nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 160 The tacit understanding between smart people

Chapter 160 The tacit understanding between smart people (two in one)

This sudden gulp of milk, poured into his mouth at this time, is as hot as strong wine!
It's so spicy that you can't feel your face burning!

People are numb...

"Don't drink so hard, be careful of choking." Jing Hao reminded, how could this coward drink milk like liquor?That's not how milk is made...

"Shh! Quiet!"

Lin Yuner frowned, showing the aura of a queen.

The panic of the previous moment seemed to be an illusion.

In order to prove that she wasn't a pervert, she pulled back the surveillance again.

Staring intently at the man's lustful body on the screen, he still doesn't forget to comment.

"Jing Hao, your abs are pretty good."

"The mermaid line is also pretty..."

"The pectoral muscles seem to be fine too..."

Jing Hao: "..."

In the camera, her face was flushed and her eyes gleamed.

Holding the wine bottle in his hand, he took a sip from time to time, as if to strengthen his courage.

It seemed to be... swallowing saliva quietly.

Lin Yuner looked at him in the surveillance.

He looked at her in the video.

Jing Hao put his hands on his lips, hiding the upturned corners of his lips.

What should I do, his Yoona is too cute...

"Tch, I thought you were going to take off the towel, but why did you enter the bathroom again, bad review!"

There is no surveillance in the bathroom!

Lin Yun'er expressed regret on her lips, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief while drinking.

Damn, I scared her to death!
I thought I really wanted to watch a beautiful male strip show!
I didn't think that Jing Hao's physical body would be so lethal to me before, but now I don't know what's going on, and I was a little blushed when I saw it.

This man... is simply the poison of the world!

After she finished speaking, she found that Jing Hao on the other side of the video hadn't said a word, and looked over guiltily, only to see that he had been staring at her firmly.

With a smile that is not a smile, it seems to see through everything.

Under those black eyes, there seems to be lust permeating, ready to come out...

"It seems that I have to perform well in the future and try my best to dispel this bad review."

Jing Hao said meaningfully, looking at her with his chin on his hands:
"It's all according to your preferences, how about it?"

"Okay!" Lin Yun'er's face was hot, and the charm in her beautiful eyes flowed, she said angrily: "I will hang you up and beat you later."

Jing Hao laughed out loud, being so cute by her.

"A little cruel."

"Are you afraid?"

"Well, I'm afraid."

The two of you have a word, and I have a word.

He made trouble with her and laughed with her.

In the end, it was Jing Hao who said a date.

Lin Yuner and Jing Hao explained the date of that day.

Lin Yun'er coughed twice in a cover-up manner, and switched the monitoring record back.

That day, she didn't know whether it was a ghost who was obsessed with her mind, or whether she had taken the wrong medicine, and launched a brutal and inhumane violence against Jing Hao.

That's not her!
Don't admit it, don't admit it even if you kill it!

How could she, how could she, how could she! !

She actually pushed him against the wall...

Press against the wall and chew...

Lin Yun'er closed her eyes slightly, and all she could think of was the moment when she took the initiative to go up that day. . .

What lingered in his mind was the man's panting, as well as his own initiative to ask for a kiss. . .

She secretly leaked a slit in her glasses, glanced at the video from the corner of her eye, and Jing Hao was looking at her curiously.

Lin Yuner immediately pressed down the phone screen.


The man started to laugh, "Are you embarrassed again?"

The screen was completely black, Jing Hao couldn't help laughing, he could imagine her expression at this moment.

Lin Yuner's toes were picking on the ground...

Lin Yuner gritted her teeth, as if unwilling to accept Jing Hao's question, she directly changed the subject.

"Don't talk yet! I'll look back, and I don't believe you didn't sneak some girls into your house while I was away!"

There was a subtle expression on Jing Hao's face, and he said with a half-smile, "Order, I'll just follow you and have a look."

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips, showing an expression of reluctance to admit defeat.

At this moment, she had completely forgotten how she would feel if she really found out that Jing Hao secretly took some other girls home behind her back.

Now she has been a little bit carried away by the urge not to admit defeat.

