nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 169 "You lost Jing Hao's heart."

Chapter 169 "You Lost Jing Hao's Heart." (Two in One)

At the same time, Jung Soo-yeon, who was sitting by the window, rubbed her sore shoulders.

When she turned her head, from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a well-dressed, overly revealing foreign woman in the distance, who was standing beside the table of two men with her slender waist twisted.

Jung Soo-yeon shook her head and said with emotion: "Oh...look, that woman over there, her buttocks and trousers are all exposed, the man nowadays has a good skin, when she sees a woman flirting , Sao, just can’t hold it in.”

Lin Yun'er didn't pay attention to it, nor did she look over there. She was never very interested in these social phenomena.

Looking at Jung Soo-yeon's indignant expression, she bent her lips and said with a smile: "Oni, everyone's needs are different, and we can't generalize."

"Isn't it? It's because there are too many biases. Now when I look at any man, I don't think it's real. Maybe one second I was sitting next to him, smoking an afterthought cigarette, and the next second I was directly involved in other vixens. into his arms."

Hearing Jung Soo-yeon's overly relaxed words, Lin Yuner suddenly didn't know how to respond.

Although both of them were born in idols, more or less, they also know a lot of things in the circle, no matter how outrageous, although they have not experienced it themselves, they can be regarded as hearing about it.

But after all, there is no real practice, even love, except for the fake love with Li Shengji, there is only the one with Jing Hao.

Jung Soo-yeon lowered her arms, and when she was about to look away, she suddenly began to ponder carefully again.

"Hey...Look, Yun'er, does that person look a bit like your ex-boyfriend named Jing Hao?"

Lin Yuner originally had an indifferent expression on her face, very calm and calm, but when she heard the word "Jing Hao", she suddenly shook her body, turned her head abruptly, and followed the direction that Zheng Xiuyan had just looked at, all the way. He scanned the past with his eyes.

Immediately, they found Jing Hao and Song Zhongji together.

Just at this moment, Jung Soo-yeon looked over there, and said out loud again: "(ˉ▽ ̄~) cut~~, so it turns out that the one in the suit and leather shoes, pretending to be a gentleman, is the gentle scum. .”

"Tsk tsk... You really are blind, but your family Jing Hao is a bit handsome. Although he is only wearing casual clothes, his looks are not inferior to the little brothers in the entertainment industry."

"Also, his demeanor seems to be very casual, but his abstinence style is quite strong. If it weren't for the fact that he had a relationship with you, O'Neill would have wanted to throw him down."

Lin Yuner turned her head to look in the direction of Jung Soo-yeon, feeling a little curious when she was described vividly by Jung Soo-yeon.

Can you not be curious?That's Jing Hao, the man I like.

The young man on the sofa in the distance, propped his forehead with one hand, and turned his side face towards the direction of the corridor. His skinny and three-dimensional body has an "icy charcoal" temperament, just like a manga boy.

After confirming that Jing Hao wasn't messing around behind her back, Lin Yuner also felt relieved.Lin Yuner turned her head and stood up without looking too long, and said to Jung Soo-yeon, who was still in a nympho, "It's time to go back, I came here today to see O'Neill, I just asked for leave , I still want to rest."

When she said this, Jessica Jessica felt a little uneasy.

She stretched comfortably, snuggled up to Lin Yun'er's side, stretched out her hand, and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Yoona. O'Neill was just joking just now, and you know that O'Neill has never been in a relationship until now, and I just wanted to tease you when I talked about your family Jing Hao."

Lin Yuner smiled faintly: "Oni, you don't need to be like this, Yuner knows your character. What's more, if it is so easy for him to be snatched away from me by other people, then he can only It means there is no fate between the two of us."

To be honest, for the past two days, Lin Yuner has been working overtime day and night for filming, and she is tired and a little delirious. However, she has known Jung Soo-yeon for so long, and she will definitely not lose her mind just because of her few jokes. What does it feel like.

When Jung Soo-yeon heard what Yuner said, she was a little moved, but also a little sad: "Maybe it's because I left, and now I'm thinking whether I'm going to make you dissatisfied."

"Even when I was with you, other people in the group, when will they forgive me?"

