nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 162 Let's Date!

Chapter 162 Let's Date! (two in one)

The setting sun poured through the glass around the two of them.

In the air, exudes the fragrance of chamomile, mixed with the fragrance of green grass in early autumn.

At this moment, the apology in Jing Hao's eyes was very sincere.

He heard the girl responding to him in Huaguo Mandarin, which was not very standard, with a slight accent.

Jing Hao's eyes flashed, a little surprised.

Seeing Jing Hao's flashing pupils, the girl patted her head annoyed, as if complaining about her slightly bad Mandarin, and then repeated in Peninsular: "I'm sorry, my Mandarin is not very good, but I It's practicing, and what I'm trying to say is, it's okay."

Jing Hao nodded knowingly. It seemed that the young lady in front of him was also learning Huaguo Mandarin.

However, he looked ahead, and the passage the two of them were going to at the moment seemed to lead to the boarding gate to Greece.

"If I'm not mistaken, are you also going to Greece?"

During the questioning, he bent down and picked up the luggage on the ground, and handed it to the girl opposite.

After taking the suitcase, the girl's light-white fingers rested on the pull rod very chicly.

Unexpectedly, she did not answer Jing Hao's question, but said calmly: "Thank you!"

Jing Hao smiled, and wanted to continue asking her if she was hurt anywhere, when the girl put one hand in the pocket of the windbreaker.

Turning around, he pulled the suitcase and left in a hurry without giving him any chance to speak.

The hem of the windbreaker was curved, and the hair on the back was flying in the wind, leaving only Jing Hao's graceful figure.

She looks to be in her twenties, and judging from her dressing and overall temperament, she is no less than many female stars.

The whole person is very casual, with a free and easy posture, but there is a faint sense of imperialism. The demeanor of the elder sister is like a flower blooming on the high mountain on the ice field, unusually cold, but extraordinarily cool. attract attention.

Jing Hao looked at her back and smiled slightly.

Are girls all this high and cold nowadays?

And it seemed that this was the first time I had encountered such a slightly embarrassing scene when I was so grown up, and it was the first time a girl didn't give me face at all.

Looking at the footsteps of the opponent gradually moving away, the posture of the Ice Queen, speaking of it, was very similar to that of a member of Lin Yuner's previous team.

Although Jing Hao has never been in contact with that person, but just from the many things he learned on the Internet, and what Lin Yuner revealed when he and Jing Hao were idle and chatting before, it is indeed the same as the one in front of him. It means that just talking can give people a natural sense of distance, and it is difficult for anyone to approach.

After boarding the plane and taking his seat, Jing Hao's hanging heart slowly subsided.

Jing Hao sat on the seat of the plane, couldn't help picking up his phone, and opened Kakao.The chat box still stays on the chat page with Lin Yun'er just now.

The previous topic came to an abrupt end because of Lin Yuner's sentence, which seemed to be a joke.

But thinking of what happened just now, Jing Hao found it funny and interesting, so he couldn't resist the urge to share it with her.

Jing Hao: [I've already boarded the plane to Greece. 】

It's ten o'clock in the morning here in Greece, and Jing Hao guessed that she should be shooting right now.

So it's not good to bother too much, so he launched the chat box.

But before the phone was put away, the vibration of the phone body came over.

Lin Yuner: [? ? ?so fast? 】

Jing Hao pursed the corners of his mouth, showing a gentle smile, and then said: [Huhu, I almost missed the plane, but luckily I ran faster, but. . . .It's embarrassing to bump into someone else (It's too embarrassing.jpg.)】

Lin Yuner: [Girl? 】

Jing Hao nodded: [Yes!But how do you know? 】

Lin Yun'er: [If you bumped into a man, I don't think you would tell me. 】

Immediately afterwards, she teased: [So according to inertia, did you hug her in a rotating manner, or overwhelm her in an idol drama? (bad smile.jpg)]

Jing Hao patted his forehead with his hand speechlessly, this Lin Yuner, wouldn't she be jealous at all?Are you still in the mood to joke with yourself?
It was always easy for her to extract key words from his words skillfully.

A burst of bloody rhetorical questions seemed to grasp Jing Hao's little thoughts.

