nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 165 Don't Want To Overdraw My Expectations

Chapter 165 Don't Want to Overdraw My Expectations (Two in One)

Jing Hao: [Actually, it would be nice if I could see such beauties every day. 】

Jing Hao had to admit that his current liking for beautiful things was gradually increasing.

He continued: [Of course, I can assure myself that I will not have other attempts. 】

Lin Yuner was silent for a while.

Jing Hao sank into thought: 【How do you feel? 】

Lin Yuner's feelings are too much.

Early this morning, she was overwhelmed by his Arabian Nights brain circuit, and she didn't know how to respond.

Wasn't Jing Hao like this before?Are all men's ideas so radical?
That really is.

Kind of scary! ! !
Lin Yuner: [It feels like you are dreaming!At least, with me in the situation, this kind of thing is absolutely, absolutely, impossible to happen! 】

Jing Hao was speechless until he laughed: 【You are too much. (beat.jpg)]

Jing Hao: [Next time, I will never share with you again. (angry.jpg)]

Lin Yun'er thought for a while, and typed slowly: [Now I want to remind the girls online, remember to walk carefully. 】

Lin Yun'er added another sentence: 【Especially your fans! 】

Jing Hao raised his eyebrows slightly: [I should be careful. 】

Jing Hao: 【If you say that, I can't guarantee whether I can control myself not to ask for contact information next time. 】

Lin Yuner replied very seriously: [Control, control, no, stop. 】

Jing Hao: [Don't misinterpret the words, of course, I should remind you, pay attention to the men around you, deliberately strike up a conversation, because most of them have some purpose. 】

Lin Yuner: [. . . .including you? 】

Looking at the line of words on the screen, Jing Hao could feel from the bottom of his heart that there seemed to be people around who were really laughing.

Jing Hao: [In a sense, this is true, because we are still breaking up after all.So, at least for now, you are safe with me. 】

Lin Yun'er didn't care much, and even started to speak provocatively: [Then I must protect myself well. 】

Jing Hao was inexplicably laughed at mercilessly by her.

I glanced at the time, and in the blink of an eye, it was already past six o'clock. According to their crew's schedule, it should be time to set up the scene, and it probably won't be long before today's shooting begins.

Considering today, she may still have the task of filming.

Jing Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I can take this opportunity to say goodbye to let myself get out of this slightly nonsensical topic.

When he typed out the words "don't bother you now", he suddenly thought of something and typed again.

Jing Hao: [By the way, I remember that after your year, it seems that another movie will be filmed in Huaguo, right? 】,

Lin Yun'er: [Yes, but I still don't know what was filmed. 】

Jing Hao pondered for a moment, then he asked again: [Through the thread led by Li Xiuman? 】

Lin Yuner: [I don't know, but there is a high probability that Teacher Li Xiuman contacted me. 】

Seeing this, Jing Hao's mouth showed a smile: [Then how is your Chinese practice now? 】

Lin Yun'er replied: [It's still the same as before, just learned some more vocabulary, it's not as good as before. 】

Nodding his head, Jing Hao replied: [Single vocabulary, for Chinese, is actually not as helpful as you think. You still have to experience it more when you have time. The meanings put in sentences often have different expressions. 】

Jing Hao's tone seemed very serious, as if he was really analyzing Lin Yun'er.

But the other party is obviously not listening now.

Lin Yun'er: [Forget it, forget it, don't I still have you?Just teach me.I'm pretty sure it was on purpose. 】

Jing Hao narrowed his eyes, and a subtle sense of complexity crossed his heart.

She is completely immersive chatting.

The image of Lin Yuner in the past, in my heart, is really cool.

Jing Hao sent a big emoji to Lin Yun'er's chat box: [Put up a puppy's face. jpg]

Then he pretended not to know how to direct and act on his own to show his confusion: [Are you sure about what? 】

Lin Yun'er: [My second sister came recently, based on what I know about you, she will definitely come over and teach me. 】

At this moment, Jing Hao really lost his face.

She might as well just say, even if I didn't look for you, you would take the initiative to come to me to teach.

