nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 170 Jing Hao: [The video chapter has been cancelled. 】

Chapter 170 Jing Hao: [The video call has been cancelled. 】(two in one)

At ten o'clock in the evening in Athens, the dryness and heat in the air had begun to gradually decrease.

After Lin Yuner and Zheng Xiuyan said goodbye at the Sunshine Coast Plaza, they waved at the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

After getting in the car, Lin Yuner took out her mobile phone from her bag, and saw a message from Kakao a few hours ago.

Eyes agitated, she drooped and opened the chat box.

Jing Hao: [Withdraw what? 】

She exited the chat box and reopened the photo album.

The white and clean fingertips gradually enlarged the beautiful photo of the sunset on the Sunshine Coast.

The solid desire to share has been diluted bit by bit over time.

The car was very quiet, and I could even hear my own suppressed breathing.

After thinking for a few seconds, Lin Yuner opened the chat box again, and entered in the dialog box: [In the afternoon, I had an appointment with Sikaoni to go to the tavern, but when I took a photo and sent it to you, I suddenly regretted it. (smile.jpg)]

His fingertips hung over the send button, hesitating.

Looking at the two sentences I wrote, my heart seemed to be out of control, and along with the nerves in my whole body, they pulled each other.

Lin Yun'er took a deep breath and exhaled heavily, biting her lips subconsciously with her white teeth.

The half-lowered car windows, the late night wind, slowly blowing in, the hair on the side of the ear was blocked in front of the eyes in a mess.

Lin Yun'er turned her face slightly, looked out of the window, stretched out her hand to brush her hair away, and a hotel not far from the road directly broke into her field of vision.

Through the glass, uncontrollable sight, climbed to the brightly lit floor.

The long eyelashes trembled in the breeze, but they still couldn't cover the mist that filled the eye sockets for a moment.

The sourness in the nasal cavity became more and more intense with the longing for this period of time and the speed of the car passing by.

She opened her lips slightly, and then in the next second.

"Buzz buzz..." The vibration of the phone rang in the palm of my hand.

The idea of ​​asking the driver to stop was dispelled, Lin Yuner was shocked, and looked down at an email uploaded from her mobile phone.

[Dear Ms. Lin Yuner, it is a great honor for you to choose to renew your contract with Innisfree. Please come to the XXX Building in Athens with your agent at ten o'clock tomorrow morning to shoot the latest advertisement. Innisfree looks forward to it Looking forward to cooperating with you! 】

After closing the email, Lin Yun'er looked out of the window again. There were already dim street lights on both sides of the road, and the shadows of trees quickly retreated with the speed of the car.

She took a deep breath, and the soreness stuck in her nasal cavity was slowly diluted.

The phone was switched to the chat box just now. In the dialog box, there were still two sentences sent by that person.

Lin Yun'er deleted it word by word, and changed it to: [When I feel better, I will share it with you later. 】

Jing Hao walked slowly along the side of the road and returned to the hotel where he had just checked in yesterday.

Holding the mobile phone in one hand, the fingers of the other hand hooked the key of the room card and walked in.

Standing in the elevator, when he pressed the 6th floor, he turned on the phone with the other hand, and the black screen told him that he forgot to charge it when he entered the hotel last night.

He stood at the corner of the elevator, stared at the brightly lit elevator and pressed the button, but recalled in his mind the message that Lin Yuner withdrew in the afternoon.

While thinking about what he had withdrawn, his thoughts gradually drifted to the cold girl he met in the past two days.

That is Lin Yooner's dear Ernie - Jung Soo Yeon.

Even if I didn't notice my words when I was on the plane before, I must have had a first impression of myself this afternoon.

I don't know what kind of impression I left on my second sister-in-law.

"Ding." The elevator stopped at its own floor, and the heavy door slowly opened.

Jing Hao strode out, opened the door of the room, just finished changing his shoes at the entrance, and just when he plugged in the phone, there was a rush of video calls from the phone.

Jing Hao quickly glanced at his phone, it was a video call from his mother.

Jing Hao answered the phone in confusion.

"Hahahahahaha! Sister! It's the end of your life if you sit first. With such a son, he can still get a Ph.D. abroad, and recently my silly boy can hear about your Xiaohao on the news." News!"