However, Jing Hao was a little surprised by her timely reply.

Except for this chat today, since the two of them resumed contact until now, Lin Yuner is often in the state of filming, and he has always been waiting for her in the chat between the two of them.

But today, the speed of her reply is outrageous.

Jing Hao glanced at the time, and there were still a few minutes before the departure time.

Her rare style of painting is so witty.

He chatted with her down.

Jing Hao: [None. (Sorry.jpg)]

Lin Yuner: [emmm. . .Ok?Is it because it looks too tanky? 】

Although Jing Hao hadn't inquired about the meaning of the "tank" stalk, he still reacted immediately, so the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise: [On the contrary, the temperament is very elegant, and it's completely in the heart of a man. . . . 】

Ideal female companion.

After a few seconds of energy, her words are thought-provoking: [Is the ideal person to sleep with? 】

Jing Hao pursed his lips and smiled lowly, without thinking too much, he said very straightforwardly: [Also. . . .so. 】

Lin Yuner: [. . . . ? ! 】

Except for those things related to Gu Minyan, Jing Hao can almost say that he has no reservations about everything when facing her: [You know, almost all men, the first time they see a beautiful woman, Desire comes first, reason follows, and conquest comes last. 】

To be honest, Jing Hao felt that although Lin Yuner was in love with him (was in love), she probably really didn't know men very well.

She didn't know whether it was a psychological need or a physical need.

Or, is it a hint to yourself?
Lin Yun'er was stunned for a moment, and then sent: [So when you see any woman, you will have such a trilogy of fantasies? 】

Jing Hao: [Hahaha!What are you thinking?It's only for the kind of woman who can instantly make the blood in her whole body flow backwards. 】

Lin Yun'er gritted her teeth, and secretly guessed in her heart: You know what you say to this bastard, it seems that he has encountered it quite often, otherwise how could he know it so well?

Lin Yun'er continued to send: [For example?Fair skin and beautiful long legs?Plus 36D like this? 】

She has the look of humbly asking a child for advice.

Jing Hao changed his sitting position.

Glancing slightly out of the corner of the eye, the girl who was bumped just now broke into his line of sight unexpectedly.

She was sitting by the window, only a walkway away from him.

She lowered her head and stared at the phone, typing on the keyboard from time to time.

Although she can only see her side face, she can still feel that crystal clear side face like jade, with long eyelashes and a very small bridge of nose.

From the window on her right side, the halo of light shone over her, making her appear to be very agile, with a faintly breathtaking attitude.

The girl bit her lip and dragged her chin, her cheeks bulged slightly, and her brows were slightly furrowed.

As if she was angry with someone, she quickly clicked on the screen of the phone with her fingers, as if she was complaining to an acquaintance.

Although she didn't know that she was being watched by a gaze at this time, what she showed was the most authentic state.

Her behavior at the moment reveals a cute and playful feeling,

It can be said to be the complete opposite of her brother's cold appearance when he bumped into her.

Breathing gently, fanning the scattered hair on her cheeks, it was a very tempting pure, lustful taste.

Compared with the vast majority of girls Jing Hao has met before, it seems that all the sexiness at this moment cannot be more exciting.

At this moment. . . .

The girl raised her hand and held her side face up. The cuffs slid down slightly, revealing the bracelet on her white wrist.

With just a quick glance, Jing Hao recognized that bracelet, which was the latest model from Cartier.

Jing Hao has never paid much attention to these luxury items, but the reason why he can recognize this bracelet is that Lin Yuner considered buying this bracelet when Jing Hao was still in love with Lin Yuner.

The most important thing is that this bracelet also has a men's version. Lin Yuner also wants to buy it for Jing Hao. It happens that two people wearing it at the same time can be regarded as a couple's style.

But in the end Jing Hao still refused, because he thought it was too expensive, and it didn't matter if Lin Yuner bought it for herself, but if it was for Jing Hao, it would be a bit worthless. He himself was not very interested in these things, but I thought it was a waste of money, so I didn't take it in the end.

After that time, Jing Hao remembered this bracelet.

Jing Hao thought about it for a moment, picked up his mobile phone, and quietly took a photo and sent it to the person in kakao.