"It's okay, Ernie, everyone misses you very much. Maybe other people will be a little angry when you just left, but after so long, and we have been together for so many years, how much anger, During this year, it all subsided." Lin Yuner replied softly, taking advantage of the situation and taking Jung Soo-yeon's arm.

At this moment, many memories swept from the minds of the two of them.

The first eight people, the scene when they were practicing together, everyone laughed and cursed together, and there were many memories of trivial things, and later, the third sister in the group, Lee Soon Kyu, came to the group because her father’s company declared bankruptcy A lot of things after that.

Then when the nine debuted together, they shed a lot of tears and sweat in the practice room for practicing "The World Reunited", and then when they faced the Black Sea later, everyone cried in their hearts.

Slowly, the nine people, who don't know when they started, have become an inseparable one. Even if Jessica really quit the group, after a year, when they chat together, they will often forget On the day of 930, I unconsciously talked about her.

As idols who have debuted for eight years, since their debut, they have seen too many combinations, split and combined. Although it is not very unusual for such a phenomenon in my cognition, the nine of them , really really is different.

The famous support slogan "Now is Girls' Generation, it will be Girls' Generation in the future, and it will always be Girls' Generation", for them, it is really more than just a slogan of support.

For them, the four words Girls' Generation represent a period of memories that cannot be forgotten and are cherished as treasures. It is also a witness of their struggle together and rebirth together, and it is also their own youth.

"Yun'er, are you going back tomorrow?" Jung Soo-yeon's question suddenly brought Lin Yun'er back from her thoughts.

Lin Yun'er subconsciously rolled up her ears, her hair fell loose at some point, and her expression remained calm, as if nothing had happened.

She turned her head slightly, and at the moment when Jung Soo-yeon didn't notice, she secretly wiped away the moisture from the corners of her eyes, and replied in a steady tone: "It will take a few days, we will come over these few days, and we have to bring supplies back to the crew .”

"Oh...then don't be too tired, if you need any help, just remember to tell me."

"Well, let's go first then."

"Um, aren't you going to say hello to your guy?"

"No, Ernie, there will be a chance."

Arm in arm, the two bypassed the escalator and walked towards the first floor.

On the second floor, on the side next to the wall, while Song Zhongji was talking with Jing Hao, his eyes turned to the window from time to time, observing the movements of Jung Soo-yeon and Lin Yuner.

Seeing the two people getting up to leave, Song Zhongji didn't even think about it, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and quickly followed.

"Yooner." At the corner of the stairs, Song Joong Ki stopped the two walking in front of him.

Lin Yuner turned her head, stared at Song Zhongji's face for a few seconds, and suddenly recognized Song Zhongji.

I wanted to say hello to him, but after thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied with the act of pulling Jing Hao to find a beautiful woman just now, and the two of them are already very familiar, so they were not very polite, and their tone was slightly Seemed a little impatient.

"what's up?"

Song Zhongji put his hands in his pockets, with a charming smile on his handsome face, looking at Lin Yuner's cold eyes, he said slowly, "See if you lost something?"

Lin Yuner narrowed her beautiful eyes halfway, expressing doubts about the authenticity of his words, but seeing Song Joong Ki's extremely sincere expression.

Lin Yuner opened the handbag, checked it one by one, and found that nothing was missing.

"Thanks for the reminder, nothing was left behind."

Although I just saw Song Zhongji pulling Jing Hao upstairs to ask for the beauty's contact information, Lin Yuner still pretended to smile and thanked her.

"No, there must be. Take a good look." Song Zhongji curled his lips, his bright eyes were filled with an unknown smile.

After saying that, he took the initiative and took a step in front of Lin Yun'er.

Jung Soo-yeon, with her sister-controlling instinct, gently pulled Lin Yoon-er behind her.

Lin Yuner is not a three-year-old child, so of course she is not afraid of Song Joong-ki, not to mention Jing Hao is also here, Song Joong-ki and Jing Hao have such a good relationship, they will not do anything to her.

She let go of Jung Soo-yeon's arm and raised her chin.

"you say?"

Song Joong Ki flicked the hair hanging in front of his forehead, his eyes were full of affection, and he said every word.

