nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 167 Reunion

Chapter 167 Meeting Again ([-] in [-])

Lin Yuner strolled down the attic of the tavern.

At this time, the setting sun has gradually sank along the sea level, and the sky has gradually become dark.

Around the beach, the lights are bright, reflecting each other with the neon lights of Just One Street.

At this moment, the high temperature outside was quite different from the comfortable temperature in the tavern.

The air was stuffy and sticky, and waves of heat rolled over from time to time, hitting his face straight.

Lin Yuner walked on one side of the corridor, always maintaining a calm and composed expression.

The white sling chiffon shirt reveals delicate shoulders.

The layered lace on the top is parallel to the waist of the denim shorts, and the legs are like jade, which looks very long and slender.

Her outfit is very cool and unreserved, which makes her exquisite and attractive figure extraordinarily sexy.

The sea breeze blows towards her face, blowing away her casually rolled hair.

Those few strands of hair dangling on her cheeks added a bit of laziness to her clear facial features out of thin air.

She didn't wear makeup, but she looked extraordinarily elegant and refined in the crowd.

In such an entertainment street near the pier, which can be said to be a luxurious interior, she is undoubtedly the most attractive existence among a group of rouge and vulgar fans.

Even in Greece, a foreign land, wherever she passed, she always provoked the people next to her to look back frequently.

From time to time, there are people who seem to be three-point drunk and have a bad taste, whistling at her.

But she was not affected in any way, not even stopping for a second.

His sight and footsteps were always heading towards the other end of the corridor, as if he was looking for the existence of someone.

. . . .

At this moment outside the Sunshine Coast, after more than ten minutes of searching, Jing Hao finally found this tavern named "Encounter".

Facing the hot wind and walking towards the bar, Jing Hao took advantage of the opportunity to open the message on his phone.

At the top, the red mark on the column of the top frame is unusually eye-catching.

He clicked in, and found that it displayed: Lin Yuner withdrew a message.

Jing Hao could not help but smile.

Obviously, this person said before that he had no habit of taking back his words, but what happened to the message he withdrew now?

Jing Hao smiled and typed: [Withdraw what? 】

After sending, he exited the chat box, put the phone in his pocket, and walked up the corridor isolated from the beach.

The sound of crashing waves was accompanied by the shocking DJ sound zone in the surrounding bars.

From time to time, there are also the resident singers, and the melodious singing comes.

The night is getting darker, which is precisely the time for people to indulge.

There are more than a dozen bars here, along the left side of the promenade, forming a commercial streetscape of a street.

On the other side, near the pier, there are a variety of handicraft stalls made of various shellfish salvaged by fishing boats.

When Jing Hao was walking towards the "Encounter" tavern, he was still admiring those hand companions made of shells and conch with great interest.

Probably in the past three years on the peninsula, I seldom saw such an exquisite little plaything.

Jing Hao couldn't help but stop and admire the wind chimes that were handed down from shells.

With great interest, he fiddled with his fingers, and arranged regular shells up and down. When the shells collided with each other, they made a "jingling" sound.

Fortunately, the owner of the stall didn't know what he was busy with, and no one greeted him, so he didn't feel the pressure of being sold and bought.

Just as he was observing with relish, a soft voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Boss, how do you sell this bracelet?"

Hearing the sound, Jing Hao turned his head to look.

The girl stood on her toes, leaned forward slightly, and reached out to touch the bracelet on the display stand.

Following her movements, a faint tendency lingered at the end of his nose.

Jing Hao closed his eyes for a second in disbelief, and then opened them again.

It's Lin Yuner!

He was stunned, feeling the wonderful fate in his heart.

This is very similar to the scene where the hero and heroine meet in a soap opera.

But he was bumped into by him.

At this moment, Lin Yun'er beside her is completely gone, the cold aura she had when she left at the door of Jing Hao's house.

From his perspective, the girl's slightly curly long hair was scattered on her shoulders, and her slender jade neck was buried in the hanging hair.

Moderately elastic clothes, the body curve is wrapped by soft lines.

