nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 171 A pair of childish men and women

Chapter 171 A Pair of Naive Man and Woman (Two in One)

Lin Yun'er reached out and put the phone on her lap. While untiing the towel, she swiped the screen of the phone away with her other hand.

Jing Hao: [The video call has been cancelled. 】

The surroundings became quiet, and Lin Yuner's heartbeat skipped half a beat.

The fingers stretched into the hair, slowly curled up, and wrapped around the wet ends of the hair.

The white mansa curtains are quietly hanging aside, and the warm yellow light pours into the whole room.

The half-hidden door in the suite refracted the bright light outside into a slender triangle, which was printed on the gray blanket beside the bed.

Lin Yuner half-hooked the slippers hanging on her toes, her cold white delicate legs swayed in the warm and cold light of the boundary line of the triangular area.

The sexy, sexy collarbone slanted to the thin shoulders, and the suspenders of the pajamas slid below the shoulders as she lowered her head.

The exquisite curves of her body were half hidden immediately, but she didn't care at all.

She stared blankly at the video invitation on the phone that she had missed.

The fingertips of the hair slowly moved down, and finally landed on the plus key on the screen.

With a light touch, at the third option "Video Invitation", the end of the fingertips rubbed in the air.

A pair of beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, and black and white eyes were clearly switching back and forth between trance and clarity.

She who has always been relatively calm, now has some inexplicable impulses in her mind.

The excessive silence around, accompanied by low heartbeat sounds, seemed to be deliberate instigation.

In an instant, my heart surged.

Gradually spread her fingers, touching the moment invited by the video.

The next second, a message came from the mobile phone, mercilessly clenched her fingers and hung them by her side.

Jing Hao: [I. . . . (Embarrassing. jpg)]

Lin Yuner suddenly calmed down.

After a moment of silence, she threw off the slippers that were still hanging on her feet, picked up the pillow, and leaned against the head of the bed.

The slender arms were raised slightly, and the half-dried wet hair on the front of the cheeks was pinched behind the ears, and he quietly looked at the "the other party is typing" in the chat box of the mobile phone.

After Jing Hao washed the wound, he applied the medicine and returned to the room.

But I found that on the table, it was displayed in the chat box of the mobile phone.

Jing Hao: [Canceled, video call. 】

At this moment, Jing Hao felt the pain in his fingers just now, and suddenly got into the limbs of his body and coughed.

So, he hastily picked up his cell phone, and fell heavily on the bed.

His knuckles tapped his forehead repeatedly.

He was thinking, what kind of reason could he find to explain this abrupt video invitation.

Thinking about it, at that time Lin Yun'er said that she was changing clothes, and then he suddenly threw a video invitation and threw it over?
Isn't this the proper death scene?
And it's a large-scale human set collapse. .

Even if he said that his finger was accidentally scratched by the razor blade, and he accidentally touched the phone while dealing with the wound. . .

Emmmmmm, this, this is not too much of a coincidence.

I watched so many TV shows when I was young, but now I can't use them at all.

Jing Hao took a breath quietly and mustered up the courage to pretend nothing happened.

Jing Hao: [It's almost impossible to get a job in this industry in this life. 】

Jing Hao: [Five fingers, three of them were seriously injured. (Grievance. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er seemed to have gotten used to Jing Hao's carelessness from time to time.

Lin Yuner: 【Is it serious?Treat the wound with an antiseptic spray and then cover it with sterile gauze. 】

She knows the importance of hands to a doctor.

But when he saw this line of words, Jing Hao was a little speechless.

I am a doctor, you teach me how to treat wounds?

But you definitely can't say that. Lin Yun'er sent such a message, which also proves that she is nervous about herself. If she sends it out, her EQ is really too low.

Nervous by her, Jing Hao couldn't help laughing: [It's nothing, just a shallow wound, accidentally bleeding a little, and it's stopped now. 】

Lin Yuner: [Try to move the joints to see if there is any problem. 】

When Jing Hao used to be an intern, he often accidentally cut his fingers with a scalpel. It wasn't until after a long period of practice that he gradually became familiar with him.

Thinking about myself at that time, I really feel a little lucky.Fortunately, at that time, the surgical patients did not have any infectious diseases, such as HIV or hepatitis.

