nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 17 Shooting for the first time ng

Chapter 17 Shooting for the first time ng
"Yin Mingzhu?"

"...Senior Jiang Muyan?"

"Senior, are you the protector of this patient?"

"Is the attending doctor senior you? Where is the patient?"

At this time, it was the first time Kim Ji-won and Lim Yoon-ah were filming a rivalry scene in the drama.Kim Ji-won is wearing a grass-green camouflage nude makeup and a pair of thick boots.

Looking up, the first thing that catches the eye is the fair, slender jade neck, and then looking up, it is the cheeks with light makeup on the face, which looks like a bare face.

A black beret was buttoned on his head, with bangs hanging on the left and right sides under the brim of the hat, and the whole person looked extremely heroic.

At this time, her right eye was slightly wide open, and the eyes in both eyes were extremely cold, looking directly at "Jiang Muyan" calmly.

"Show me the medical record first."

"When you come to other people's hospitals, why do you want to read the medical records of other people's patients?"

"Why do we always meet with a man between us?"

"I don't have time to joke with you, senior, so quickly give me the case sheet!"

At this time, Jin Zhiyuan stared at Lin Yuner very seriously, "This person is very important to me!"

Turning forward in time, in a classroom on the second floor of an elementary school, a woman in her 30s wrote the words "My ideal is..." on the blackboard in front of the class.

The woman turned around and asked the children in the audience with a smile on her face, "What are everyone's ideals?"

Smiling at a naughty boy under the podium, the woman raised her eyebrows: "Li Mingsheng, what is your ideal?"

"Report to the teacher! My ideal is to be a policeman!"

"Liu Meiyan, what about your ideal?"

"Be a teacher!"

At this time, it was a little girl's turn, and she stood up impatiently with red cheeks on both sides: "Teacher! My ideal is to be a doctor!"

The teacher faced her kindly: "Oh? Our Zhiyuan's ideal is the same as the teacher's childhood? Then, you have to work hard! If you don't study hard, it's hard to come by!"

The little girl's face was swollen, her face was as red as an overripe apple, she puffed up her breath, she raised her head suddenly, and said loudly:

"Even...even if I can't be a doctor, husband must be a doctor!"

After shouting this sentence, accompanied by cheers and laughter in the classroom, the little girl sat down shyly, spread her hands on the desk, and buried her head in her arms like an ostrich...

After growing up, Jin Zhiyuan did not become a young actor as she said when she was a child.

But even though she chose to be an actor, she never forgot what she said out of anger when she was a child.In her heart, her other half must be an outstanding doctor.

During the first script reading meeting, Jin Zhiyuan became very interested in the serious-looking Dr. Jing.

Immediately afterwards, she practiced with Jing Hao in the hospital for a week. Although the time was very short, in the short few days with Jing Hao, she had gradually developed a lot of affection for Jing Hao.

Until the last day, the day when Jing Hao was going to the orphanage, she and Lin Yuner both called and communicated with the manager.

However, in her phone call, the manager did not agree to her request, and for the first time, she hung up the manager's call directly without any hesitation...

During the subsequent trip to the orphanage, not only Lin Yuner, but also Jin Zhiyuan was deeply moved by those children.

However, what touched her the most was Jing Hao's extremely earnest persistence when he was with the children, and that kindness that made her finally feel a little love for this man...

Similarly, during the trip to the orphanage, she also vaguely felt the vague feeling between Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er.

She keenly sensed Lin Yuner's fondness for Jing Hao!
At this time, the two are playing against each other. With this line, her emotions are perfectly displayed.

"Someone important to you?"

"Is he seriously injured!"

"As the attending physician, how come you don't even know the patient is gone!"

"Where did the patient go?"

At this time, Lin Yuner, facing Jin Zhiyuan's perfect performance, her reaction seemed to be suppressed, and she became much weaker.

"I still want to ask you."


Following an order, director Li Yingfu walked over slowly, looked at Lin Yuner's eyes full of apology at this time, and smiled gently.



"Don't be nervous, your emotions just now are a little bit wrong. What about you, take a break for a while to relax your emotions, and let's go through this scene again later."

"Thank you Director!"

In the blink of an eye, the rest period is over, at which point the second shot begins.

"Someone important to you?"

"Is he seriously injured!"



With another "cut", the shooting was interrupted again.

"Someone important to you?"







This scene was ng a dozen times, each time, Jin Zhiyuan's performance became more and more perfect, and similarly, Lin Yuner's performance became worse and worse.

Li Yingfu's brows were tightly knit together, the crew became completely silent at this moment, no one dared to make any sound...

After Li Yingfu sank his head and thought for a long time, he raised his brows suddenly, opened his eyes quickly, stood up abruptly, scanned the crowd back and forth, and finally locked on Jing Hao.

Li Yingfu pulled Jing Hao into the middle of the two.

"You two, that's it. You two are old enemies."

"You two, when you were in college, your relationship broke down because of a man who couldn't stop fighting."

Li Yingfu patted Jing Hao's shoulder vigorously, "And he is the fuse for you."

"Imagine it, Yuner."

"Your beloved man was snatched away by your friend, how would you feel?"

Lin Yun'er suddenly raised her head, staring at Jing Hao with sharp eyes, but she still didn't say a word.

At this time, Lin Yun'er was already involved in the emotions of the character visible to the naked eye, Li Yingfu nodded happily, pulled Jing Hao, and the two left on tiptoe.

After a while, Li Yingfu clapped his hands twice.

"Now, let's go through the scene again!"

The camera was turned on, and Lin Yuner's aura at this moment was like a sword inserted in a scabbard, hidden and hidden, but everyone could clearly feel her brewing emotions at this time.

"Someone important to you?"

"Did he go up hard!"



With Li Yingfu's hearty laughter outside the camera, everyone knows that this scene is finally here.

Passed perfectly!
 Add group, add group, add group!
  Say the important thing three times!

  Then, don't forget to vote for the small votes in your hands!

(End of this chapter)

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