nice to meet you, actor lin

The End of Chapter 18

The End of Chapter 18

This Sunday, December 12, the RB book will usher in the first recommendation.

On Sunday, there will be popular recommendations on the urban classification pages of Qidian’s web version and client version.

This is the first recommendation of this book, which is known as "testing the waters", so all kinds of data are really important to me and everyone who is following up.

I hope that everyone can reward this book with every recommendation ticket in your hands during this period of time. I really need your help. I would like to say thank you to everyone here.

I really hope that everyone can help to make this book go a little further.

(The following is the dividing line of the text)

The scene at this time has come to the first episode, the most exciting and important scene.

Jiang Muyan and Liu Shizhen were arguing about this face to face.

Suddenly, Jiang Muyan took out her mobile phone and dialed "112" (Korean police number)

"Hey, is it 112?"

"This is the emergency department of Haixing Hospital,"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Shizhen quickly slapped Jiang Muyan's phone away from his ear.

Jiang Muyan's eyes widened in disbelief, her body froze, unable to move, she could only follow the flying mobile phone with her peripheral vision.

I saw Liu Shizhen's body bent slightly, his neck just stuck to Jiang Muyan's right shoulder, his left hand stretched out, and firmly caught the mobile phone that was about to fall to the ground.

Jiang Muyan was already dumbfounded, her eyes were fixed on Liu Shizhen's body slowly returning to standing.

Jing Hao's heart was trembling at this moment, looking at the charming atmosphere of Lin Yuner and Song Zhongji's filming, it was as if two hands were desperately squeezing his heart, allowing him to catch his breath.

At this moment, he had an impulse: hurry up, Director Li!That's it for this game!
Jing Hao's eyes at this time were struggling so much, but at this time everyone's attention was on the two people in the center of the field.

Except for one person, Kim Ji Won.

When Kim Ji Won started filming Lim Yoon Ah and Song Joong Ki, her eyes were focused on Jing Hao.

At first, she just wanted to take a good look at the man she was attracted to, but as the two people in the scene were filming, she suddenly discovered Jing Hao's facial expression at this time.

As if her heart was suddenly struck by a thunderbolt as thick as a tree trunk from the air, her heart was suddenly filled with unspeakable bitterness.

Jing Hao, who was suffering in his heart, didn't notice Jin Zhiyuan's attention at all. He was pinching the corner of his clothes with both hands and ravaging him fiercely.

at last.


Li Yingfu's laughter struck again, "Hehehehe, this scene is very beautiful, just pass it once!"

The two people in the arena also immediately relaxed, Song Zhongji scratched his head with his hands in embarrassment, and laughed naively.

"Hey, as long as you can pass, as long as you can pass."

Lin Yuner originally had a nervous expression, but after seeing Song Joong Ki's smirk, she also laughed unrestrainedly. She bent down and patted her thighs vigorously with both hands.

His thighs clapped with both hands, and Jing Hao, who was standing aside with a loud voice, couldn't help but twitch his brows.

Jing Hao's body was still tense just now, but now his heart became speechless.

"Anyway, I'm also from an idol, how come I laugh like a bastard..."

Although he was very speechless, seeing Lin Yuner's carefree and happy smile, Jing Hao's frowning brows gradually melted like snow.

"Seeing her smile so happily, I feel so relaxed."

Jing Hao's mood was also like the sun breaking through the dark clouds, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

Jin Zhiyuan watched the vivid expression changes on Jing Hao's face in this short period of time, and secretly spat in her heart.

"With such rich expressions, you should be an actor, he tui!"

In the blink of an eye, it was dusk, and today's scenes were all over.

Li Yingfu greeted everyone and led the crew to a dinner.

The crowd followed Li Yingfu to a barbecue restaurant. A group of people sat at several tables. Jing Hao, Song Zhongji, Jin Jiu, Lee Kwang-soo, Lim Yoona and Kim Ji-won sat at a table with Li Yingfu and two screenwriters.

Li Yingfu greeted the waiter and filled a glass of wine for everyone on the table.

"Today is the first day of filming for the crew. Although there are some NGs, overall it went very smoothly."

"I have to say, you can really see that you have put in a lot of hard work. Especially Yoona, she really looks like a professional when shooting."

Lin Yun'er hurriedly stood up, "No, I'm the one with the most nagging today! I'm sorry for the unnecessary trouble I caused you today."

Everyone at the table shook their heads, and gave Lin Yuner a burst of relief.

"And then, thank you very much Lee Kwang Soo xi for the coffee truck and dining truck that you sent today, really thank you very much."

"Ani, this is what I should do, the director is polite."

Li Yingfu embraced Jing Hao who was sitting beside him again, and put his hand on Jing Hao's shoulder.

"Jing Haoxi, how did you feel watching the scene today?"

"It's pretty good, everyone's acting skills are in place."

Li Yingfu's hand on Jing Hao's shoulder shook forward, and he narrowed his eyes at Jing Hao with a wicked smile.

"Then, Jing Haoxi, do you want to play a guest role as well?"

Jing Hao's scalp tingled from Li Yingfu's "sexy" stare, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Um, Director Li, don't make fun of me. I'm a doctor, so I don't have any acting skills."

Li Yingfu was not discouraged when he was rejected, he picked up the wine glass and followed Jing Hao for a knock.

"This character is also a doctor. Jing Haoxi is absolutely fine."

Jing Hao's face showed embarrassment, and Lin Yuner and Jin Zhiyuan on the table also spoke at this time.

"Oh, Jing Haoxi is definitely possible, and the role of a doctor is definitely played in his true colors!"

"Jing Haoxi, don't be modest, do you still need acting skills to play a doctor?"

Lin Yuner thought to herself: "Humph╭(╯^╰)╮, let you treat me like that before, now it will fall into my hands, hehehe~~"

Jin Zhiyuan was also thinking at this time: "Seeing how rich your expression is, I should let you film. Hmph!"

At this time, other people at the table also helped persuade Jing Hao, Jing Hao could only bite the bullet and say:

"Then... that's fine, but if I don't act well, Director Li shouldn't blame me."

Li Yingfu laughed "hahahaha", "No, no, it doesn't matter what Jing Haoxi does, haha."

Hearing that Jing Hao finally agreed, Lin Yuner and Jin Zhiyuan looked at each other at the same time, and laughed wickedly like two old foxes.


 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket~~~
  Don't forget to join the group if you haven't joined the group~~
(End of this chapter)

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