nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 151 "I Really Like You"

Chapter 151 "I Really Like You" (Two in One)

In fact, Jing Hao still had some matters, so he didn't go to Lin Yun'er to discuss them in detail.

For example, Jin Zhiyong entrusted himself to help him find a reliable job, and he found Gu Minyan, but he didn't tell Lin Yuner on the other side of the video.

After Lin Yun'er heard the whole thing, her eyes were full of stars, and her expression became very wonderful.

The whole thing was really too dramatic. If Jing Hao hadn't told her personally, she would have thought that this was some well-known screenwriter, such as Jin Yinji or Song Zaizheng, who was good at suspense dramas, or had a particularly big brain. The well-known screenwriter!
There is only one thought in her mind now: Guigui, so such a wonderful story can happen in life!
I really complied with that sentence, it was really a knife to pull my ass-opened my eyes!
"I almost know it, so I won't tell O'Neill, but when I return to China, I still have to visit my uncle."

Jing Hao waved his hand: "Let's talk about coming back when you come back. Maybe when you come back, Father Jin will be discharged from the hospital."

Later, when the two of them were about to hang up the phone, Lin Yun'er remembered something again.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you!"

"what's up?"

"Did you forget, did you also guest star in this play?"

Jing Hao remembered this. He also had a guest role in a scene before, and that role seemed to be a relatively important supporting role, and he also had a lot of roles in the middle stage.

"Do I also have a role in Greece?"

Lin Yun'er nodded, and looked sideways: "For your part, the director has been going crazy for the past two days. We can finish filming in about a month at most. When will your role be filmed? "

Jing Hao rubbed his forehead. He has been really busy recently. When Li Yingfu approached him before, because of the scandal with Lin Yuner, he politely rejected the director with the excuse of "I still have a patient".

Right now, I still have the matter of Father Jin at hand, but I still have to spare time to go to Greece.

"I'll go there when I get some time back. You know that Father Jin is with me now. I'll take care of it first, and then I'll go over when I'm done with things here."

"Okay, then you deal with it quickly!"

Jing Hao nodded, and then at the last moment when the video was about to hang up, a faint voice floated from the end of the video call.

"I miss you, Jing Hao."

The moment this sentence appeared, Lin Yuner hung up manually.

Lin Yun'er bit her lips tightly, she only felt bursts of heat coming from her face, her whole brain was also swollen and hot, and she felt dizzy as if she had eaten poisonous mushrooms.

He obviously didn't drink alcohol, but for some reason, he was a little drunk.

On the other end of the phone, Jing Hao, who had an expressionless face just now, showed a doting smile when he heard "I miss you" in this outfit.

"This girl is really... not shy at all."

Although he was speaking unconsciously like this, he could clearly feel the surprise that he was about to be unable to suppress from the obvious, uncontrollable happy expression on his face.

"I miss you too..."

In the night sky outside the window, the moonlight seemed to become extraordinarily beautiful. The moon was half-hidden in a cloud, with only a little bit of the edge leaking out. It seemed that they were also a little shy because of the interaction between the two just now.

She hid it shyly, but still looked eager to take a peek.

. . . . .

"Morning, Doctor Jing Hao!" Jing Hao, who had just stopped the car, ran into Liu Yan'er on the way to the elevator in the parking lot, and received a kind greeting from her.

This Liu Yan'er is a postgraduate student in the respiratory department of the hospital, and she is following her tutor in the second course of postgraduate study.

Because her name is Liu Yan'er, and she happened to be studying in the second graduate course of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, so graduate students like Li Yanxi, who are relatively familiar with Liu Yan'er, secretly called Liu Yan'er " Liu Yaner" title.

Jing Hao turned his head and saw that it was Liu Yaner. After talking with Lin Yuner last night, he was in a very happy state at this time, so he smiled kindly at Liu Yaner in front of him, and hit Hello.

"Hello, Liu Yan'er."

Liu Yaner immediately held her breath, covered her mouth with her hands, controlled her expression, and was as excited as if she had won [-] million won.