It seemed that it was another kind, an extraordinarily youthful and well-behaved girl-next-door style.

The people around came and went, subtly squeezing their distance together.

Standing parallel, the girl's head only reaches his shoulders.

When the girl was holding something on the wrist that was hanging on one side, it bumped vaguely.

The fragrant shoulder hidden in the hair faintly touched his arm.

Rubbing his skin, a trace of seductive impulse climbed up from the bottom of Jing Hao's heart.

At this moment, Jing Hao only felt that the noise beside his ears had stopped.

He felt as if he had been given a bowl of ecstasy.

His throat was astringent, Houjie was rolling up and down, and a large flame was burning in his chest.

His DNA moved!

Being stared at by the people next to him with deep eyes, the girl quickly noticed something strange.

She raised her head slightly, and under the refraction of the light, the girl's moist pupils shone like broken diamonds.

Originally, there was a slight indifference, but the second he saw him, he slowly burst into a smile.

But it only lasted for a second, and the smile disappeared.

The girl randomly lowered her head, took off the bracelet on the display stand with her clean fingers, and held it up under the light to watch it.

After Lin Yuner left, this was the first time the two had such close contact.

Looking at her, Jing Hao had inexplicable thoughts in his heart.

long time no see!

But just at this moment, all kinds of complicated thoughts in his mind suddenly made Jing Hao feel that he was so unconscious that he couldn't even laugh.

Seeing that Lin Yun'er was talking with the boss, Hashtag also looked away in a timely manner.

I can't watch it anymore, if I watch it any longer, if Jing Hao doesn't keep it all together, he will lose control and make some excessive moves.

He slowly let go of the wind chime that was still wrapped around his fingers, wanting to leave before her.

It's not that he doesn't want to see her. Although Jing Hao's trip is for filming, the most important point is that Jing Hao misses her.

But the thought of leaving at this time is because Jing Hao is afraid that he will lose his composure too much, and he is afraid that he will lose control of himself.

But at this time, the cunning boss did not intend to let him go.

Finally, I ran into two tourists who looked like Huaguo.

It is well known that tourists from China generally carry a lot of cash, and the things they can buy are more prominent than tourists from other countries.

So why not have a good slaughter?
The boss is chubby, his face is full of flesh, and his eyes, which are not very big, are squeezed together abruptly.

He grinned with a smile, the flesh on his cheeks was piled up, and he smiled at Jing Hao.

"Such a beautiful wind chime, the handsome guy is not ready, buy one for your girlfriend?"

Jing Hao was taken aback for a moment.

Because when the boss was talking about his girlfriend, those mung bean eyes, shining from the gap, were pointing at the girl next to him.

It was Lin Yuner who hadn't seen him for a long time.

It seemed that the intimate distance made it seem that as long as Jing Hao stretched out his hand a little, he could hug the girl into his arms.

It's also not hard to understand how bosses could get their relationship wrong.

Although the two have broken up, even they themselves can't figure out what the relationship between the two is now.

It is said that they are a couple, but after the sentence "broke up", none of the two people has proposed to continue their relationship before the other party.

Jing Hao turned his face away to look at Lin Yuner again, wanting to see how she would react.

But at this moment, she also raised her head with an embarrassed expression.

She pursed her pink lips tightly, her eyelashes trembled a few times, and her black eyes looked at her quietly.

Seeing Lin Yuner's eyes, Jing Hao was stunned for a moment, trying to figure out how to explain to the boss who "has bad eyes".

After all, under such circumstances, it should be better for men to take the initiative.

And this scene of two people looking at each other sideways, standing under the perspective of the boss through the distance of the jewelry.

It looks like two men and women in love, the girl is looking at the boy with a shy attitude.

In the feeling of the boss, the girl's expression is completely "I like it very much, and it's not very expensive, can you buy it for me? Boom~~~~..."

This sense of substitution is really too strong, compared with the rude and stupid girls in my own family.

The bosses are all attracted by this girl who looks like a pretty wife.

He has seen this kind of scene too much, and at this moment, there is only one sentence missing, and the order can almost be closed.

