nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 159 Lin Yuner, You Old 6!

Chapter 159 Lin Yuner, You Sixth Son! (two in one)

Lin Yuner: "Jing Hao..."

The man took a sip of water and sighed again: "The white-haired man sends the black-haired man."

Lin Yun'er's molars clenched: "You're hypocritical, it's these desert babies who are going to send you away, they outlived you!"

Jing Hao coughed, as if he was choking.

He was about to speak, but he seemed to have noticed something, and pointed behind Lin Yuner.

Lin Yun'er also noticed that someone entered the room, and that person was clearly...

She acted like a thief, frantically trying to turn off the phone, but a voice sounded from behind, and she immediately put the phone in her pocket.


"Zhiyuan." Lin Yuner turned around with a perfect smile: "Why are you here?"

Because I am in Greece, I am in a foreign country, and I am not familiar with the place here. Although it is a place hired by the crew, as a female star, I still have to pay attention to safety.

So Lin Yuner and Jin Zhiyuan had already exchanged each other's room cards before the first day they moved in. Just in case, if either of them encounters any unexpected situation in the room, the room card that lives next door You can quickly go over to help, or go to the crew as soon as possible.

Song Joong Ki and Jin Goo live in the room opposite to the room where they are connected.

"I just heard the voice you called, and I feel a little worried."

"And it's starting to get a little cold here. I remember Ernie, you seem a little afraid of the cold. I just went to the crew and asked for two shawls, one for each of us."

Jin Zhiyuan brought her a shawl. Basically, as long as it is thick enough, she will not be afraid of the cold.

"Thank you, sister Zhiyuan." Lin Yuner wrapped her shawl and grinned.

Jin Zhiyuan handed her the cup again, "Hot milk, drink it and go to bed early."

"Oh." Lin Yun'er nodded honestly, took the cup and drank it in big gulps.

Jin Zhiyuan was not in a hurry to leave, she stared at her for a while, Lin Yuner saw this and asked, "Sister Zhiyuan, do you have something to tell me?"

"There are some words." Jin Zhiyuan nodded: "Last time, O'Neill, you said you wanted to apologize to Jing Hao..."


Lin Yuner choked all the milk into her mouth.


Jin Zhiyuan was stunned, quickly took the cup from her hand, and then met the resentful eyes of this sister whom he had just recognized not long ago.

Lin Yun'er choked a little hard, but she didn't cough much, just the milk that went into her mouth flowed out of her nose, and most importantly, it sprayed some on Jin Zhiyuan's face...

That scene was full of shock.

"Cough...Sister Zhiyuan, I cough..."

"Don't talk, tidy up quickly, are you not choking?"

Jin Zhiyuan couldn't laugh or cry.

Lin Yuner leaned forward with a stiff neck, and pushed Jin Zhiyuan out of the door in a funny posture, her expression was very polite and humble, and she was completely different from her previous generous and beautiful appearance.

After pushing Jin Zhiyuan out and closing the door, Lin Yuner rushed into the bathroom and washed her face.

After washing her face, she looked at herself in the mirror.

With disheveled hair and a face full of water stains, recalling the previous embarrassment, Lin Yuner closed her eyes, scratched the ground with her toes, inserted her fingers into her hair, and scratched her scalp vigorously.

"The well-behaved Zhiyuan suddenly asked Jing Hao why..."

"I shouldn't have said that I wanted to ask him to apologize..."

Lin Yuner was talking to herself frantically.

Suddenly, she heard the man's low laughter.

For a moment, the scalp seemed to be grasped.

"Yun'er, I heard you."

Lin Yuner looked at herself in the mirror, and three words floated in her heart:


Did she just turn off her phone?

Hehe, it was really the deadliest day in history...

"Oni, are you okay?" Jin Zhiyuan's voice came from outside.

"I'm fine." Lin Yun'er replied: "Zhiyuan, go to rest, I'll go to bed after packing up."

"OK then."

Jin Zhiyuan sighed helplessly, and after coming out of the room, he looked at Song Zhongji and Jin Jiu who were standing at the stairs.

Song Zhongji always didn't wink, like a husky, he rushed to Jin Zhiyuan's side as if wagging his tail, and kept bumping his shoulder lightly against her shoulder.

Jin Jiu blinked beside him and asked, "Just now, what happened to you two?"

Lin Yuner and Jin Zhiyuan just now, the sound was a bit loud, and the room here is not very soundproof, so the two people who lived across the corridor also heard the commotion.

