nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 152 I really want to blow up his "face"!

Chapter 152 I really want to blow his "b, face" off! (two in one)

"You have a connection with this person, and you can just listen to him for the rest of the matter."

Jin Zhiyong nodded hastily, and took down what Jing Hao said.

"Okay, that's about it. If there's anything you don't understand, let's talk later?"

"Okay, thank you." Jin Zhiyong said hastily, "Then I won't bother you, there should be other patients to be busy."

Jing Hao and Jin Zhiyong nodded, and then left.

Jing Hao and Jin Zhiyong didn't talk too much. On the one hand, Jin Zhiyong hasn't connected with the people on Gu Minyan's side yet. Talking to him here by himself is still not as effective as after he really got started. better.

On the other hand, Jing Hao still has to finish the tasks at hand first, and he has to spare time to go to Greece, not only to film the remaining scenes of himself, but also to watch them by the way. After so many days Did not see her.

As soon as he got back to the office, Jing Hao called the students he brought along and went to check the ward together.

"Add more diuretics to bed 37 today, and see the situation tomorrow."

"Understood, Mr. Jing Hao nim."

During the ward rounds, Li Yanxi, who used to be an active "praise" to Jing Hao, still kept silent. The interns and regular trainees were no longer surprised by this.

In their feeling, it seems that after the clarification posted by Teacher Jing Hao on the ins, she became as indifferent as she is now. Several people don't know what went wrong, they just think that Li Yanxi is Jing Hao's fans changed after their idol fell in love.

As a human being, Jing Hao should have noticed this situation.

"It won't work like this. If I go to Greece, can Xiao Yanxi do it here by herself?" Jing Hao thought silently in his heart.

"Let's talk to her, we can't go on like this forever."

Jing Hao decided to have a good talk with Li Yanxi after the ward rounds, and the relationship between the two of them could not continue like this.

Soon, when they returned to the office after the inspection, Jing Hao gave a rare greeting to Li Yanxi at the moment when several people were about to return to their seats.

"Xiao Yanxi, come out with me, I have something to talk to you about."

Li Yanxi was walking towards her seat. When she heard Jing Hao's words, she couldn't help but turn her head, shrugged her shoulders, put down the notebook in her hand, and followed Jing Hao expressionlessly. walked out.

Only the interns and regular trainees were left in the room.

An intern who just arrived was the first to say: "Senior Yanxi, has the relationship with Teacher Jing Hao always been this cold?"

He was transferred from another department to the cardiology department after Jing Hao and Li Yanxi had conflicts. He hadn't experienced the previous period of Li Yanxi and Jing Hao, so he didn't understand it, and it was quite normal.

Another graduate student who has been following Jing Hao this year couldn't help but said: "Actually, it's not true. The relationship between Senior Sister Yanxi and Teacher Jing Hao was very good at the beginning. They are as good as a pair of brothers and sisters." , especially Senior Sister Yanxi, she can't wait for the feeling of being entangled with Teacher Jing Hao every day."

"But I really don't know what kind of conflict these two people suddenly had, and it became like this."

Next to him, a female intern who had a good relationship with Li Yanxi before, couldn't help blocking the outside with her hands, and whispered to a few people secretly, "Actually, senior sister Yanxi seems to like Jing Hao." Teacher, and I heard that some of the seniors I know also told me about this in private, but Mr. Jing Hao’s own words, it seems that he doesn’t think that way about Senior Sister Yanxi, he just regards Senior Sister as a A close sister of mine will look at it."

"Also, Senior Sister Yanxi is the president of Teacher Jing Hao's fan club!"

"Gold price? Is what you said true?"

"Just ask them."

The new intern couldn't help turning his head to the others with a questioning expression on his face.

I saw that other people also nodded silently, confirming this statement.

"Wow, Senior Sister Yanxi, did you have such a close relationship with Mr. Jing Hao before?"

"Although Mr. Jing Hao is very good in front of the patients, when I usually see him, he looks a bit cold. I have never dared to talk to Mr. Jing Hao."

