nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 164 The Plane Arrives in Athens

Chapter 164 The Plane Arrives in Athens ([-] in [-])

"You are really my dear..." Mom, Jing Hao shook his head and sighed, "Then you should have a good rest and talk about it later."

After hanging up the phone, the girl who was walking in front of him just now had passed through the crowd and disappeared.

Inside the airport lounge.

Through the window, you can clearly see the early autumn. The morning sky here in Athens is now glowing with fish belly white.

The air was mixed with unfamiliar languages, and there was no sense of belonging, which was enough to make Jing Hao's mood gradually irritated.

He found a place with few people, sat down, leaned his head against the back of the chair, took out his mobile phone and checked the time, it was not yet five o'clock.

After a few seconds of silence, I opened the photo album with my fingers, and without thinking about it, I sent the portrait I just drew to kakao, the topmost message bar.

Since the time is relatively early now, out of politeness, he didn't ask under the picture, but simply said hello.

Jing Hao: 【Are you asleep? 】

I closed my eyes and waited for 1 minute. The phone in my hand did not vibrate.

It was as quiet as the sky outside.

She was probably still asleep. When Jing Hao guessed like this, a girl's voice came from behind him.

"I'll probably arrive at Zakynthos Island this afternoon. I'll take a stroll there tonight and have a look at the scenery..."

Jing Hao opened his eyes and sat up straight. He was attracted by the clear and clear voice like the clear summer spring. The teacher said that the voice behind him was a little familiar, and the "Zhajinsuo" mentioned in the words Island", which is also the destination of his trip.

So Jing Hao turned his head slightly and looked over.

The girl was standing by the window not far away, talking on the phone.

The hazy gray outside formed a sharp contrast with the warm lights that smudged around her.

Jing Hao felt genuine in his heart, and felt a little familiar with this person, but he still couldn't remember anything.

After the girl hung up the phone, she still stood there and did not leave.

She looked outside, put her hands in her pockets, raised her head and let out a sigh of relief.

Although her back was facing Jing Hao, it could be seen from her subtle movements that she seemed to be in a bad mood.

Jing Hao twirled the still quiet phone with his fingertips.

He felt a little puzzled. He also noticed it when he was on the plane. The girl's facial features were exposed when she was sleeping. What troubles would such a beautiful girl have?
Especially for them in this age group, isn't the biggest worry about them being too many suitors and they don't know how to choose?
After dozens of seconds, the girl turned around and walked to the other side of the lounge and sat down.

She looked down at her phone, frowning slightly.

The application is serious and focused, like solving a mystery.

After thinking for a moment, she glanced at the bracelet on her wrist again.

After a few finger gestures on the screen.

After a while, Jing Hao's phone page vibrated miraculously, and a light flickered.

He turned his head and turned on the screen, and Lin Yuner's reply had already appeared in the chat box.

Lin Yuner: [Not yet. 】

Immediately afterwards, another line of words appeared on the screen.

Lin Yuner commented on this photo.

Lin Yuner: 【This photo is of my second sister, right? 】

Seeing this reply, Jing Hao's pupils involuntarily dilated for a few seconds, and a line of information suddenly flashed in his mind:
Jessica Jung (Jessica Jung), born April 1989, 4 in San Francisco, California, USA, is a singer, actor, and designer.

In August 2007, she officially debuted as a member of the singing group Girls' Generation[8]; in November, she released the album "Girls' Generation" with the group. In November 1, she starred in the musical "Blonde Stunner" for the first time. On January 11, 2009, the second album "Oh!" was released with the group. In January 11, he appeared in the film and television work "Violent Romance" for the first time; in November, he was invited to appear in the musical "Blonde Stunner" again, and won the Popular Star Award at the 2010th Korean Musical Awards. In September 1, he announced on his social media that he would start his acting career alone. In August 28, South Korea's SM Entertainment Co., Ltd. issued a statement stating that the brokerage contract signed with it was officially terminated. . . . .

It was her!

It's no wonder that when I see this girl, I feel a little familiar, and I always feel like I've seen it somewhere.

