nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 150 Untitled

Chapter 150 Untitled (Modified Tomorrow)
"However, what content should I upload..." Jing Hao muttered unconsciously a few times.

To be honest, Jing Hao has never posted anything related to social media before, except for the last time on Instagram and Sina Weibo.

Even before he negotiated with Lin Yun'er, he never paid much attention to the entertainment circle, and never looked at things in the circle.And before he applied for and verified the accounts on ins, weibo and blog for "clarification", he didn't have any idea of ​​development before that.

Although he is a person who is not very willing to make trouble for himself, and does not want to get involved too much with the entertainment industry, but Lin Yuner said that he let the fans see what he looks like in life, such an idea is indeed poignant. Hit him.

No matter what reason those people pay attention to me, no matter what I say, I still have to be worthy of those people who really like me, the so-called "fans".

"What did you say?"

Jing Hao took a deep breath, and said faintly: "I don't know what to upload. Could it be possible to post a video of me singing like you said?"

Lin Yun'er smiled sarcastically, and quickly thought about it in her mind, Jing Hao faced the camera with an expressionless face, singing coldly.

Although this man's singing is pretty good, but thinking about the scene of him being forced to open a business, thinking about it makes me shudder.

Lin Yun'er shrank her body, shook her head vigorously, and encouraged Jing Hao secretly into the phone: "You can do it, don't worry!"

While speaking, he also pumped his fist, as if he was pumping hard for Jing Hao through the phone.

Jing Hao looked at the other end of the video with a blank expression, Lin Yuner's "pretentious" look, and couldn't help saying quietly: "The acting skills are really good, don't act again next time..."

When Lin Yun'er heard his words, she was about to explode with rage. This dog man mocked her for her poor acting skills?
She gritted her teeth with hatred, even if Jing Hao didn't watch the video, just thinking about it in his mind could feel her teeth clenching tightly, as if she was about to eat him.

Looking up at the screen, it was as he had imagined that Lin Yuner was staring at him with an angry expression on her face, as if she would come out of the screen in the next moment and beat him up fiercely.

"Okay, no kidding, what exactly do I want to shoot? In this respect, you must be more professional than me. I'll listen to you."

Lin Yun'er thought for a while, then raised her head suddenly, looked intently at Jing Hao's eyes on the screen, and suddenly smiled.

"Otherwise, it would be nice to take some pictures of your work?"

Jing Hao's eyes moved slightly, and he frowned and said, "I don't have any problems with myself, but if I want to record a video, I will definitely record my patient's picture, which is not very respectful of my patient's personal privacy. gone."

"After all, my video recording has nothing to do with them."

After Jing Hao's reminder, Lin Yuner also reacted.It is not uncommon to record some scenes of Jing Hao's work, but the problem is that Jing Hao is a doctor. If you want to record videos of his work, you will inevitably record a lot of them occasionally, and the patients he treats. Privacy, if you think about it this way, is indeed a bit ill-considered.

"Yeah, it's really a little difficult..."

"Forget it, let's not mention these things for now, and think about it later, I don't worry about these things. Let me ask you first, when you were shooting over there, how is it now?"

Jing Hao didn't care too much about it. After all, it was not an urgent matter. If you can't think of it for a while, let's talk about it later. Lin Yuner has been abroad for a long time, so let's find out how she is going.

"Emmm, it's okay. The shooting was not very smooth a few days ago, but it has been very smooth recently." When asked about the things here, Lin Yuner became excited. What I have to mention is that she recently It can be called a perfect performance. Even Li Yingfu, who is as demanding and demanding as a director, is very satisfied with her recent filming.

"I've been shooting really well recently! In the past few days, as long as it's my part, it's all over!" Lin Yuner raised her head proudly, showing her clean chin to the screen, her face full of begging The kind of thought that praises.

Jing Hao was quite normal at first, but when he saw her like this, he couldn't help but smile a little, holding back the smile on his lips, satisfying her thoughts, and said affirmatively: "Since Director Li Yingfu recognizes you , the filming must have been very good, amazing, Actor Lin!"

"That's that, you don't even look at who I am!" Lin Yun'er touched her head, facing the screen, and laughed heartlessly.

"Hey hey hey~~~(ω`)~~~"

After laughing, the two of them slowly returned to their normal state. Lin Yuner was walking on the beach while holding the screen, while turning her head to look at Jing Hao on the screen from time to time, chatting with each other. up.

"By the way, Taeyeon Unnie is about to release her solo album recently, have you chatted with her recently?"

Jing Hao nodded: "I have seen it several times, and I mentioned it to me."

"I'm really envious of O'Neill, who can release his own solo album! That's great."

Jing Hao thought for a while, and asked Lin Yun'er: "But, speaking of you, hasn't your company mentioned such news to you?"

"What did you say? Let me post a song?"


Lin Yuner thought for a while, in her memory, the company should have not mentioned such a thing to her so far, but she didn't really care about it.

She waved her hand at the screen boldly, and said indifferently: "Oh, I don't really care about this. What I care about is acting. Besides, my singing is not as good as O'Neill's. :01 o'clock, even she hasn't had a chance to release her own album until now, so I'm not in a hurry."

"That's true. In terms of singing skills, you are indeed a little behind Taeyeon Xi."

Lin Yuner gave Jing Hao a hard look with her non-aggressive white eyes, without saying anything.This dog man just wanted to be angry with himself, but what he said was true, and he knew that he was just teasing, and he didn't care.

"However, Jin Zhiyong Xi came to look for me." Jing Hao threw out the news abruptly, interrupting Lin Yuner from continuing to walk on the beach.

"Jin Zhiyongxi?,,, isn't that O'Neill's brother?" Lin Yuner asked in surprise.

