nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 158 I Killed By Manslaughter!

Chapter 158 I Killed By Manslaughter! (two in one)

"Thank you for your hard work, O'Neill, who is currently in the solo promotion period, and even specially watched Jing Hao for me, thank you very much, Salang~~~"

Taeyeon quickly sent a reply: "Just treat me to dinner when you come back." There was also a picture of Tuzki with her hips attached, which was very playful.

Lin Yun'er couldn't help laughing when she saw it, she covered her mouth with one hand, and quickly typed a line of words on the phone keyboard with the other hand: "Okay, okay, O'Neill will treat you to whatever you want when you go back! "


After chatting with Kim Taeyeon for a while, Taeyeon seemed to have something to do with her, so Lin Yuner didn't bother her anymore, and ended the chat on her own initiative.

Then she looked at the missed call from Jing Hao again, Lin Yuner pursed her lips, rubbed her hair and lay back on the bed, after thinking for a while, she decided to call him back.

"Sky that sprinkles the sun, child I under the sky, Fly like a dream, My Life is a Beauty..."

In the past two days, apart from the first call to Jing Hao, it was the first time Lin Yuner called Jing Hao. She was surprised to find that Jing Hao's cell phone ringtone had been replaced by Taeyeon's new song.

The call was quickly connected, and a deep, slightly hoarse voice came through the receiver: "Would you like to play? Who is it?"

It seems that Jing Hao didn't change the ringtone of his mobile phone to a special one, and asked who it was when the phone rang!

Lin Yun'er couldn't help but pursed her lips, feeling a little more dissatisfied in her heart, and said in a pretendingly calm tone: "It's me."

Jing Hao let out an "ah", and then hurriedly glanced at the incoming call, it was indeed Lin Yuner's call.

Jing Hao twitched his mouth, and he could already imagine Lin Yuner's dissatisfaction in his calm tone, and for a moment, he regretted his carelessness when answering the phone.

"Did you just finish your work? Calling so late?" Jing Hao tried to find a topic and quickly covered the matter.

Although Lin Yuner didn't mention the meaning of the episode just now, she didn't react at all when she heard Jing Hao, she was silent for two seconds, and then said in admiration: "It has to be you, Jing Hao, as expected of you, although I didn't mean to ask, but you really weren't going to explain why you didn't set my phone to be a special one for incoming calls?"

Jing Hao rubbed his head and curled his mouth: "I remember that someone broke up with me?"

Lin Yun'er choked suddenly, wanting to refute him, she couldn't help but wanted to get up from the bed, but just as she was about to straighten up, her head hit the bedside table just like that.


In an instant, a confiscated exclamation came out of his mouth.

Accompanied by the momentary panic, the painful sensation of hitting the back of her head against the bedside table made her whimper like a small animal.

When Jing Hao heard the exclamation from over there, he immediately stood up from his seat, his expression was tense, but he was still restrained, knowing that nothing serious happened over there, or the voice had come out long ago up.

Lin Yuner felt that she was extremely stupid, it was not easy for the two of them to have a chance to talk on the phone, but such an embarrassing thing happened to her.

Lin Yun'er, who had her eyes closed in pain, thought of this, and instantly woke up, and stretched her body tightly.

She shut her mouth all of a sudden, and even held her breath unconsciously.

It was very quiet beside her ears, only the sound of her own heartbeat that was still accelerating.

After a while, a very light but clearly captured laughter finally broke the silence and reached her ears.

"Are you okay?"

The smile in that voice was quite restrained, with a consistent gentleman's demeanor, but to Lin Yuner's ears, it made her feel more ashamed than embarrassing herself in front of him.

The irrepressible blush quickly climbed from Lin Yun'er's neck to the base of her ears and her fair cheeks.

"What's wrong? Yuner O'Neill?"

At this time, the door of Lin Yuner's room suddenly knocked, and the voice was Jin Zhiyuan who lived next door to Lin Yuner.

Lin Yuner hurriedly shouted to the door: "It's okay, Zhiyuan, I accidentally knocked my head on the bedside table just now."

There was a sudden silence outside the door, and a strange response came after a while: "Oni, you are really stupid..."

The headache that Lin Yun'er had just disappeared suddenly came back again.

