nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 157 I miss her a little bit, so make a telegram.

Chapter 157 I miss her a little bit, so make a phone call. (two in one)

Because of going to Greece, Jing Hao has been busy working as hard as he can in the past few days. He has been busy until late every day before leaving get off work, and abruptly performed the operation that will be completed in the next half month, within five days. Within, all were successfully completed.

Including Jin's father's valve surgery, under Jing Hao's handling, it was also completed very well. Afterwards, he will continue to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time, record the follow-up situation after the operation, and then leave the hospital.

But in the past few days, it almost messed up because of an unexpected thing.

On the second day after Jin's father had just finished the operation, Kim Taeyeon came to the inpatient department to find Jing Hao once.

However, because Jin's father had just finished the operation and was still recovering in bed in his own independent ward, and Jin Zhiyong also went to work in the factory during the day, so Kim Taeyeon did not see them.

But when she came to find Jing Hao, Jing Hao was about to see how Jin's father was doing after surgery, and almost entered the ward.

Kim Taeyeon came here specially to send Jing Hao her solo debut album this time.

And because of Lin Yuner, Kim Taeyeon also knew that in this department, there was a diehard fan of their Girls' Generation who happened to be a graduate student studying with Jing Hao.

So when Taeyeon came, she specially prepared two, and on the special plane, she also wrote down her blessings, as well as her famous "butterfly signature".

When Jing Hao saw Kim Taeyeon coming, he was really taken aback. He had promised Jin Zhiyong that he wasn't going to inform her about Kim's father being hospitalized, but he almost found out.

But all of this is thanks to Li Yanxi in the department.

Li Yanxi also knew about Jin's father being hospitalized, and Jing Hao also revealed to Li Yanxi the reason why Jin's father was hospitalized, and the reason why Jin Zhiyong didn't want Taeyeon to know.

So when Taeyeon came, Li Yanxi went up directly to cover Jing Hao, and let Jing Hao slip back from Father Jin's ward while Taeyeon's attention was on her.

Then Li Yanxi took the opportunity to ask Kim Taeyeon for a dozen or so autographed photos, and planned to send them to his fans in Huaguo, who were all in the fan group.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon came here this time just for the sake of the album, and also to visit Jing Hao. After all, even without Lin Yuner, the two of them can already be regarded as a pair of friends. At least Kim Taeyeon thinks so.

And she also has her own thoughts, although Lin Yuner didn't say anything, but according to the official news, Jing Hao already has a girlfriend, and that girl is also a senior executive of the famous LG Group.

Knowing that her second-in-law still has feelings for Jing Hao, Kim Taeyeon felt that she had to come to monitor Jing Hao's state, at least not to let Lin Yuner come back, and someone stole her home here up.

Then what my eldest sister did was too much of a failure.

However, during the trip here, Taeyeon didn't find anything, and was surprised to meet her true fan.

Especially when she learned that Lee Yeon Hee had directly bought more than a dozen of her first solo albums this time, Taeyeon was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

Later, when Li Yanxi asked for an autographed photo, not only did she send it out grandly, but she also asked Li Yanxi to take out all the albums she had bought, and signed them one by one on those special planes, and each one was also Write down the greetings.

Whether it's Kim Taeyeon as an idol or Lee Yeon Hee as a fan, they were all deeply moved in the end, and they also exchanged contact information with each other, and made an appointment to have frequent contact in private before saying goodbye.

After Taeyeon finally left, Jing Hao felt a little sweaty when he remembered what she almost found out.

As for Li Yanxi, after Kim Taeyeon left, she completely forgot about Jing Hao's affairs, and immediately opened up her fan group in Huaguo.

"Little ones! I just met Taeyeon!"

In less than ten seconds, in a group chat named "Han, Yu Daily Suiyuan Group", one message after another suddenly popped up, and countless question marks popped up on the chat interface.

"???" by "Lin Yuner's Father".

"!!!" by "A fraternity meatball".

"Is it time to sign the autograph?" by "Qing Zi".

. . . .

