nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 174 Be Each Other's Healer

Chapter 174 Be Each Other's Healer (Two in One)

"Actually, you really don't have to refuse so quickly." The manager smiled happily.

Jing Hao heard what she meant, and she was reminding him to leave a way out for himself in everything.

Jing Hao pursed his lips and did not speak. He looked around and saw that the two of them were standing very close to the reception desk.

Several little girls were looking at this side with evasive eyes, and whispered something secretly in their mouths.

The atmosphere is a little dignified.

Jing Hao felt that if things continued like this, sooner or later people would mistake him for thinking that he really wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

But if he directly refused, he would have no grievances with him, so it would be too indifferent.So he withdrew his gaze, looked at the manager, and changed the topic: "Nu Na, in fact, according to your age, I should be the one to treat you to dinner, but I've been busy recently, and the time is really tight."

"Otherwise, next time when you have time, I will treat you."

The agent shrugged: "You are smart and sincere enough, that's why I fell in love with you."

Immediately afterwards, the manager walked slowly to Jing Hao's side, his body just blocking the view from the reception desk.

Then he took out a business card from his backpack and stuffed it into Jing Hao's hand: "I won't force you, it's just because of professional habits, I don't want to give up any outstanding people easily."

As soon as the words fell, the manager turned around, took two steps, and then turned his head to look at Jing Hao, who was still standing there.

Patting him on the shoulder, he said meaningfully: "Think carefully, it is difficult for young people to understand that choice is more important than hard work."

Her last few words sounded a little louder, and Jing Hao froze for a moment, clutching the business card in his palm.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the hotel with mixed feelings.

At this moment, a call came from the cell phone. It was Li Yingfu who called, informing Jing Hao not to rush back to the set. Now that he and Lin Yuner finished filming the commercial, the two of them will go back together.

Jing Hao, who had nothing to do, didn't have to rush back to the set. Now, sitting on the table, he was digesting all kinds of information in his mind.

Jing Hao, who had been in a difficult situation all morning, now has no appetite.

He simply changed into pajamas and lay on the bed. After checking his phone for a while, he couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already seven o'clock in the afternoon. He hadn't eaten all morning until now, and his stomach growled just right, reminding him that it was time to eat.

On the table in front of him, the business card Lee Min Ho's manager handed to Jing Hao was still lying there coldly, but Jing Hao just glanced at it like a speck of dust.

Jing Hao took out his mobile phone, sent a kakao to Song Zhongji, and then changed into a pair and went out.

On the side of the road, Jing Hao got into the back seat of the taxi he had just pulled over, but he didn't tell the driver where his destination was.

Tapping his fingers on his legs, he was still thinking about something.

Then he picked up the phone in his pocket, swiped to kakao, and opened the top frame.

Within the business hotel in the city center at the moment.

The incandescent light filled the suite, and the sharp light made the crumpled papers all over the floor extremely dazzling.

There was originally a thick stack of printing paper for practice on the table by the window, but there was not much left after being consumed by the people next to him.

Lin Yun'er supported her head with one hand, but it was difficult to concentrate her mind. She clenched her fingers pressing on the paper, and the paper on the table was instantly crushed into balls.

With a sound of "咻", following her recovering movements, it landed in Jung Soo-yeon's arms on the sofa.

Jung Soo-yeon watched her maintain a posture for several hours, and she began to sympathize with the meticulous woman in front of her.

The cause was the phone call in the morning. The Huaguo production team that Li Xiuman contacted before will send someone here to discuss with Lin Yuner first, hoping that the two parties can directly finalize some details related to various tasks.

And the phone call in the morning was not only to inform about this matter, but also conveyed an instruction from Li Xiuman, that is, to practice Chinese urgently in the next few days, and try to be as fluent as possible, after all, it is time to go to Huaguo This meeting must at least leave a good impression on others.

And this afternoon, Lin Yuner was practicing Chinese pinyin and writing some simple vocabulary.

"Yun'er, you're all in the room. You've been bored all afternoon. Let's go eat some food first. By the way, you can relax your mind. If you learn it later, the effect will be better."

Jung Soo-yeon silently picked up the ball of paper on the ground and threw it into the trash can.

