nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 176 Cooperative Public Opinion

Chapter 176 Cooperative public opinion (two in one)

Considering that Jung Soo-yeon was visiting Greece for the first time, in the end, Lin Yuner still decided that the dinner for the two of them would be settled in the most down-to-earth snack street here.

At this time, it was the rush hour for get off work, and it was very difficult to find a parking space near the night market. Jung Soo-yeon went around the parking lot but couldn't find a place.

In the end, he could only park the car in a temporary parking space on the side of the road at the risk of being ticketed.

After getting out of the car and slamming the door, Jung Soo-yeon saw at a glance that Lin Yuner, who was standing in the distance, was staring at the phone with her head down, with a faint smile on her lips.

Jung Soo-yeon was very puzzled, what happened to this girl?He didn't say a word the whole time, just looked at the phone intently, with such a happy look on his face.

And the saddest thing is that her old friend who has been together for almost ten years can be left alone.

Just when Lin Yuner was about to put the phone away, a hand suddenly stretched out from her side, and she snatched the phone without her being prepared.

"What interesting gossip are you watching? You're so focused." Jung Soo-yeon stepped back a few steps, her eyes fixed on the kakao homepage that hadn't exited yet.

The light gray at the top of the chat list is the look at the top.

It's a dialog with a boy's avatar, and the nickname is shameless.

She stared at Lin Yun'er curiously: "Your little boyfriend?"

Lin Yuner was stunned for a moment, Jung Soo-yeon is really the kind who either doesn't speak, or when she speaks, she becomes a blockbuster.

Lin Yuner was dumbfounded by her question: "Say it again, what?"

Jung Soo-yeon continued to ask: "Honestly, have you ever played a symphony of love together?"

Lin Yuner: "..."

Jung Soo-yeon leaned over, squinted at her for half a second, then lowered her voice, "That's it... that's it!"

Lin Yuner frowned, and thought for a long time before realizing what she meant.

"What? The two of us haven't reached that step yet!"

"Is it?"

"...Well. The two of us are just friends now."

"You're not very good, Yun'er."


"Then why are you blushing?" Jung Soo-yeon stared straight at Lin Yuner, trying to catch some clues from her subtle expression.

Lin Yuner was a little embarrassed by her look, she lowered her head and touched her cheek.

It is indeed a little hot.

"There's something tricky!" After returning the phone to Lin Yuner, Jung Soo-yeon took her arm and walked towards the night market with eyes full of gossip, and looked at her from time to time with an expression of "I don't believe it".

Lin Yun'er didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when she looked at her, she got goosebumps all over her body. The probing eyes felt like snakes and scorpions were crawling all over her body.

She knew that Jung Soo-yeon had the kind of temperament that she couldn't sleep if she didn't figure it out tonight, and she had to ask the bottom line.

"The two of us really just had a relationship like an ordinary couple before."

Jessica Jung: "Well, what then?"

"Then, the two of us at most cuddled, hugged, and kissed less... just like other couples."

"Do you know how long it takes on average for the young people nowadays to go out together and have a love match?" Jessica Jessica looked at her with a teasing look in her tone and an ambiguous tone.


Jung Soo-yeon looked at her performance, it didn't look like she was lying, her eyes gradually became incredible, and after waiting for a while, she said: "Then the love between you two is really platonic!"

Saying that, Jung Soo-yeon poked Lin Yuner's forehead lightly with her finger, and said aggressively: "Let me tell you, if you meet such a man who is not in a hurry to put you on the bed, just steal it." Have fun!"

"Hmm..." Lin Yun'er paused for a moment, and said with drooping eyelids, "So I regret it a little now, but I still can't save face, so I went straight to him to get back together..."

Jung Soo-yeon took a breath of cold air: "Hiss... You really are... I'm convinced."

In fact, Lin Yuner felt that the way the two of them interacted was quite comfortable.

There is no need to think about who will get back together first in face-to-face, such a slightly embarrassing question, but when online, some people will talk freely together, and it feels good.

Jing Hao on the Internet talks humorously while maintaining the proper manners and demeanor.To be honest, the combination of this kind of Jing Hao and the somewhat wooden and cold aloof male god in reality really made Lin Yuner attracted again.