"My God, Doctor Jing Hao actually smiled at me! He smiled at me! Oh Doc, oh Dok!"

Jing Hao only saw the way she was covering his mouth, but didn't notice the excited expression of her subordinates. He just thought that the person in front of him might suddenly feel sick?
He hastily opened the backpack he was carrying with him, fumbled out a pack of tissues, and handed it to her.

"Did you suddenly feel sick? Come, take this pack of tissues."

After speaking, he patiently ran up to her back and patted her gently on the back a few times.

Liu Yaner: "..."

My male god thought I was disgusted when I saw him, how can I solve it, I am urgent online!
Jing Hao didn't brainstorm as much as she did, thinking so much, but simply thought that what she ate in the morning was not good, and she felt a little disgusted.

Jing Hao asked with concern: "Is there anything wrong? Shall I bring you a bottle of water?"

Liu Yan'er hurriedly waved her hand, joking, being misunderstood by Dr. Jing Hao is embarrassing enough, how can it be worth it if this continues?
"No, no, no, I'm fine."

After such a pass, Liu Yan'er's mood also returned to calm, but looking at Jing Hao's face, she still felt that this man was very interesting.

Standing in front of Jing Hao face to face, those long legs with superior shape make it difficult for her to move her eyes away, and then take a hard look at his whole body, even a simple white shirt and black trousers can be worn on him Show a kind of nobility.

This man, kill me!
Dying to die. . .hiss~~~
Jing Hao controlled his expression. When he recognized her for the first time, he had the idea of ​​going to the respiratory department, so he smiled calmly and said, "Liu Yaner, your department When will you be free recently? I might go to your department and ask your supervisor about something."

Liu Yan'er nodded: "Actually, I'm not particularly busy recently. Dr. Jing Hao, whenever you come over, my tutor should be free."

The smile on Jing Hao's face became even brighter, and he smiled and said, "That's right, I'll go there later, there are some things I want to learn along the way."

Seeing Jing Hao's captivating smile, Liu Yan'er felt a "thump" in her heart, her heart began to beat restlessly, and she subconsciously licked her lips, only to feel that her mouth was becoming more and more dry.

"Hey, why is this man so attractive!"

. . . . .

After parting with Liu Yan'er, Jing Hao took the elevator all the way up to the Department of Cardiology, first went to the office to change into a white coat, and then went to Father Jin's ward.

"Dong dong dong."

Jin Zhiyong was in the ward, peeling an orange for his father. After hearing the knock on the door, he quickly put down the orange, shook off the water stains on his hand, and went forward to open the door of the ward.

It was Jing Hao who rushed over outside the door.

He smiled at Jin Zhiyong, then walked to the hospital bed and chatted with Jin's father on the bed.

"Uncle, how did you sleep last night?"

Father Jin stroked his hair with his hands, and laughed a few times: "Hahaha, fortunately, you arranged a single ward for me, an old man. I slept soundly at night, and I didn't wake up until morning. , slept really well."

Jing Hao nodded, then bent down, and slowly removed the sleep monitor from Father Jin's body.

"Doctor Jing Hao."

Jing Hao quickly replied, "I'm here, what do you want?"

"how old are you?"

"23 is old."

Father Jin calculated silently, and muttered softly: "23? That's not very different from my family's softness, just three years old!"

At this time, Jin's father didn't know the relationship between Jing Hao and Lin Yuner. When Jin Zhiyong saw the news, he thought that Jing Hao had really broken up with Lin Yuner, and now he found a new girlfriend, so he didn't Tell your father.

"Do you know my Ruanruan? It's Kim Taeyeon! The one who sang on TV!"

Jing Hao smiled, and said patiently: "Of course we know each other. Kim Taeyeon is still very famous."

Father Jin became excited, there is a reason for this!

He took Jing Hao's hand, put it in the palm of his own, squeezed Jing Hao's hand tightly, and said excitedly: "How do you feel that my family is soft? Do you want me to introduce it to you?"

