that Lin Yun'er seemed to have something serious to say, Jing Hao immediately regained his composure and sat up solemnly.

"Emmm, that's... I want to learn Chinese."

Jing Hao was shocked suddenly.

You know, tonight, he just came back from Gu Minyan's side!

Just now, Gu Minyan was going to ask him about how to learn Chinese, but tonight, Lin Yuner actually found her, and wanted to learn Chinese with her!
Jing Hao m, m, p silently in his heart: "Can I be worthy of being my own mother and daughter?"

The mother wants to learn Chinese for her daughter to get married in the future, and then after a few hours, the daughter also said that she wants to learn Chinese?

If it wasn't for knowing that Gu Minyan was still hiding the news from Lin Yuner until now, and Lin Yuner didn't know about the existence of her own mother, Jing Hao would definitely think about whether these two people suddenly colluded together today Talk to yourself about this?

Seeing Jing Hao, who was videoing with her, with an absent-minded expression, obviously slipping away, Lin Yuner hurriedly interrupted Jing Hao, who was wandering in the sky, and said urgently, "Are you willing to teach me?"

Just as Jing Hao thought of this, Lin Yuner brought him back to his senses. He looked at Lin Yuner across the screen in a daze, and suddenly laughed: "Okay, I'll teach you when you come back!"

Lin Yun'er smiled sweetly, stretched out two fingers in time, put them on her cheeks, and bent them playfully.

"Hello, Teacher Jinghao~~~"

Hearing the title "Teacher Jing Hao", Jing Hao immediately thought of the two people, the day they first met.

"Excuse me, what's your name?"

"Lin Yuner Yi Mi Da"

"Nice to meet you, Actor Lin."

"my pleasure."

. . . . .

The scenes at that time flickered in front of his eyes, Jing Hao's expression softened, he sank his thoughts warmly, looked at Lin Yuner, his eyes were full of tenderness, and said emotionally: "I'll wait for you to go home."

Lin Yun'er was startled, and then laughed too. She looked straight into Jing Hao's eyes, those narrow and beautiful eyes narrowed subconsciously, and subconsciously raised the corners of her mouth together with him.


Nodding lightly.

At this moment, Lin Yun'er was standing on the beach where she and Jin Zhiyuan stopped.

Her long golden hair was blown by the passing sea breeze.

The girl's face was blown very comfortably and comfortably by the very gentle and gentle wind. Opposite the screen of the mobile phone she was holding, there was a person who was thinking about it day and night, and her face was flushed.

I don't know if it's shyness or something.

He tilted his head and dared not look at him.

After a long time, he let out a breath slowly, looked at the screen with breathtakingly beautiful eyes, and said emotionally: "I miss you, Jing Hao."

"I miss you too."

. . . . .

Lin Yuner held the mobile phone, walked slowly on the beach, walked back and forth, picked up the screen while walking, and showed Jing Hao, who was far away on the peninsula, the scenery of the place where she was.

She suddenly remembered an interesting thing.

"By the way, you are now a little celebrity with a lot of fans. Have you ever thought about recording some of your own videos for your fans online?"

"Record video?"

Jing Hao was taken aback, he had never thought of such an idea.

"That's right, especially the ins you posted that day, and the platform called 'Sina Weibo' in your country, the day you posted your message, didn't you already register an account? And there is A lot of people are following you."

Jing Hao thought for a while, it seemed that since the message he sent that night, it seemed that he really hadn't taken care of his two accounts.

In other words, I have never been too aware that I seem to be a person with self-contained traffic, but I just feel that every morning, on the way to the hospital, I greet myself and want to contact me. The number of girls in the method has increased again.

"If it's like you said, I really haven't sent any news." Jing Hao didn't hide it from Lin Yuner either. He really forgot to post some follow-up messages on those two accounts. After the evening, I left the account there.

"Why don't you shoot a few videos and post them? Although not all of those people like you, there are still quite a few of them. They are all your fans. You still need to interact with them more."

Jing Hao thought for a while, and it seems that he is not just posting videos casually now.

"Why don't you record a few videos of you singing and post them?"

Lin Yun'er remembered that Jing Hao's singing is not bad, although it is not comparable to professional singers, but among ordinary people, it is already considered a relatively good level, so she gave him this suggestion.

"Send it directly after shooting?"

Although Jing Hao has never eaten pork, he has heard pigs screaming and knows about editing and post-processing.

"Emmm, that's not okay, how about I make it for you when I go back?"

"Would you?" Jing Hao showed suspicion, his eyes full of distrust.

Lin Yuner's mouth puffed up, very angry!
"Can you make videos? Can you edit and do post-processing?"

Lin Yuner refused to admit defeat and said: "I don't know how to do it now, but I can learn it? There are so many people in our company who know these things, will I be able to learn from them?"

"As far as your IQ is concerned, I'm not talking about you, can you learn it?" Jing Hao complained subconsciously.

. . . . .

Seeing Lin Yuner's unfriendly expression, Jing Hao quickly added: "Ani, it's not that you can't, I mean, these things are so simple, if you learn this stuff, won't it waste your precious time?"

Although this kid revised his rhetoric in time, it still didn't sound like a good word. Although Lin Yuner still had the urge to hit him, she still held back.

She raised her chin with a confident and proud expression, "I'm not afraid of trouble to learn these things for you."

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

 Today's recommended song: Without you - Kwon Ji-yong, Park Chae-young
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~
  Then if you are free, go to the book friend circle to post more, everyone's activity is also very important to this book~~~
  Then tomorrow is the 31st, and there is only one leave note left this month, so I will take a break. Although I went out to collect nucleic acid several times this month, I still managed to keep updating. I was still a little tired, so I took a day off.


(End of this chapter)

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