nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 168 Why Are You Taking My Phone?

Chapter 168 Why Are You Taking My Phone? (two in one)

Lin Yun'er reached out and pulled the hair on both sides of her ears behind her ears, her tone was calm.

"Sorry boss, I don't want this bracelet for now."

The boss couldn't help being stunned, he seriously suspected that he had heard it wrong.

The boss originally wanted to buy one and get one free, and by the way, sell his low-cost and high-end items.

After all, the market on the side of the wharf is, to be precise, a relatively fast-paced business district.

Most of them are tourists who come here to rest here after taking a boat.As for the local people, they don't even bother to look at such things as conch or shells.

After finally catching two foreigners who are not very knowledgeable, the ducks with their beaks just flew away like this?

The boss continued to use his eyes, trying to persuade Jing Hao.

And Lin Yun'er, who was at the side, couldn't care less about politeness and impoliteness at the moment, she quickly raised her slender legs that had nowhere to hide, and escaped from this embarrassing place in advance.

It wasn't until Lin Yun'er left that Jing Hao said to the confused boss speechlessly: "Boss, business is business, don't talk nonsense."

"Look at the girls just now, how embarrassing they are?"

"Aren't you...?" The boss was dumbfounded, trying to widen his eyes.

Jing Hao shook his head: "If we were boyfriend and girlfriend now, I would have bought your stall and given it to her"'


The boss's face was full of surprise, and he stared at Jing Hao incredulously.

Today's young man just likes to deceive people!

Jing Hao turned his head and looked, the slender figure in the crowd was getting further and further away.

Jing Hao slowly moved his eyes away, intending to continue to the tavern, but he hesitated for a moment before leaving, and turned his head.

"Boss, what you said just now, if you buy the wind chime and give the bracelet as a gift, does it still count?"

The boss with a bewildered face only came back to his senses when he heard Jing Hao's words, and then, fearing that Jing Hao would regret it again, he hurriedly shouted: "Do what you want! If you want to buy it, I will pretend it for you now!"

Jing Hao shook his head with a grin. He didn't know where he was missing, so he told the boss to buy one and get one free. He knew that these two things would not be very valuable.

If it was her former self, how could she be slaughtered willingly like this?But the current self, being slaughtered by the boss, doesn't have much thought yet.

Perhaps it was the phrase "a talented man and a beautiful woman, a proper husband and wife look" that the boss said hit his heart.

After the boss finished packing, Jing Hao took the wind chime and the bracelet, then turned around, and walked leisurely towards the tavern that Lin Yuner said before.

After finding the destination, Jing Hao stood under the "Encounter" signboard with flashing fluorescent lights, and was stunned for two seconds.

According to what Lin Yuner said when chatting with him before, this tavern was the place Song Zhongji fell in love with at a glance before, and after everyone came together a few times, they have been playing in this tavern.

He really couldn't figure out how the funny guy in his impression, and even Song Joong-ki, who was a bit rough in private, could find such a place full of literary and artistic style.

On the booth at the entrance of the tavern, the lead singer was singing a popular song that was popular nowadays.

The surrounding walls are covered with green plants, and the warm yellow lights are sprinkled from the ceiling, which is completely bourgeois.

Jing Hao followed the retro, wooden stairs to the second floor.

But suddenly found out that Song Joong Ki is also here at this time? ? ? !

what's the situation?
Looking at the past along the line of sight, Song Zhongji was sitting alone in the corner of the tavern, drinking wine, with a look of loneliness on his face.

Jing Hao approached, clenched his fist and hammered him on the shoulder: "Use wine to relieve your sorrow? When will brother Wuli Zhongji do the same?"

Song Zhongji raised his head when he heard the sound, and was surprised to find that it was Jing Hao who he hadn't seen for a long time.

He first failed for a second, almost jumped up from the chair, and excitedly bumped fists with Jing Hao, and then remembered his "personal design" at this time, so he hurriedly continued to do it, showing off waved.

"What nonsense! I am a lonely prodigal son, sailing alone in the sea of ​​people, looking forward to my light."

Jing Hao tapped his chin with his hand, and his eyes flickered with thought: "emmm, it seems that you are broken in love?"