"You lost Jing Hao's heart."

As soon as Song Zhongji said these words, Lin Yuner shuddered inexplicably.

She tried hard to control the hairs all over her body that wanted to stand up.

Really embarrassing!
At this time, Jung Soo-yeon nodded lightly, looked at Song Joong-ki very regretfully, and quietly interjected.

"Have you been vaccinated?"

"...What vaccine?" Song Zhongji was puzzled.

"rabies vaccine."

Song Joong Ki: "..."

"Have you been to the hospital?" Jung Soo-yeon asked again.

"No?... Why should I go to the hospital if I'm not sick..." Song Zhongji continued to be confused.

Jung Soo-yeon looked at Song Joong-ki with eyes full of sympathy, and when she pulled Lin Yuner and turned to go downstairs, she pulled her lips inexplicably.


Song Zhongji looked at the back of Jung Soo-yeon who was gently away, stood where he was, and began to think.

"...Does this have anything to do with what I just said?"

At the top of the stairs, Jing Hao, who had just seen this scene, opened his mouth not far away.

"She is suspecting that you are sick, and you should still be mentally retarded."

Song Zhongji's face turned green in an instant: "..."

I am!

It's broad daylight, the boat capsized in the gutter, shit~
It turned out that the clown was actually me!

Jing Hao walked leisurely from the top of the stairs to Song Zhongji's side, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "It's okay, maybe, it's just that someone misunderstood it?"

Song Zhongji, who was an excellent flirt master at night, had been arguing with Jing Hao for a while, and had strongly demanded to be Jing Hao's best wingman before, but now, how could he bear such a blow.

He turned his head, endured the humiliation, and smiled at Jing Hao "not too concerned".

"Let me tell you, Yun'er is pure and noble on the surface, playing hard to get, just trying to hang you! If it wasn't for someone else around her just now, maybe now, when she heard what I said, she would come over and cry for her You got back together!"

"Hey~~~" Thinking of the Ms. Jung Soo-yeon next to Yoona just now, Song Joong-ki laughed again: "However, your father's Ernie looks really good-looking!"

"As expected of Girls' Generation!"

"Don't tell me, I've seen a lot of beauties in the entertainment industry for so many years, but it's really rare to have such a perfect temperament and appearance, including your Yun'er!"

Hearing this, a sense of discomfort slipped through Jing Hao's heart.

For Song Zhongji just now, with such a smile, and these few comments and tone, Jing Hao felt a little irritated for no reason.

Putting down the finger that was still on Song Zhongji's shoulder, Jing Hao responded with a calm "hmm", then bypassed him, and went downstairs first.

Song Zhongji, who had been with Jing Hao for so long, didn't care about this sudden, cold attitude. He followed closely behind, grinning, and put his arm on the Jing Hao's shoulder.

"Don't feel sorry for Hiong's miss just now, Jing Hao, you are very valuable, look at Hiong, how to pull your love back together perfectly!"

"Forget it." Jing Hao turned his head, glanced at Song Zhongji behind him, walked forward on his own, and deliberately reminded: "You still, think about how to solve it first, the two of us are drinking. That big white wildcat you met when you were here."

Song Zhongji was stunned for a moment, and then a sly smile appeared on his face.

"Do you really think that I can eat any flavor? That kind of food is really too wild, so it's just suitable for watching."

Jing Hao looked at Song Zhongji's face that was still full of thoughts, and coughed softly: "Then you can ask for blessings."

Passing through the hall, Jing Hao walked to the door of the tavern, and looked in the direction he came from. There were more and more pedestrians on the long corridor.

But the beautiful shadow that belonged to Lin Yuner could no longer be seen.

"What are you looking at?" Song Zhongji poked his head over and looked in his direction.

Jing Hao looked away: "It's nothing, go back to your residence and rest, and you have to go back to the set tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, before Song Zhongji could speak again, Jing Hao turned around, stepped onto the floor of the corridor, and waved his back to him.

Looking at the figure of his friend, Song Zhongji scratched his head, always feeling that he had something wrong today.

 Today's recommended song: Hhu——4Minute
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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