nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 175 Need a Sweet Love

Chapter 175 Need a Sweet Love (Two in One)

What kind of existence is she here with him?

It was difficult for him to speak clearly.

Like many people on the Internet say, a pair of soul mates?
Or is it a simple couple in love?
Or is it a "brotherhood" that transcends friendship. . . . ?
Probably not.

When the green light came on, Jing Hao was distracted by the sound of "didi" from passing vehicles on the road.

Jing Hao held the mobile phone in one hand, and with his fingers stuck to the Band-Aid, he slowly closed the words.

The wind blowing in from the car window, along with Lin Yuner's question, directly blows to the deepest part of her throat.

After she finished sending, the phone became silent.

She closed her eyes tightly, leaning her shoulder blades stiffly against the softest part of the chair back, allowing her hair to block her cheeks.

But no matter how she adjusted her posture, she couldn't make her feel comfortable.

"Yi Xiba, Kesei! Brat! Are you in a hurry to see God Magu!" Zheng Xiuyan slapped the steering wheel with both hands, and the sound of cursing rang in her ears.

The sound of the passing wind, accompanied by the sound of the car driving, and the delicate touch of the senses, are as cold as swords, guns, and halberds.

The more you touch it, the colder it gets, and the chill hits your bones.

"Nice to meet you, Actor Lin."

"let's break up."

"In the future, although we don't know whether it will end here, it is still possible to come together again,"

"But at least for now, or for a period of time in the future, it's better for us to separate. Even if it's because of the scandal, it would be much better if we really broke up."


. . .

"Let's get to know each other again."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Jing (Actor Lin)."

"my pleasure."

. . .

In the memory, the scene of the two of them on the last day smashed the last line of defense in Lin Yuner's heart. In the memory, the sound of her stepping on high heels into the elevator was so loud.

I don't know when, there was a sore blockage in the nasal cavity, and there were also bursts of fine pain in the ear and nose nerves.

The feeling of suffocation has nowhere to hide and is unacceptable.

Lin Yun'er inserted her fingers into her hair, and rubbed her temples. The long eyelashes under the backlight concealed the moisture in her eyes.

She raised her eyes slowly, looking at the time when the chat record stopped abruptly because of her words.

She was wondering if it was not worth expecting his warmth in her inconsistent heart.

However, in the next second, the darkness in her eyes brightened again just because of the vibrating sound of her phone.

The car was still driving, but Jing Hao was a little confused because of Lin Yuner's words.

After arriving at the destination, Jing Hao didn't get out of the car immediately, but sat seriously on the seat and answered her question.

Jing Hao: [Girls should stand under the sun, she can never grow up for the rest of her life. 】

Jing Hao: 【You are good enough now, maybe you should think about finding someone to love you. 】

The meaning in these words is already very subtle.

Lin Yuner thought for a while, and replied: [Some girls are born without sunshine, and they are not good enough themselves. 】

Lin Yun'er: [I am a heavy burden and a burden to life. 】

Lin Yun'er: 【At least for the time being, I don't want to be anyone's burden. 】

Jing Hao roughly understood what she meant. On the Internet, between the two of them, Lin Yuner never beat around the bush.

However, this was the first time he had seen her shed her hard side and showed him her weakness.

Jing Hao didn't go to the bottom of the question to ask, but went straight to the point: 【Give others a chance? 】

As for why Jing Hao asked this question, he himself didn't know.

Perhaps, it is because I am afraid that my own feelings will be disturbed by outsiders for various reasons.

Or, it's just pure sympathy flooding.

I always feel that a perfect girl like Lin Yuner shouldn't say such sad words.

After all, just a quarter of an hour ago, she was comforting him like an adult who knew the world well.

Perhaps unexpectedly, his question was suddenly reversed. Lin Yun'er didn't understand, so she followed his words and asked: 【What chance? 】

Jing Hao: [Of course it's a chance to protect you. 】

She seemed to be thinking.

But when Jing Hao sat in the car for a full minute, no news came from his phone.

Jing Hao judged that she was avoiding the problem.

His eyes were calm, and his tone was very direct: [Answer me! 】

This suddenly serious attitude, in the eyes of the other party, was abnormally cold.

But this kind of coldness quietly made a gap in her closed heart.