Jing Hao glanced at him contemptuously: "Then who told you to act like you want to die and don't want to die?"

Song Zhongji's face turned dark immediately.

Take the bamboo shoots!

You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain~~~
No wonder Lin Yuner broke up with you, hum(¬︿¬☆)~~~.


Song Zhongji raised his eyebrows and looked at Jing Hao strangely, his tone was very ambiguous.

"I only found out recently that you and Yoona fell in love when they were in the film crew. But now it seems that they are separated again?"

"What kind of woman do you have your eyes on, even someone like Yun'er, you can break up right away?"

"I really envy you. When I was filming, when I saw Yun'er, sometimes I couldn't help being tempted. You actually broke up with her directly."

Jing Hao looked at the light in Song Zhongji's eyes, and didn't bother to talk to this teaser.

Song Zhongji, who had eaten a turtle, shivered and retreated at this time regardless of his image: "Tsk tsk tsk... As expected of 'ice charcoal', this can be sex-changing."

Jing Hao didn't even pay attention to Song Zhongji's teasing. He has been like this since the two first met, and has always been like this.

But the person in front of him came out today with neatly combed hair, a white shirt and black trousers, and a strong youthful atmosphere in the workplace.

Jing Hao was a little surprised. With his attire, he didn't look like he came to the tavern to enjoy the time, but more like a job seeker who came to apply for a job?
"With your outfit, if you put on a bow tie, you can serve as a waiter directly."

Jing Hao smiled, beckoned to the waiter, ordered a glass of orange juice, walked over to Song Zhongji and sat down.

Song Zhongji looked down at his attire, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This Jing Hao!The doctor's mouth is even more sinister than that of ordinary people!

Then he began to complain: "I've been so busy these past few days, and I just broke up, so I just wanted to come here for a stroll, maybe I can dress better and have an affair in a foreign country. ?”

While listening to Song Zhongji's complaints, Jing Hao picked up the juice brought by the waiter with a smile, and raised his eyebrows: "That's what I'm thinking about here? Are you afraid that you will catch some disease if you are not careful?"

Song Joong Ki nestled himself on the sofa, resting his head on his arms, looking at the ceiling and rolling his eyes.

"That's not the case. I don't care about the idea. If you can meet someone who is more exciting, then just take safety measures. If you don't, it's not a bad thing to come here and have a drink. After all I came here today to relax."

Speaking of this, Song Zhongji suddenly sat upright, and asked gossipingly, "I heard that your new girlfriend is an executive of LG Group!"

"I heard from a few seniors that he is a beautiful executive of a big company, and he has never had any scandals. What kind of medicine did your kid give him, and he dared to directly expose it to you?"

"Or," Song Zhongji raised his eyes, and scanned Jing Hao with his eyes up and down. "Or, is it because you have a sky-high background?"

"Otherwise, how did you come into contact with people at his level?"

Jing Hao shook his head: "It's not what you think. It's not the time to tell you everything. I'll talk to you about it after a while."

Song Zhongji rubbed his forehead and muttered in a low voice: "What are you doing? You are so mysterious. Could it be that you really have some background?"

"...Forget it, forget about it, you just came over, so let's have a drink with me first."

As Song Zhongji said, he took advantage of the situation and pushed the wine he ordered earlier to Jing Hao's direction.

But at this moment, his gaze passed through Jing Hao's shoulder, and he looked at something diagonally behind him, and was stunned.

"Your uncle, don't push it..." Jing Hao hurriedly caught it with his hands, and was about to be pushed to the edge of the table by Song Zhongji.

Song Zhongji stroked his chin with his fingers, then looked away, and smiled at Jing Hao embarrassedly.

Jing Hao didn't have much interest at first, but thinking about this funny comparison, at most, he saw some beautiful foreign sister again, after all, he just broke up.

However, there was something wrong with his eyes just now!
"What are you looking at? I can't wait to fly out of my eyes."

Jing Hao turned his head and searched carefully in the direction Song Zhongji was looking at just now.

As expected, inside the neatly arranged tables and all kinds of people.