But at that time, even if I was injured, I could only deal with it silently by myself, and no one cared about me.

Seeing such news suddenly, even Jing Hao, who was called "Bing Tan", couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Quietly, a certain sense of psychological dependence emerged quietly.

Jing Hao happily raised his hand and did as he did.

Facing the light, the bony fingers slowly curled up, looking at the red and swollen finger pulp and the unhealed wound.

He frowned slightly, what a pair of hands that belonged to a doctor, they were almost killed by himself.

After getting up again, Jing Hao found gauze and hand sanitizer from the medicine box he carried with him.

Because of the one-handed operation, it took a long time to bandage the wound.

He lay back between the quilts again, put his phone on the pillow, and typed with his left hand: [It shouldn't affect my future life. (crying. jpg)]

Lin Yuner: 【Don't think too much, it won't happen. 】

He intentionally frightened her: [How do you know? 】

Lin Yun'er: [You can stop the bleeding in time, which proves that the skin is only injured. If you go to the hospital now, the wound will heal itself on the way. 】

There was nothing wrong with what she said, but Jing Hao saw traces of deliberate sarcasm between the lines.

No matter what time it is, she is still so indifferent, not giving any comfort.

After pondering for a moment, Jing Hao: [Didn't you see the news?Injury to the epidermis also has the potential to trigger infection, finally. . .Amputation. . 】

Lin Yun'er replied slowly: 【Your mind should be writing novels. If you are a doctor, you are really a bit inferior. 】

Lin Yun'er: [Just pay attention to the local disinfection and plot. If it's inconvenient during the day, put a band-aid on it. If you want to amputate, you can do it yourself. 】

Jing Hao continued to challenge her patience: [Why are you so sure? 】

Lin Yun'er was helpless: 【Don't question me, I'm also a good guy who has practiced? 】

Jing Hao's lips couldn't help raising Yang: [Is it common sense in life? 】

There was a warm current attacking his nerves.

Jing Hao continued to act as his sickly younger brother: 【You are very unprofessional. (Grievance. jpg)]

Lin Yuner was stunned: [. . . . ? 】

Turning over, Jing Hao reclined on the bed, raised his eyebrows and said: [You didn't even see the patient's wound, you just dealt with it with your own consciousness. 】

Jing Hao: [You irresponsible woman. jgp]

The meme is accusing her.

Lin Yuner was laughed at: 【Then what should I do?Or I coax you? 】

Don't blame her mentality, the two have known each other for so long, Jing Hao has never been like this, in front of her, he pretended not to understand anything, and acted desperately here.

Obviously this is his own professional field, but he still keeps asking himself.

What a young child.

But Lin Yuner is still willing to be childish with him.

Jing Hao pretended to be vexatious: 【The tone is very insincere. (secret observation. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er accepted his move, it was really rare to see Jing Hao like this, so she took advantage of the situation and intentionally teased him: [Buer pats his head in a daze. jpg]

The cute emoji symbolizes the tenderness she has passed on at this moment.

Jing Hao's heart suddenly tightened.

You know, Lin Yuner has always been as cold as ice balls when replying to his kakao's texts.

But today, she seemed to be a different person suddenly.

In this way, without any excessive turning point, it was difficult for Jing Hao to accept for a while.

But damn it, the heartbeat began to beat uncontrollably again, and the warmest part of the chest felt a sense of fragmentation.

How to do?
He suddenly thought of the most classic sentence in the comment section of a lipstick anchor's live broadcast room that he had seen by chance before.

【I don't want to buy it either, but he taught me baby! 】

And this moment.

He didn't want to do this either, but she was really too warm just now.

Jing Hao buried his slightly hot cheeks in the quilt for a while, and after calming down for a while, he typed.

Jing Hao: [Is it sunny in Athens today? 】

The other party did not respond.

Probably because he didn't understand the topic he suddenly changed.

After a long time, Lin Yun'er: [Well, the weather is fine. 】

There was a smile in the corner of Jing Hao's eyes: [I just said, you didn't talk to me tomorrow afternoon, why are you so cute and cute now at night. 】

Lin Yuner: [Huh? 】

Is he saying that she teased him because of the weather, and her tone became soft?
Lin Yun'er: [I'm just afraid that you will run to the hospital in the middle of the night and ask the doctor to amputate your leg. After all, if the wound heals, the doctor will be very embarrassing. 】

Ruthlessly, he pierced through his illusions.