Lin Yun'er nodded, her knuckles were beating her drowsy forehead, and the softness between her slightly frowning brows had returned.

Holding the pen between her hands, she pinched the back of her neck, which was already so stiff that it was sore.

Grabbing the loose ends of her hair smoothly, she used a pen instead of a hairpin to wrap it around a few times easily, and put it on the pen holder.

Standing up, Lin Yuner pushed the thin black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose with her fingertips.

Pushing away the chair with his heels, when he turned around, his eyes glanced at the mobile phone on the table.

Lin Yuner was silent for a moment, reached out to pick up the phone, and followed Jung Soo-yeon out of the hotel.

Today, Jung Soo-yeon rented a car here and drove here.Because here, she will stay here for at least two more weeks to start, and in order to make it easier to travel, she has already rented a car in the city on the first day of her arrival.

Lin Yuner stood at the entrance of the hotel, while waiting for Jung Soo-yeon to drive over from the parked car, she turned on Kakao on her phone.

I haven't talked to each other in the past two days, but Lin Yuner is still a little worried, and wants to ask the person in the top frame if the wound has healed.

Just when I clicked in, a message was sent over there.

Jing Hao: [Suddenly feel. . . . 】

The hair on the side of her face fluttered against the breeze, Lin Yun'er stretched out her little finger and hooked it behind her ear, she quietly stared at the phone with her downcast eyes.

After 2 minutes, the jumping other party was typing, and became quiet, and she received what he hadn't finished speaking.

Jing Hao: [I don't know why, but suddenly, inexplicably, I feel that the happiness of an adult is like a luxury at a glance, always shining in a place that is out of reach. 】

Jing Hao: [Man is really a very strange creature. When I was a child, I wanted to become an adult countless times and accept this society, but I couldn't do it as calmly as I imagined. 】

Jing Hao: [I'm very irritable. jpg]

By the ear, Jung Soo-yeon's car drove up, and Lin Yuner's deep gaze moved away from the screen.

Jung Soo-yeon watched her stop in place, with her arms resting on the edge of the car window, raised her eyebrows and reminded, "Why are you in a daze, let's go!"

Lin Yuner put away her mobile phone, walked down the steps, opened the car door and sat in the back.

She pressed the down button on the car window, pressed her clean arms on the car window, and looked out at the street with one hand and dragged her face sideways.

In the distance of the line of sight, moving with the speed of the car, looking at the scene of the city center.

The brightly lit night looked unusually dazzling, but for no reason, it gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Jung Soo-yeon glanced at Lin Yuner who was in a daze through the rearview mirror.

She didn't know what her younger sister was thinking, but as she had debuted with Lin Yuner for seven years, what she knew was that every time Lin Yuner was in a bad mood, she didn't like her for a short time. say.

So from getting in the car until now, Jung Soo-yeon has kept silent, very quiet.

Maybe it's sitting too long in an air-conditioned room.

At this moment, when the evening wind wrapped in light heat was blowing on her face, Lin Yun'er didn't feel uncomfortable, and even had a little comfortable warmth.

She retracted her gaze, leaned her shoulders against the back of the chair, adjusted herself to a very comfortable sitting position, and looked at the screen of the phone again.

His pupils were like a bottomless pool, and his deep eyes were much more serious than when he was practicing just now.

The capital of Greece, Athens, has countless dimly lit streets in the city, and at the same time, countless people are sitting in cars and sighing.

Some of the passers-by in a hurry on the road are worrying about their livelihood, while others are thinking about what to eat tonight.

There are also people who are holding a cup of milk tea and tasting the dense milk cover on it.

In the land under the same starry sky, everyone's sorrows and joys are different.

Jing Hao leaned back on the back seat of the car. On both sides of the car, large leaves blocked the light, hiding his face in the faint light.

He rested one hand on the side of the bed, and held the phone in the other hand, fumbling with his thumb to type slowly on the screen.

At this moment, he felt that he was too irritable.

However, he couldn't express a certain string that he was pulled by during the day in the design department.

After a moment of silence, he continued typing: [Is this a process that a man goes through after all?Or myself, too childish and hypocritical? 】

After sending it, he shrugged again, as if deliberately pretending to be indifferent, secretly comforting himself.