He very easily caught the girl sitting by the window in the distance, wearing a sexy blue suspender dress, and looking carefully, it was Jung Soo-yeon who came here on the same plane as Jing Hao.

Jung Soo-yeon dragged her chin with one hand, smiling all over her face, talking with the person opposite.

Jing Hao's gaze moved in her direction, but when he saw her, he was caught off guard and his heart skipped a beat.

The faint light outside the window sprinkled on the girl's very sexy shoulder blades.

She rested her chin on her hands, and listened seriously to the opposite, the blue-clothed Jung Soo-yeon's words, with the corners of her mouth and the end of her eyes curling up from time to time.

It was Lin Yuner who just met by chance.

Jing Hao lamented the injustice of the heavens, thinking about reuniting again, and when he met her again, it ended in a very embarrassing scene.

At this time, Song Zhongji turned towards Jing Hao, stretched out his hand in front of Jing Hao's eyes, and laughed deeply.

"It's your ex-girlfriend~~~."

"However, I was even more shocked. Why is Jessica also here? Didn't she quit Girls' Generation? And according to what I heard before, it seems that the way of quitting was not very harmonious."

Jing Hao turned his head, ignored Song Joong Ki's extraordinarily shining eyes, which looked like a curious baby, and told all the things he had encountered with Jung Soo Yeon in the past two days.

"So, you are breaking up with someone else's sister, and then my sister came to the door?"

Song Zhongji glanced at him meaningfully, and then laughed out loud with a "puchi".

"Brother, you probably suffered a lot this time!"

Jing Hao put his arms around his chest, leaned against the back of the chair, and listened quietly to his nonsense.

Song Joong Ki, who was having a good time together, picked up the glass on the table, turned it between his fingers, and looked at the two girls opposite him with interest.

"Did you recognize you when I met you before?"

Jing Hao sighed: "I don't know whether I recognize me or not. Even if they recognize me, if she doesn't take the initiative to find me, I can't say anything to her in advance."

Song Zhongji put down his wine glass, and smiled darkly at him: "Hehehe, I guess you have suffered a lot tonight. The second sister is here. Doesn't this make you trample hard?"

"You don't have to worry about it. I guess you have encountered more things like this than I did. I guess your ex probably won't miss much."

Song Zhongji didn't take it seriously, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

While putting down his wine glass, he snorted coldly: "What should I do? I don't want to either? Who made me look so handsome? I also want to be devoted to someone, but reality doesn't allow it..."

Speaking of this, a beautiful woman walked over from the distance of the corridor, with long legs wrapped in black silk, and stopped beside their table.

The beauty wore delicate heavy makeup and wore a sexy BV-neck short skirt.

She propped her hands on the table and leaned slightly in a bent posture.

Although Jing Hao really didn't want to see it.

But it happened to be so low, so low that it was parallel to Jing Hao's line of sight.

"Handsome guy, can you add a contact information?" The beauty looked at him affectionately, her expression was full of coquettishness, and she was about to melt.

Accompanied by the beginning of the strike-up, the beauty's soft fingertips traced along the table, little by little, towards Jing Hao's wrist.

Song Zhongji, who was ignored on the opposite side, was already dumbfounded.

It seems that, compared to him who can be profligate, a higher appearance is the most important bonus item.

What a big deal!These women are really vulgar.

Jing Hao cast a glance at the beauty, and almost without thinking, he replied directly: "Yes!"

He retracted the arm that was about to be touched by her, got up and picked up the mobile phone that the beauty had just placed on the table, and before the owner of the mobile phone could react, he opened the dialing screen.

"This is my number."

The beauty got Jing Hao's contact information as she wished, and she didn't forget it when she slipped away. She put her hand on Jing Hao's shoulder and gave a soft push.

"Why are you taking my phone?"

Song Zhongji picked up the mobile phone between the two of them, saw the other party's caller number on the screen, and the smile on his face deepened.

Jing Hao raised his hand and swept his fingertips at the shoulders and sleeves that the woman had just touched.

"Anyway, you just broke up, and this opportunity is given to you."

Song Joong Ki: "...good brother."

 Today's heart-moving song: To my puberty - the blushing puberty.

  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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