It turned out that she was Jung Soo Yeon!
That one was only known by name, but Jing Hao had never seen it before, the second sister in Lin Yuner's group.

But why did this person come to Greece?

What's more, the destination of her trip, like Jing Hao's, is going to Zakynthos Island.

Lin Yun'er has already sent another message at this time, but this time it is to ask for guilt: [Why did you suddenly start painting the portrait of my second sister?Jing Hao, in my memory, you don't seem to have even drawn pictures of me, have you?Are you eyeing my second sister now? 】

Biting her lips tightly and sending this message, Lin Yuner frowned, her sleepiness was gone, she kept staring at the phone nervously, waiting for Jing Hao's explanation.

When Jing Hao received this news, there was a dumbfounding expression on his face.This Tie Hanhan, what weird things has he been thinking all day?Although Jung Soo-yeon was the whole person, whether it was her figure or her voice, Jing Hao couldn't help but feel his blood surging.

But Jing Hao knew very well in his heart that this woman was not his favorite, and Jing Hao did not want to have any contact with this woman.

Jing Hao: [What do you think?I met her on the plane, and I always feel a little familiar, but I can’t remember who this person is, and I have a vague feeling that she has something to do with you, so I drew it for you to see . 】

When Lin Yuner saw this reply, the depression in her heart dissipated a little, but she was still a little emotional, so she continued to ask a little "unreasonable": [Then you can just take a picture with your mobile phone?Why draw it with a pen? 】

Jing Hao replied patiently: [Because I don't know him well, it would be disrespectful to take photos of others without permission. 】

Lin Yun'er snorted, curled her lips, this doggy man is so patient and meticulous with everyone, but when facing himself, he is always angry with himself.

Jing Hao: 【This person is actually the one I bumped into. 】

Lin Yuner: [. . . .uh-huh? 】

Jing Hao glanced sideways, and there was the "second sister" that Lin Yuner called, Jung Soo-yeon, who was quietly holding a mobile phone.

The light from the ceiling shrouded her small facial features and her sitting upright body.

The lines of the figure are clearly outlined, but they are somewhat blurred.

When looking at her, the indifference overflowing from her brows, which has nothing to do with the world, made Jing Hao always feel unspeakable irritability and rampage.

Jing Hao suddenly felt that he was a little too absurd.

Moreover, he also admitted that when he painted this portrait with a brush, his state of mind was not very pure, and he was more or less selfish.

After all, the deep v-neck white floral dress, wrapped in a non-button trench coat, reveals a little bit of mystery that is hidden in the flesh.

Jing Hao felt more or less in his heart, and felt a little ready to move.

Probably how many men can't resist this kind of outfit alone.

He felt that he already belonged to him, but suddenly he had a little thought about another woman who was not his girlfriend and had a delicate relationship with his girlfriend.

It's really a bit sinful.

So Jing Hao admitted it honestly, and he typed: [I probably, probably have a little hormonal urge. 】

Lin Yun'er bit her silver teeth again: 【What the hell is this! 】

Lin Yuner: [. . . . . 】

She was speechless for a moment, and then asked: [Is it because I am too small, so you can't have any impulses?So until we broke up, you didn't have any particularly intimate behavior towards me? 】

Jing Hao wiped his sweat and sent a "(lll¬ω¬)"

Jing Hao: [You think too much, I respect you, and the two of us are progressing a little too fast, I am a little embarrassed to start. . . . 】

And Jing Hao sent another post below: [But to be honest, she is indeed better than you in terms of figure and other aspects. 】

Lin Yun'er: [Then I'm really sorry for you, my mother's chest is small, but I really wronged you so much, I'm sorry! 】

Ignore you! (¬︿¬☆)~~~
Jing Hao understood what Lin Yuner meant.

It was questioning why he had always maintained a good relationship with Lin Yun'er.

To be honest, when two people are together, Lin Yuner is more active most of the time, the kiss between the two is more dominated by Lin Yuner, Jing Hao is more, just a little simple Hug, or hold hands.

The couple relationship between two people is indeed a bit too distant compared to a normal couple.