Seeing Lin Yuner's head hanging down, looking like an ancient well without waves, Jung Soo-yeon burst out of anger, slapped herself on the chest, and said, "Then what on earth are you planning? You keep chatting awkwardly on the Internet like this? "

Lin Yun'er was silent, she was thinking, if she continued like this, would she really lose him?

After finding a barbecue stand to sit down, Jessica invited the boss to order food, and then started a new round of interrogation.

When talking about the relationship between the two of them before, Lin Yuner answered between the lines that surprised Jessica, even amazed.

This is not right! ! !

Jung Soo-yeon withdrew her thoughts, she couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to squeeze her head to think about it.

She doesn't believe that there is really a man who can do this, Liu Xiahui is generally able to bear it, and even if the two of them are already living in the opposite door, they won't do anything?

This unscientific.

Although the two people have not been together for a long time, it is not enough to make each other dependent.

But just like this, when filming, commuting to get off work together every day, eating together, and having fun together, it only took less than a month, and I should feel it.

"What do you think and how do you feel about him?"

When asked by Jung Soo-yeon, Lin Yuner's misty eyes were immediately filled with different emotions.

The heart suddenly started beating uncontrollably, speeding up and beating.

After a while, her eyes flickered for a moment before she spoke: "We are just friends now... I don't want to be so fast."

Jung Soo-yeon looked at her with one hand dragging her chin, and said seriously: "Then you have so many people in your chat list, just the boys I know, there are many, many, why do you only put him in the top box top?"

"He is the first thing you see when you open kakao every day, what does it feel like! Don't tell me, it's for the convenience of communicating about filming."

Lin Yuner looked like a thorn in her back.

For the first time, she felt a little nervous, even a little guilty, and her speech was accompanied by hesitation: "Maybe...that is, I think he is better."

Jessica glanced at her: "Tell me, what is better than others?"

Where is it?
Ever since Lin Yun'er got acquainted with Jing Hao, she has never thought about this question until now, she just feels that at this moment, her whole mouth is a little dry.

Picking up the water on the table and taking a sip, Lin Yuner's expression slowly regained her composure: "There is no specific event, just a pure sensory impression."

"It's terrible! Can you stop doing such nonsense! You can't even tell me the truth?" Jung Soo-yeon spat, patting her forehead, trying to make this love novice into reality.

"Don't be afraid, he is really a playboy, just trying to gain your trust? Don't forget, now he is on the public information, and he also happens to have a girlfriend."

Lin Yuner hesitated for a moment, and gently stroked the glass wall with her fingers.

I have to say, her thoughts were indeed a little messed up by what Jung Soo-yeon said.

Although she knew that Cheng Cailing had no real relationship with him, it was indeed a thorn in her heart.

In the end, Lin Yun'er said that she didn't mean what she meant: "I don't know either."

At this moment, the grilled skewers and dishes on the table had already been served, and Jung Soo-yeon didn't care about eating, so she took a surprised look at Lin Yun'er, and said concisely: "Bring the phone here."

Lin Yuner glanced at her: "Why?"

"Video, fool."

"I do not want..."

The pockets of casual clothes are not always designed to guard against theft, Jung Soo-yeon just stretched out her hand quietly, and took out the phone from Lin Yoon-er's pocket.

"Oni, what are you doing?" Lin Yuner hurriedly turned her head to look at her, and reached out to snatch it, but Jung Soo-yeon switched it to the other hand.

Jung Soo-yeon swiped the screen slightly with her finger, and the interface for entering the unlock password was displayed. After thinking for a while, she entered the four numbers "0530" to unlock the screen, and then directly found on the screen. I clicked on the kakao icon and clicked in.

Jung Soo-yeon was speechless, this child had no sense of privacy and security at all, the password was set so simply, she held up her phone and opened the top bar of the chat box.

While the other arm was pressing on Lin Yun'er's shoulder, she touched the video call button directly below the screen with her index finger.

At the other end of the night market, Jing Hao also found a skewer shop, and the owner of this shop happened to be from Huaguo.

Because the boss's skills are relatively good, the shop's business is very hot. At this time, the house is full of seats, so Jing Hao can only sit outside and wait for Song Zhongji.

After ordering food and drinks, Jing Hao picked up his phone, and idly swiped through the latest push messages.

And this time, a real-time hot topic popped up, occupying the top of the background of his phone.