Qianqian's hand was placed on the tablet, and she flicked the screen lightly, flipping through it bit by bit, Jing Hao's "living alone" life at home since he left.

Lin Yuner read it several times from beginning to end, but she didn't find any doubts.

When Jing Hao was at home, it seemed that he really didn't have any recreational activities. The first thing he did when he came back was to take a shower. Other than that, he either studied in his bedroom, lying on his desk, or It was when I was studying that I was suddenly interrupted by a call from the hospital, and then I hurried out on the way to the hospital.

It is no exaggeration to say that this man is really boring.

Not even a little bit of fun.

Lin Yuner watched it several times, feeling a little desperate.

She seemed to be wearing a pain mask on her face, covered her face with her hands, and wailed: "I have sinned deeply..."

"It's good to be responsible, and you will be spared the death penalty."

Lin Yun'er stared at the phone resentfully, the man's voice was clearly holding back a smile.

"You said why didn't you resist?!"

Jing Hao: I didn't resist?
It's useless to resist...

"I'm sorry," he said.

Only then did Lin Yuner pick up the phone, staring at him on the screen: "What do you regret?"

"At the beginning, if you were caught without a fight, if you pushed the boat along with the flow, wouldn't you have been tricked by now?"

Lin Yuner: "..."

"There is a way to erase the black history." Jing Hao asked, "Do you want to know?"

"any solution?"

"Create a new piece of history." The corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he said persuasively, "Let's switch roles and do it again?"

At this moment, Lin Yuner said in addition to praising: "As expected of you!"
There is simply no other language to be found!
However, if you think about it, it seems that it is not unacceptable?

Thinking of this, Lin Yun'er's mood improved, she picked up the few remaining cups from the side, and hummed an out-of-tune tune while walking.

Jumping and walking outside.

Jing Hao listened to the song she was humming... subconsciously picked his ears.

Through the camera on Jing Hao's side, Lin Yun'er looked at Jing Hao's room, and was suddenly surprised to find that Jing Hao's room seemed to be different.

So she looked curious about the baby, and waved to Jing Hao on the opposite side of the video in surprise, and said excitedly, "Pick up your phone and turn around, your room seems to be different, I want to take a look."

Jing Hao laughed, and then followed her, picked up the phone, and walked slowly around the entire bedroom.

The overall layout remains the same as before, and there is still a bed in the room.

There are two photos on the head of the bed, one is a photo of Jing Hao and his mentor Li Zhongwan, wearing white coats and smiling together, and the other is a photo of Jing Hao and his parents when he was in Huaguo photo taken.

Other than that, there was only one bedside lamp next to the bed, and nothing else.

Then there was still a desk lying at the end of the bed. This was where Jing Hao usually studied when he came home.

Looking around on the desk, there are all kinds of medical books, most of which are related to heart medicine, and then there is a computer.

As for this computer, Lin Yuner also came into contact with it when she came here before, and the configuration is not too trendy. Jing Hao mostly uses it to consult some forums, and when writing his own papers, he will use it. Often used.

The layout of the entire bedroom is very simple, so simple that it makes people feel empty. . .

Lin Yun'er raised her eyes, and saw the wall of this room, that wall turned out to be. . .

That gossip photo of her and Jing Hao!
It was the photographer named "Wang Taika" with a strange name who happened to capture the photo!
Lin Yun'er's eyes trembled slightly, and a moving brilliance was reflected in her eyes, as if they were full of stars, shining brightly, very breathtaking.

"I hung up this photo after you left."

When Lin Yuner found this photo, Jing Hao naturally followed Lin Yuner's line of sight to see it, and suddenly he felt a little unnatural, and he was rarely slowed down.

"At that time... I really felt that you were not joking, and I was even ready to have no fate with you..."

"The photos...were also hung up during this period."

Lin Yuner came back to her senses, and stared straight at him in the video.

Looking at him like this, he sighed lightly, fell directly on the bed behind him, found a comfortable position, and turned his side.

Putting the mobile phone against the head of the bed, she rested her chin and looked at him quietly:
"Do you think I'm that fragile, Jing Hao?"