[Actually, there is nothing to complain about, maybe everyone will experience such a thing. 】

Jing Hao put down his phone, notified the driver in the front row, and told a location, which was exactly the one he had agreed with Song Zhongji.

The repressed mood cannot be released, and the road is long, as if there is no critical point.

Although Jing Hao is very good, he is much better than most people.

But the rival in love I am facing is a national actor!

Leaving aside Lee Min Ho's popularity on the peninsula, Jing Hao has heard of his popularity in China. In his impression, Lee Min Ho was invited to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in [-] Come and sing.

Compared with such a big star, Jing Hao began to doubt whether he could compete.

Especially the way Lin Yuner met him these two days made him feel a little uncertain.

In addition to a bunch of things to be busy at hand, Jin's father, his own project research, and Jin Zhiyong's factory, all kinds of things are backlogged in his mind.

He couldn't help but collapsed.

The master driver drove the car like a swimming dragon, shuttling through the streets.

A minute later, there was a dull vibrating sound from the mobile phone that was thrown beside the seat.

Jing Hao raised his head, glanced at the road ahead, then reached out to pick up the phone, and swiped the screen sideways.

Lin Yuner: 【This is not hypocritical, it is human's emotional instinct, it has nothing to do with age. 】

Lin Yun'er: [All adults were once children, but very few people can remember this. 】

The fingers holding the phone unconsciously used force, and the whitening of the joints became more and more obvious.

Jing Hao only felt a sense of complexity that he had never felt before, rampaging in his chest.

Straight to the heart.

Lin Yun'er didn't ask any reason, nor did she ask what happened specifically, but she was able to use a simple sentence to soothe his wrinkled mood that had been tumbling all afternoon.

The nerves of the body climbing everywhere, as if the pause button was pressed.

The car waited quietly at the red light.

The smog in Jing Hao's heart was dissipated, and he felt like a warm sun.

The current situation of the two of them is quite strange. There is no breakthrough in reality, but online, they can talk about many things slowly.

And the two sides will no longer quarrel about anything. The two people get along on the Internet as if they were a pair of old friends.

But the grayness lurking in his eyes did not allow Jing Hao to quickly reconcile with himself: 【Adults can't really be like a child, always willful. 】

Lin Yuner: [You can. 】

Lin Yuner: 【At least for now. . . . 】

She seems to be checking the time.

Lin Yun'er: [You can make trouble for no reason, I won't blame you, but I only give you 5 minutes. 】

The other party was telling Jing Hao, don't suppress your unprovoked emotions, but don't let it exist for too long.

Her comfort penetrated every cell in Jing Hao's body. Jing Hao smiled lowly: [Just once, I'm a man after all. 】

Lin Yuner thought for a while: 【Yes. . . 】

Lin Yuner: [What about her? 】

Jing Hao: [Who? 】

Lin Yuner: [I. 】

The implication is self-evident.

What Lin Yuner said seemed to be malicious, but Jing Hao heard it clearly.

This girl who is only two years older than me, how many faces does she have?

Why didn't I see her so ghostly when we were together?
Jing Hao pondered for a few seconds, then typed quickly: [You can be a child countless times. 】

Lin Yuner: [Why? 】

Jing Hao didn't even think about it: [Because you are different. 】

Lin Yuner was confused for a while, and then continued to ask: 【What's the difference? 】

Jing Hao stared at these words, his eyes flickering slightly.

What's the difference?
It was difficult for Jing Hao to answer this question. After carefully dissecting this question, he realized that his feelings for her at this time were as messy as a hemp rope.
What kind of existence is she here with him?
It was difficult for him to speak clearly.

Like many people on the Internet say, a pair of soul mates?
Or is it a simple couple in love?
Or is it a "brotherhood" that transcends friendship. . . . ?
Probably not.

When the green light came on, Jing Hao was distracted by the sound of "didi" from passing vehicles on the road.

 Today’s recommended song: Bad Habits——SHAUN (this one is not the one by Boss Huang, it’s just the same name~~~)

  Then recommend a book, written by a new author in the group, the title of the book is "Peninsula Light Years", interested friends can read it.

  Then continue to ask for tickets~~! !

(End of this chapter)

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