. . . .

In fact, when Lin Yuner was just chatting with Taeyeon, Lin Yuner's manager had already called Jing Hao once, without Lin Yuner's knowledge.

Time went back to the time when Lin Yoona and Kim Taeyeon were chatting.

"Sky that sprinkles sunshine, child I under the sky, Fly like a dream, My Life is..."

Jing Hao, who was reading a medical book, heard the ringing of the phone, and picked it up, and looked at the call on the screen, was it Lin Yuner's manager?

"How about Saiyo, Mr. Manager, what's the matter?"

The manager was not as polite as usual with Jing Hao, and asked directly, "What happened to you and Yun'er?"

Jing Hao laughed and asked, "I'm in the peninsula, brother. I haven't called her in the past few days. What's the matter with her?"

"I don't know, but I always feel that it has something to do with you."

"do not know?"

"Yeah. Originally, the company just informed me that Yun'er told me that after the filming of this drama is finished, I will go to select songs, record the songs, record the MV, and then go to Huaguo to continue filming."

"Go to Huaguo?" Jing Hao was a little puzzled, when will he go to filming again?And Yun'er didn't mention this to herself before.

"The most important thing is that before I mentioned this matter to her, she specifically told me that she wanted to visit the three eastern provinces of your country."

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment.

"So I want to ask, you two, what happened? Why did she want to go there all of a sudden? I don't believe it has nothing to do with you."

As Lin Yuner's manager, I have stayed with the artist for a long time, so I naturally have feelings for Lin Yuner, although as a person who is more than ten years older than Yuner, I don't like the kind of men's admiration for women, but I care more about myself A little caring mood for entertainers.

But after all, he is more concerned about the people he takes care of. Since the manager came to Greece, as time goes by, he feels more and more that Lin Yuner's state is not very normal.

It's just that before, the manager didn't know what it was related to. It wasn't until today's chat with Yun'er that he vaguely felt that it had something to do with Jing Hao.

He wasn't afraid that his artiste would fall in love, but looking at the current news, even if Lin Yuner fell in love, he didn't want the man to be Jing Hao.

It's not because he doesn't like Jing Hao. On the contrary, he admires Jing Hao very much. It's just that there have been too many news about Jing Hao recently, and now the public knows that Jing Hao has a girlfriend. If Lin Yuner really If he got involved with Jing Hao, the manager could feel the turbulent public opinion just thinking about it.

That is definitely not a good thing for Lin Yuner.

So the manager was a little anxious, and for the first time when chatting with Jing Hao, his tone was a little aggressive.

At this time, Jing Hao's sudden silence made him even more suspicious.

"You tell the truth, you two,"

Jing Hao interrupted the manager, and said sincerely: "Brother, I believe Yun'er regards you as her own, but there are some things that I really can't tell anyone, at least not from me. "

"The day she wants to tell you, she will definitely tell you."

The manager smiled wryly, and said with difficulty: "Well, I might have been a little anxious just now, and my words were a little impolite. Don't worry about Jing Haoxi, after all, my identity determines many things."

Jing Hao smiled: "It's okay, I can understand."

Time goes back to the scene where the two just made a phone call.

Jing Hao suddenly missed Lin Yuner a little bit. Thinking of the news that Lin Yuner wanted to visit the three eastern provinces that his manager had just told him, he couldn't wait to see her.

In the state of silence shared with Lin Yuner, Jing Hao's laughter broke the somewhat awkward scene.

"Did you miss me?"

Lin Yun'er hissed: "Please, you are the one who called me today, I just saw it and returned it to you! First explain to me why the ringtone you gave me is not a special ringtone! Your technique of changing the subject is also It's too bad, what else?"

"There will be others." Jing Hao said with a light smile, "I miss you."

"The leader is right to criticize." Jing Hao's voice was low and playful: "So, I will set your mobile phone's ringtone as an exclusive ringtone in a while. After you come back, please organize to grant me a title immediately, and the leader agrees." how?"

Lin Yuner didn't say a word.

But Jing Hao heard giggling on the phone.

He seemed to have seen her smiling eyebrows and eyes crooked.

Thinking about the phone call with Mr. Manager just now, he wanted to see her urgently.

"Yun'er, let's make a video."