If this is based on other normal couples, and the two live in the opposite location, I am afraid that they have lived together every day.

But Jing Hao was very honest in front of Lin Yuner, but when he saw Lin Yuner's second sister, he became impulsive.

Lin Yuner couldn't accept this.

To be honest, it's a bit strange. I've been in Peninsula for several years. Although Jing Hao and Lin Yuner are in love for the first time, they know a lot about the girls here.

Many of the girls here are very enthusiastic and unrestrained, and their outfits are as short and tight as possible.

It's a good way to show off your sexy figure.

But Jing Hao never felt impulsive.

But at this moment, this one in front of me is like the pure white chamomile among the red roses swaying everywhere.

It quietly provokes, hooks, and provokes people to want to take her off.

In fact, what Jing Hao was most embarrassed to say was how when he saw this girl, his mind would uncontrollably associate with Lin Yun'er. . . .

The blackness outside the window has been washed away by a thin cloud of morning glow.

Light leaked from the sky, broke through the transparent glass, and spilled into the airport lounge.

Jing Hao turned his head and glanced sideways at the girl.

She has a slender figure and is very straight.

The dark red light shone on her overly beautiful and delicate face, rendering a strong sense of beauty.

At this moment, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but it can still be seen that she has a very cold temper.

It doesn't look very easy to get along with.

Even though Jing Hao really wanted to go up to chat with her, he finally gave up on this idea.

Don't get me wrong, Jing Hao didn't want to come forward to chat with her because of desire, but as Lin Yuner's second sister, since Jing Hao has decided to be with Lin Yuner, he always wants to get in touch with Lin Yuner's friends of.

Jing Hao turned around and straightened his sitting posture.

The most important thing is that since the girl in front of her has already come here and is also going to Zakynthos Island, there is a high probability that she came here for Lin Yuner, and it is even possible that the two of them are together now. Chatting on the phone.

If it is said that he was rejected when he stepped forward, wouldn't he be ridiculed by the person in kakao?

Jing Hao sighed, the enemy is too fierce, we can't stand it.

I'm afraid that the bump I made earlier might leave a bad impression on others, if I go forward rashly like this again, the character of Jung Soo-yeon I described when talking to Lin Yun'er and myself will definitely be unpopular.

Jing Hao: 【I really want to go up and have a chat with your second sister, because of your relationship. 】

Lin Yun'er: [Actually, you don't need to tell me what the result is. 】

Jing Hao: [Forget it, (Ban Shou.jpg.)]

Jing Hao: [I think that the high probability of failure will be 90.00%. 】

Lin Yuner: [Are you so unconfident? 】

Jing Hao shook his head helplessly: 【It's not that she doesn't have confidence, it's just that she looks real and difficult to deal with. . . . . 】

The lounge was very quiet, and the surrounding weirdness began to spread.

When Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er talked to each other, they never cared about the language expression.

After all, this is the time.

It is somewhat hypocritical to contact people with high thoughts everywhere, not to mention the relationship between two people, although they say they have broken up, but only they know the truth.

The current Jing Hao, except for the matter of Gu Minyan, has almost nothing to say with Lin Yun'er, and doesn't care about those side details, and also doesn't care about some of his own thoughts, whether they will arouse the other party's resentment.

After the last lesson, now he only hopes that he can sincerely associate with her.

Of course, Lin Yuner didn't care about these things, Lin Yuner knew Jing Hao's character, and knew in her heart that the only one Jing Hao really liked was herself, otherwise, Jing Hao would have had a girlfriend long before it was her turn to play.

That being the case, on Lin Yuner's side, she wouldn't feel that the other person's thoughts are dirty just because of a person's instinctive desire.

Glancing at the time on the top of the phone, he felt that he was about to leave the airport, and Jing Hao felt deeply regretful.

[Before I left, I couldn't talk to your second sister. I'm really sorry. I really want to communicate with your family and friends. 】

 Song of the Day: Anti-Everything - Lost Kings, Loren Gray
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, Yoona is going to meet Jing Hao soon~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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