nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 154: Factory Manager Jin is coming soon!

Chapter 154: Factory Manager Jin is coming soon! (two in one)

Jing Hao tilted his face to the excited Li Yanxi, who looked like he was eating melons. When this little girl saw it, she didn't think of any good ideas.

"Actually, it's nothing. Although I settled the matter between the two of us, you still feel a little uncomfortable with Yuner O'Neil. She asked me to chase her."

"She asked you to chase her?" Li Yanxi's eyes suddenly showed excitement.

Just thinking about the big straight guy in front of him, it's hard to imagine him coquettishly coaxing a little girl to be happy in front of others. Just thinking about it like this, Li Yanxi couldn't help shivering.

Huh~~~ Goosebumps arose from the imagining of the picture.

"How hard is Yuner O'Neill to think about it, and actually wants you to chase her back?"

Li Yanxi glanced at Jing Hao with a look of disgust, and said calmly.

Jing Hao couldn't help but clenched his fists, he just felt that it was really a wrong decision for him to hold back and not beat Li Yanxi as she requested.

"You really deserve a beating." Jing Hao said this in a calm tone with no expression on his face.

Although he didn't look angry and his tone didn't change deliberately, Li Yanxi was still taken aback.

Because Jing Hao is in the most terrifying state as long as he is like this, when things become very calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

In the past, Jing Hao only showed such a state in front of her once, and that time Li Yanxi, according to what she said, died a miserable death.

It seemed that he was really a little angry, and Li Yanxi stopped teasing him, and turned back from the edge of being educated to death, showing a good-looking baby, patting her small chest and saying: "Please Don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

Jing Hao didn't even bother to talk to her anymore, this girl just didn't get angry with herself several times a day, and she was a bit uncomfortable.

"Then let's go back first, or after a while, your juniors and younger sisters are going to be worried."

After finishing speaking, Jing Hao turned around and took a step ahead. Li Yanxi quickly followed his footsteps and walked down the rooftop together.

When the two of them returned to the office together, unsurprisingly, the attention of the interns and regular trainees all shifted to the two people who just came in.

Jing Hao stood in front of Li Yanxi calmly, and said flatly to the students: "I have communicated with your senior sister Yanxi, I may have to go abroad next week, when the time comes, you must Do you understand what your senior sister said?"

"Understood, Teacher Jing Hao." The students said in unison.

Jing Hao nodded in satisfaction, then returned to his seat with a normal expression, and continued to study the subject Li Zhongwan gave him.

Everyone fell into the busy life of interns again, only the female intern who first talked about Li Yanxi and Jing Hao with others, the female intern who came earlier than the others, looked at it carefully Look, Jing Hao and Li Yanxi have started to concentrate on their work.

Seeing her sitting there without moving for more than ten seconds, the new intern next to her hurriedly greeted her in a low voice: "Senior sister, why are you standing there? Hurry up and write today's medical history?"

She regained her senses, nodded to the new intern, smiled silently, then agreed in a low voice, then lowered her head, and typed today's medical record on the computer.

It seemed that she was the only one who noticed Li Yanxi's hair, which seemed to be messed up.With her lowered head, her eyes were full of light.

"What happened to these two people? It doesn't seem to be as simple as what Mr. Jing Hao said..."

She said silently in her heart.

. . . .

After chatting with Jing Hao, Jin Zhiyong contacted his friends as soon as possible, and urgently entrusted his friends to call a nanny.

The nanny Jin Zhiyong hired was to take care of his father in the hospital when he went out to work.

He was afraid that the babysitters he contacted on the recruitment website might be unreliable. After all, he is the captain of a popular girl group and Kim Taeyeon's brother, although not everyone can think of him as Kim Taeyeon. But there is definitely no harm in having multiple minds.

So he contacted his friends and urgently found a relatively reliable nanny. Although the money was a little more than the average one, at least he wanted to feel at ease.

After completing this matter, Jin Zhiyong followed the business card Jing Hao gave him and called.

"Oh Nihasai, is that Mr. Cui Jinghai?"

