nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 173 Jing Hao Was Poached?

Chapter 173 Jing Hao Was Poached? (two in one)

Inside the design office.

When Jing Hao met the director of the design department (Zhao Yu) under the guidance of his assistant, he was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of Nuo University with his back facing him, answering the phone.

"No problem. I have communicated with President Li Nim. Next year, I will take care of Huaguo's affairs with peace of mind. We can continue to develop at any time..."

The man's stalwart figure stood in the brightest place, wearing a well-made dark suit, under the beams of light, revealing the magical power of prudence.

Jing Hao couldn't see his expression clearly, but through his calm tone when he spoke to the other party.

Jing Hao could still tell that this person's identity and ability should be extraordinary.

After the short call ended, Zhao Yu turned around and saw Jing Hao standing next to the office door, his eyes narrowed coldly.

Only then did Jing Hao come back to his senses, and walked forward proactively. "Hello Mr. Zhao, I'm Jing Hao who came here today as promised. I don't know what you can do with me?"

With the mobile phone spinning at his fingertips, Zhao Yu walked over from the French window and stared deeply at Jing Hao for a few seconds.

Probably because being in a high position always brings a daunting majesty, Jing Hao clearly felt Zhao Yu's aura.

A few seconds later, Zhao Yu's eyes softened, and he glanced at Jing Hao with a smile hidden in his eyes: "In love?"

The truth of this question blinded Jing Hao a little.

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment, and replied, "Probably not yet."

Zhao Yu showed Jing Hao's first smile since seeing him until now: "A man can't hide whether he is in love or not."

"Also, when I communicated with Lin Yunerxi yesterday, she wanted you to be the leading actor, and her reaction was also very subtle."

Jing Hao didn't know how to explain it, so he could only bite the bullet and said with a smile: "The two of us are better friends, Mr. Zhao, you still think too much, not to mention I'm having an affair now."

"Hmm..." Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes, responded lightly, then walked to the computer chair and sat down, and motioned for Jing Hao to sit opposite.

"From the very beginning, the company planned to cooperate with Lin Yuner, and to shoot commercials with male artists. The first candidate was Lee Min Ho. I don't know if Jing Haoxi has heard of him?"

Jing Hao nodded: "Of course there is. A very popular actor, even if I didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry before, I have heard his name."

With his hands intertwined on the table, Zhao Yu moved his gaze to Jing Hao's eyes, paused, and continued.

"But on our side, we suddenly saw Jing Haoxi's going out of the circle. As Jing Haoxi's Hua nationality, if he can serve as the spokesperson of our company, it will still have considerable weight for our company's deployment in Asia. In addition, Jing Haoxi and Lin Yunerxi are a pair of good friends, presumably if they work together, it will also have a good influence on the reputation."

Hearing this, Jing Hao was taken aback, then smiled and said softly, "Thank you Mr. Zhao for your approval."

After a few minutes of relief, Jing Hao felt that Mr. Zhao was not as ruthless as the cold-faced devil king that had been rumored in the outside world.

On the contrary, he was restrained and calm all over his body.

There is a sense of calmness and open-mindedness in the expression that goes deep into the society and has experienced all kinds of honing in life.

"To be honest, I'm actually from Huaguo."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Jing Hao became a little more curious, and looked at Zhao Yu's face with great interest.

"No matter from what point of view, whether it is public or private, or for Jing Haoxi and Lin Yunerxi's career considerations, I personally think that if you can participate in the endorsement of the company, it will be a great thing. Good thing."

Jing Hao laughed and said, "Before I believe you, you should have known my identity. First of all, I am a doctor by profession."

Jing Hao paused, and then continued: "Besides, I am not a doctor in the dermatology department, but a cardiologist. From this point of view, do you really think it will be good for a doctor to speak for you? Does it work?"

Zhao Yu originally thought that after he opened his mouth, Jing Hao would agree to his invitation and participate in this endorsement. After all, the advertising fee for this endorsement will definitely not be small, but Jing Hao's tactful explanation is very difficult. Obviously there is a sense of rejection.