Jing Hao lay prone on the quilt, and the "pushing" doctor burst out laughing.

The heat in his chest dissipated, and his heartbeat hadn't calmed down from the emotion just now.

To cover up his embarrassment, Jing Hao pretended to be calm and replied: [My friend, you are really difficult to get along with. (I'm about to cry. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er held back her smile: [So you are so weak that you can't stand the test? 】

Lin Yun'er: [I said that I want you to chase me this time before considering the matter of getting back together.You still want to capture me just like that, I'm afraid you don't know my iron will. (bad smile. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er continued to say: [According to the current situation, your hands should not have any major problems. 】

Jing Hao: [How do you know? 】

Lin Yun'er: [According to the knowledge taught by a certain teacher Jing before, under normal circumstances, excessive blood loss will cause dizziness in the brain, but at this moment you can fight wits with me, I think you are very sober now. 】

Jing Hao suspects that she is a system virus.

It's really too poisonous!

Falling in love with such a god-man, after all, he is the one who climbed high.

His heart was freezing again.

Jing Hao was very embarrassed, and squeezed out a smile from the corner of his mouth: 【I want to comfort you, it's for embarrassment (smile. jpg), not for happiness. (Standing hands. jpg)]

Lin Yuner sent a caring note: [Then get some rest earlier! 】

After the words fell, it was very appropriate, and presented an emoticon package: [Fu Er dazed and patted his head. jpg]

Jing Hao's whole body became hairy. He just felt that in his life, he never wanted to see all the emoticons of Buerdai again.

This cute expression pack needs him to heal in his whole life.

Jing Hao picked up the pillow, buried himself in the bed, and watched the warm yellow light from the ceiling imprinted on his pupils.

Gradually, the light and shadow smudged between the brows, as if to blur something, but he couldn't hide the hotness in his eyes.

After a long time, Jing Hao picked up the phone and suppressed the emotion surging in his chest.

Replied: [Good night! 】

At eight o'clock the next morning, the sun shone through the tulle curtains and filled the room, casting a golden brilliance.

Because of the jet lag, Jing Hao was in a daze all night, struggling with sleep.

After finally getting sleepy, I just closed my eyes, I don't know how long I slept, and the alarm clock on my mobile phone by the bed started to ring again.

Reaching out to fumble for the phone, he turned off the alarm clock, even though at this moment, every cell in his body was resisting getting up.

But thinking of today, he needed to buy something to take to the crew, he still resisted the urge to go back to sleep.

While washing up, Lin Yuner's manager called Jing Hao.

Jing Hao: [Would you like to compete? Hiong, what's the matter? 】

Lin Yuner's manager: 【Jing Haoxi, please come to XXXX in the center of Athens this morning. When you arrive, first come to the design department. Some scenes need to be filmed here today. 】

Although Jing Hao was very surprised, he still replied: [OK, I will pack up and leave later. 】

After getting up and washing up, I found a formal suit and put it on, and after breakfast, I went out.

I found a taxi on the side of the road, and after getting in the car, Jing Hao picked up his mobile phone to navigate, but the kakao in the mobile phone displayed an unread message.

He rowed away.

Lin Yun'er: [When you go out, remember to put a band-aid on it to prevent infection. 】

Jing Hao looked at the scratches on his fingertips, the sleepiness in his eyes was suppressed, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile.

He replied yes, then fumbled in his pocket for the Band-Aid that he asked for from the front desk of the hotel before leaving in the morning.

Only then did I realize that the band-aids that the cute girl at the front desk prepared for herself all had cartoon patterns on them.

Jing Hao pulled the corner of his mouth, and randomly picked out three band-aids with pictures of blue jumping dolphins, and stuck them on the wound.

Athens in this time period has already passed the morning peak.

So much so, that I arrived at the appointed place 10 minutes earlier.

Jing Hao straightened his clothes, and then walked into the building.

Maybe it's not time to go to work, some of the girls at the reception are having breakfast, and some are putting on makeup.

Jing Hao asked in proficient English: "Hello, which floor is the design department?"

The voice as gentle as the warm winter sun suddenly rang out.

 Today's recommended song: That's Why I Like You - Zhou Xingzhe
  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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