The warm light outside continuously penetrated inside.

Lin Yuner seemed to be coquettishly accusing: 【Why are you so fierce? 】

Jing Hao frowned: 【. . . .Is there? 】

He was puzzled.

Lin Yun'er found out the problem: [Tone. 】

Jing Hao took a closer look, and it was true.

The sentence he sent just now was indeed very resolute, which made people seem to be unquestionable.

Jing Hao explained with a smile: [Actually, I just want to tell you that at any stage of life, there are new things to do.And you should not put the energy of this moment into the regret of the previous period. 】

Jing Hao: [For example, now, you need a sweet relationship. 】

Lin Yuner's rare and well-behaved response: 【Yes. 】

Jing Hao raised his eyelids and looked out the car window at the dark night and the neon lights on both sides of the road.

She lowered her eyes, and said again: [What are you doing? 】

Lin Yuner: [In the car. 】

Jing Hao: [Turns head. 】

Lin Yun'er was a little unclear about his intentions: 【. . . . ? 】

Jing Hao's eyes are very light, but there is an upward arc at the corner of his mouth: 【Look at the scenery outside. 】

She seemed to choke: [Okay. 】

Jing Hao wasn't sure if she followed suit, and asked calmly, "What did you see?" 】

In the next second, on the top of the dialog box, there was a non-stop switch between Lin Yuner's remarks and the other party's typing.

Then quiet down.

It was only a few seconds later that the message came: [A couple kissing passionately. 】

. . .

Lin Yuner followed the words on the phone and turned her head to look out the window.

At this time, the car was passing through a bustling night market and black market, beams of colorful lights drove away the original thickness of the night,

Among the bustling crowd in the distance, her eyes were sharp, and she caught a couple standing beside the road, kissing affectionately.

Her face immediately turned red.

But at this time, Jing Hao's question came, and Lin Yun'er looked away.

After hesitating again and again, I sent the scene I just saw to the other party.

. . .

Looking at her answer, Jing Hao was slightly taken aback, and his body became inexplicably hot.

Good guy, here comes the sense of substitution in my mind.

He couldn't help but clicked his tongue, how could Lin Yuner on the Internet be so innocent and cute.

His fingers tapped the phone a little irritably, and after quickly calming down, he replied: [Actually, you can tell me the scenery directly. . . . 】

Lin Yun'er probably didn't understand what he meant, and seemed to be guessing what he said.

A few seconds later, she still asked persistently: [Compared to the scenery, isn't this scene not eye-catching enough? 】

yes. . .It is quite eye-catching.

Mainly it's a little worrying.

Jing Hao shook his head helplessly, and taught her humbly: [Silly boy, if you say this to a man, the other party will have hormones. 】

Then he raised his eyebrows and deliberately emphasized: 【However. . . .It's ok for me. 】

The other party stopped talking.

She has a high level of ideological consciousness, and what he said is also very straightforward.

She reluctantly felt sorry for him: 【My fault. . . .Otherwise, I will treat you to dinner next time. 】

Jing Hao seemed to be able to see her blushing and shy.

Taking a deep breath, he pretended to be indifferent: [Let me treat you, you are also a victim, and I am the leader. 】

Lin Yuner: [? 】

After all, it was he who sought comfort in the first place.

But her words played a very good role in reconciliation.

Or in other words, directly let him reconcile with his negative emotions very well, and they dissipated quickly.

We are all adults, where do we get so many stable emotions?Or more often than not, they are more vulnerable than children.

But at this moment, only in front of her, Jing Hao can do whatever he wants, follow his inner thoughts, and say what he wants without any scruples, without having to maintain a consistent and calm appearance.

And even if it was a little absurd, the other party would accompany him.

Jing Hao went on to say: [Don't deny yourself, when you feel that you are a burden, it is very important to think that you are in the hearts of other people. 】

He emphasized his own words: [very important! 】

I don't know if she was touched.

Anyway, after saying this sentence, Jing Hao was moved by himself.

Although it is from the heart, he always feels that the filter of these words is very heavy, and it is somewhat hypocritical.

as predicted.

next second.

Lin Yuner seemed to be smiling: 【At this time, you look like an angel with a huge halo behind your back, shining brightly. 】

Jing Hao was taken aback for a moment, assuming she wasn't mocking him.