Li Yanxi tapped on the chat box for a while proudly, and then sent out a message that made everyone in the group envious and jealous.

"Not only did I get an autographed photo, but I also got an album autographed by Taeyeon, and it was also a blessing sign!"

"Also, Taeyeon and I exchanged contact information~~~"

Through the screen, one could feel her frightened emotions that were about to overflow, and everyone felt as if someone was pouring vinegar into their mouths.


"How many copies do you want? Is there any extra?"

. . . . .

Li Yanxi had already guessed what they would say, and sent out a sentence she had prepared a long time ago: "Don't worry, don't worry, I know you will ask me for it. I asked Taeyeon for more than a dozen autographed photos and autographs. Special, I will post them to you later.”

Immediately, there were more requests for albums than before.

. . . .

After get off work, it was rare for Jing Hao not to drive, but chose to walk home.

Because recently, Jing Hao has been busy with a lot of work in the future, so he didn't have much time to exercise when he was at work.

So when I get off work, I also exercise. When I am walking, I adjust my body and enjoy the street view at night.

The twilight was like a large gray net, quietly falling down, covering the whole earth.

Against the background of the night, the cars on the street are one after another, one row after another, like a string of dazzling pearls flowing, and like rows of twinkling stars moving.

Jing Hao walked slowly on the street. The light from the Jinmao Building on the road almost broke through the clouds.Looking around, there is a green light here, there seems to be a cloud dancing there, and in front of it is like the Milky Way in the sky reaching the ground, piled up into a glowing ribbon.

The cool wind that came from time to time hit Jing Hao's face, blowing the ends of his hair that he didn't have much time to take care of because he was busy with work.

It's autumn, Jing Hao silently thought in his heart.

It's already October, and the weather has slowly, unknowingly changed from the hot summer that seems to be still in front of us, to the cool autumn.

Time to add more clothes.

When returning to the community, Jing Hao was walking on the way home, feeling the familiar interior of the community, and in a blink of an eye, it seemed that he hadn't had time to walk here properly.

When commuting to get off work every day, I am used to driving.Especially after Lin Yun'er moved away, she never walked like this again.

I miss her a little bit.

Then give it a call.

After returning home, he took a simple hot shower first, then Jing Hao sat on the desk in the bedroom, picked up the phone, and called Lin Yun'er.

But by coincidence, after the call was made, no one answered it. After Jing Hao hung up the call, he didn't continue to call, probably thinking that Lin Yuner should still be filming.

Then wait for her to come back and call yourself.

"Ouba, have you ever been to the three eastern provinces?"

Lin Yuner's manager looked at her artist in a daze, touched her head involuntarily, and blinked: "What is that?"

Lin Yuner, who had just finished filming and was still dressed up, pouted her painted lips, picked up her manager's phone, tapped on his phone for a while, and then shook the screen in front of him He said, "Here it is, look at this."

The manager stepped forward and said "ah" suddenly, "So you are in Huaguo? You child, just say no? But, why are you mentioning this place?"

"I want to travel."


Lin Yuner retracted her skirt that had been dragged to the ground, sat upright under the dazed gaze of her manager, and repeated what she said just now: "I'm going to travel after I'm done with this time."

"Go... Where are you going? Ah, the three provinces in the Northeast?"

"En!" Lin Yun'er's face collapsed, and she nodded heavily.

After pressing the lock screen button of the mobile phone in his hand, the manager stared at her with indescribable eyes for a few seconds, and asked hesitantly, "You child, have you received any stimulation recently?"

"No, not at all. Why do you ask?"

"Then why are you talking nonsense all of a sudden?"

Hearing her manager's unrestrained speech for a while, Lin Yun'er blinked her eyes twice, then said nothing with a gloomy expression.

Seeing this, the manager sighed, got up and came to Lin Yun'er, squatted down, and said softly: "Did something happen recently? Or do you feel a little tired?"

Lin Yuner shook her head: "It's nothing, I just suddenly want to go there and have a look."

