nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 153 Finally Talked

Chapter 153 Finally Talking (Two in One)

"Then let me believe you." Li Yanxi didn't seem to be lying when she saw Jing Hao's expression, and when she went back by herself, she thought about it for a long time, and she didn't think Jing Hao was really her. Yes, such a person.

"Then what happened to you and Yuner O'Neill?"

Jing Hao had planned to tell Li Yanxi the truth, after all, he regarded her as his own sister, so there was no need to hide the matter from her anymore.

"I don't know if you still remember, at the very beginning, there was a photo that was very popular on the Internet?"

Li Yanxi nodded, remembering that photo, and at this very moment, a light seemed to flash in her mind, and some points that she had overlooked because of anger before suddenly remembered.

"To tell you the truth, the heroine in that photo is actually Yoona, and the shooting time happened to be during the first few days we were together."

Li Yanxi: "???"

Jing Hao ignored it, and continued to speak directly: "That photo, in fact, cannot be hidden. If people find out that the people in the photo are me and Yun'er, it will definitely destroy Yun'er's career. Sexual assault."

"The time when that photo was uploaded happened to be a few days before the announcement of her relationship with Lee Seung Gi broke up."

Li Yanxi figured it out, if she couldn't figure it out at this time, then she wouldn't be that clever little ghost.

She immediately followed Jing Hao's words and continued to speak for him: "So, that Cheng Cailing is really the one you found and asked the suspect for this matter?"

Jing Hao nodded: "You can also see her figure and demeanor in various aspects. If she wears a mask, it will be really difficult to distinguish her from Yun'er."

Li Yanxi supported her forehead. Even now, she has to admit that the trick Jing Hao came up with is indeed very effective. Even if she has been familiar with Jing Hao for so long, she can't think of it. The difference.

"However, I think that time is so short, how did you find this person? And she is a high-level employee of a big company?"

Immediately afterwards, she raised another very critical question.

Jing Hao was silent for two seconds, and then said faintly: "This question involves some other things. I can't tell you about this. What I can tell you is that the person I found must be there. questionable."

"In other words, you don't need to worry, this person will take me away from Yun'er!"

By now, Li Yanxi understood what happened back then. Although Jing Hao didn't tell him everything, judging from the conversation between the two of them just now, he shouldn't have lied.

That's good!
Suddenly, Li Yanxi remembered the slap she had slapped Jing Hao back then, and suddenly felt that her face was on fire, as if there were ants crawling on her face.

"You... last time..." Li Yanxi just said these few words, and she couldn't continue. At this time, she regretted her impulsiveness last time, and her heart was full of self-blame and anger. Regret mentality.

Jing Hao and Li Yanxi have known each other for so long, and at a glance, this girl must have remembered what happened last time, but he is not going to pursue this matter anymore. All right.

He purposely put his hand on Li Yanxi's head and rubbed it vigorously, making this little rabbit who was so angry just now and was about to stuff his little head into the cracks in the ground, the head was still very beautiful before. His hairstyle suddenly became messy.

"Don't think about what happened last time. My sister loses her temper with my brother occasionally, and my brother can only accept it with a wry smile, right?"

After listening to Jing Hao's words, Li Yanxi couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.This seemingly cold "ice charcoal" is actually very warm. He obviously went too far and slapped him in the face, but he still didn't care about it. Instead, he deliberately comforted himself.

"Forget about the past, but next, after I've been busy here for a few days, I may go to Greece, and you have to take care of things here."

Li Yanxi: "..."

Well, I blame myself for thinking too much, this bastard, if it wasn't for something, it might not necessarily find me!
When Li Yanxi thought of this, the expression on her face suddenly became unfriendly again, her small eyes squinted at Jing Hao, and the words "I'm not happy, come and coax me" were all over her face.

When Jing Hao saw Li Yanxi's rich little expression, he couldn't hold back for a moment, couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha...Little Yanxi, your expression...haha..."

Li Yanxi's expression became even more resentful.

Jing Hao laughed, and seeing her even more aggrieved, he couldn't help coaxing her: "Don't be so stingy, even if I didn't plan to go there, I planned to talk to you about this today." thing."

"After all, we can't always be so awkward between the two of us, can we?"

However, the smile on the corner of Jing Hao's lips was still vague: "Although I have forgiven you, the slap you slapped still hurts when you think about it now. Do you want to make it up to me?"

Li Yanxi paused, tilted her head and secretly pursed her mouth.

As soon as he made a small move, he pinched his chin and turned his face back.

"It seems very unconvinced?"

"Illusion, it's pure illusion!" Li Yanxi smirked hypocritically, and slapped his hands away, pretending to be serious: "Don't move around! I'm thinking about how to compensate you!"

Jing Hao didn't make a sound. Seeing that she wanted to perform, he simply made a fuss with her. It was all about relieving her nervousness.

Li Yanxi scratched her head, thought for a long time, but did not come up with any valuable conclusions, finally swallowed her saliva, and smiled stiffly at the corner of her mouth: "How hit me too Slap your hands to relieve your anger?"

"Have you made up your mind?"

Jing Hao's tone was indifferent, but his eyes were fixed on her.

"I think it's not good to suffer such a big grievance for your handsome face, which is so handsome..." Li Yanxi said cautiously, and when she saw the man's expression became dangerous, she immediately changed her words: "However, if you really want to Let you slap me, I guess you won't be able to do it."

Unknowingly, because of Jing Hao's "excessive power", Li Yanxi's address to Jing Hao also changed from "you" to "you".

Li Yanxi's face was full of desire to survive, which even a blind person could feel.

