nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 178 She Wants To Know His Answer Too Much

Chapter 178 She Wants to Know His Answer Too Much (Two in One)

The two looked at the voice. Jessica's smile turned impatient when she saw Song Joong Ki's standard "scumbag" expression.

When Lin Yun'er's eyes moved to Jing Hao's face, her eyelashes trembled, her expression was still as indifferent as ever.

And Song Zhongji was paying close attention to Lin Yuner's face the first time he saw the two of them, and immediately noticed the fluctuation of her expression when she looked at Jing Hao.

Immediately, my mind skipped a beat, these two people seem to be having fun!

The aisle here is already very narrow, plus there are too many people passing by, it cannot accommodate four people.

Jung Soo-yeon was facing Song Joong-ki diagonally, and Lim Yoon-ah was standing side by side with Jing Hao, turning sideways at the most intimate 45 degrees.

They were so close that Jing Hao could clearly see the sketch pencil between the rolled up hair behind her head.

Even beyond her hair, you can see the fluff on her too transparent skin.

Lin Yun'er looked sideways at Jing Hao's direction slightly, her delicate eyebrows and eyes were against the light, and her expression suddenly showed a sense of coldness without any warmth.

A ray of breeze passed between the two of them, and the slightly hot wind rolled up the smoke from the roadside stalls and an inexplicable fragrance, coming towards them.

Jing Hao slowly looked away.

But the other two people are not very easy to deal with.Because Jessica Jessica happened to witness the whole process of encountering the "little wild cat" in the tavern last time, so her impression of Song Joong-ki has never been very good, and Song Joong-ki is the person around Jing Hao, and As for Jing Hao, he was the man his sister liked again.

Therefore, when Jung Soo-yeon looked at Song Joong-ki's performance, she was certainly not as elegant and calm as when these two faced each other.

"I warn you, stay away from Jing Hao!"

After saying that, Jung Soo-yeon pulled Lin Yuner's wrist and thin shoulders, and slammed Song Joong-ki's chest open, without giving him a chance to react, and walked away.

Lin Yuner, who was grabbed by the wrist, could only turn sideways, and while following Jung Soo-yeon forward, she turned backwards with an apologetic expression.

"Do I look crazy?" Song Zhongji turned around and said to Jing Hao casually, seeing the two people disappearing into the crowd and walking further and further away.

"It's not like..." Jing Hao replied calmly.

"Then why do you say that! It's like I'm some kind of bad guy."

Jing Hao: "Isn't it?"

Song Zhongji knew that he couldn't beat Jing Hao, so he put his hands in his pockets indifferently, shaking his legs and said, "I'm very temperamental. I think your wife's Ernie seems to like me a little bit."

Jing Hao didn't have the nerve to continue hitting him, so he turned his face away, smiled silently, and went into the restaurant to pay the bill.

After the meal, Jing Hao and Song Zhongji separated one after another and went back to their respective residences.

When Jing Hao got into the taxi again, it was already late at night, and after telling the driver his destination, he didn't look at the route.

Instead, he took out his phone, opened the chat box, and stared at the canceled video call.

He knew that since the unanswered video was hung up, he had been absent-minded all night.

He leaned back in the chair, looking at the faint lights on the roof, his mind was blank like never before.

Since the video was hung up on the mobile phone, no news has come in.

And the other party did not make any explanation for this.

This made Jing Hao feel powerless.

After coming to Athens, this was the first time she took the initiative like this, but it ended without a problem, which was enough to make his heart feel like an effervescent tablet in water.

The whole body is boiling, and it is difficult to stay still.

The time she gave him seemed very short, but it was enough for Jing Hao to get through.

But at that moment, Jing Hao admitted that he hesitated.

Mainly, he really wasn't too prepared.

Although they had known each other for not too long or too long, Jing Hao already regarded her as the most important person in his life.

The most indispensable person.

However, Jing Hao was a little scared if he really wanted to talk face-to-face about reuniting.

It's not like buying a lottery ticket. If you don't win, you can continue to buy it. If it doesn't go well at the beginning, it is very likely that you will never have such an opportunity again.

Thinking of this, Jing Hao's heart skipped a beat.

Jing Hao closed his eyes, pondered for a long time, and then decided to take the initiative to break the embarrassment of this video.

Opening his eyelids, he lowered his head and typed vaguely: [Did I accidentally touch it? 】

Jing Hao: 【Or are you injured too? 】

And after sending it over, he thought it was some kind of fucking problem.