However, he felt that this description was quite appropriate.

He replied with a light smile: [You can also think so. 】

Lin Yuner: 【Okay, I believe it. 】

Jing Hao: 【What do you believe? 】

Lin Yuner: 【You are a ray of light in the darkness. . . 】

Without giving him an extra chance to think about this sentence, she continued to ask: 【Is your hand feeling better? 】

Turning over the phone, Jing Hao looked at the back of the fuselage, the fingers covered with Band-Aids.

He admitted that he really regretted his life!

Thinking of being laughed at by her last night, he was a little unconvinced.

Jing Hao: [You have a strong professional ability to study with me, and you have successfully saved me a lot of medical expenses. 】

It can be guessed that her expression at the moment should be ever-changing.

Of course, her reply did not surprise him.

Lin Yuner: [You're welcome. 】

Jing Hao smiled so that his lips trembled a little.

She continued to remind: 【Be careful next time. 】

next time?

Still don't.

Jing Hao directly pressed his lips against the back of the driver's master, coughed lightly, and said quite calmly: [Talk about undressing to the opposite sex. . .Just don't have a next time. .Even in front of me. 】

Lin Yuner: 【So, what were you thinking at that time? 】

Lin Yun'er: [No sex! 】

Jing Hao stared blankly at her reply.

If it is normal logic, shouldn't you ask him why?


What is he thinking?

What can he think!
Even if you think about something, it is impossible to admit it!

Otherwise this book would be gone! ! !

Jing Hao bit the bullet, and replied with a steely will: 【I am. . .I'm afraid you'll catch a cold. . . 】

Lin Yuner: [. . . . 】

There was a smile in his eyes, steel to the end: 【In that case, I have to remind you several times to drink more hot water every day. (Standing hands. jpg)]

Lin Yuner knew that he was messing around again, so she didn't mind anything.

It happened to be night at this time, and Jing Hao felt that she should be eating soon, so he took the initiative to end the chat.

Jing Hao: 【Remember to eat on time. (good. jpg)]

Lin Yuner quickly replied "Hello".

Jing Hao leaned against the back of the chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

The faint light, through the car window, was printed on his handsome facial features, and the smile spread between his brows, making him appear sunny and clean.

At this moment, his mood is like this faint smile, compared with the mood when he just came out of the hotel, he is much more comfortable.

After thanking the driver and paying the bill, Jing Hao opened the car door and walked down, stretching.

His gaze swept in the direction where he turned his head, and there was a parking space on the road not far from the night market.

A girl in loose casual clothes was standing quietly at the top of the steps.

Even at a distance of more than ten meters, Jing Hao could still see clearly.

Under the warm yellow street lamp, under the girl's rolled up hair, there is the pearly white swan neck.

After only staying there for a few seconds, Jing Hao deliberately withdrew his gaze, put his hands in his pockets, turned and left.

The night market in Athens is right next to the business district in the city center.

There are many houses in the commercial street with ancient Athens style and Greek characteristics, which are quite distinctive in construction, and the signboards in front of the shops are also set up very carefully, highlighting a sense of elegance.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a landscape inlaid with gold and silver beads, which is in stark contrast to the traffic-heavy road on the other side.

Lin Yuner stood on the road steps closest to the night market, unaffected by the noise of people behind her, and focused on the mobile phone in her hand.

She went out today wearing the casual clothes she put on during practice in the afternoon. She was wearing beige casual clothes, and the zipper of her jacket was only pulled down to one finger below the collarbone just right.

Are the trousers long and loose? They hang down to her heels along her straight legs, and the dim yellow streetlight directly above her head tilts down.

The faint luster was smudged all over her body, making her look very lazy and gentle.

Considering that Jung Soo-yeon was visiting Greece for the first time, in the end, Lin Yuner still decided that the dinner for the two of them would be settled in the most down-to-earth snack street here.

At this time, it was the rush hour for get off work, and it was very difficult to find a parking space near the night market. Jung Soo-yeon went around the parking lot but couldn't find a place.

In the end, he could only park the car in a temporary parking space on the side of the road at the risk of being ticketed.

 Today's recommended song: U——super junior
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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