Hearing Jing Hao's answer, Zhao Yu was very surprised. He looked at the young man in front of him again.

His eyes were clear and clean, and his conversation revealed a bit of elegance.

If a good seed like this is a professional in the entertainment industry, if he can always maintain this original intention, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes famous.

Zhao Yu chuckled, and then he looked at Jing Hao again, and said with a little regret: "I originally planned to let you and Lin Yunerxi meet and communicate first. After all, you two are friends, and you should be able to compare each other. There is a common thread."

"But she just called and said that there is something urgent to deal with."

. . .

For the next time, Jing Hao was kept in a state of blindness.

Zhao Yu pulled out a cooperation proposal from the documents in front of the desk, and pushed it in front of Jing Hao.

"Originally, if Jing Haoxi could agree, we would have prepared a new plan immediately, but your decline just now is indeed something I didn't expect. Then you can look at this plan before we talk about it?"

Jing Hao took the plan from Zhao Yu's hand, opened it and took a look.

【Innis Style [-] may join hands with Lin Yuner and partner Lee Min Ho to launch a series. 】

Lee Minho.

At present, in the peninsula entertainment industry, he can be regarded as a relatively hot idol fan actor. With his more resistant appearance and the bonus of his long legs, he has won countless fans.

As for his personal topicality, needless to say, any random thing can be on the news.

Jing Hao raised his head. He didn't quite understand Zhao Yu, why he showed him such an important business cooperation plan.

After all, Jing Hao had rejected Zhao Yu's invitation just now.

He hesitated for a while, but still took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Zhao, is this...?"

Zhao Yu saw his doubts, and raised the corner of his mouth: "In this era where the Internet and traffic are king, cosmetics can no longer rely on traditional methods to promote, and now the mainstream is more inclined to the way of cooperation between men and women, rather than Just advertising like it used to be."

Jing Hao nodded, he could understand, after all, this kind of marketing, just thinking about it, should have a lot of benefits.

"What I value is not only Jing Haoxi's current traffic, but most importantly, behind you is the Huaguo market. That market is much, much richer than this one on the peninsula."

"If we can really cooperate with Jing Haoxi, I believe there will be great prospects."

Zhao Yu smashed his real intention with one word, no longer hiding it, but speaking out his thoughts completely.

"Besides, as far as I know, Girls' Generation doesn't seem to be the most popular girl group in Huaguo, but T-ara is the most popular in Huaguo."

Jing Hao didn't want to accept the idea at first, but when Zhao Yu proposed Girls' Generation, he still hesitated.

Jing Hao was silent for a while, and found an excuse to respond: "Mr. Zhao, why don't we discuss it together after Lin Yuner comes back?"

Before Zhao Yu could speak.

The door of the office was pushed open with a "bang", and the voice came before the people outside came in.

"Minister Zhao, I heard that Lin Yuner let you down? Let me tell you, our family's Lee Min Ho has called her to cooperate with her."

"If you can't figure it out, then we won't sign this contract. Don't blame me for not thinking of my old friend for so many years."

The person who came in was Lee Min Ho's manager.

She was wearing a short white suit with a small fragrance style, and her short European-style ear-length hair was neat and crisp. She looked about 30 years old.

But stepping on high heels has stepped out of a majestic state.

She walked to Zhao Yu's desk, folded her arms around her chest, and put on a proud posture. While waiting for Zhao Yu to give an explanation, her eyes noticed Jing Hao's face who was sitting beside her.

In just a few seconds, her gaze calmly looked at Jing Hao from top to bottom.

The facial features are delicate and handsome, and the temperament exuding from the whole body is complex and gentle.

This is just another template for a popular actor.

As a veteran agent, she never hides her purpose. How could she let go of any amateur who might become the traffic king in the next screen?

Staring at Jing Hao for a long time, he didn't care whose office he was in at the moment, and asked Zhao Yu directly.

"Who is this?"

Zhao Yu glanced at her, and said calmly, "Jing Hao is a cardiologist at the School of Medicine affiliated to Yonsei University and a tutor at the School of Clinical Medicine at Yonsei University."

She nodded thoughtfully: "Old Zhao, are you sick? Is there any help?"