This is already, completely, treating Jing Hao as an old, perverted, and batch-like image!

Although the girl Jiajia is two years older than herself, it seems obvious that she has never been beaten by society.

How can you speak so directly?

Jing Hao tried to correct her little problem: [Little friend, in fact, you can be a little bit more euphemistic. 】

To be honest, most of the time, Lin Yuner is really like a child in front of her, always wanting to say something to herself.

I always feel that this kind of her is a bit straightforward and cute.

As expected, Lin Yuner showed a very playful side like a little girl: 【This is the reaction of a woman's divergent thinking. 】

Jing Hao could understand these words individually, but when they were connected together, Jing Hao suddenly didn't understand the words very well.

So, he sent a puzzled emoji.

Lin Yuner concentrated for a moment.

Giving the meaning of this sentence: [I probably already figured it out, what you looked like when you came running towards me, O'Neill.And when you came over, that doglike expression on your face,]

She really described it vividly. At this moment, Jing Hao seemed to have an anxious dog in front of him.

It's best not to feel like this.

Jing Hao: [. . . .I was hurt by you again. 】

Women are scary.He was about to be laughed at by her.

Jing Hao twisted his sore neck, and when he turned his head, he caught sight of the girl sitting obliquely behind him.

That is Yoona Lin's, Kiss Sikapani - Jung Soo Yeon.

The girl was holding the phone in both hands, with a faint smile between her brows.

At this moment, Jing Hao understood what Lin Yuner just said about divergent thinking.

Because at this moment, he was once again amazed by the smile of this strange but somewhat familiar girl in front of him.

And he guessed, this person on the phone at the moment.

The smile is definitely not so gentle and dignified!
Probably Chi Guoguo's ridicule!

Very good, I was critically hit by the secondary damage!

Jing Hao looked past the girl's very delicate face and looked at the transparent glass.

At this time, the sky has been smudged into golden by the large expanse of morning glow.

The streets full of traffic are strange, with the smell of fireworks from a foreign country.

Strange cities will always give happy people a sense of satisfaction.

But it was obvious that the girl in front of her, including herself, was not very happy.

Jing Hao couldn't help being filled with emotion in his heart,
During the three years in the peninsula.

The bewilderment of being alone in a foreign country, and the many differences in national culture.

Undoubtedly there is, much, much, cold loneliness.

Fortunately, when I gradually got used to this kind of life, the person in the phone gave me a lot of happiness.

Although one of them is a doctor and the other is an idol, they have nothing in common in terms of occupation or experience.

But when they are together, they are really happy.

As for the person in front of me, what I have to mention is the incident last year.

Ever since she left when she was a girl, she has become alone, full of the world, only herself, on the road of her dream, pursuing alone.

The eight friends in the past, who even existed like family members, have not been able to play together wantonly like other people until today.

Not only on social media, even in private, maybe with a few other people, I seldom communicate with each other.

Although Jing Hao has never experienced such a feeling, he can still imagine how helpless and powerless it must be.

And Gu Minyan also talked with herself in private about Jung Soo-yeon leaving Girls' Generation.

If you think about it carefully, to be honest, even if she really has the idea of ​​starting her own brand, it's really more than that.

The main reason is because of Samsung, because of the relationship with Gu Minyan, which finally led to all this.

As the old saying goes, "When gods fight, mortals suffer."

Under the confrontation of such forces, even members of Girls' Generation, who can be called the strongest girl group in history, are somewhat powerless.

In contrast, I am undoubtedly much happier.

Jing Hao withdrew his gaze and looked at the phone with a smile in his eyes.

After thinking about it, I typed: [Guess what I feel about you. 】

Jing Hao remembered how she laughed at him just now.

But just when he cleverly organized his language and was about to win the round.

Unexpectedly, some people always play their cards out of routine.

Lin Yuner: [No. 】

Lin Yun'er: [I don't want to know. 】

Jing Hao was stunned.

As expected of you, Lin Yuner!

This ruthless and indifferent tone is quite her style.