Jin Zhiyong held the uneasiness in his heart, and greeted him politely the first time the phone was connected.

It's no wonder that he felt nervous in his heart. After all, the other party was a well-known conglomerate - an executive of LG. If he could contact such a person, he would definitely feel nervous.

But the person on the other side seemed to be very polite. Jin Zhiyong only heard the phone call from the other side to himself. For some reason, he answered very politely.

"Hello, I'm Cui Jinghai. You must be the Mr. Jin Zhiyong that Dr. Jing Hao contacted, right?"


Cui Jinghai smiled heartily: "Mr. Jing Hao must have told you something before, right?"

Jin Zhiyong replied: "Yes, Jing Haoxi did reveal something to me."

Cui Jinghai continued: "Since this is the case, it's easy to say. To be honest, I have just vacated a factory here, and the specific instruments have just been booked today, and everything will be ready around tomorrow. After it is ready, Tomorrow is still this time, how about I go to see you?"

Jin Zhiyong hurriedly said: "Where is it? It should be better for me to go to you. You can tell me the address, and I can go directly there tomorrow."

Cui Jinghai paused for a moment, and then thought about it: "That's fine, if it's convenient tomorrow, come directly to Gashan-dong in Geumcheon District, my factory will be almost ready tomorrow, and then we will be directly in the factory Said, you will come here often in the future, it’s good to come here in advance to recognize the place.”

Jin Zhiyong hurriedly agreed: "Okay, okay, then I will go to find you tomorrow."

After the two of them exchanged polite words, they hung up the phone.

As soon as Jin Zhiyong put down the phone, a look of joy appeared on his face.When he first heard Jing Hao say that he was asked to be the factory director of medical supplies, he was completely fooled.

He couldn't believe that he would have such a day!But after this phone call, he, Jin Zhiyong, has been really different since then!

At the same time, the moment the phone was hung up, Cui Jinghai also smiled silently, thinking that the person Jing Hao contacted was a bit interesting.

As an executive of the LG Group, Cui Jinghai, who also serves as Gu Minyan's confidant, in the past, had the most contact with middle and high-level figures of major groups. In the past, he actually rarely contacted people like Jin Zhiyong .

Moreover, after Jing Hao recommended Jin Zhiyong to Gu Minyan, he casually investigated Jin Zhiyong, and found that Jin Zhiyong's biggest identity worthy of his high regard was the elder brother of Kim Taeyeon from Girls' Generation, and his own previous work experience , never fails.

But Cui Jinghai also saw a bright spot in Jin Zhiyong, that is, although Jin Zhiyong's younger sister is the core figure of the trendy girl group, he has never relied on his younger sister's identity to support himself in the past. Even when he was away from home, he never mentioned it to anyone.

And Girls' Generation, that Kwon Yuri's brother, are simply two extreme examples.

"Could it be that stupid people have stupid blessings?" Cui Jinghai smiled. People like Jin Zhiyong who have been failing all the time are very lucky to meet such an outstanding sister, and even relying on himself, he can still contact her. Others, a chance to recommend him in front of someone like Gu Minyan.

Just this one, in Cui Jinghai's view, Jin Zhiyong has completely drawn a boundary from his previous failed self.

At the very beginning, when Cui Jinghai received the order from Gu Minyan to be the deputy of this man named Jin Zhiyong, she didn't quite understand Gu Minyan, especially after checking Jin Zhiyong's resume.

But Gu Minyan's words at that time dispelled his thoughts.

Gu Minyan told Cui Jinghai that in the field of medical care, other groups have already developed in this field. As far as LG Group is concerned, although it is not afraid of any one company, it must be able to avoid friction with other people as much as possible. better one.

And if Gu Minyan had found a professional manager at the very beginning, mobilized a lot of power, and strongly intervened in this industry, it would be very difficult not to cause dissatisfaction with others, and then conflict with her.

So Jin Zhiyong is very suitable for such a job.

It's not because of his identity, but because of his past experience of failures. If such a person enters such a new field, other groups will not be too concerned if they see that LG Electronics has selected such a person. Others will only think that Gu Minyan wants to play casually.