Zhao Yu gave her a hard gouged look, but didn't say anything.

She didn't care about Zhao Yu's expression, she waved her hand and said indifferently: "Jing Hao? That's a good name. If you enter the entertainment industry, you don't need to change your stage name."

Randomly, she approached Jing Hao mysteriously again, and continued talking with a smile on her face.

"What's so good about being a doctor? It's easy to go bald, and you still have qualifications. Are you interested in considering entering the entertainment industry?"

How to answer this question?

Even if he played a cameo role in Li Yingfu's "Descendants of the Sun", Jing Hao never considered such a thing.

He thought it was like this, but he was spotted by his agent at first sight, and then invited to join the entertainment industry and start his journey to become a big star. Such a dramatic thing can only be seen on TV.

But I didn't expect it to happen to me alive.

For her kind invitation, Jing Hao obviously felt a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, to be able to openly poach people here, the relationship between this agent and Zhao Yu must be unusual.

It's not that he is afraid that Zhao Yu will get angry at himself if he refuses directly, but the main fear is that Lin Yuner has just renewed his contract with this company, and Jing Hao definitely can't put some extra burden on Lin Yuner at this time.

He could only smile and remain silent.

At this time, Zhao Yu was sullen, bent his knuckles, tapped on the table a few times, and reminded: "If you come to poach someone, please go out and turn right, and close the door by the way."

The manager lady glared at him, stood up, and leaned against the corner of the table.

"Okay, okay, don't be so stingy, I'll dig the head office privately."

"By the way, have you finished the cooperation plan? Let me tell you, my brat doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't sign for a big brand like L'Oreal. He insists on sticking to it." Yes, call for cooperation with Lin Yuner."

Zhao Yu stood up, walked out from behind the desk, and replied without showing emotion: "Yoonerxi has some personal matters to deal with at present, and our cooperation has not yet been fully finalized."

"What you have to do now is, before cooperating with our company, during this period, take good care of your artists, and don't make a whole body of slander, which will affect the reputation of the company and Lin Yunerxi."

The agent rolled his eyes at Zhao Yu's words, shook his head and sighed.

"Look, that's it! Our Lee Min Ho just wants to see if there is a chance to get in touch with Lin Yunerxi. After all, she has just ended their relationship, and Lee Min Ho has a good impression of her. If it really happens , isn’t it good for you too?”

Turning her gaze to Jing Hao, she deliberately raised her voice.

"You can't believe what this man says."

But at this moment, after accidentally revealing the news about Lee Min Ho's pursuit of Lin Yuner through his agent, Jing Hao couldn't continue watching the show anymore, he stood up and looked at his agent with a smile, and responded very politely.

"Sorry, Nuna, I haven't considered going into the entertainment industry yet. If I have any thoughts about this in the future, I will definitely give priority to you."

When the agent heard the refusal, his heart ached for a while, a big traffic was just such news.

It was already twelve o'clock at noon when I came out of the office of the design department.

In just a short meeting, Jing Hao already understood how popular Lin Yuner is. Compared with Lee Min Ho and more celebrities, although he is not without confidence, he still feels a little bit of it. pressurized.

Jing Hao had just stepped off the elevator, and when he reached the lobby on the first floor, he was stopped by someone behind him.

As soon as he turned around, the previous manager walked towards him quickly, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's time for dinner, let's go, I'll treat you to a meal."

Obviously, drinking is not what the drunkard wants, Jing Hao really didn't expect that she would be so persistent.

Perhaps it was his rejection just now, which was not very obvious.

Jing Hao looked at the expectant lady manager, and said very seriously, "My manager Nuna, I prefer being a doctor to being in the entertainment industry."

The manager looked at the sincerity in his eyes, without even the slightest hesitation or cover-up.

"Actually, you really don't have to refuse so quickly." The manager smiled happily.

Jing Hao heard what she meant, and she was reminding him to leave a way out for himself in everything.

Jing Hao pursed his lips and did not speak. He looked around and saw that the two of them were standing very close to the reception desk.

 Today's recommended song: Ignite——YELO
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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