nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 166 O'Neill's evaluation of him is not bad.

Chapter 166 O'Neill's evaluation of him is not bad. (two in one)

The doors of the women's changing room and the men's changing room are opposite.

After Jing Hao changed his clothes and came out.

I looked around the lounge for a while, but I didn't see that Jung Soo-yeon.

Walking out of the airport, Jing Hao stood at the door, facing the first ray of sunlight in the morning, and took a deep breath.

There are people coming and going around, and the words heard in the ears are no longer the tired Smecta and the like.

It was replaced by Greek, which I didn't understand, and ABCD.

This feeling is really a little sour.

Jing Hao walked down the steps quickly, stopped a taxi casually, and got in.

The airport is not very close to the pier, it takes about an hour's journey.

Jing Hao leaned against the soft back of the chair.

Listening to the in-car radio that the driver master turned on, two hosts who don't know each other, the random thoughts that I don't understand.

Watching the sun shine on the glass, refracting the colorful brilliance.

Unavoidably, some unbearable drowsiness hit him, and he fell into a deep sleep in the driving car.

. . . .

"Yun'er, I've already arrived at the pier. About the day after tomorrow, I'll go to your side by boat."

Lin Yuner couldn't help feeling a little excited when she heard the long-lost voice: "Oni! I miss you so much!~~~"

Ms. Jung Soo-yeon, who just got off the taxi, had a rare and sincere smile on her face wearing sunglasses.

"Don't worry, I'll rest here first, and when I go by boat the day after tomorrow, I'll bring you the food I brought."

"Yeah yum! Then I'll start filming, O'Neill!"


At the same time, Jing Hao's car had already parked slowly outside the pier, and Jing Hao was also awakened by the driver.

He paid quickly and got out of the taxi.

Like Jung Soo-yeon's choice, Jing Hao also decided to rest here now and set off for Zakynthos Island the day after tomorrow. First, he came here because he had already flown for more than ten hours and was already a little tired. If he just took the boat again, Jing Hao himself might not be able to bear it.

Secondly, if you come here, stay here for a day first, and take a look at the shops here, because there are no supply points on the other side of Zakynthos Island, and it would be good to buy them some food here.

And the most important point is that only the day after tomorrow there is a boat ticket here, and the last boat to Zakynthos Island had already set off yesterday.

So we had to wait for the next boat.

Silent all night.

After sleeping for a long time, when he got up, he saw that the time was still early, Jing Hao lay on the bed and checked his phone for a long time.

I haven't paid much attention to it in the front-end time, and now the reason with Lin Yun'er can be regarded as half an insider, so I have to look at it occasionally.

After swiping for a while, watching the fans scolding each other on the Internet, Jing Hao still silently closed the forum.

At this moment, Taeyeon sent a message to Jing Hao, and Jing Hao opened the dialog box with a movement of his hand.

"I heard from Xiao Yanxi that you went to Greece?"

Jing Hao replied: "Well, because I played a cameo role, and I also have a role in the plot in Greece, so I came here."

Maybe Kim Taeyeon was playing with her mobile phone at this time, and as soon as Jing Hao replied to the message, she sent another one.

"You're going to Greece, why don't you tell me in advance! You just go over, I'm going to order something to eat, you just take it to Yun'er."

It seems that because of getting acquainted with Jing Hao, Kim Taeyeon's tone of chat is no longer as cautious as before.

Jing Hao rubbed his chin, intending to tell her the news that Jung Soo-yeon had come, but after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

Their affairs are more sensitive, so it's better not to meddle in them, it depends on their own thoughts.

After casually chatting with Taeyeon for a while, Jing Hao said goodbye to her, and then turned off the phone.

Jing Hao got up, first took a hot bath in the room, then took out a white T-shirt and black slacks from his carry-on luggage, and changed into the suit he took yesterday by plane.

I glanced at the time, it was still early at this time, anyway, I don't have much to do here, so I might as well go play nearby first.

Jing Hao first looked at the map on his mobile phone for a while, and then ran to a place near the pier according to the strategy recommended by Lin Yuner before.

Jing Hao thought he came earlier, but when he passed by, he realized that the terrace area near the beach was already a bit overcrowded.