At this time, I came out specially to inquire about the situation.

Jin Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, "It's nothing, it's just that O'Neill spilled milk."

Song Joong Ki showed a skeptical expression beside him.

Spilled milk, will shout so loudly?Something must have happened to these two just now!
No, this curiosity, once it goes up, it can't go down. Curiosity really killed Huskies!

"Some of Onisa's milk spilled on me, so the two of us were a little messed up just now."

Jin Jiu wanted to ask her very much at this moment: If you spill milk, why did it spill on your face?
But Jin Jiu didn't dare to ask, he was not as courageous as Song Zhongji, he could guarantee that if he really asked, Jin Zhiyuan in front of him would definitely beat him up.

Although he is the oldest among them, they have been together for a while, and they get along very well.

Between the few people, they didn't pay special attention to these rules and regulations of the seniors at all, and when they got together to play, they didn't taboo so much, and they completely regarded the other few people as bosom friends.

But since Jin Gou himself and Kim Ji-won are a couple in the drama, they get along longer than Song Joong-ki and Kim Ji-won.

Song Joong Ki was the first to ask Kim Ji Won, it's normal for Kim Ji Won not to be angry.

But if he dared to continue to ask what he thought, he would not be able to get away with this beating if he was more familiar with Jin Zhiyuan.

"Okay, okay, you two go back quickly, it's so late, go to sleep, you have to get up and shoot tomorrow morning."

Afterwards, Jin Zhiyuan wiped her face with her hands, and threw the milk out of her face. After that, with a sullen face, she couldn't help but separate the two, walked from the middle to the door of her room, opened the door, and walked away went in.

Only two people with blindfolded faces were left messing around in the hallway.

. . . .

in the bathroom.

Lin Yuner took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and looked at the man's handsome face on the screen.

She took a light breath, calming down her moth-like heart.

With her chin raised, she stared at him with wide beautiful eyes: "I hear it when I hear it, and I'm not afraid!!"

"I was indeed wrong! When sister Zhiyuan enlightened me at the beginning, I didn't expect it to be because you also had a lot of difficulties! After all, it must not be a problem that you can find a perfect clarification so quickly. Simple things!"

Word by word, he was clearly telling Jing Hao the reason why he wanted to apologize, but with a hint of unconvinced ferocity.

Passed through the screen and radio waves, turned into the frequency of heartbeat, smashed into Jing Hao's ears, and smashed into his heart.

He looked at the fierce little face on the screen, the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably.

I couldn't help but want to laugh, but I didn't want to show too much complacency.

At this moment, he couldn't look directly into her eyes.

It was too eye-catching, too beautiful, which made him lost uncontrollably, and made him want to take it for himself, but he was a little scared, afraid that his ambition and desire would be seen through by her.

For the first time, Jing Hao showed a evasive expression in front of her.

So... Lin Yuner saw it.

I saw his red ears, saw his red neck, saw the rolling of his Adam's apple...

Her beautiful eyes widened.

Heartbeat turned into endless joy.



Lin Yuner couldn't help laughing: "So you're also shy? Jing Hao? So you haven't always been so cold?"

Jing Hao closed his eyes with a grin, covered his face with one hand, and frowned somewhat annoyed.

He opened his eyes and looked at her who was full of curiosity and complacency on the screen through his fingers.

A sentence lingered in my mind unconsciously:

If there is a winner or loser, then the loser must be him...

I have already lost to her...

This provocative Lin Yuner...

Jing Hao slowly lowered his hand and looked into her eyes.

"You don't need to apologize to me, no matter what time it is, you will always be a winner with me."

Lin Yuner's eyes flickered slightly.

She heard him whisper: "I will only bow down to you."

Every word and every word is like fireworks warming up in front of your eyes, confusing the hearts of the world.

She pursed her lips, but she didn't hide her sneaky smile, she glanced left and right with her beautiful eyes, and said softly:

"I don't care, I don't see anyone anyway, so I don't care about you."

Jing Hao sighed, and his tone was dull and helpless: "It seems that starting tomorrow morning, I have to get up early to work overtime. Hurry up and finish here so that I can go to your place earlier."

Lin Yuner snickered.

After laughing a few times, she remembered something and raised her eyes to give Jing Hao a hard look.

Jing Hao was a little baffled, this person was still looking like a spring breeze just now, why did he change his face now?

"What happened to you?"

Lin Yuner pursed her mouth, her face was full of unhappiness, she pulled her small face and said: "Although I can understand that you should have some reasons why you can't say it, but when I think of you still looking for other women, I'm still Very dissatisfied."