So the boss said in proficient English: "Young man, what a blessing that you can find such a beautiful and temperamental girlfriend."

"It's hard to come across it. You should buy something that your girlfriend likes and give it to her. Otherwise, it will be a pity if someone else picks it up later."

"Let me tell you, my jewelry here is no different than that. The works designed by top designers are not much worse. These are all pure natural and pollution-free boutiques."

The boss with a face full of melons squinted his small eyes, and looked even more excited than the client.

It can even be compared with international designers.

However, the girl next to her suddenly let out a low laugh.

At this moment, Jing Hao really wanted to use a toothpick to open his eyes with only a slit left.

Relying on the small eyes, talking nonsense about the truth that makes people excited and uneasy.

The surrounding atmosphere became more and more subtle as the two looked at each other.

Jing Hao took a deep breath of relief, and bowed his lips politely towards Lin Yun'er.

Lin Yun'er's expression showed slightly sparse brows and eyes, showing a little hesitation,

Those overly beautiful eyes reflected the lights on the other side, spreading a layer of indescribably bright beauty.

The two lying grooves under the two eyes are also very charming under the Hunan lights.

While breathing, brows frowned slightly, full of indescribable resistance.

She turned the bracelet in her hand, and her toes unconsciously moved together.

Obviously I don't know how to refuse, so as to minimize the embarrassment at this time.

Although Jing Hao only fell in love with Lin Yuner for a short time, less than a month, but more or less, he was able to follow Lin Yuner's movements easily and get a little insight into her psychology.

From the beginning to the end, she never looked at the wind chime, let alone liked the wind chime.

In fact, the moment the boss spoke for the first time, he also thought about it, otherwise, he would buy this wind chime and give it to her.

In this way, he can use it as a reason to meet again.But when he caught the girl, he wanted to run away quickly.

This made him understand that if he gave her the wind chime abruptly, it would only make her situation more difficult.

Hashtag Assassin also encountered difficulties, he was hesitating, how to better break through the current situation.

At this moment, if Jing Hao turns his head and leaves immediately, then he doesn't have to think about it. If the two of them get back together again, they can only think about it in a dream.

But now, if two people are lovers, they are also in the state of breaking up.

Although the two still had a good impression of each other, it was obvious that Lin Yun'er didn't want to do this, so she directly reunited with him in an unclear way.

Jing Hao sighed silently, turned his head, and looked aside. The boss who was full of expectations showed a bit of helplessness on his expression.


"I bought it!"

"Young man..." At this moment, the boss seemed to have noticed something, so he hastily interrupted Jing Hao's words, and with intriguing eyes, he moved to Lin Yun'er's face again.

"How about this? I think you guys just came here to play casually. Then, if you buy this wind chime, I will give you the bracelet in your hand as a gift. What do you think?"

"To be honest, I have been doing business here for so many years."

"But I've never, ever seen a couple who are as well-matched as the two of you."

"How do you say that in Hua Guo dialect? At first glance, it looks like a man and a woman, and a proper husband and wife look."

"If you guys are going to get married in the future, you can come back to me and receive a small gift, and I will be your witness."

Good guy!
Jing Hao called him a good guy!
If it is at any time in normal times, this boss is definitely a good hand in business.

It's just that at this moment, on this occasion, Jing Hao is a little entangled in being true.

However, after hearing what the boss said, I suddenly felt a little turbulent and a little excited, which is hard to describe.

Under the light, Lin Yun'er beside her, had a faint blush on the cheeks of her oval face, which spread out and dyed.

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Yun'er lightly put the bracelet on her hand back to its original place, and hung it up carefully.

This action immediately made the boss a little anxious.

He glanced at Lin Yun'er unexpectedly, narrowed his eyes again, and turned to Jing Hao, with a very regretful tone.

"Look, girlfriend..."

Get angry!

Before she finished speaking, Lin Yun'er next to her still chose to take the initiative to break the situation.

 Today's chapter title, everyone will know what the song I recommend today will be, right?
  That's right!It’s the world where we meet again——Girls’ Generation!
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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