nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 172 The Encounter in the Elevator

Chapter 172 The Encounter in the Elevator (Two in One)

Jing Hao asked in proficient English: "Hello, which floor is the design department?"

The voice as gentle as the warm winter sun suddenly rang out.

The young lady who was closest to the reception desk hurriedly put away the half-applied lipstick, and raised her head in surprise.

It collided with Jing Hao's gaze.

The person facing him was tall and tall, wearing a misty blue shirt, black casual suit pants, and British-style pumps.

His facial features are very handsome and three-dimensional, his eyebrows and eyes look warm and moist like jade, and the fine hair hangs on his forehead looming, but it still can't hide the thin elegance in his eyes.

The receptionist was stunned for a moment, thinking of which company's male artist wanted to discuss cooperation with the brand department.

But looking around, there was no assistant or manager behind him.

"May I ask the design department...?" Jing Hao reminded him of his birth again, with a faint smile in his voice.

"I see!" The young lady at the reception felt belatedly, and patted herself on the forehead.

"Are you Doctor Jing?"


"The doctor Jing who studied in Huaguo Peninsula? Jing Hao?"

She almost didn't mention Jing Hao's various social accounts.

Jing Hao nodded with a light smile.

"I finally saw a living person!"

The little girl at the reception covered her mouth with her hand to conceal her inner excitement, and led Jing Hao to the customer lounge on the first floor.

"Mr. Zhao from the design department is still on his way. He has told you to wait for him after you come."

"Okay, thank you!" Jing Hao responded politely.

After the young lady left, Jing Hao stood by the bookshelf, flipping through the magazines of the best-selling works of Innisfree's company philosophy.

A few minutes later, the young lady handed him a cup of coffee from the outside, and said eagerly: "Mr. Zhao just came to hear the news, and he will be here in about 5 minutes."

Jing Hao took the coffee, but before he could finish his mouth, the young lady continued happily.

"What a coincidence, Ms. Lin Yun'er is also here today. I have seen your personal information on the company's intranet. I heard that you are still friends! At first I thought you two were a couple!"

When he heard Lin Yun'er, Jing Hao's eyes flashed a light of surprise, but soon, it was covered by his faint smile.

"It's okay, we just hit it off, and it's a kind of relationship that we can talk about."

"It turned out to be like this..."

The young lady nodded, and looked at Jing Hao casually and gossipingly: "At first, we thought you and Miss Lin Yuner were boyfriend and girlfriend, and we have been on CP for a long time!"

Jing Hao held back his laughter and didn't argue.

At this moment, he understood what happened to those VCPs in the entertainment industry who were forcibly combined together for no reason.

Most importantly, their guess was correct. Although the two are in a "breakup" relationship now, what they said before is indeed true.

The young lady in front of her, with big round eyes, showed the light of waiting for the other party's official announcement.

Jing Hao didn't answer her question directly, but said in an official tone: "Well, she is a very, very good actress and singer, but...we are not in a relationship yet."


The delusion that was silent in the phantom of CP was shattered, the young lady's expression froze, and she looked at Jing Hao in disbelief.

In order not to let each other fall into an awkward atmosphere, Jing Hao asked the floor of the design department again, and after the little girl left disappointed.

He continued to stand where he was, holding a cup of coffee, watching the previous works.

Innisfree rented this building for a month for Lin Yuner's first advertisement after the new year, taking care of her schedule. Those who came to Athens with her were not only people from the advertising department, but also designers. Several elites from the department and various departments have made sufficient preparations for this shooting.

It can be seen how much he attaches importance to Lin Yuner.

. . .

In the corridor near the elevator in the lounge, the east wall is covered with translucent glass, which allows you to see the hurried pace of the people outside going to work.

After about ten minutes, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians outside.

Jing Hao glanced at the time, and it was five minutes before ten o'clock.

He put down the coffee cup, closed the magazine, stuffed it into its original position, and casually picked up a few more from the shelf, and walked towards the door.

Just walking to the door of the lounge, before opening the door, I heard the sound of high-heeled shoes "da da da" on the marble floor outside, penetrating the wooden door.

"It's okay, I'll just go up by myself, you can go to work first, thank you."

The voice outside the door was very elegant, with a friendly rejection, but it sounded very familiar.

Stretching out his hand to hold the doorknob, when he turned it, Jing Hao glimpsed outside the glass wall where only his lower body could be seen from the corner of his eye.