Hearing this, Jing Hao turned his head immediately, and showed a subtle expression to Jin Zhiyong behind him. When Jin Zhiyong saw the expression on Jing Hao's face, he immediately cried out in his heart, and he couldn't help but show an urgent look on his face. expression.

"Abba! Soft..."

Jing Hao waved his hand and interrupted Jin Zhiyong who was about to continue talking, fearing that if he continued, he would mess things up again, so he turned his head to look at Father Jin, and nodded.

"Taeyeon Xi is indeed very good, but I already have a girlfriend, uncle."

Father Jin didn't notice Jin Zhiyong's expression, so he didn't think much about it.So after Jing Hao finished saying this, Father Jin showed a regretful expression on his face, clenched his hands into fists, and hammered hard on the bed.

"Hey, the good guy has an owner! The one in my family, I don't know what kind of one I can get back!"

After that, Jing Hao and Jin's father chatted for a while, and accompanied Jin's father to relieve boredom, and then Jing Hao said to Jin's father, "Then I won't bother you, you have a good rest." After that , and pulled Jing Hao out of the ward.

As soon as he came out, Jin Zhiyong hurriedly explained to Jing Hao: "Jing Haoxi, don't think too much, there is a reason why I didn't tell my father!..."

Jing Hao waved his hand, didn't care about this matter, and chatted with Jin Zhiyong openly.

"Those are not important, what is important now is your business."

"My business?" Jin Zhiyong thought of the phone call he received last night, so he hurriedly asked again: "Is there any news about my work?"

Jing Hao nodded: "It should be regarded as a pretty good job. As far as I am concerned, I am very optimistic about you, but I don't know what your wishes are."

Jin Zhiyong first cupped his hands to thank Jing Hao, then patted his chest, and said to Jing Hao: "Don't worry, the job you found for me this time must be much better than the job I found by myself. For you, I will do my best!"

Jing Hao didn't change his face on the surface, but he still affirmed Jin Zhiyong in his heart. Jing Hao could see Jin Zhiyong's confidence in Jin Zhiyong's appearance at this time.

Jing Hao took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Jin Zhiyong. "You take this business card carefully, and when you get back, you must contact him."

Jin Zhiyong took the business card with both hands, turned it over curiously, looked carefully at the business card in his hand, and saw the introduction on it: Cui Jinghai, deputy director of sales department of LG Electronics.

LG Electronics?

Jin Zhiyong's pupils quickly widened to the extent visible to the naked eye.

With his mouth open, he looked at Jing Hao in surprise, and said in a nonchalant manner, " contacted it LG's job?!!!"

Jing Hao: "Barely count, but it still depends on your own performance."

Then Jing Hao introduced him.

"The position I recommend to you is in the field of medical equipment. What you want to do is the work of a manufacturer of simple medical supplies, such as masks and gloves."

Jin Zhiyong nodded vigorously and listened carefully.

"This job, currently in the peninsula, is actually a mixed sector. Many big companies are targeting many large medical equipment, such as Doppler ultrasound equipment, or various large equipment."

"And this one, in fact, does not have any, very large companies involved."

"And this part of the industry is the industry that LG wants to participate in."

When Jin Zhiyong heard this, he already understood what Jing Hao was going to say next.He looked at Jing Hao in shock, his heart was full of shock.

How could this man talk to a huge company like LG Electronics?
And can you introduce yourself?

"Then what is my job?" Although he knew that the department he would go to in the future was a department with official medical products, Jin Zhiyong still didn't know what job Jing Hao gave him.

"You are going to be the director of this factory."

Jin Zhiyong froze in disbelief.

"I heard you right, you said..."

"I'm not wrong, you want to be the director of this factory."

"How can a group as big as LG Electronics..."

Jing Hao's eyes are soft, and the corners of his lips are slightly raised: "Because I believe in you, you are a person who has experienced many jobs, and I am willing to believe in your previous experience."

"No matter what you think, personally, I really like you"

 Today's favorite song: Rough——GFriend
  More and more~~~
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(End of this chapter)

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