But Jing Hao still had an attitude of not giving up, and replied in her usual tone: [Are you sure, don't answer this question again? 】

Under normal circumstances, girls should be very curious about their impressions in other people's minds.

But at the moment he forgot, he was abrupt.

The person on his phone is often an abnormal human being.

The phone started to recover again, in silent thinking mode.

It was also quiet all around.

It was so quiet that he seemed to be able to hear the slight breathing of the tall and clear girl behind him.

His intuition was not that simple, and he always felt that someone was brewing a big move.

As expected, she easily gave him a blow to the head.

Lin Yun'er joked: [I don't have the habit of taking back my words. (bad smile.jpg)]

In fact, if she didn't add a smirk emoticon, it would be fine.

But after adding this.

Jing Hao had chest tightness for a while, and was a little sleepy at first, but now he was about to be woken up by her anger.

She was obviously still teasing him, deliberately bringing up old things again.

Straight-forward hints that Jing Hao was trying to clear himself up, which was very embarrassing.

She seemed very ignorant of men.

But this reversal routine is a bit too skillful when used.

Jing Hao felt very puzzled for a moment, are you sure this is the Lin Yuner he knew?
Oh, woman.

He was depressed for a while by himself.

But in the next second, the other party sent again with a sense of the situation: [When I was in school, in probability theory and statistics, there was an item called expected value. 】

So, what does this have to do with Jing Hao's problem?
Jing Hao disagrees: [? ? ? ? 】

Completely bewildered by her.

She really is, with her ability, she occupies a weight as heavy as steel.

He secretly decided in his heart that he wanted to study several psychology books.

When the time comes, let her kneel and surrender.

However, at this time, she explained intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Yuner: [I really don't want to overdraw my expectations. 】

Now, Jing Hao understood.

She meant nothing more than that.

We have broken up, and now everything is unknown, until the two officially meet.

Lin Yuner also knew that the two of them would meet soon, so she didn't want to judge the possibility of the outcome in advance.

Jing Hao was thinking seriously, which meant something deeper.

"How you feel about me is very important to my mood when I see you."

Jing Hao pursed his lips, suddenly enlightened, and a smile flickered in his eyes.

Although he understood his logic, he ignored her reverse thinking.

After giving him enough time to analyze the various meanings of this sentence, she sent the next sentence very rudely.

Lin Yun'er: [However, don't set expectations as goals. 】

Suddenly, Jing Hao felt a little uncomfortable.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Jing Hao: [Why? 】

Jing Hao: 【I don't want to lose face? 】

Jing Hao: [My friends are gone, Lin Yuner. 】

The other party seemed to continue to laugh at him, ignoring his hopping.

Finally, a sentence was sent: [I need to get jet lag here, don't think about it, you should take a good rest first. 】

But Jing Hao always felt that her words, don't think about it, were full of deep meaning.

He wants to sue.

This girl is not a good person.

It is midsummer here in Athens, and there is still a slight difference in temperature from the peninsula.

The temperature of the air conditioner in the airport lounge, the number just turned on, even if you wear a coat, you won't feel hot.

But when I saw the hot people outside the glass window wearing cool short sleeves.

Jing Hao immediately felt that his slightly thicker casual clothes still had a great sense of disobedience compared with them.

He put away his mobile phone, sat on the chair and contemplated for a while, then got up and walked to the dressing room on the side.

At this moment, the girl in the windbreaker behind her, Ms. Jung Soo-yeon, also put down her phone, got up and walked in the same direction as him.

Behind him was the sound of the girl's gentle footsteps, Jing Hao's originally fairly fast pace, at this moment.

Gradually slowed down.

The gentle fragrance that belongs to a girl floats across my side face,

Jing Hao put one hand in his trouser pocket, and walked around in a casual posture.

The application has always been calm and calm.

But his sight was uncontrollable, and shifted to the girl's body with flexible curves.

Probably the distance between them.

The girl didn't realize that those eyes were so deep that they seemed to see through her.

 Recommended song: A WOO! ! ——Golden Child
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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