"Since I was a child, I have always watched that child, he will have a great future, look, I am right! Such a good fortune, it is really good for others, and you can wake up with a smile in your dreams!"

Jing Hao's mother covered her face and smiled: "Hey, () Hey~~~ What a good fortune, that is, he is lucky, and he is smarter, so he can achieve such a result, but I don't know when I will give it to him." I am looking for a daughter-in-law to come back, and I am very worried!"

"You are really worrying about it. With Xiaohao's conditions, what kind of girl can't be found?"


Jing Hao didn't even need to look at the familiar dialogue and silly laughter to know that it was his mother and those friends.

Although Jing Hao didn't care a little about the flattery among several people, he was more or less speechless.

He, who is most troubled by dealing with these human relationships, doesn't even know at this moment whether he should speak up or not.

well! ! !
Jing Hao sighed.

It was this sigh that happened to be heard by several people on the other side of the phone.

Aunt Cao next door with sharper ears followed the sound of her mobile phone and saw Jing Hao at a glance. With a smile on her face, she ran over with her mother, her eyes fluctuating up and down, looking at him on the opposite side of the video.

"Xiao Hao! Over the past few years, he has become more and more handsome! He is completely different from the boy with a blunt head. I almost didn't recognize him. I thought he was from some movie. .”

"..." Jing Hao was stunned by the rainbow, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only respond to Aunt Cao with a smile.

However, he more or less agreed with Aunt Cao's words.

After all, when he was studying at Yonsei University, he was mistaken by many girls for being a star of the peninsula many times.

Even for this reason, he has been on the school's popular alumni list many times.

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, Jing Hao left the battlefield where his mother and Aunt Cao were falsely admiring each other on the pretext that he still had work tomorrow.

He knew that if he continued, the next topic would probably be girlfriends and having children, all kinds of topics that made his scalp tingle.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Jing Hao turned on the phone that he had been rushing to since he came back.

I took a look at kakao.

Lin Yuner's reply jumped in his sight.

He clicked on and saw her message, and couldn't help laughing lowly.

Little girl, when did you become so secretive?

Maybe because of the jet lag, Jing Hao lay on the bed in the hotel, tossing and turning, but couldn't fall asleep, so bored, he checked several domestic news.

Domestic news is always so dramatic.

[Surprise Σ(っ°Д°;) っ!A certain traffic big guy fell asleep, fans, got hammered! ! ! 】

[Reported by the people of Chaoyang, an international artist involved in pornography has been detained! 】

Topic search list, new things constantly, almost every day, one or two public figures with bad style can be picked out from the entertainment industry.

In the comment area, there are always cherished fans who whitewash their idols, and they are still so in love that they can't extricate themselves.

Jing Hao couldn't help sighing, in today's era, it's probably much faster to rely on face than to use brain.

I really don't want to keep going any further.

Jing Hao put down his phone and suddenly remembered Father Jin's condition.

Even in the few days when he came here, Li Yanxi was there, and she had been following all kinds of data of Jin's father, sending it to himself every day.

After getting up and throwing off the quilt, Jing Hao walked to the table by the window, took out the notebook from his backpack, sat on the chair, and began to read it intently.

However, these materials, now in Athens, he can't read them at all.

The more I look at it, the more irritable I feel.

It's not about how complicated or serious Father Jin's condition is, but after coming here, Jing Hao's entire body and mind stayed on Lin Yun'er.

For anything else, completely, completely, can't arouse any interest.

He had no choice but to drop his notebook in frustration, picked up the mobile phone on the side of the table, and complained to Lin Yun'er: 【What to do, after arriving in Athens, my mind went numb. 】

Jing Hao: [Fuer stay wow cry.jpg]

Jing Hao: [Buer is dumbfounded, what is there.jpg]

Jing Hao: [Fuerdai secretly observes.jpg]

A few silly emoticons immediately exploded.

This trick was learned by Jing Hao unintentionally from Li Yanxi.

Li Yanxi, who often visits Huaguo's network, naturally learned the tricks of Huaguo's emoticons, and taught Jing Hao very seriously.

It's not because of anything else, it's purely because when Jing Hao usually sends messages, he is too serious and has no meaning at all, so after a short period of hard work, Li Yanxi finally got Jing Hao to start and learn to send some cute emoticons up.