[Latest information: Innisfree New Year's first quarter series of items will be jointly performed by the famous idol goddess Ms. Lin Yuner and a mysterious male guest. According to insiders, the mysterious male guest is very popular on the Internet and is also famous. Quite high, it can be regarded as the level of a new generation of male gods. 】

Jing Hao was shocked after reading it. He knew that in the entertainment circle, it has always been the case that if there is any trouble, the whole network will know about it.

But he really didn't expect that a company like Innisfree would also take the initiative to release news and go out to attract attention.

And when he saw the popularity of the male guest described later, he also wanted to laugh a little bit.

While he felt exaggerated, he also felt that the operation of capitalists was really bold enough.

Not long after, this inquiry was quickly pushed to the hot topic on the Korean Internet, and the comments below were also violently hit.

【Student masters, take a good look. If you want to get close to the goddess, you only need to take two steps. Either you become an idol, or you become the designer of Innisfree, and you will definitely get in touch with the goddess! 】

【I'm too ugly, I don't have talent, I'm not worthy, I don't accept it, after all, I'm the one who got the upper hand. (Crying hard. jpg)]

[Very well, the sentence upstairs is too substituting, I'm a waste! 】

[Stop talking, I smoked two packs of cigarettes, but I still don’t understand where I lost (smile. jpg)]

. . . .

Jing Hao stared at the top of the phone, took a quick screenshot of the newly added real-time comments, opened the chat box, and was about to share it with that person.

Song Zhongji looked at his phone while walking, and a slightly complaining tone came from behind.

"Hey, hey, hey, he's a man with his own traffic. He just played a cameo role, and he's already ready to accept commercials. He's still working with Yoona. If you're still not popular in my line of work, God can't tolerate it!"

Jing Hao raised his eyes and looked at Song Zhongji who was already seated opposite, and slowly withdrew his fingers from the top of the chat box.

Turn off the screen and put it on the table.

But this subtle movement was caught by Song Zhongji. He casually picked up a bottle of canned beer from the table, knocked on the tab and poured it into his mouth. He raised his eyebrows and asked him.

"Who are you sending messages to? It's so mysterious, and I don't read it."

Jing Hao didn't look at him, but took a sip of the beer on the table, and said flatly, "I won't show you if you want to."

After saying this, he wanted to laugh himself.

How naive.

"I guessed it was Yoona, come on, show me." Song Joong Ki put down the beer can, and the digital you and the table were about to touch his phone.

Jing Hao sensed his small thoughts, and moved his phone to the other side of the table just one step behind him.

Song Zhongji squinted his eyes (*~ー~), and looked at Jing Hao in front of him, and it really was tricky.

"Brother, good things have to be shared, not to mention I have so much experience, show me, I can give you some advice, can't I?"

Jing Hao lowered his head and ate seafood porridge, ignoring him.

"So, what the hell were you posting just now?"

Song Zhongji picked up a mutton skewer, took a sip and continued: "Let me think about it, you are not asking for forgiveness, are you?"

Jing Hao put down the spoon and glanced at him: "You can really imagine, with your brain, it would be a pity not to be a screenwriter, you should eat yours."

Song Zhongji covered his chest when he heard the words, and looked at Jing Hao pretending to be "disappointed": "Wow, I'm so sad when you think so, I treat you as my brother!"

Jing Hao looked at him with a smile: "If you say that, then I can't show it to you."

Song Zhongji gave him a blank look, brought the topic back, pointed at his mobile phone with his chin up, and said, "You're not talking to her about the news just now, are you? The one you two collaborated with?"

Jing Hao looked sideways, moved his hand on the table to the screen of the mobile phone, tapped the screen with his fingertips, and answered absent-mindedly: "How do you know that you must have cooperated with me?"

"Is there any other choice?" Song Zhongji's eyes fell on Jing Hao's cold face inquiringly, and he shook his head after a few seconds.

"Is there really someone else?"

 Today's favorite song: Hello——NU'EST
  Then push a book titled "Forced to Load the Ocean King System", the author is Gou Pingsheng, I believe everyone should be familiar with it, the heroine of the first volume of the new book is Sika.Dog's Life is not the first book, the writing style is more mature, at least better than me, it has quality assurance.

  Everyone can collect it~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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