A pair of jade-white and clean legs, stepping on a pair of silver high-heeled shoes, flashed by.

Jing Hao's eyes froze.

These legs are very familiar, as if I have seen them somewhere. . .

The brisk sound of the high heels suddenly stopped after a few seconds.

Jing Hao hesitated for two seconds, pushed the door out, and walked towards the elevator.

While walking without stopping, he looked up at the elevator not far away.

fall into sight.

I saw the girl who was wearing silver high heels just now, wearing a light blue chiffon shirt and a black and white plaid skirt.

Her brown curly hair was tied behind her head with a sea blue ribbon of the same color as the dress.

The delicate figure exudes a sense of familiarity.

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment, and walked in step by step without thinking too much.


The elevator door slowly opened at a distance from him and the logistics department.

The girl walked in, and when she lowered her head and pressed the floor, Jing Hao also quickened her pace.

Step in before the elevator doors close, and stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

The girl turned her face sideways, looking at the running button of the elevator, and was not disturbed by anyone who came in at all.

The white fingers stopped between the two rows of numbers and pressed, and politely stepped back to the back of the elevator, standing against the wall.

Jing Hao didn't notice the floor she was going to, and reached out to touch the selection button.

Only then did I realize that the seventeenth floor was already glowing with red light.

Reluctantly withdrew his hand, he stood on the spot, watching the number keys beating layer by layer from the beginning.

In the sealed elevator, there is an elegant scent of chamomile.

Jing Hao's eyes turned randomly, and when he looked at the elevator door in front of him, he stopped suddenly.

The front and rear double-sided mirrors are transparent and clean, so you can clearly see the people behind you.

The girl has light makeup, her eyebrows are very gentle and elegant, and her facial features are very beautiful. She is matched with a simple workplace style, which is fresh and natural. The bow on the front of the chiffon shirt is playful and smart.

She stood behind him, staring intently at the button on the floor.

Standing behind Jing Hao was Lin Yun'er. . .

The blood in Jing Hao's whole body was circulating, and the complexity of his heart was beyond words.

He didn't know if it was a coincidence or an accident this time.

But by chance, before his eyes moved away from the mirror, the girl's clear eyes moved to the transparent elevator door.

The two stood in front of each other, their eyes suddenly collided with the mirror glass.

When she saw him, the girl's calm expression seemed to tremble for a while.

During the few seconds they looked at each other, time and space in the elevator seemed to stand still.

And at this time. . .


The magazine fell out of Jing Hao's hand and landed right at the girl's feet.

She lowered her eyes slightly, and her toes shrank back a little.Immediately, he bent down and lowered his body.

The chiffon shirt on the upper body tightly wrapped her soft curves as she stretched out her hand.

The skirt of the tight-fitting skirt on the lower body slid up tightly against the line of the fair and clean legs, and the half-covered temptation was staged silently in Jing Hao's eyes.

Jing Hao stared at her with deep eyes, when her plain fingertips just touched the magazine.

"Thank you, I'll come."

Jing Hao took the first step and picked up the magazine with his body.

Lin Yun'er paused for a moment, then curled up her outstretched finger and retracted it.

The moment the two of them raised their heads at the same time, a scent of Lin Yuner's fragrance spread from the end of their noses.

The light above the elevator was blocked, and Lin Yuner's beautiful face was very close at hand.

Breathing and interlacing with each other, a trace of sweet breath sprinkled around Jing Hao's cheeks.

very itchy.

The hormones were bewitched, and a tantalizing ambiguity emerged quietly.

Jing Hao looked at her, the girl's black and white eyes were bright and vivid with a faint light seeping in.

At this moment, the two of them were very close, so close that as long as Jing Hao leaned forward a little, he could touch Lin Yuner's seductive lips.

In the next second, the light red lips moved slightly, and finally bent into a faint, shallow arc.

The person in front of him stood up calmly, and then continued to stand against the wall.

The elevator slowly ascended, and the surroundings once again fell into silence, as if nothing had happened just now.

Lin Yuner glanced at the elevator keys, which were beating on the number seven.

When the line of sight is set aside, the sight reaches.

The boy standing facing the mirror glass had a handsome face with soft sunlight, handsome eyebrows, and a fairly elegant manner.

But for some reason, I feel a little guilty all over my body?
Lin Yun'er took a few deep glances before slowly averting her eyes.