The female intern who had explained to him before explained: "Don't look at Teacher Jing Hao who is usually like this, but he is still very good, but he is used to that expression, if you don't understand anything, ask Teacher Jing Hao, he will patiently explain to you."

"If you describe him according to the saying on the Internet, it's probably cute in contrast?"


. . . . .

The conversation in the room is over first, let's take a look at Jing Hao and Li Yanxi who have already arrived on the rooftop.

After going out of the house, Jing Hao didn't stop, and took Li Yanxi in the elevator, all the way to the rooftop where the two had quarreled before.

It was also the place where Li Yanxi couldn't help but slap Jing Hao for the first time.

After coming here, both of them were a little stunned, and they both thought of the previous quarrel between the two sides at the same time.

Li Yanxi recalled the incident when she slapped Jing Hao back then, under Jing Hao's gaze, she couldn't help lowering her head, but she still felt a little resentful in her heart.

Jing Hao stared at Li Yanxi's lowered head, and said faintly, "Do you still remember what happened last time?"

Li Yanxi curled her lips, raised her head a little, but still kept looking down at her toes, with her hands behind her back, hidden in her cuffs, pinching the corners of her clothes slightly, and did not respond to Jing Hao's words.

"What's wrong? I was the one who got slapped, why do I feel like I bullied you now?" Seeing that she was still like that, Jing Hao couldn't help but speak out again.

Li Yanxi paused with her small hands hidden behind her, stopped "violent" actions on her clothes, slightly tilted her head, and still pursed her mouth.

"Still resenting that I didn't tell you?" Jing Hao felt a little pain in his head when he saw that Li Yanxi, a dead pig, was not afraid of boiling water.

Li Yanxi finally made a sound at this time. She raised her head quickly first, and secretly looked at Jing Hao's expression. The first time she was "caught" by her gaze, she seemed to be shocked again. The little rabbit made a noise, and hurriedly lowered its head again.

"Why should I hate you? You have nothing to do with me."

Although what Li Yanxi said at this time still seemed obviously resentful, Jing Hao's eyes still couldn't help but brighten up.

No matter what the emotion is, isn't Lee Yeon Hee at least able to communicate with herself?This is a good thing!

So he took two steps forward, walked a small circle around Li Yanxi who bowed his head, controlled his tone, and said in a calm manner: "Actually, I thought about it, and at first I wanted to tell you Yes, but in the end I feel a little uncomfortable telling you."

"But there is one thing I can tell you, that is, Cheng Cailing and I really have nothing to do with each other."

Hearing this sentence, Li Yanxi was shocked.

What?He has nothing to do with Cheng Cailing?

"But you clearly said on the ins that she is your girlfriend! How do you explain this?"

Jing Hao rubbed his hair, and said helplessly, "What kind of person am I? Don't you feel nothing in your heart after following me for so long?"


"In your heart, I'm really the kind of person who is on two boats?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Jing Hao seemed to have acquiesced that he and Lin Yun'er were lovers, or at least in the past, the two of them had a relationship.

It's just that at this time, Li Yanxi, who was already in a mess, didn't notice this.

She finally raised her head, clenched her fists tightly, raised her small face, and questioned Jing Hao again unconvinced: "Then why did you know Cheng Cailing? And until now, I haven't seen you Do you have any communication with Yuner Unni?"

Jing Hao wanted to tell her very much at this time: "Silly boy, I called your dear Yoona last night."

But he certainly couldn't say that now.

So Jing Hao didn't pick up the topic, but changed his way and continued to explain: "Don't get excited, just listen to me first."

Jing Hao pointed to the white coat on his body, and motioned to Li Yanxi: "Look at my clothes, I am a doctor, and you have seen it with me every day when I am in the hospital."

"Recall carefully, did you really see any contact between me and any women in the hospital?"

When Li Yanxi went back, she had actually thought about this. Logically speaking, if Jing Hao really got together with that person named Cheng Cailing, then it would be hard for others to say anything, and there must be no news on his side. Never heard of it.