But after thinking about it, Jing Hao could understand.

Basically, many people who come to the wharf head to the Shipwreck Bay, waiting for the time before the ship sets sail, and come here to relax and relax, which is also a common choice for everyone.

The most important point, compared to the slightly dull atmosphere inside the tavern, sit outside and watch the sunset over the sea, listen to the sound of the surging waves, and look at the beauties in bikinis on the beach, It is also a unique experience.

At the same time, Lin Yuner also coincidentally came here at the same time.

In fact, she has nothing to do in the past few days. Before Jing Hao came, she actually communicated with Director Li Yingfu, and then Lin Yuner happened to know the time of Jing Hao's arrival through the director's mouth.

So she deliberately took a leave of absence, planning to meet him here by chance.

She chose a tavern named "Encounter" with a relatively pleasant name, and then, under the guidance of the waiter in the tavern, she chose a seat on the second floor, near the window.

It was a bit of a pity that the best observation positions on the first floor were all robbed of her.

But at this moment, being able to sit and widen her horizons, Lin Yun'er suddenly felt intoxicated that she couldn't look away.

On the coastline in the distance, the fire-like setting sun presents a semicircle, the afterglow sprinkles on the blue sea water, and the fiery red waves slap on the beach in bursts.

She looked away contentedly, then smiled politely at the waiter beside her, and ordered two glasses of juice and some signature snacks.

After the waiter left, Lin Yuner picked up her phone to check the time, then turned on the camera mode of the phone, and took a picture of the scenery in front of her.

After observing her masterpiece for a moment, her eyes flickered slightly.

Open kakao, click to the top chat box, and send the photo. . . .

And the next second the photo was sent to the other party's phone.

She seemed to suddenly think of something.

She puffed her cheeks, bit her lips lightly, and with nimble fingers, withdrew the photo as quickly as possible.

She didn't know whether the photo that only showed the vaccine in the dialog box was seen by the other party.

After all, in someone's mind, she should still be in Zakynthos.

At the corner of the wooden stairs, the sound of high heels came from, interrupting Lin Yun'er's meditation.

She exited the chat box, followed the reputation, and it turned out to be Jung Soo-yeon.

Compared with Lin Yoona, Jessica Jessica's figure is a bit petite.She seems to have dressed up deliberately today, wearing a sky blue suspender dress, the skirt is loose and naturally blows down on her flippers.

It is also paired with a pair of medium-heeled sandals of moderate height.

It's just that this seemingly very ladylike attire couldn't be maintained in less than three seconds.

When she saw Lin Yuner, Jung Soo-yeon gently lifted her skirt with both hands, stepped on her high heels, rushed over and hugged her directly.

"Finally I see you! When I left before, until some time ago, you really didn't say a word to O'Neill. I thought you would ignore me for the rest of your life!"

Lin Yun'er was hugged suddenly by her, and she was a little out of breath.

Maybe it's because it's been a long time since they sat and chatted together, the sudden enthusiasm made her a little uncomfortable for a while.

Lin Yun'er suppressed her flushed face and coughed a few times.

She patted Jung Soo-yeon's back helplessly, and responded with a smile.

"How could it be! O'Neill is always my O'Neill! How could Yuner ignore O'Neill!"

Sensing Lin Yuner's panting when she spoke, Jessica also realized that she was too excited, she hastily let go of her, and lifted the corner of the suspender skirt.

Walked to Lin Yun'er and sat down, picked up the juice on the table, put it to his mouth and took a sip.

"Didn't it say that it will take half a month to come? Why is it suddenly brought forward?"

Jung Soo-yeon nodded, and pushed the pastry and juice in front of Lin Yuner.

At this time, she had returned to her usual appearance, and replied with a faint smile: "I was supposed to come over in a while, but a few days ago you said that Jing Hao would also come over, so I wanted to make it a little earlier."

"Ernie wanted to see what he was like."

Lin Yun'er picked up a piece of coconut flakes, took a bite and was stunned.

"Oni, what's so good about him? But what happened to you and that Quan Ningyi?"

Jung Soo-yeon dragged her chin with her arms crossed, and looked out the window, hiding the sadness in her eyes.