"Well, it's him."

"Hey, why did he come to you?" It's no wonder that Lin Yun'er was curious. Logically speaking, Jin Zhiyong and Jing Hao didn't know each other before. She really didn't understand why Jin Zhiyong found Jing Hao. , and when did these two people get in touch?

At least during the period before Lin Yun'er left the peninsula, Jing Hao should have never had any communication with Jin Zhiyong.

"He came here looking for me, and wanted to find my mentor through me to treat his father."

Hearing this, Lin Yuner not only stopped walking, but also took a step back subconsciously, touched her chest with one hand, and said in disbelief: "Oni's father... what happened?"

Knowing such explosive news all of a sudden, Lin Yuner couldn't accept it for a while.

As teammates, and because the relationship with Kim Taeyeon has always been relatively good, not only myself, but the sisters in the group have actually been to Kim Taeyeon’s house, her parents, and her brother Jin Zhiyong I have seen them all.

In Lin Yuner's impression, Taeyeon O'Neil's father was a very kind uncle, and every time they went there, they got along very harmoniously in front of Taeyeon's father.

Suddenly hearing the news that Jin's father was going to be treated, Lin Yun'er was really caught off guard at this moment, she was a little dazed and could not accept such news at all.

"How is O'Neill's father? What is the disease? Does it matter? Should I book a plane ticket back immediately and visit him?"

The moment Lin Yuner reacted and absorbed the "explosive" news, she chattered quickly to the screen, looking very eager.

Jing Hao softly yelled at the screen: "Don't worry, Taeyeon Xi's father is not seriously ill. He is lying on the side of the hospital bed I am managing."

"Don't worry, calm down first." Jing Hao's voice seems to have a kind of magical power. Although he is usually a little cold, but at the moment his tone is very gentle. Lin Yuner, who was very worried at first, now hears his comfort After that, it gradually calmed down, and it was no longer as impulsive as it was at the beginning.

But Lin Yuner was still a little worried, she looked at the screen eagerly, waiting for Jing Hao's explanation.

"Where is Taeyeon Xi's father, his heart is not very good all the time. As her teammate, you should be aware of this news, right?"

Lin Yuner nodded, acquiescing to Jing Hao's statement.

"Then you should be able to understand this. Uncle's body is not particularly good, and his heart valves all have a little bit of regurgitation, especially his aortic valve. It's a little serious."

Lin Yun'er didn't say anything, and quietly listened to his next explanation.

"Then, my uncle fainted in his store because of a sudden heart problem a month ago, but fortunately, a few people passed by nearby and sent him to the hospital. "

"Then, the hospital, after a series of tasks, rescued Jin's father."

"But after Father Jin woke up, there was still a problem, but the doctor over there was not very good at it, so I suggested to Jin Zhiyong that if he had a way, let him send Father Jin to my hospital. In the hospital."

"Then it's best to let my mentor, Professor Li Zhongwan perform the operation, Father Jin's operation."

Lin Yun'er nodded, and then she was still a little worried, and couldn't help asking: "Is the operation difficult? How about the success rate?"

Jing Hao shook his head, and Lin Yuner's heart was almost in her throat, and she opened her big eyes and shouted: "No way!"

Jing Hao shook his head and said, "It's not a difficult operation, but when I saw Father Jin, I found that his symptoms were a bit like cor pulmonale."

"How to say?" Lin Yuner asked hastily.

"It's okay. I'm currently studying a subject like Jin's father. There's nothing wrong. Just rest assured. Even if I can't do it, there is still my teacher."

Lin Yun'er choked suddenly, and muttered: "It's not that I don't believe you, but this is someone I know after all, so I'm still a little worried."

Jing Hao looked at her amusedly, and couldn't help but say, "Do you have a good relationship with Father Jin? Seeing how anxious you are."

Lin Yuner nodded first, and then shook her head: "That's not true, but Uncle is really nice. Every time we go to O'Neill's house, Uncle treats us very well. When we were trainees, I often entrust someone, or come here by myself, to send some food to Ernie, and those of us sisters who play well with Ernie."

It was only at this time that Lin Yun'er let go of the worry in her heart a little bit, and then patted her calm chest in fear, and kept saying, "It's fine, it's fine..."

"It really scared me to death."

But she thought of a question very "sharply": Where is Taeyeon Unnie?
She asked the question again: "Uncle has already been hospitalized at your place, isn't O'Neill very worried?"

Jing Hao showed a very delicate expression, glanced at Lin Yun'er in the video, and his voice became a little softer: "This matter, Taeyeon Xi, should still be in a state of ignorance."

"Don't miss out on the news, just let her know."

Lin Yuner covered her mouth in disbelief, with a surprised expression on her face: "Oni, don't you know about this?"

Is the whole thing reversed like this?

Jing Hao then told her the specific reason little by little:

"From the very beginning, when Jin's father was sick in Jeonju, Jin Zhiyong didn't inform Taeyeon Xi. You also know that Taeyeon Xi is going to release her own album soon, right?"

"Then Jin Zhiyong is afraid of affecting his sister. After all, Taeyeon has been looking forward to solo for a long time, so neither Jin Zhiyong nor Jin's father wants to affect Taeyeon because of this matter. Here."

"Then, Jin Zhiyong is also relatively smart. After my identity was exposed, I thought that we might be in a romantic relationship."

Lin Yuner slapped her head: "It must be Taeyeon O'Neill who mentioned my relationship with him before!"

Jing Hao was noncommittal, and then said: "I'm not very clear about this, but he did find me after a series of hard work after I was exposed."

"Then Father Jin was like this, and he was admitted to the hospital as a matter of course."

"You should be able to guess what happened after that."

 Modified, please refresh

(End of this chapter)

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