Chapter 155 Factory Manager Jin Takes Appointment ([-] in [-])

The next day, Jin Zhiyong woke up excitedly early in the morning, and then rushed to the bathroom to wash up urgently, then went downstairs to buy some breakfast for his father and brought it back, then hurried out the door.

Jin Zhiyong got up so early, he just wanted to buy some clothes first, and then go to the barber shop to have a look. After all, today was the first time he met Cui Jinghai, and Jin Zhiyong still hoped that he could leave a good impression on Cui Jinghai.

As soon as he went out, he quickly took a taxi, and the first time he got in the car, he shouted to the driver: "Master, go to Dongdaemun in Jongno District!"

The driver master responded, then hurriedly drove the car and set off towards the destination.

In the car, Jin Zhiyong, who was a little nervous, was afraid that he would leave a bad impression on Cui Jinghai, so he chatted with the driver.

"Master, I'm going to meet my partner today. What kind of clothes do you think I should wear?"

While driving the car, the master driver glanced at the rearview mirror with his eyes, looked at Jin Zhiyong who was sitting in the back seat, and took a small look.

"How tall are you, customer nim?"

Jin Zhiyong replied: "I am 1.7 meters three, master."

The driver frowned, and glanced at Jin Zhiyong's face again: "This customer, is today's meeting very formal?"

Jin Zhiyong rubbed his head, thought for a while, and said seriously: "It should, it's quite formal."

"Then buy a suit. If it's more formal, then you won't go wrong no matter what you wear."

Jin Zhiyong nodded, agreeing with what the driver said.

At this moment, on the car radio that the driver turned on, suddenly the MC of the radio station played a song "lion heart", which happened to be the title song of Girls' Generation just ended, and this comeback.

After the driver master heard the song, he immediately increased the volume on the console, and smiled at Jin Zhiyong: "This song is really good, I don't know customer xi, have you heard it? "

Jin Zhiyong showed a weird expression, touched his nose unconsciously, and replied cautiously: "This... This is a song from Girls' Generation, I must have heard it before."

While listening to the song, the driver shook his seat vigorously: "As expected of Girls' Generation, it really sounds good! Zzang!"

At first glance, the driver looked like a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a slight beer belly. That conspicuous belly kept shaking as the driver swayed from side to side.Jin Zhiyong was amused by the driver's amused performance, he couldn't help showing his white teeth, and nodded heavily.

"The strongest Girls' Generation in the universe!"

. . . . .

When the taxi arrived at the destination, after asking about the toll, Jin Zhiyong took out two 1 yuan coupons and handed them to the driver, but the driver only accepted one and handed the other back to Jin Zhiyong hands.

Jin Zhiyong looked at the driver curiously.

The driver showed an embarrassed smile, and said a little shyly: "It's rare to meet such a hit-to-face passenger, so let me give you a discount!"

Jin Zhiyong had no choice but to accept the driver's kindness with a wry smile, and after saying goodbye, he ran to the shop behind him.

Jin Zhiyong didn't have any specific ideas about clothing. He just randomly found a shop with a good decoration, went in and picked out a black suit and a pair of black leather shoes.

Then, by the way, I bought a few new pajamas in other shops according to my father's size, and I planned to save them for my father to change when he went back to sleep.

After that, I walked along the street and found a barber shop casually. According to the recommendation of the store manager, I got a new haircut.

After coming out of the barbershop, Jin Zhiyong wore a new suit with a jet head on his head, and a pair of shiny new leather shoes, and got in a taxi to Jiashan Cave.

According to the address given by Cui Jinghai, the taxi Jin Zhiyong made soon arrived at the place.On the way in the car, Jin Zhiyong saw high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, and very impressive factories in the distance.

After getting off the car, Jin Zhiyong called Cui Jinghai: "Ah, you, Ha Sai, Cui Jinghai Xi, I'm already here."

"Yeah, I've made a note, I'll go there right now."

Jin Zhiyong walked into the nearest building, took the elevator, sat on the fourth floor, and finally turned into an office in the corridor.

Cui Jinghai, who was sitting on the sofa, shifted her eyes to the door when she heard the knock on the door, and then Jin Zhiyong in a brand new dress appeared in front of her eyes.

Cui Jinghai took a closer look, as expected, he was Kim Taeyeon's elder brother. Although he was not as handsome as his younger sister, he was a little more delicate. Coupled with the specially bought new clothes, the whole person instantly became refreshed.

Cui Jinghai nodded in satisfaction. Jin Zhiyong dressed up like this, at least showing his own sense of importance to this job.

"You sit down first, Jin Zhiyong Xi."

Unknowingly, Cui Jinghai's address to Jin Zhiyong also changed from calling him by his first name yesterday to half-speaking.

Since the second lady wanted Jin Zhiyong to be the director of the factory, Cui Jinghai, as the second in command of the new factory, had already started to regard Jin Zhiyong as his boss, and the address he used in words immediately changed.

"Now it's time to call you Director Jin Zhiyong, this factory is now your factory."

Jin Zhiyong was taken aback, my factory?

"Second Miss agrees to let you be the director of this factory, and I will be your second in command in the future. If you need anything, you can ask me anytime."

Jin Zhiyong was stunned for a while, and then asked about the business of the factory: "I know this factory is going to produce some medical supplies, but what do we mainly do?"

Cui Jinghai immediately replied: "The most important things are masks and gloves, as well as the most basic things like cotton swabs and disinfectant. At the same time, we also make some commonly used equipment, such as electronic blood glucose meters, blood pressure monitors, There are some ventilators and things like that."

After Cui Jinghai's explanation, Jin Zhiyong has almost a little understanding of the factory he works in and its production capacity.