Lin Yuner put down the pastry, frowned and said, "Oni, is there something wrong with you two?"

Jung Soo-yeon shook her head, then took another sip of the juice, and began to explain in a low voice: "I am actually not in a relationship with him, but I just need such a reason."

"But there is no need to mention those things, they are all unhappy things."

"Tell me about the matter between you and that Jing Hao first."

Lin Yun'er turned around, clinked glasses with her, took a sip of juice, and looked up at her.

Instead of being relaxed, it's painless: "It's nothing, he is still in my probation period, if you are not satisfied, just give him a kick!"

Jung Soo-yeon looked her up and down, then gave her a sideways look, and sneered.

"That's all you have to do to deceive others, I don't know you yet?"

"When you called me some time ago, don't you remember?"

Lin Yuner suddenly looked embarrassed.

If I had known at that time, I shouldn't have asked her for help!
But right now, for the sake of my own face, I still have to hold on!

Although Lin Yuner was flustered in her heart, she hid it well on the surface. She raised her eyebrows at Jung Soo-yeon, and continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

Xika on the opposite side suspected for a while that the woman in front of her might have some serious illness, so she pretended to be in front of her!

But after seeing Lin Yuner's tightly pinched fingers who didn't know the layout.

Sure enough, there was no difference from the Lin Yuner she knew.

"Where are you looking? Are you looking for something?"

Jung Soo-yeon followed her gaze and looked outside, but she didn't know what she was looking at.So he put his hands on the table and knocked, tilting his head to look at her.

"Hey~~~ Stop, don't look at me like this, I can't stand it!"

Lin Yun'er's scalp felt numb seeing her unique appearance.

She really couldn't see that the person in front of her was aggressive and lustful.

With such a look in her eyes, she looked very affectionate, and it immediately reminded Lin Yuner of the times when fans were knocking on Sika and other people's CP.

The most important thing is that Lin Yun'er had read a lot of fanfiction like this at the time, and when she thought about it now, she immediately felt goosebumps all over her body.

Jung Soo-yeon continued tapping her fingertips, expressing her patience: "Tell me, what are you looking at?"

Lin Yuner chuckled: "I'm looking for Jing Hao!"

Looking for Jing Hao?
Jung Soo-yeon unavoidably showed a puzzled expression.

"You told him today that you are here?"

Lin Yuner got up with a smile, ran to Jung Soo-yeon and sat down.

Her shoulder bumped against her arm, Lin Yun'er looked at her eagerly, smiling flatteringly.

"O'Neill, as you know, I'm in love for the first time."

Jung Soo-yeon pushed her forehead with her fingers, and glanced at her: "And then?"

Lin Yuner didn't care at all, she continued to lean on her shoulder, and continued: "The two of us had to separate due to some things a while ago."

"Then, I still like him myself."

Jung Soo-yeon glanced at Lin Yun'er indifferently, with a half-smile: "So?"

"I want O'Neill to help me check it out. I think if you all think he's not bad, I want to wait a while and take him to meet my dear O'Neill and my dad."

Jung Soo-yeon took a breath, good guy, we broke up once, and before we got together again, you started thinking about meeting your family?

"You are too outrageous!"

"Listen to what you said, the two of you just broke up not long ago, before you really got back together, did you think so far?"

Lin Yun'er also took a light breath, and began to complain with her fingers.

"You also know what idols in the entertainment industry look like in private. Jing Hao is quite reliable, at least in my opinion."

"Although this person sometimes irritates me, I don't want to miss him. If everything goes well, we should get back together."

Jessica glanced at her sideways, took a sip of the juice on the table, and asked slowly, "Have you seen this person, the other seven?"

Lin Yuner nodded, poked her finger on Jung Soo-yeon's fragrant shoulder, and bent her lips into a smile.

"Yes, especially Taeyeon Unnie. During the period when Jing Hao and I broke up, I asked Taeyeon Unnie to help me observe him secretly."

She blinked her moist eyes, and continued: "Ernie's evaluation of him is not bad."

 Today's Heartbeat Song: If You Can - Wei Li'an (Theme Song of the Movie "Moon Older")
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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