Chapter 156 The Leading Factory Manager Jin ([-] in [-])

Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 106-16 Cheongdam-dong, is the company building of s, m entertainment company. From a distance, it looks very grand.

At this time, in a conference room on the fifth floor of this building, the very center of power, the company's leader - Li Xiuman, was talking with Kim Youngmin about the artists in the company.

"How is the filming of Lin Yuner's scene going?"

Jin Yingmin looked at a report in hand, raised her head and said, "Her scenes in Greece are almost finished filming, and after that, it seems that there is only a little short of Jing Hao's scenes."

"How long is it estimated?"

"About half a month."

Li Xiuman casually turned the pen in his hand, and after thinking about it, he looked at Jin Yingmin again: "After that, when she comes back, let's finish her single first."


"After her single is finished, send her to Huaguo. There is a movie waiting for her to go there to shoot."

Jin Yingmin raised his eyebrows calmly.

"I remember the previous "Martial God Zhao Zilong", but because of the current movie, I didn't go to shoot it. Now it seems that the movie is almost finished, right?"

Li Xiuman shook his head: "It's not that drama, this time it's another Huaguo drama, and I read a little bit the information sent by the producer, the character set for her is relatively good. It suits her."

Jin Yingmin was silent for a while, then coughed lightly and said, "Ahem...President nim, she just informed her that she wants to learn Chinese, so she went directly to shoot like this, is her language passable?"

Li Xiuman fiddled with the pen, and said casually: "Those are not very important. Since the producer has already sent an invitation, then these things must have been considered. You don't need to think so much, just make money." .”

"What's more, this is still a rare opportunity to enter the Huaguo market. No matter what, we must grasp it."

Li Xiuman paused, then turned his head and told Jin Yingmin: "But you still need to have the attitude you should have. You can inform Lin Yuner's manager. From now on, you must study hard every day when you are not shooting. Chinese."

"No matter how much she learned when she finally went to Huaguo, at least this is an attitude."

Jin Yingmin nodded quickly and said yes, and quickly wrote down Li Xiuman's request with a pen on the report he just brought over.

Li Xiuman turned the pen there for a long time again, looking at the street scene outside the window, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes.

Standing aside, Jin Yingmin didn't dare to disturb Li Xiuman when he saw Li Xiuman's appearance. He just stood quietly, holding the report, and stood aside silently.

After a while, Li Xiuman looked away and sighed softly.

"Speaking of which, Sika has retired for more than a year now."

Li Xiuman murmured softly, the voice was very small, but Jin Yingmin who was standing by the side still heard this sentence keenly.

"Yes, the company that withdrew at the end of September last year has been exactly one year now."

Li Xiuman looked at the upper left corner of the table in front of him. There was a photo frame. In the photo frame were nine girls in stage costumes and a group photo of Li Xiuman.

Every girl in the photo is smiling very happily, especially Lin Yuner and Huang Meiying, who smile the brightest. Li Xiuman, who is in the center of the photo, is also stroking her hair with one hand while staring at the camera with a smile.

. . . . .

On this day, October [-]th, an album, the first solo album of Kim Taeyeon, the leader of Girls' Generation and the most outstanding female idol singer of this era, was released.

Fans have been looking forward to the draw for several years, and finally ushered in their first album.

Here's what it says in the album's introduction:
"Kim Taeyeon created this album because when she debuted, others always had the impression of her as a singer who could only sing ballads. Therefore, in order to get rid of such prejudice, Taeyeon wanted to create this album and Through the music in the album, people can understand a different self. In the process of creation, the first problem Kim Taeyeon encountered was "positioning", because different styles of singers will affect the style of music and thus cause differences.

But for herself, how to produce her own music style is a top priority, and this problem has troubled her for a long time.In the end, she decided to solve the problem with a new musical style.The first song "I" of the album was written by Kim Taeyeon, and its inspiration came from some stories of Taeyeon since her debut.The album was created for Taeyeon by British composition team LDN Noise, composition and production team Joombas, MonoTree and others. "

"This album bears the weight of Taeyeon's 8 years. The songs on the album express Taeyeon's unique journey of heart. From the album style to the choice of songs, Taeyeon allows music fans to see a brand new self.

The album's opening song "I" combines electric guitar melody and strong foreign drum beats. It is a pop song with a mid-tempo rhythm. The rap part invites Verbal Jint to accompany it.The lyrics express Taeyeon's true emotions hidden under the gorgeous spotlight, and describe some autobiographical stories such as her determination to "fly high like a dream". The full text of the lyrics is full of expectations and hopes[5-6].

The album's second track, "UR," is a lyrical song that highlights Taeyeon's bright vocals, mixing acoustic piano melodies and string instruments.The album's third track "Gemini" is an R&B song that tells the mixed story of a couple's separation.The album's fifth song "Tell Me First" is also a lyrical song, and its lyrics describe the hesitation and pain before breaking up. "

As soon as the album was released, fans and passers-by rushed to buy it.

Among them, the album's title song "I" with the same name has received unanimous praise from almost everyone.

On Huaguo's side, the streaming media copyright of "I" is still the same, and it was taken down by Penguin, the exclusive partner of s,m company.

Less than 1 minute after the song was launched, the comments have reached 999+.

"To the extent that passers-by are completely shocked."

"This song is so meaningful as a first solo, "I take off again""

"The three lines "sky, I, fly" that Taeyeon sang, the singing is so beautiful and melodious, I imagined that I was in a dream, under the warm sun and clear sky, like a butterfly resting on a cherry blossom tree, A gust of wind blows off many petals, feeling the slow passage of time, and it also reminds me of the pain when I broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly. I found out that all this is not a dream, but Taeyeon's desperate pursuit of her dream and her true self!"