This is completely suspected of insulting the other party's IQ.

He always thought that Lin Yuner was a very smart girl who could see through his thoughts and see through his little tricks.

Not to mention anything else, during the period when Jing Hao concealed that "rumored girlfriend", Lin Yuner saw his usual behavior and knew that he was lying to her, and even guessed some of Jing Hao's plans.

Jing Hao lowered his head, wanting to see the phone chat box, where the four words "Lin Yuner" were typing and beating.

But he counted a few seconds, but there was still no movement.

His arms rested on the open car window to line his forehead, and his fingers tapped his forehead one after another.

Be patient.

Jing Hao had thought up countless reasons why she didn't reply to the message in time, but she still didn't respond.

Just when Jing Hao was about to give up waiting for her message, the other party suddenly replied.

Lin Yuner: [No. 】

Jing Hao paused, sitting upright, thinking about how to answer the next sentence.

Immediately afterwards, the other party sent another sentence: [But it may be much more serious than your last time. 】

Jing Hao's expression became serious. He looked at his fingers that were still wrapped in Band-Aids. It seemed that the wound began to ache again in this second.

Looking at the phone, there was no news from her for a long time, Jing Hao twisted his knuckles, and was afraid that his interruption would cause trouble for her at this time.

He squeezed the phone, turned his head and looked out the window, the hair on his forehead fluttered in the wind, and fine beads of sweat dripped on the screen of the phone.

Only then did Jing Hao realize that his current situation was obviously worse than that of the other party.

He knew that Lin Yuner and Jung Soo-yeon were together, did this sentence from Lin Yuner mean that the impression he left with her Ernie was not very good?
Will this affect the relationship between myself and Lin Yun'er?

Jing Hao didn't know how long he had been doing this, but such aimless waiting did not make him feel very good.

Jing Hao was awakened from his dazed thoughts when he knew that the fuselage he was holding tightly between his fingers vibrated.

He immediately opened it to check.

Lin Yuner: [Fool. 】

Jing Hao stared blankly at these two words, feeling that they really fit his current situation.

The dim eyes lit up because of her reply, filled with joy.

But the problem is, Lin Yuner's reply is more or less mocking.

Jing Hao chose to ignore it.

Jing Hao: [I'll let you go this time, I won't argue with you. 】

Jing Hao: [How do you say, did Jung Soo-yeon Nuna say something to you?Do you have a bad impression of me? 】

Lin Yuner: 【You sit like this first, you feel silly. 】

She seems to be really laughing at him. After all, he is also a man, can you save a little face?
Jing Hao's face collapsed all of a sudden, and he leaned towards the copy: [That. . .Is something wrong or nothing? 】

Lin Yun'er: [I was on the road just now, and my phone suddenly turned off. 】

Fearing that Jing Hao would not believe it, he continued: [Look, I just turned on the battery. 】

After speaking, Lin Yuner also sent a screenshot of the phone's battery level.

Suddenly, Jing Hao felt that the energy in his body was drained by her, and even the corners of his mouth became bitter.

Her explanation is indeed reasonable,

The battery of the phone was dead, and there was no way to reply to his messages. Jing Hao was overly nervous, thinking that Jung Soo-yeon had a really bad impression of him, which in turn affected his score with Lin Yuner. This was indeed a bit silly.

But Jing Hao felt that something was wrong with him.

But where exactly, he couldn't say.

Jing Hao lowered his head and continued typing with a very serious tone: [That. . . .What happened to the canceled video? 】

He wanted to hear her explanation, her thoughts on pressing the video.

Fortunately, he almost believed Song Zhongji's words, and thought that because he didn't even get through, he had the idea of ​​coaxing her.

Lin Yuner: [Video call? 】

Jing Hao's nerves are very sensitive because of her, and he will never give her a chance to fool him.

Jing Hao: [Yes. 】

After hesitating for a few seconds, Lin Yuner: [Did I disturb you and Song Zhongji Oppa? 】

The breath between the chest gradually became smoother.

Seeing that she was still able to chat with him without any abnormalities at this time, Jing Hao's eyebrows softened a lot.

Leaning softly on the back seat of the car.

Jing Hao pondered for a few seconds before answering: [No, I just feel a little confused. 】

In fact, he originally wanted to say that he was disturbed a little bit, because of her rare initiative tonight, which caused Jing Hao's thoughts to be very confused.I didn't even have a good dinner at night.

But after thinking about it, he still chose to answer in another way.