The manager shook his head and didn't continue to say anything, but he seemed to remember that Jing Hao belonged to Huaguo, so he picked up his mobile phone and searched for Jing Hao's information on the Internet.

Later, when he saw that Jing Hao's home was in the three eastern provinces of Huaguo, the manager seemed to notice something and blinked.

After Lin Yuner came to Greece, he felt that there was something wrong with the person in front of him, but he couldn't tell what was wrong with Lin Yuner.

It just feels a little weird.

He put the phone back calmly, and asked again in a normal tone: "Then how is your recent Chinese?"

Lin Yun'er couldn't help but her face collapsed, it's over, she forgot about it!
Using this pretext, the manager told him about Jin Yingmin's notification to him at this time: "If you go there, it's not like you have a chance."

Lin Yun'er turned her head abruptly, and squinted at her manager with a "you're kidding" expression, which was clearly "I want to see what nonsense you're going to say".

The manager suddenly choked, and then pretended not to see anything, and said calmly, "Director Jin Yingmin contacted me today."

Lin Yun'er was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly asked: "Jin Yingmin? What does he want you for?"

The manager said: "It's the decision of President Li Xiuman. After you finish filming the scenes here, you go back and choose songs immediately, and then shoot the MV and complete the recording."

Lin Yun'er was a little confused, she also wanted to make a song?what's the situation?
Seeing her befuddled look, the agent didn't care about her, but continued: "Afterwards, you are going to Huaguo. There is a Huaguo drama waiting for you."

Lin Yun'er's eyes lit up, if she was going to China to film a movie. . .

The agent has been with her for a long time, and now she can tell what she is thinking just by looking at her like that, and asked in surprise, "So are you serious? Are you really going to travel?"

"Well, but it still depends on the actual situation. If I don't have much time while filming, of course I can't leave." Lin Yuner's answer was watertight, and she didn't show the slightest strangeness.

The agent squatting in front of her folded her hands thoughtfully and asked, "So what's wrong with you? If it's because of too much pressure, do you need me to ask the company to help you arrange a psychiatrist or something?"

"Hey, there's no need to be so exaggerated. It's just my personal business."

The agent rolled his eyes, cooperating with me to ask so many questions was useless.

Isn't it because you are afraid that it is a private matter again?And just said it outright.

. . . . .

Lin Yuner finally finished filming today's scene, and with a slightly tired body, when she returned to the residence arranged for her by the crew, she first washed her face briefly, and then gave her facial care as usual. Rub on with your daily skin care products.

After that, I sat on the bed, picked up the mobile phone that was charging here, and checked to see if there was any news.

As soon as I unlocked the phone, I found several missed calls.

After Lin Yuner opened it curiously, there were a few missed calls, two of which were from Taeyeon, the next one was from Jing Hao, and there was another missed call that had not been saved before. Unfamiliar number.

Lin Yuner first thought about it, after Taeyeon made two phone calls but no one answered, she should have said in kakao as usual.

So she clicked on kakao and found Taeyeon's chat interface, and sure enough, she found several messages sent by Taeyeon at noon today.

Inside is Taeyeon showing off to herself about meeting Lee Yeon Hee today.

"What? Did you buy more than a dozen albums?" Rao Lin Yuner is used to having a lot of true fans, and every time she buys an album, she buys dozens or hundreds of albums, but Li Yanxi can buy more than a dozen albums. Zhang, Lin Yuner really didn't expect it.

Because Yoona had talked with Lee Yeon Hee before, Yoona said she would get her an album signed by Kim Taeyeon, but she bought more than a dozen copies herself, this amount was really unexpected for Yoona.

I continued to look at other news, and it was Taeyeon telling herself that I didn't find anything unusual about Jing Hao, and generally said that I didn't see much contact between Jing Hao and Cheng Cailing.

Lin Yuner smiled, and then sent Kim Taeyeon a moving picture of a big-eyed bunny holding a carrot and saying "Thanks for your hard work".

 Today's recommended song: Never Gonna Regret U——Beauz, Siights
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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