"Listening to Taeyeon singing this song really feels good. No matter what song she sings, she feels very good. I first heard her sing because of Girls' Generation. When I was young, I felt that her voice was very unique. When she sang high notes, it was very natural. Really. It’s great, and finally I want to say Taeyeon, come on, boy, come on!”

"One of the strongest solo debut songs ever!"

"I like Taeyeon's songs. Taeyeon's "I" is like telling a story. With Taeyeon's unique voice, people can't forget it. The melody is also fascinating, and people fall into Taeyeon's voice. In ", Taeyeon's treble is as if it has no boundaries, it is very touching, no matter how many times you listen to this song, you will never get tired of it or forget it."

There are many people like this who clicked on this song with anticipation, but were unexpectedly surprised by the quality of the song.

"I" quickly airborne to the top of the major music charts, and it is still quickly opening up a huge gap with other songs after that. Even passers-by who didn't know much about Kim Taeyeon before, after seeing When it came to the results of this album, I couldn't help but click my tongue.

After that, on the show "Show Champion" every Tuesday, on October 2015, 10, a week later, "I" won the first trophy.

Then on October 2015, 10, that is, on "MCD" one day later, he won the second trophy.

Immediately afterwards, on Thursday's kbs' old-fashioned karaoke stage "Music Bank", they continued their invincible momentum and won the third No. [-] trophy.

On the next day's "Inkigayo", he continued to win the fourth No. [-] trophy!
And Kim Taeyeon's miracle is still going on!

. . . .

When the song’s mv was being filmed, Taeyeon’s "I" was finally decided to be filmed in New Zealand. Because it was her first solo song, Taeyeon asked Jin Zhiyong if she wanted to go to New Zealand with her. The opportunity to shoot the mv, let's play with myself, and by the way, in the mv of my first title song in my life, I have a few cameos.

But Jin Zhiyong finally rejected Kim Taeyeon's invitation because of Jin's father and the job of the factory director of the medical supplies that Jing Hao found for him.

Although Kim Taeyeon had a little regret for Jin Zhiyong's rejection, but in the phone communication with Jin Zhiyong, Jin Zhiyong revealed a little about the work he was working hard on, and Kim Taeyeon didn't care much about Jin Zhiyong's absence in the end.

And there was a little joy in her heart, you know, Kim Taeyeon is undoubtedly the most clear about the character of her brother.

In Kim Taeyeon's previous cognition, her brother is very playful, has no interest in work, and often changes jobs, such a very unreliable guy.

But he invited this guy to play in New Zealand, but he refused?

And because of work?
Kim Taeyeon has every reason to believe that her brother has changed sex!From a lack of patience and a free and undisciplined attitude towards work in the past, I suddenly changed into a person who takes the initiative to work seriously.

You know, that's New Zealand!The beautiful scenery is like a place in a fairy tale world!

Besides, for Jin Zhiyong, since he became the person in charge of the medical supplies, Jin Zhiyong wakes up every day with his heart full of inexhaustible enthusiasm.

He got up very early every day, and when his father who took care of him came to the factory after dinner, he was still earlier than everyone else.

He has little management experience, and he knows that he is lacking in this area.

But Jin Zhiyong also has his own way.

From the first day he came here, he first went to the mask production workshop, and first carefully watched for several days the way the workers made the masks, and after he felt familiar with it, Jin Zhiyong started to do it himself , joined the ranks of workers and participated in a week of manufacturing together.

And when working with the workers, at the very beginning, the workers still had some thoughts about Jin Zhiyong, thinking that the airborne factory director just thought it was fun to work with him.

But it only took Jin Zhiyong an hour to make all the workers change their minds.

The operations he watched from the sidelines were not for nothing.Although Jin Zhiyong couldn't achieve the same speed as other veteran workers when he first got started, Jin Zhiyong obviously studied it carefully.

The workers who worked with him were surprised to find that although the factory manager was not very skilled at the beginning, he did not make any mistakes in every step of the operation.

And after working for half a day, Jin Zhiyong was also fully familiar with glove making, most of the methods, and gradually caught up with everyone's speed.

Although he has no experience, Jin Zhiyong has won the unanimous praise of the workers bit by bit by relying on such a seemingly stupid method and participating in the workers' work together.

Moreover, while participating in the work, Jin Zhiyong also slowly had a lot of ideas about masks, such as what kind of method to make a mask is good, and what kind of method to make a mask is of poor quality of.

The workers here, when they worked in other places in the past, have never had any high-level managers of the factory who can put down their bodies and learn how to operate with the workers, let alone directly participate in it.

It can be said that Jin Zhiyong is really an alternative, at least different from all the workers here and all the high-level executives he knows.

After that, Jin Zhiyong also went to the manufacturing workshops of other items to learn little by little, and also participated in the manufacturing of products little by little. Similarly, he also won the praise of the workers in other workshops. ,

Cui Jinghai has always noticed Jin Zhiyong's performance like this.

While reporting to Gu Minyan every day, Cui Jinghai's view of this man gradually changed a lot.

If at the beginning, Cui Jinghai only thought that Jin Zhiyong had good luck, now Cui Jinghai has a completely different impression of this man.

If Jin Zhiyong was just a whim and worked with the workers for a few days, Cui Jinghai would just think that this person might just be full.

However, since Jin Zhiyong got involved, he has never stopped. After learning the technology of one workshop, he will immediately transfer to the next workshop, and every time before changing workshops, he will write down all the main points in the prepared notebook. There are also many insights from Jin Zhiyong himself.

There are also many small ideas of Jin Zhiyong, such as if some steps are improved, what will be the effect, and what will be the final quality of the product.

Lots and lots of ideas like this.

 Anti-Everything – Lost Kings, Loren Gary
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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