"Although the two of you are only because of the needs of public opinion, you are not really together."

"But, after all, that's your girlfriend in name, at least in name."

"Well, I admit, there are indeed some things, at least so far, I can't tell you." Jing Hao replied.

The corners of Lin Yuner's lips curled up unconsciously, but she soon realized this, so she quickly suppressed it.

With her small chin raised, she stared at the screen arrogantly: "So open? Or are you trying to use this idea of ​​mine to deliberately get away with it?"

"No." Jing Hao's tone was very sincere, and he stared at her with burning eyes: "I do have a reason, but I really can't tell you, but one thing I can tell you is that I shouldn't be asked to do it. Some very embarrassing things, you can rest assured."

Lin Yuner raised her chin solemnly and coughed: "Although I believe your statement for the time being, I will give you another 2 minutes to recall. Is there anything shameful during this time! Be honest!"

"For example, I was kissed by a big star?"

"Jing Hao!"

The pretty girl Lin Yuner howled angrily.

Jing Hao was honest, looked at her innocently, and said with emotion: "It was you who asked me to think about it, is there something shameful?"

Lin Yuner laughed angrily.

Depend on!
Jing Hao, you cheapskate!

Decided to end this unfavorable topic.

"Don't talk, I'm going to start thinking about it."

She said solemnly, walked out of the bathroom, then sat by the bed, casually took out a tablet from her bag, and after carefully unlocking it, flipped over the screen with her fingers.

On the interface of the tablet is a controller page, and on the top is a video playback of a camera!
Over here is the surveillance camera at Jing Hao's house!

Jing Hao looked at the tablet in Lin Yuner's hand through the screen of the phone she held in her hand, and was stunned for a moment.

"When did you get surveillance? Why didn't I know?"

Lin Yuner squinted her eyes and smiled triumphantly at the screen of the phone: "(¬︿¬☆) Humph~~ Why do you think my old lady dared to move away in such an upright way before? Before leaving, my old lady specially stayed at your house A few pinhole cameras, just to look back, did you take this opportunity to find some woman back!"

"It's okay if you don't find it, if you find it."

Lin Yun'er snorted, and her tone turned cold: "If I really find out, then the two of us will be forever, and it's over!"

Jing Hao held his head with his hands helplessly, feeling a little pain in his head.

It's also fortunate that Jing Hao doesn't often play on the Internet. If he doesn't know what to say, if he has more contact with it.

Then he will definitely say from the bottom of his heart at this time: Damn!Lin Yuner, you sixth child!

After a few words with Jing Hao, Lin Yuner scratched her little head, thought about the time she left, put her finger on the controller, and adjusted the time forward casually. The picture on the screen suddenly changed.

Suddenly, her eyes froze.

In the shot in the upper right corner, a tall man appeared.

It seemed that he had just taken a shower, with only a towel around his waist, his wet hair was brushed back, and his jaw line was so delicate that his heart beat wildly.

Abdominal muscles and muscle lines are all arousing people's desire.

He walked into the room with a cup of coffee in one hand, and put his hand on the towel as if he was about to tear it off.

Lin Yuner came back to her senses, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she hurried forward, and shouted: "Jing Hao, you're wrong! Why didn't you put on your clothes after taking a shower!!!"

"Your home is monitored and you still wander around like this, you pervert!"

Doctor Jing Hao who was scolded innocently:? ? ?How did I know there was surveillance in my home?
Lin Yuner, you are really not a human being! ! !

The mobile phone was placed beside her, and he could see Lin Yuner's panicked expression at a glance.

Jing Hao rubbed his nose, and said helplessly, "If you don't wear clothes in your own home, it shouldn't be against the law, right?"

Lin Yuner: "..."

It's not illegal, and it's not morally wrong.

It was she who unscrupulously installed surveillance cameras behind his back in Jing Hao's house, and at this very moment, she checked the surveillance cameras in front of him, and unscrupulously saw...

Jing Hao suppressed a smile and stared at her flushed face: "You installed the surveillance system yourself, how dare you let me stay in your own home without clothes?"

Lin Yuner's tender face seemed to have been splashed with chili oil, it was very hot.

She wanted to stare at the past fiercely, but felt that such a reaction would make her feel more guilty.

He casually picked up the half-sprinkled hot milk next to him, and took a big gulp of it into his mouth.

 Today's favorite song: Mad at Disney——salem ilese
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  Salang hey~~~
(End of this chapter)

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