Don’t tell me, those emoticons that Jing Hao saved are really different from his own personality~~
Lin Yun'er still didn't reply at this time.

Jing Hao propped his forehead, looking at the moonlight, the light reflected on the white wall through the half-open curtains.

His eyes moved to the mobile phone that was motionless.

Jing Hao pulled the notebook on the table again, opened it and read it again.

A minute later, he covered the screen, dragged his chin with the other hand, picked up the phone and sent another sentence: [Haven't you come back yet? 】

Kakao was still dead silent.

Jing Hao got up, opened all the half-closed curtains, and opened the window halfway by the way.

Looking at the mobile phone on the table, there is still no response.

He put his hands on the balcony, looked down, and enjoyed the night view of the seaside in Athens.

Under the night, the faint bright lights and the shadows projected over Jing Hao's handsome cheeks faintly.

The prominent facial features are very deep and unusually three-dimensional.

He was wearing a dark plaid cotton pajamas, the collar was only buttoned to the third collar in front of his chest.

The sea breeze came slowly from the pier not far away, carrying the unique and faint smell of the sea, blowing towards his face, piecemeal, reflecting the gentle brilliance in his eyes.

Jing Hao's lips curved into a smile unconsciously.

Knowing Lin Yuner until now, except for the time when the two broke up, no matter how late, she never left behind every message from him.

In fact, he has been thinking about it many times.

In today's society, aren't girls all treasures held in the palm of their hands?What's more, is such a big star?
Jing Hao stood by the window, blowing the wind. It didn't know how long it took before the vibrating sound of the mobile phone was uploaded from the table.

His eyes darkened as he lowered his head, and he clicked on the message on the screen.

Lin Yuner: [Just arrived at the residence, changing clothes. 】

Time seemed to be stopped for a few seconds.

What the other party said seemed to be very casual, but Jing Hao, who had just experienced the flirtatiousness of foreign beauties, made up another picture in his mind.

At the same time, the nervous systems from all walks of life clamored.

The muscles of her body also began to tighten in her words.

His fingers unconsciously slid inch by inch across the table, until they touched a cold piece of metal before stopping.

When she replied, she was changing clothes?
Suddenly, there was a slight pain in the finger, which was transmitted from the nerve endings, and Jing Hao came back to his senses and looked at his right hand.


Unknowingly, what the fingers touched was the sharp blade that had just been unpacked, and the three finger pulps were cut open in a neat manner.

He hastily reached for the paper drawer beside him, went to the bathroom, and was busy thinking about leaving.

With the other hand, the palm accidentally pressed the option under the chat box. . . .

[Jing Hao is in a video call and is inviting the other party to answer. 】

. . .

A central business hotel in the center of Athens.

In the single suite, the gray curtains were drawn tightly, and the bright lights made the black and white room look unpopular.

Lin Yun'er stood in front of the full-length mirror, took off her slightly sweaty clothes, and threw them into the dirty clothes box.

The snow-white skin was exposed to the air at a glance.

She bent down, squatted on the ground, opened the suitcase, found a suspender pajamas, and walked into the bathroom barefoot without stopping.

Ten minutes later, the bathroom door was opened.

Lin Yun'er was wearing a lavender pajamas with suspenders, and in the dense mist, she wiped her wet hair with a towel with one hand, and walked out.

The mist gradually dissipated with her steps.

Walking to the bed in the suite and sitting down, Lin Yun'er turned her face sideways, wrapped her wet hair with a quick-drying towel, and a few strands of hair were messily pasted on her delicate face.

Maybe it's because the temperature in the bathroom is higher than outside.At this moment, Lin Yun'er's eyes were slightly blurred, and her fair face was smudged with a touch of bright red for no reason.

She rubbed her wet hair, and turned her gaze to the mobile phone that was thrown on the bedside when she changed her clothes earlier.

The reminder light above the screen is constantly flashing green light.

Lin Yun'er reached out and put the phone on her lap. While untiing the towel, she swiped the screen of the phone away with her other hand.

Jing Hao: [The video call has been cancelled. 】

 Heartbeat Song of the Day: Bulletproof——Ben Woodward
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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