nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 161 Exchanging Eyes, He's My Sister's Man

Chapter 161 Exchanging Eyes, It's My Sister's Man (Two in One)

After a week of taking care of the work at hand, Jing Hao finally completed the expected task and bought a ticket to Greece as planned.

BJ time, ten o'clock in the morning.

The sun shines on the streets of Seoul, dizzying every corner around it, and here, the romantic atmosphere surrounds everyone.

In a certain taxi heading to the airport at this moment, Jing Hao put down his phone and sat in the comfortable back seat with his eyes closed.

He rubbed his fingers at the center of his temples, and he looked a little tired.

To be honest, I have been so busy in recent days that even Jing Hao's physical condition can't bear the workload.

I glanced at the time on my phone, and there was only half an hour left before my flight took off.

Jing Hao couldn't hold back his expression, and gradually became a little anxious.

After urging the driver, he picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the familiar top chat box.

Without even thinking about it, I just knocked it out.

Jing Hao: Good morning.

After pondering for a moment, he asked again: Is your class open there?
He wasn't sure if the other party got up, after all, he wasn't very clear about Lin Yuner's shooting plan.

I only know that recently Lin Yuner's class is not every day, sometimes she has no plans to shoot for a whole day, so she just sleeps in the morning.

Looking out the window, the sun was very soft, maybe he was going to see her soon, Jing Hao suddenly felt extremely comfortable again.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the phone vibrated directly.

Lin Yuner: Woke up early, I just finished filming my piece, and I happen to have nothing to do right now.

Jing Hao couldn't help laughing.


In the past, Jing Hao had a cold and ascetic style of painting all day long, but he didn't know when, a lot of smiles gradually appeared on his face.

From time to time, I can't help smiling.

Inexplicably, the warmth of the whole body surged, and the carriage was a little hot.

Jing Hao exhaled, shook the phone, and smiled.

The next moment, another message was sent to his mobile phone.

Jing Hao took a careful look, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze instantly.

Lin Yuner: When will you come over?I found that there are many young brothers in Greece who are more handsome. If you don’t come, I feel that I will be hanged away by others~~~
Although Jing Hao knew that she was joking, he had to say that he still had some inexplicable emotions in his heart.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he searched the collection, and quickly sent it: Bu Er Da Da begging for mercy.JPG.

The emoticon pack is beating, silly and cute.

It is completely different from Jing Hao's image in the past.

But even so, the other party didn't seem to intend to let him go.

Lin Yuner: At most, the matter with you and Cheng Cailing has been written off like this, what do you think?

Followed by a little smirk.

Jing Hao lost his composure for an instant.

. . . .

Two minutes later, inside the overcrowded Seoul Airport.

The staff first spoke in Peninsular language, and then spoke fluent English, and the voice was clear and clear throughout the pier.

"Passengers traveling from Seoul to Greece, please note that your flight k530 will take off soon, please take the time to board the ship with your ticket, thank you!"

Jing Hao quickly left the taxi, dragging the suitcase.

Like a gust of wind, the figure brushed aside the crowd and rushed towards the ship that was about to depart.

Actually, just last week.

Because Director Li Yingfu knew that Jing Hao was a doctor, he also communicated with Jing Hao, so that he didn't have to be so anxious. The crew could wait for him for about half a month, and it would not be too late to come after the patients at hand were finished.

However, Jing Hao, who missed Lin Yun'er abnormally, was still a little anxious in his heart, and couldn't wait to appear in front of her right away.

Thinking of this, Jing Hao wished he had special abilities.

It can save him all the cumbersome security check procedures, and he can sit directly on the cruise ship in one transformation.

Not as he wished, he was just an ordinary person, queuing up for the security check as usual.

Jing Hao had just finished packing the luggage that had been messed up by the staff.

The more time was pressed, the phone in his pocket was vibrating non-stop.

While wiping the fine sweat from his forehead, he ran to the boarding place.

Jing Hao picked up the annoying mobile phone and took a look.

Tilting his head, he picked up the phone displayed as "Mom" on the screen.

Before he could speak, a voice came from the other end.