I don't know if it was because of impulsiveness or other reasons, Lin Yuner regretted it after agreeing.

She was standing in the bathroom at this moment, looking at herself reflected in the mirror.

I was wearing a set of Pikachu pajamas that I was wearing when I was just about to go to bed. After a day of shooting, I didn’t have much energy to get my hair done.

Ok. . . .

It has nothing to do with beauty anyway!
But the invitation for the video call has already been sent, Lin Yuner hesitated for two or three seconds, then zipped up the zipper of her pajamas to the highest point, and then agreed.

The screen of the mobile phone shook slightly, and a beautiful face of the prosperous age appeared on it.

The man's delicate face was in the middle of the screen, and his delicate eyebrows were stained with a smile. Because he had just returned home, his hair was a little long now.

It seemed that he just took a shower after he came back, and his hair was just blow-dried. It looked fluffy and beautiful, which weakened the indifference on his body and made him look much softer.

After seeing the humanoid Pikachu in the camera, he was obviously taken aback for a moment, and soon burst into laughter.

Lin Yuner's little face hidden under Pikachu turned red, she coughed unnaturally, pretended to be vicious, and said in a cold voice: "Your joke is really low!"

Jing Hao stopped laughing slowly, but the absurdity was still in his eyes, and his voice was still so magnetic and pleasant.

However, the nasal sound is heavier than usual, maybe because of the busy work and tiredness recently, it seems to be more subwoofer, a bit indescribably lustful and flirtatious.

And his old abstinence atmosphere, it looks like it's gone forever.

"Are you shy or embarrassed?"

Lin Yun'er said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm afraid of the cold!"

"Here in Greece, the temperature should be fine now."

Lin Yuner glared at him.

Jing Hao couldn't help laughing: "Why didn't you find out before, why are you getting cuter and cuter?"

Lin Yun'er didn't hold back a little, she burst out laughing, she adjusted her posture holding the phone, and pulled down the zipper, revealing a complete bare face.

In the camera, her skin can be broken by blows.Cold white skin like milk, glass-like black with light brown pupils, as if filled with starlight.

Her facial features are already exquisite and three-dimensional, with a thick face, big eyes, a high nose, and original eyebrows, just as lively and agile as a deer.

When laughing, the warmth is particularly prominent, as if it can confuse people's hearts, like a net, the eyes can't escape this beauty, and the heart can't help but fall for it.

"How cute is it?" She raised her eyebrows, her aura not losing to him at all.

If Jing Hao praised her like this in normal times, she would definitely be very happy, but at this moment, it is a little embarrassing.

I just got embarrassing, and when I received the video, my outfit and appearance were not perfect. Hearing such a compliment from him, I always felt like I was laughing at myself.

Jing Hao smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Yun'er thought that he couldn't speak, and immediately said rebelliously, "Can't tell? A man's mouth is very deceptive."

Jing Hao laughed out loud. After he put his phone away, he took a sip of water from the thermos cup next to him, and stared at her on the camera intently:
"You, duplicity is the cutest."

Lin Yun'er took a light breath, Xiaolu's mouth shrunk, and she didn't respond, but her eyes drifted left and right.

There are too many things hidden in the man's eyes, and the temperature is a bit scorching.

Even though it was through the screen of the mobile phone, she could feel the emotions that were restrained by him but were about to come out.

"What are you looking at? Prettier than me?" Jing Hao was very abnormal, and whispered something he would never say before.

"Well, much better looking than you."

Lin Yuner turned the camera around, facing the cactus and agave on the windowsill.

The bathroom she was in had a small window sill at the far end, and there were two pots of flowers on it, and she was standing there, using the shower as a water gun, sizzling all the time.

"I'm watering the flowers!"

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment, and soon couldn't laugh or cry.

"Are you going to drown them?"

"How can I?" Lin Yun'er's hand watering the flowers paused, "Can a cactus be watered to death? Isn't it afraid of running out of water?"

Jing Hao hummed: "No matter what kind of flower it is, you can't help watering it like this."

"It was purely manslaughter!" Lin Yun'er adjusted the camera back, her face dazed.

"Then we have to bury them generously." Jing Hao sighed.

 Today's recommended song: Ah Yeah——EXID
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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