. . .

The long waiting time and the narrow and quiet space made Jing Hao feel bored.

Glancing at the silent Lin Yun'er behind him, Jing Hao swore that this was the first time he had seen someone who could wear workplace-style clothes with a pure and innocent sensuality.

It was Jing Hao who had nothing to say and opened his mouth.

"What a coincidence, I met you at the market yesterday and here again today. Are you also in the design department?"

When this question was asked, even Jing Hao himself felt that it was a bit redundant.

Before I came here, I heard from the lady at the front desk that the entire seventeenth floor is the design department. If it weren't for the design department, who would be free to find trouble and run here?

"..." Lin Yuner looked at him speechlessly.

Embarrassment, really embarrassment!

The corner of Jing Hao's mouth twitched, but he still wanted to find a topic in his heart, so he continued to find an excuse: "So, you are here to shoot a commercial?"

Lin Yun'er's eyebrows twitched slightly indistinctly, then she seemed to think of something, and responded after a while.


The fingers with the Band-Aid tapped casually on the back of the magazine. Jing Hao turned to look at her, smiled and said, "Do we have to be like this? Seeing me so indifferent."

"En." Lin Yun'er's tone was indifferent, without any trace of happiness or anger.

Jing Hao thought it might be Lin Yun'er, he hadn't seen her for a long time, and he felt sorry for him, so he didn't think much about it.

After all, the two are also in a state of breaking up, and they haven't really gotten back together yet.

When Jing Hao turned around, he glanced over the mirror of the elevator door out of the corner of his eye.

Lin Yuner's heels moved back a little, which made Jing Hao recall it.

This is who you see yourself as. .

Jing Hao wanted to laugh. It seems that she still remembered the video call last night.

And thinking about it carefully, the situation just now seems to have a little extra meaning.

According to Lin Yuner's point of view, Jing Hao deliberately made the magazine drop, and then took the initiative to show his gentlemanly demeanor, planning to have a close-up relationship with Lin Yuner to regain her favor?
It's just plain, cheeky.

Jing Hao scraped the magazine with his fingers, and the wound was aching from the movement.

The lattice keys of the elevator danced slowly one by one, and the elevator fell into dead silence again.

Lin Yuner's face was cold and elegant, with a serious and cautious expression.

The elevator is about to reach the design department on the seventeenth floor.

Lin Yuner opened the shoulder strap of the bag in her hand, hung it obliquely on her shoulder, lowered her head and adjusted the bow under the collar, and was ready to go out.

When he raised his head, Jing Hao in front of him stood tall and straight on one side, staring straight at the flickering red light of the elevator.

He has a handsome face, looks elegant and easy-going, completely different from those ruffian and glib young people outside the society.

In addition, Jing Hao had a pretty good impression in her heart.

Lin Yun'er couldn't help thinking about it, her defensiveness was sometimes too sensitive.

The "rustling" sound of her fingertips rubbing against the cover of the magazine made Lin Yun'er look down for a moment.

Jing Hao's knuckle fingers were exposed outside the magazine, and three cute light blue band-aids were pasted on his fingertips.

In Lin Yun'er's deep pupils, a broken light of distress flashed suddenly.

"Sure enough, I was injured..."

"I don't know... Does he hurt..."

Lin Yuner thought silently in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud.

In the current state of the two, it seems that they can only talk occasionally on the Internet. When they meet, it seems that neither of them really wants to break this weird harmony first.

At this time, the sound of the elevator opening "ding", and the sound of "buzzing" in the bag and the vibration of the mobile phone sounded at the same time.

Lin Yun'er looked away, took out her mobile phone, and walked towards the outside of the elevator.

When passing by, Jing Hao noticed that Lin Yuner's expression slipped a little solemnly when she looked at the phone's caller ID.

"Hello, teacher, I understand...I've been preparing recently." Fluent Peninsular language came out of the girl's mouth.

Instead of going inside, she hung up the phone and made another call. At the same time, she turned and walked into the elevator next to her, and pressed the down button on the first floor.

 Today's favorite song: The Last——HEIZE
  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket
  Then you can collect a new book "The Master of the Novel Group and His Writer's Little Wife", the author is the uncle, and it is about the story of the life of Gou and Wanzi~~~
  Knock it up Knock it up~~~~
  Wuhu~~~(ω )y
(End of this chapter)

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