"Jing Hao, is your previous girlfriend named Lin Yun'er?"

Jing Hao didn't stop walking, and replied out of breath: "You know?..."

Mom's tone paused for a moment, she had obviously noticed something, and then she changed the topic.

"When you go home this year, can you bring her back?"

Here, for the words "bring her back", my mother deliberately accentuated her voice.

In the few years since Jing Hao came here, my mother's focus is still as persistent as ever.

This also made Jing Hao more certain that in his mother's heart, the quality of her son's career was far less important than having a girlfriend.

He glanced at his watch, and the time to board the ship was getting closer, and his pace also accelerated a little.

"...Master Mushang, Yun'er and I have already broken up."

After finishing speaking, Jing Hao took a deep breath into the phone.

But on the other end, my mother still didn't give up, and asked insincerely, "Is it really separated? There is no room for redemption?"

Jing Hao smiled helplessly: "Then I don't know, but it is indeed a state of breaking up now, mom..."

With the mobile phone held up to his ear, while Jing Hao was talking, his eyes inadvertently glanced at a duty-free shop not far away.

A beautiful figure inside flashed across his eyes.

I saw the girl lingering by the shelf, looking down at her phone.

She is wearing an ankle-length Korean-style brown windbreaker, which is tailored for a slim fit, and sets off a tall figure very capable and chic.

In fact, it is said to be tall, and the girl's height does not look tall if you look carefully at it. It may be because the girl's proportion is too good, and her figure is very close to the golden ratio, which gave Jing Hao an illusion. After looking at it, I can still feel it.

The girl turned her back to his direction, her slightly curly long hair draped over her shoulders, her elegant back, and the belt wrapped around her waist tightened a slender waist, which was graceful and grippable.

At this time, the mother's complaining tone came over: "My good son! Abandoned, abolished!"

"What a girlfriend! She's a big star! You can break the rebar you signed this month, and your head is really just like your dad's, with an elm head..."

Chinese-style families generally have a common problem, and that is probably the family status of women, which is the supreme existence in most families.

Subtly, when the son is being trained, the father is often brought along innocently.

When the girl turned around, Jing Hao looked away and couldn't help laughing at the phone.

"Yes, my dad is Yumu, and I am Pimple."

The mother who didn't hear the good news has become impatient, and she has no good mood to continue talking nonsense with Jing Hao.

So she decided to hang up the fake call, which was intended to develop a "mother-child relationship".

"Slick tongue, okay, that's it."

"Mom, you..."

Beep beep beep beep. . . . .

A busy tone came from the phone, Jing Hao looked at the phone with a blacked-out screen, smiled wryly and shook his head.

really. . . .He probably really came here as a gift for phone bills.

. . . .

Duty free shop at the airport.

The girl looked down at her mobile phone, lingering beside the dazzling array of merchandise shelves.

Originally, she had to wait for a while before going to Greece, but due to various reasons, she had to advance the schedule a long time.

She came to the airport early today, so she took her mobile phone and went online to read some topics about herself.

But I saw a lot of bad comments.

Normally, she would have turned a blind eye to such remarks in the past.

Today, she seems to have a lot of interest.

Not only did she scan all the comments, but she also took screenshots of some comments that made her laugh out loud with the phone in her palm, and saved them in the photo album.

At last,
After replying a lot of messages on the mobile phone, the girl is going to buy some gifts, the most important thing is a lot of food, and she is going to take them away.

And this time.

The sound of urging the machine above the head sounded.

The girl was hiding under the mask, showing a trace of consternation on her very pretty face, she blinked subconsciously, and hurriedly took out the ticket from the small bag she was carrying, checked the broadcast, and then realized that it was her own flight .

So she put away her mobile phone in a hurry, and as soon as she turned around, she hurriedly took the things she had bought to the counter to check out, pulled the suitcase and the things she just bought, and ran out at a trot all the way.

Slip away~~~~
But she didn't expect that there was someone more anxious than her.

right at the door.

A gust of wind lifted her hair, and a boy's gray coat pierced her eyes.

Then the strong and powerful chest hit her slender body before she had time to dodge.