But at that time, Jing Hao had indeed posted that article on ins, even if he couldn't figure it out, he couldn't help it.

But at this time, Jing Hao raised this point again, which really caused Li Yanxi to fall into conflict again.

Jing Hao didn't make a sound, but looked at Li Yanxi's tightly furrowed brows, waiting for her to finish thinking.

Li Yanxi thought about it for a while, but still couldn't figure it out, and finally asked Jing Hao: "So, how did you get involved with that woman?"

Hearing this, Jing Hao couldn't help but reprimanded Li Yanxi a little: "What is that woman, Li Yanxi! You are so old, you should at least have the respect that people should have!"

Li Yanxi's mouth suddenly pouted, and her puffy little face showed a look of reluctance, like a little puffer fish that has been held in the hand.

Although she was very dissatisfied in her heart, what Jing Hao said was true, Li Yanxi still endured her anger and accepted Jing Hao's reprimand.

Looking at her unyielding appearance, Jing Hao felt a little uncomfortable at first, but he couldn't help but be amused by Li Yanxi's cute appearance, and let out a laugh.

When Li Yanxi was listening to Jing Hao's reprimand, she felt a little uncomfortable. When she heard Jing Hao's "mocking" her own laughter, she couldn't help it, and her expression suddenly became fierce. With a roar, he grinned and clenched his small fists, and punched Jing Hao in the face forcefully.

Jing Hao tilted his head carelessly, held Li Yanxi's fist, his eyes were gloomy: "You hit me once, and now you want to hit me again?"

Li Yanxi gritted her teeth, and shouted viciously: "I just hit you lightly! If Yuner Erni educates you a few times, let's see if you dare to go outside and mess with flowers!"

Li Yanxi stared at Jing Hao's expression, her mind was filled with the urge to swell up this "b, face".But the fist was tightly clenched in Jing Hao's palm, and he wanted to pull it out and give him another blow, but his strength was not as strong as his, so he could only swear at him with an angry laugh, and even spat on the ground saliva.

"He, tui!"

Jing Hao: "..."

Jing Hao scratched his head, feeling a little headache, this angry little rabbit is really a little too lively.

Seeing Li Yanxi in front of him, his dissatisfaction with himself was about to break through the sky, Jing Hao still decided to tell her the matter, so that this little rabbit who was at the critical point of explosion would not make other troubles for himself.

He smiled wryly and said, "Be quiet first, and I'll tell you what the facts are like."

Li Yanxi raised her neck, fixed her eyes on Jing Hao's face, and shouted angrily: "Okay! Then I will give you a chance to see how you can argue!"

"Let's speak with facts. What I said on ins is that I established a relationship with Ms. Cheng Cailing in March, right?"

Li Yanxi "hummed": "Yeah! But so what?"

Jing Hao didn't reply, and continued: "Then let's speak with the facts. I believe you can see how busy I was in the first half of this year. In all fairness, even if this is the truth, where do you think I have the time?" , how about communicating with Ms. Cheng Cailing?"

"Especially for people like me, you don't think that I'm the kind of person who will do something when I see a beautiful woman?"

Li Yanxi was stunned, yes!

If Jing Hao was really that kind of person, logically speaking, he would not have been single all the time in school. After all, there are so many girls in school, and there are many people who like Jing Hao. I don't know, there are many girls with such good looks who are good enough to debut.

Seeing that Li Yanxi didn't say a word, Jing Hao immediately said: "I can admit to you responsibly that I am indeed in a relationship with Yuner, and the two of us have indeed broken up. This is not fake news. .”

"But the breakup was not because I was in two boats, but because of other things."

"If you don't believe it, you can call Yun'er. It's not like you don't have her phone number here. I don't have any objections."

Li Yanxi let go of her tightly clenched fist, with a cloudy and uncertain expression on her face, thinking again about the authenticity of Jing Hao's words.

 Today's favorite song: Lonely——2ne1
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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