After all, Jin Zhiyong has the identity of the captain of the same group as Lim Yoona - Kim Taeyeon's elder brother.

Others would only think that Gu Minyan wanted to help her daughter's sisters a little.

In fact, Gu Minyan did have such an idea, but the biggest reason was that Jin Zhiyong was recommended by Jing Hao.

She trusts Jing Hao very much.

Just like she believes in herself, she believes in this young man she is optimistic about.

And even if Jin Zhiyong fails, it doesn't matter. Jin Zhiyong is entering a new field, a field that LG Electronics has never set foot in before. In order to save face, casually give a little resource at hand.

Even if it fails, it will not affect the industry of LG Electronics, and LG Electronics can completely afford to lose this little money.

And if it is successful, it means that LG Electronics has opened up a new field in a strategic sense. Although it is only involved in some simple medical supplies, no one has set foot in this industry. All of them entered the field of high-end medical equipment, and no matter how much I developed here, I couldn't affect them.

But after the initial success and further control of this area, it will not be so difficult to think about the development of high-end medical equipment.

LG Electronics does not lack the financial resources to poach people. Gu Minyan can spend a lot of money to find high-end medical device R&D personnel. LG also has its own headhunting company.

At that time, it will be very difficult for those groups to stop their advance.

No matter how you look at it, this is a deal with more advantages than disadvantages. If it succeeds, LG will usher in a brand new field with extremely bright development prospects.

You know, no matter what time it is, someone will get sick, and as long as there are people in this world who will get sick, then there will be a need for medical equipment. an industry.

It's really a big deal, LG's own hospital can also use these devices.

Even if it failed, Gu Minyan didn't care about the investment at all.

After Cui Jinghai knew these thoughts of Gu Minyan, her heart was full of admiration for the second lady in her family.

You must know that Gu Minyan came back at the most difficult time for LG Electronics. At that most difficult time, she was the one who made the decision to split LG for her father.

At that time, LG was on the verge of disintegration because of the conflict with Samsung and the existence of some factors from other parties.

At that time, Gu Benmao, who was in charge at the time, couldn't make any decisions when facing his uncle Gu Zihong. In the end, Gu Minyan made a decisive decision. First, he let Gu Zihong leave and established LG Cable, which later became LS Group.

Then it continued to split and kicked out the Xu family who was already ready to make a move, and the Xu family who went out established the GS Group, and has never had anything to do with LG since then.

Everyone at the time thought that LG would be doomed from now on, even the people in power in the government who mediated between LG and Samsung at that time thought so.

However, after that, LG, under the iron and blood management of Gu Minyan, became more and more prosperous. After being separated twice, LG, under the leadership of Gu Minyan, developed the smart phone field, and once occupied a large market share in the world. No.3 in mobile phone sales.

It can be said that it was Gu Minyan alone who pulled back LG, who was only one step away from the cliff, like reining in a horse from a cliff.

Some people say that Gu Minyan is just repaying debts. If it wasn't for her, LG would not have fought with Samsung, and there would have been no subsequent two splits.

But who would have known that long before Gu Minyan left LG, the predecessor of LG, the Lexi Jinxing Group, had already shown signs of splitting up.

As early as that time, the Xu family, who were unwilling to be inferior to the Gu family, had the idea of ​​leaving. Even the marriage between Gu Minyan and Lin Yuner's father caused the war between LG and Samsung, and the Xu family also played a role in promoting it. factors exist.

The Xu family hopes that through the war with Samsung, the Ju family will gradually lose their leadership position, and eventually they can succeed.

But this calculation was seen through after Gu Minyan came back.

Under her decisive decision, LG decisively broke his wrist. After two splits, LG, which was facing external and internal troubles, finally stabilized.

 Today's favorite song: Rise——Jonas Blue, Jack&Jack
  Today's chapter is mainly to explain why Brother Yang was chosen as the factory director.

  And there is a reason for choosing this industry, let’s see if you can guess it~~~
  Still asking for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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