The girl suppressed her scream and let out a muffled grunt.

The broad forehead that was exposed outside the bangs slammed into the boy's arms, and his cheeks were buried in his arms unexpectedly.

The instant the body collided, the nasal cavity was already filled with the other party's cool breath, as well as the warmth from the chest.

When the boy's palm was about to support her back.

The girl instinctively took a few steps back, but because of her unstable center of gravity, she fell to the ground.

With inertia, the hem of the windbreaker lifted up.

Under the windbreaker was a long lace dress, which slid up her fair ankles, revealing two slender and smooth calves.

Faintly, there is an alluring, tempting urge to continue looking down.

. . . .

The pain came from the legs, and the brown curly hair hung down on both sides of the cheeks.

The girl lowered her head and propped herself on the ground with one hand, while holding the corner of her skirt with the other hand, trying to cover up the exposed skin that was slowly turning red due to shyness and fright.

But Jing Hao, who had bumped into someone, staggered back a few steps on his heels, and managed to stand still.

At that moment just now, the soft and delicate body of the girl flung herself in his arms through the clothes,

It was enough to make Jing Hao stunned for a moment.

Jing Hao stood in front of her looking down.

Under the bright light, the girl's face could not be seen clearly through the mask.

It can only be seen that her hair is very soft, her skin is as white as snow, and her collarbone is also particularly sexy.

Down, slightly ups and downs. . . . .

There was a moment in his sight, a brief blaze.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the brain reacted in detail.

He bent over and reached forward.

Embarrassed for a moment, Jing Hao, who was nervous, blurted out a mouthful of Hua Guo dialect.

"...I'm very sorry, I'm catching a plane, so I ran in a hurry."

As soon as the words were finished, the girl in front of her suddenly raised her head. The eyes reflected in Jing Hao's eyes were clear and clear, but the application was as indifferent as ice.

I don't know if it was the pain from falling.

At this moment, her delicate skin was exposed outside the mask, revealing a thin layer of red mist.

Gentleness and aloofness, these two temperaments collided in her body.

In the blink of an eye, the girl caught sight of the air ticket in Jing Hao's hand, when the destination was Athens.

There was a slight pause in his eyes.

At this time, Jing Hao also reacted belatedly. He didn't seem to speak Peninsular just now. . .

So Jing Hao spoke Peninsular again, and said it again: "...I'm very sorry, I'm catching a plane, so I ran in a little hurry."

Although the girl fell on the ground, out of upbringing and politeness, her hand was lightly held on Jing Hao's arm, and she stood up slightly with his strength.

The girl lowered her head and straightened the folds of her clothes with a calm tone.

"It's ok!"

The voice was like her cool temperament, without much warmth.

The voice is extraordinarily soft and ethereal, very soft.

Compared with the anxious person in front of him, the girl is undoubtedly much calmer at this moment.

After tidying up her clothes, she raised her eyes halfway to see the boy's face clearly.

He was dressed in gray casual clothes, his figure was very straight, and the outline of his facial features looked very clean and elegant.

The boy's hair was a little messed up by the wind, and there were still some hairs on his forehead, and the fine hair was stained with fine sweat.

But there was a bit of a embarrassed smile on her face at this time, and it seemed that he was very embarrassed at this time.But even though he smiled very forcedly, against the backdrop of his delicate facial features, it seemed a bit inexplicable against his harmony, like the afternoon sun.

Has a little magical ability to heal all things.

But even so.

The girl's eyes only stayed for two seconds politely, and then lowered first.

She had already recognized this slightly awkward boy in front of her through their face-to-face gaze.

Exchanged glances, it was someone I knew.

Oh, no, he doesn't know me yet.

This idea quietly flashed through the girl's heart.

Then he carefully corrected himself in his heart.

After exchanging glances, it's my sister's man.

This time, it should be right.

Hmm, no problem.

 The King of Cards is here everyone~~~~
  I don't know why Ka Huang went to Greece, maybe it was just a whim?
  Today’s song recommendation: Diamonds——Lee Taeyong, Taeyeon (feat given by sheep)

  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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