Lin Yun'er: [Then, why didn't you answer? 】

The voice of this moment is a bit like a stubborn child.

Jing Hao's cold fingertips rubbed against the screen, his eyes were deep and he couldn't see any emotion.

When Lin Yuner was with him, she was always able to subtly turn the situation around and turn passive into active.

Jing Hao asked if he should say it, because Song Zhongji, an unscrupulous friend, was there at the time, or he didn't see it could be used as an excuse.

But he stubbornly didn't want to answer like that.

I typed unconsciously with my fingers, and answered truthfully: 【Well. .Probably the same as your last time. 】

Lin Yuner: [Oh. . }
The dialogue box was quiet for two seconds, and Jing Hao subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, a message from her underground suddenly popped up: [Then, if it wasn't for other side issues, would you accept it? 】

Lin Yun'er didn't give him time to think about it.

Continue to say: [That is, if my expectations for you are actually not that important. 】

The phone screen was suddenly quiet for a few seconds.

Lin Yuner: [Will you answer? 】

Her words are gentle, but she also reveals her urgency to get an answer.

Jing Hao put one hand on the car window, and flicked his fingers outward, the air flowed between his fingers.

He hesitated a bit, not sure whether to answer directly and positively.

But his immediate feeling told him that he really cared about the initial impression he gave her when he came to Athens this time.

Before he could type, it seemed that the convenience had gained insight into the moment of silence on the phone.

Lin Yuner: [Actually, I want to say that the presupposition of expectations is meaningless compared to how I feel about you. 】

These words are like a sugar that has not been melted in the mouth, and a little bit of sweetness seeps into the depths of the throat.

Jing Hao understood what she meant.

He could feel that Lin Yuner, who lived next door to him before and was still in a relationship with her, this big star, was completely different from those enthusiastic and sunny girls outside.

On the contrary, she will always, quietly, hide the vulnerable side that girls should have.

Just like at this moment, between the lines, she seems to be comforting him, but in terms of psychology, this is a way to weaken one's own requirements and existence without limit to increase the importance of the other party.

Fear of being abandoned.

It was obvious that she was afraid of being alone.

But I don't want to just accept Jing Hao again easily before I understand everything.

This is not to say that Lin Yuner is hanging on to him, nor does it mean that she doesn't care about him, but that she wants to seriously find out why she likes Jing Hao, what aspects of him she likes, and whether Jing Hao really likes herself , Jing Hao likes himself, and what is the reason.

She likes Jing Hao very much, there is no doubt about it, and at the same time, she doesn't want to be hasty and get back together easily, so she needs a period of time to ask her heart.

But she was also afraid that Jing Hao's thoughts would slowly lose confidence in her, so she could only do this, occasionally, to reveal some of her true feelings to him.

The breeze blew across his fingertips, Jing Hao withdrew his hand, he didn't tell the clues about Lin Yuner that he had noticed.

Instead, his eyes wandered between her words, and he was very patient and told her very seriously: [I understand. 】

He tried to ease her inexplicable emotions: 【. . .You are here with me, far away, and more important than you imagined. 】

The Athens business hotel is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the city center. Although it is not a star hotel, it has a sky blue theme and Pumanti's light gray plush carpet.

The elegant comfort of the single suite gives people a sense of belonging at home.

Lin Yun'er sat on the sofa by the window, with her legs bent, her chin resting on her knees.

She tilted her head and stared at the mobile phone that was charging, and the pencil in her coiled hair had been pulled out.

The long hair covered half of the face, and the tail of the hair was curled in the hollow of the shoulder.

The room was very quiet.

She looked very seriously, the slight breathing that rose and fell in her chest was low and shallow, clear and terrifying.

She admitted that when she asked him why he didn't answer the video, she was obviously driven by a certain force in her heart.

But now, she was even more worried that Jing Hao would feel uncomfortable because of her pressing questions.

She sat up straight, leaned against the side of the sofa, hooked the curtains with her fingers, opened some gaps, and looked out the window.

The hazy moon in the night sky hung obliquely above her line of sight, and the bright moonlight tilted down and sprinkled on the glass in front of her.

The coldness that carved his exquisite facial features has no temperature.

She knew that certain emotions were wrong, but suddenly she couldn't control them.

She wanted too much to know his answer.

 Today's recommended song: Downpour——IOI
  It's the end of the month, and it happens to be a double monthly ticket, can everyone count more tickets~~~ Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, please ask for tickets
(End of this chapter)

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