Jing Hao laughed angrily. Although he didn't intend to pursue the matter of Li Yanxi slapping him, but at this moment, he seemed to be, the more he looked at her, the more he felt that this little rabbit deserved such a spanking?
Jing Hao raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Li Yanxi's forehead. There was a red mark on it. It was the factor that she secretly squeezed out when she was alone and embarrassed there. Jing Hao didn't speak, and used his fingers to Lightly touched it there.

Li Yanxi didn't respond, she was completely absorbed in how to take responsibility for this matter...

"According to the law, Article 230 stipulates that the crime of intentional injury and the crime of organizing the sale of human organs refer to those who intentionally injure another person's body and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or control..."

She silently recited the criminal law, and was hit hard on the forehead: "Ah!"

She hissed in pain, clutching her swollen head.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Jing Hao staring at him with a serious face.

"It sounds like you will be a traitor in the future, so you want to taste the taste of prison?"

Li Yanxi laughed bitterly: "If I can calm you down with legal sanctions, I am willing to accept the result."

After she finished speaking, she saw that the other party was silent.

Jing Hao was already a little speechless by this darling. He didn't speak, but just stared at her coldly, then walked to the edge of the railing on the roof, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and didn't look at her again.

On the rooftop, the air pressure was terribly low.

Li Yanxi bit her fingernails guiltily, staring at him eagerly, her toes curled up uncontrollably under her shoes.

"How about... I'll write you another review? Something like [-] words?"

Jing Hao acted as if he had never heard of it.

Li Yanxi sighed in her heart, she has never been so useless in her life until now...

Why couldn't she control this hand, she was actually aroused by her full, unconfirmed anger, and slapped Jing Hao hard. . . .

The most important thing is that this is still the person I like, and I didn't say anything about it, and I also said what I like about him all at once. . .

Thinking about it, the embarrassing toes can dig out a seam. . . .

Li Yanxi put herself in the other party's shoes and thought about it. If she were Jing Hao, she probably would have attacked the shark by this time.

Thinking about it this way, Jing Hao is really benevolent.

Li Yanxi "woke up", stood up heartbroken, and prepared to face the storm.

She walked straight over, walked to Jing Hao's side, and stopped.

The man slowly opened his eyes and looked at her expressionlessly.

"Do you understand?"

"Understood." Li Yanxi nodded, rolled up her sleeves, and showed her white arms in front of him: "I reckon, if you slap me in the face, you shouldn't be able to do it, how about this! You bite me hard You should be able to relieve your anger! Come on, don't be angry, I will pay you!"

"Bite hard, I'm not afraid of pain! Vent your inner anger as much as you want!"

Jing Hao: "..."

Jing Hao held her wrist, his eyes were unclear: "Flesh compensation, right..."

Before Li Yanxi could react, he pulled her into his arms forcefully.

Holding her waist with one hand, the other hand went around her ear and gently pulled her neck to one side, so that Li Yanxi's ear was exposed in front of him.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Yanxi's tender little ears vigorously.

Li Yanxi groaned in pain, and subconsciously wanted to push the person away, but thinking of the bold words she just put down, she could only endure this wave of physical attacks.

Jing Hao held on for about ten seconds before slowly letting go of his hand, and Li Yanxi also left his side immediately.

Li Yanxi: This competition, why are you so hard!His ears were about to be ripped off by him!

Jing Hao patted his palm and sighed: "The previous things are over now. In the next week, I will be in the hospital to deal with the patients at hand. After that, in the next week, I will would leave here and go to Greece."

"At that time, you will be the most experienced person in our group. Take good care of your juniors and girls, and take good care of the patients for me, until I come back."

Li Yanxi immediately nodded vigorously: "No problem, no problem, this is what I should do."

Afterwards, she straightened up a little bit, pondered for a while, glanced at him shyly, and said:
"I just...really...very embarrassing..."

"I said that I want you to bite me because I really mean it..."

Li Yanxi sighed: "I want you to beat me right away."

From the day Jing Hao met Li Yanxi until now, he has seen her majestic appearance in front of those juniors, and also seen her greedy, greedy, and cunning in front of him.

But like now, cowardly and helpless, it was the first time for him to knead on the wrong side like plasticine!
It can be seen that I am really upset.

This time it's really a big club death!

Can't bear to look back!

Jing Hao raised his hand and tapped lightly on her forehead, the primer that hadn't disappeared yet.

Li Yanxi hissed.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

Li Yanxi nodded honestly.

It's fine if it hurts, just treat it as if I beat you up. "

Jing Hao sighed helplessly, rubbed the primer on her forehead for her, and blew gently like coaxing a child.

After kneading for a while, he slowly let go of his hand, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Are you still angry with me now?"

Li Yanxi gave him a blank stare, this bastard really knows how to hold grudges!

But I was still a little helpless, after all, I was wrong before, so I lowered my eyebrows again and said in a low voice: "Don't dare, don't dare, this time I know!"

Jing Hao nodded in satisfaction, then seemed to remember something, and shouted again: "Oh, by the way, the matter between you and me, Yuner O'Neil, should get better in a short time after she comes back. Yes. When you have nothing to do recently, you can chat with her more and tell her more good things about me. "

Li Yanxi's eyes lit up, huh?There is a situation!
A gossip flashed in her eyes, and the light in her eyes almost blinded Jing Hao. She laughed a few times, then rubbed her hands, winked at Jing Hao, and brought He said in a malicious tone: "You two, what's the matter?"

To be honest, Li Yanxi is no longer worried about the matter between Jing Hao and Lin Yuner at this time, and now she has calmed down and thought about it, from the fact that Jing Hao specially asked "Gossip Girlfriend" to clarify for Lin Yuner Look, these two people should not be separated, at least judging from the things they have experienced so far, there is really nothing that can make the two people really break up.

That way, you don't have to worry anymore.

Just sit quietly and eat melons.

 Heartbeat song of the day: Plain Jane——iikan gunuc, Emie
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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