After Cui Jinghai gave a brief introduction to Jin Zhiyong, he called the people in charge of the factory and told them to come to this office to meet Jin Zhiyong immediately.

Soon, in this factory, all the management personnel responsible for product manufacturing or R&D members came here.

Jin Zhiyong didn't say too much, before coming here, Jin Zhiyong decided that all products should follow the standards that Jing Hao said.After seeing that everyone was here, he briefly explained what Jing Hao said.

"I don't want to talk too much with you. As people in this industry, you must know more about this field than me, a layman who has just arrived."

"I have only one request for everyone, and that is to improve our craftsmanship as much as possible while ensuring product quality."

What is craft?

Simply put: the method of producing a product is called a process.

Take fried poached eggs, for example.

Poached eggs are products of enterprises, and the concept of poached eggs belongs to product design.How big should a poached egg be, whether to put salt or sugar, whether to fry it to medium or medium, all belong to the category of product design.

But it is far from enough to design a poached egg. It also needs a set of correct cooking methods to perfectly realize the design requirements.This set of methods belongs to the category of craftsmanship.

A good chef can choose the right firepower, control the oil temperature, master the cooking time of each side, and determine the timing of adding salt, so that delicious poached eggs can be fried.But a rookie chef will be in a hurry, either the frying will be burnt or the frying will turn yellow, and the final product will be unpalatable.

In traditional handicraft production, the hope of controlling product quality is pinned on the skills of chefs, while modern large-scale industrial production places special emphasis on the importance of process specifications to ensure that any rookie can cook qualified meat after simple training. poached eggs.

To do this, it is necessary to carefully analyze the process of an excellent chef’s omelette, and write a detailed recipe, explaining how many levels the firepower should be adjusted to, what degree Celsius should be the oil temperature, and how many milliseconds should be the time for frying each side, so as to ensure Poached eggs fried by different chefs are of the same quality.This detailed recipe for each step is called a process file in the industry.

It is not enough just to have process documents. In order to improve the efficiency of frying eggs, some restaurants will make special egg fryers. The chef only needs to beat the eggs in the fryer, and then turn it over at the specified time to fry a qualified poached egg. , so that the manpower input and time cost of frying eggs are greatly reduced.This kind of egg fryer is called craft equipment.

The factory managed by Jin Zhiyong is a factory that manufactures medical items, and also includes the production of some ventilators and other instruments, so it naturally involves a large number of production processes.

And since these instruments are all produced in one piece, and the factory has just been established, it is still uncertain whether there will be orders in the future.Because he had never been in contact with these things before, before he came, according to Cui Jinghai's introduction just now, the production of all the instruments in this factory was recruited by newly graduated college students.

In fact, many college students do not have a lot of experience, so the processing of many parts only pursues the result and does not care about the process, let alone compiling complete process documents.

For example, the assembly of some newly manufactured parts. The workers here have never touched them. They just produced them according to the steps, and they don’t know how to assemble them. If the assembly is not good, replace it with another person and try again.

What often happens is that after a piece is assembled successfully, the workers themselves can't explain how it succeeded. If they try again, they may not be able to get the result again.

And this is just a problem that came out during assembly.

And when those are manufactured, they are all manufactured according to the manufacturing design drawings of the products they bought from large factories, and some of the designs are not all the latest results.

In order to produce the best and latest equipment, these newly recruited college students are required to go up and study carefully.

Although helpless, at least I have such a chance, right?

At the very beginning, Gu Minyan told Cui Jinghai that she would not poach those talents from other large groups. On the one hand, the things she produces here are not high-end medical equipment of their level.

On the other hand, if you poach people with great fanfare and openly, it will also arouse the dissatisfaction of these large groups.Today's LG Group needs to unite more friends and businessmen who can cooperate together, rather than making enemies for itself.

So although Gu Minyan has enough funds to poach people, and is willing to spend these funds for these talents, she cannot poach people.

However, she has already contacted some international and some large manufacturers' employees in other places, and specially sent many loyal employees of the LG Group to study hard.

The days when this factory can only produce simple masks and gloves will not be too long.

As for the current Jin Zhiyong, what he can do is to deal with the work at hand and the things that can be done as much as possible.

"Everyone knows that our factory has just been established, and there are not many high-end talents to support it. Now we can only produce some simple masks and gloves for the time being."

"But even if this is the case, I also hope that everyone will do a good job in the work of these products first."

Jin Zhiyong looked around. The managers in front of him, as well as the first person in charge of each production line, remembered what Jing Hao had said to him.

He looked into the eyes of each of them, and said seriously, word by word: "I have a very good doctor friend who happens to work in a big hospital, and what he told me is that there are many doctors in the hospital The quality of the masks is not very good."

"Many of the masks they got, many of them had straps that were easy to break, and some of these and other shortcomings."

"If we want to do it, we must do it seriously. We must never cut materials, just to create a product that meets the goals of health regulations."

"What we have to do is to strive for a 100% favorable evaluation in front of users."

Jin Zhiyong's eyes were full of stars.

"In the current market, there is no single major manufacturer of ordinary medical products, so we need to quickly win this piece, everyone's speed."

"We want them to feel that as long as the product is taken from us, it must be of the best quality!"

"Before I came here, I would like to tell everyone that I was a loser who had failed countless times. I didn't even know why I was able to become the factory director as soon as I came up."

"But I hope it's my last job, and it's the last job of all of us!"

"If the factory is not well managed, then what everyone has to face is unemployment and the situation of finding a new job again."

"But if everyone pays attention, in the current market, we really have the opportunity to do everything I said."

When Jin Zhiyong said this, he finally spoke loudly and vigorously, and his face became very serious.

"Then, everyone, let's encourage each other! I will also work hard!"

 Today's recommended song: Walk Thru Fire——Vicetons
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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