She stared at him intently: "In your opinion, am I the kind of delicate flower that grows in the greenhouse as you imagined? Or, the green tea that people often say?"

Jing Hao smiled helplessly, he knew that Lin Yuner was not.

"I'm ashamed of myself." Jing Hao said softly, with suppressed emotions in his eyes, rolling over, hard to contain: "You are so kind."

Okay so he couldn't hold back the craving.

After knowing everything about Lin Yun'er, Jing Hao asked himself, he was indeed a little confused.

Especially after learning the stories about Lin Yuner's mother, He San, and Xingli's family, this feeling became more and more intense.

He didn't feel anything because of Lin Yuner's real background, but he just felt that, according to Gu Minyan's point of view, Gu Minyan was bound to have a fight with Sanxing.

If Sanxing had been involved with Lin Yuner at that time, Jing Hao thought to himself that he was really not sure that he could protect her.

Everything he did was also an effort for Lin Yuner.

There is no doubt that his own existence will become the arrow for some of Gu Minyan's ideas to be implemented. When he knew the relationship between Gu Minyan and Lin Yuner, as well as the grievances between her and Sanxing, Jing Hao already had this idea. knew.

He was extremely eager to get her, but he was afraid that his existence would hurt her. . .

So I tried my best to suppress and control, but I still lost.

He selfishly wanted to have everything about her, and wanted to pull her into his own world, but he was afraid that the darkness would erode her.

He didn't want to see what Lin Yun'er would think after learning about Gu Minyan.

He also didn't want to see how Lin Yuner would treat him after knowing the many follow-up actions he and Gu Minyan had carried out.

He didn't even hope that, if one day, Gu Minyan failed in this war, Lin Yun'er would be hit in another way.

Jing Hao hoped that she would continue to be an innocent, glamorous, and popular star who was loved by everyone forever, as usual, and let himself take care of the rest.

Now he is self-aware of himself.

Although the doctor has a high social status on the peninsula, if he wants to fight against a towering tree like Sanxing, he probably won't attract the tree's attention with all his strength.

What I can do is to rely on my own efforts and try my best to gain some confidence.

That's why Jing Hao agreed to Jin Zhiyong's request after thinking it over and over again, and for this, he actually went to seek help from Gu Minyan and borrowed her energy.

Jing Hao thought about it for a long time. As a doctor, how can it be helpful to save people by treating diseases?
If you really fantasize about your dream of saving the president of the peninsula like a surprise soldier from heaven, then you might as well consider the probability of buying a lottery ticket.

If you want yourself to be recognized by Sanxing, the first step is to have a certain accumulation of capital.

No matter how you earn it, you must first have such capital before you have the opportunity to consider the following things.

Jing Hao himself doesn't understand other industries, so if he researches rashly, he won't make any more successful routes.

But for an industry of medical supplies, Jing Hao himself still has a little say.

As a user, he can accurately judge the quality of a product.

And in this industry, especially in the low-end basic goods industry that Jin Zhiyong has been in contact with, no one has participated.

What I have to do is to successfully squeeze out this piece of the market, and when I can truly become the dominant company, I will have the preliminary qualifications to let Sanxing put myself on the negotiating table.

And relying on the lead of low-end basic items, and then slowly developing high-end medical equipment, the difficulty is much less.

Coupled with Jin Zhiyong's own identity, if he is asked to do this, he will not attract attention.

If Jing Hao did it himself, it would be completely different.

Although Sanxing still looked down on Jing Hao, it was impossible not to know what was wrong with Jing Hao, and it was impossible not to know the relationship between Jing Hao and Gu Minyan.

If he came here by himself, he would definitely encounter a huge sniper attack. This is an obvious fact.

Gu Minyan, who has always been smart, also more or less noticed Jing Hao's thoughts.

Otherwise, no matter how much she believed in Jing Hao, Gu Minyan would not ask her housekeeper to help Jin Zhiyong without asking.

This is the tacit understanding between smart people.

Or maybe it's the tacit understanding between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law?

 Today's Heartbeat Song: Glitch - Concubine Kwon Eun
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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