After all, on the flight to Athens, it was quite interesting to meet a lady who likes the same bracelet as Lin Yuner by chance.

But unfortunately. . . .

In the cabin, the flight attendant's untimely voice sounded.

"Gentlemen and ladies, our plane is about to take off. Please fasten your seat belts and switch your phones to flight mode. Thank you for your cooperation!"

After saying that, the girl in his sight frowned, put down her phone, turned sideways, pulled up the seat belt beside her, and turned to the corridor.

When he was about to meet her face to face, Jing Hao quickly turned his head away, probably because he broke his defense in chatting with someone today.

At this moment, the blood in his whole body is seduced by the charm of the girl beside him who exudes different temperaments all the time.

Started a backflow.

He didn't think about it, and quickly typed the last word: [I heard that Shipwreck Bay on Zakynthos Island is the best place to visit at noon. 】

Jing Hao: [Do you want to go and have a look together? 】

This meaning is very straightforward, he wants to see her, and wants to date her.

The fingertips pinching the phone tightened slightly.

The chat box fell silent because of his words.He is waiting patiently.

After a few minutes, Lin Yun'er didn't move a word.

Not even the beating of typing.

Jing Hao's brain was stuck for a moment at this moment, and his brain went blank.

. . . . .

In fact, there was a reason why Lin Yuner did not reply to Jing Hao after so long.

Because just now, when she was chatting with Jing Hao, a sister whom she hadn't contacted for a long time, who was very close in the past, suddenly sent her a message.

Jung Soo-yeon: [Yuna, are you there? 】

Lin Yun'er never thought that she would send herself a message at this time, but she quickly replied: [I'm here, O'Neill, I miss you so much! ! ! 】

Jung Soo-yeon didn't show too much expression on her face, but there was a burst of joy in her heart, and she quickly tapped her phone with her fingers: [What is the relationship between you and that man named Jing Hao? 】

Lin Yuner was stunned for a second, she didn't expect that Sikaoni, who hadn't contacted for a long time, came up to ask this question. To be honest, the fewer people who know about this matter, the safer.

But for a long time, the long-term dependence on Sika Oni still prompted her to tell the truth without too much hesitation: [Oni, the words between me and Jing Hao are a little complicated. Now, Between the two of us, we are probably in the state of just breaking up? 】

Xika couldn't help but frowned, feeling a little angry in her heart.She thought secretly in her heart: Could it be that what was said on the news is true?

Is this dog thing really with someone else?The front foot was with Yun'er, but now she is with someone else.

What a dog thing!

Thinking of this, several shots of anger rose in her heart, but since Lin Yun'er had just broken up with him, and not long ago, if she mentioned this matter in front of her now, Xika was afraid that she would hurt her, so she did it again. Not too much to mention.

After all, this Jing Hao is her first love, at this juncture, she should not provoke Yun'er anymore.

I'll just say it!Why did this dog man hit me like this!Being able to break up with Yuner, he must be a chaotic guy!She must have bumped into her on purpose after seeing Miss Ben's astonishing charm!
Fortunately, I ignored him just now, hum!
After that, Xika never brought up the matter of Jing Hao bumping into her with Lin Yun'er, but just chatted with her about other things casually, and took it as her own to relieve the little girl's inner emotions.

. . . .

The plane was about to take off, and the cabin became quiet.

Jing Hao leaned back in his chair, the torment of waiting took root in his heart.

He turned his head again, looked to the side, and it was yes that fell into his sight.

The girl next door, like him, did not follow the flight attendant's prompt.

She looked at the page of the mobile phone, and smoothly rolled up the hair on the side of her ears, revealing a side face, and the application was very indifferent.

But there was a trace of solemnity between the brows.

It seems to be thinking, but also seems to be hesitating.

Her every move made him suddenly purse his lips and smile.

At this moment, is the girl on his phone also hesitating because of the question he raised?

[Sir, our mobile phone is about to take off, please switch your mobile phone to airplane mode, thank you! 】

The flight attendant's gentle voice rang in Jing Hao's ears.

 Today's Heartbeat Song: Satellite——suzy (Pei Suzy)
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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