nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 179 Seeing Lee Min Ho Finally?

Chapter 179 Seeing Lee Min Ho Finally? (two in one)

She looked very seriously, the slight breathing that rose and fell in her chest was low and shallow, clear and terrifying.

She admitted that when she asked him why he didn't answer the video, she was obviously driven by a certain force in her heart.

But now, she was even more worried that Jing Hao would feel uncomfortable because of her pressing questions.

She sat up straight, leaned against the side of the sofa, hooked the curtains with her fingers, opened some gaps, and looked out the window.

The hazy moon in the night sky hung obliquely above her line of sight, and the bright moonlight tilted down and sprinkled on the glass in front of her.

The coldness that carved his exquisite facial features has no temperature.

She knew that certain emotions were wrong, but suddenly she couldn't control them.

She wanted too much to know his answer.

After a while, the mobile phone slowly vibrated with the news.

Lin Yun'er turned her head, and her gaze almost eagerly chose to read.

But after seeing those two sentences, her eyes paused for a moment, the curling smile on her brows and eyes spread, and a strong and passionate stubbornness covered her whole body.

She pulled up the loose hair and tied it behind her ears, and slowly slid her fingertips across her skin.

The message from the phone came again.

Jing Hao: 【It's a lucky thing to know you. 】

Jing Hao: [You have to remember, I still owe you a meal. 】

His heart was broken by his earnest tenderness, and it began to beat thumpingly.

Lin Yun'er bit her lip halfway and looked at this sentence, her eyes never left.

Just being wrapped in his warmth, after a second, he reversed the text: [If it is something else, if a strange man tells you this, don't believe it. (angry.jpg)]

Lin Yuner blinked her eyes, and pretended not to understand and sent a message: 【Why? 】

Jing Hao: [Those men didn't have any good intentions. (Rolls eyes. jpg)]

He sent another emoji in a timely manner: [(Be obedient. jpg)]

Immediately, she felt a soreness surging in her nasal cavity, Lin Yuner rubbed her nose, and a smile began to spread in her eyes.

She knew he was taking care of her glass heart.

Although the acquaintance is neither long nor short, Jing Hao really understands himself.

Although he had hidden some things before, Jing Hao could make Lin Yuner open up her heart in front of him and talk about everything.

Moreover, Jing Hao always knew how to advance and retreat, and kept a distance between Lin Yuner and Lin Yuner that she felt comfortable with.

At this moment, Lin Yuner didn't even care much about what Jung Soo-yeon said, there were ten thousand bad possibilities.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she lowered her head and replied: [I am also very happy to meet you. 】

The atmosphere seemed to be a little ambiguous, and the chat box suddenly fell silent.

Glancing at the practice paper left on the table, Lin Yuner rubbed her hair and continued typing: [Can you give me something? 】

Jing Hao: [Yes. 】

He answered quickly and decisively.

Lin Yun'er couldn't help raising her eyelashes, wondering if Jing Hao would do the same to other younger sisters?

Lin Yun'er: [I didn't say what it was, so you promised me? 】

Jing Hao: [Could it be that you are greedy for my body? 】

Jing Hao: [(Wrap my little quilt tightly. jpg)]

Seeing this reply, Lin Yun'er's cheeks burned slightly, and the blood in her whole body boiled.

this person. . . .

Started to be unreasonable again.

Jing Hao nestled in the back seat of the taxi, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled inadvertently.

Knowing that Lin Yuner didn't mean that, but Jing Hao couldn't help it just now, and wanted to tease her.

The main reason is to see Lin Yuner's reaction.

But the phone was quiet, and the other party didn't seem to know how to answer his question.

Jing Hao was silent for a while, planning to let her go: 【I know you are easy to satisfy, so I agreed, tell me, what do you want? 】

Lin Yuner sent it slowly: [I want to know the textbook you used when you first learned Chinese in elementary school. 】

Lin Yun'er: [I was learning and learning, but suddenly I felt my mind was empty and I couldn't learn anything. (Grievance. jpg)],

Textbooks for learning Chinese in elementary school?

Jing Hao turned his head and looked out the window.

It was already late at night, Jing Hao raised his head slightly, and looked at the sky with a slanted body.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, piercing the light of the night, as gentle as a veil.

With a thought in his mind, Jing Hao raised his hand, curled his fingers, bent into the shape of a half heart, and clasped it beside the outline of the full moon.

The other hand turned on the camera function of the phone, waited for the light to focus, merged with a few twinkling stars next to it, and subtly took a picture.

He lowered his head and looked at the photo on the phone, no matter the angle or the dimming, it was a perfect photo, and he sent it to the other party without hesitation.

There was no news from the other party for a long time.

Jing Hao wondered if she was attracted by his other side of talent.

After all, he was also someone who played photography for a while in high school.


next second.

The other party's reply was very inconsistent with the current atmosphere.

Lin Yuner: [Not bad. 】

It sounded like he was being praised.

But if you taste it carefully, you don't mean to praise him at all!

Jing Hao expressed his distress and tried to turn it around: [I also think, especially these hands, just rightly create a warm atmosphere in the space. 】

He continued to say cheekily: [If I don't become a doctor, I can still switch careers to be a photographer. Do you think I have a hidden explosive power, like a dark horse? (laughing. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er replied calmly: 【Not found. 】

Lin Yun'er: [I found that you are becoming more and more narcissistic now. 】

As for Jing Hao, he suddenly lost his temper.

He originally expected that the other party would praise him for a while, but he didn't expect that it would hurt him directly!

A few minutes ago, she was obviously a little girl who was so fragile that she seemed to ask him for candy directly, but after a few minutes, she turned into a cunning fox again.

How did she do it, the personality can be switched so freely.

Jing Hao sent a few emoticons to show that she was mercilessly hit by her.

Jing Hao: [(I got hurt and I want your apology. jpg)]

Jing Hao: [(Ignore you. jpg)]

Jing Hao: [(You have to coax me a little. jpg)]

He wanted to deliberately see that she couldn't close the scene.

The person over there seemed to be hesitating for a long time, and then Nuo Nuo chirped: [I really don't have any new emoticons. 】

Lin Yun'er: [How about I reorganize the language? 】

Jing Hao: [But I'm already injured. 】

Lin Yuner: [Then what should I do? 】

Jing Hao: [(heart-stuck.jpg)]

Lin Yuner: [I. . .look for. 】

A few seconds later, she sent three sets of emoticons.

Lin Yuner: [(The little cat bows its head and feels wronged. jpg)]

Lin Yuner: [(The little cat is pulling the corner of the clothes, Qiuqiu, please forgive me. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er: [(The kitten is lying on the ground, I won't do it again. jpg)]

This was the first time Jing Hao saw her showing weakness since he came to Athens, so he laughed out loud in the car.

He could already figure out what she was trying to find in the emoticon pack.

The cool night wind blew in along the car window, and Jing Hao slowly put away his smile.

He knew her character, if she continued to embarrass her for a while, she might not be able to sleep well tonight.

Jing Hao: 【Okay, I won't tease you anymore. 】

Jing Hao: [Are you feeling better?Do you feel that your mind is much fresher and you can learn more knowledge? 】

The second after the message was sent, he received a photo from the other party.

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment, then clicked and opened the photo impatiently.

It was a simple, ordinary table with paper and pens for practice, and a box of newly opened books.

The edge of the table was next to the window, and the tulle on the curtain was not closed tightly, exposing a section of glass.

Under the illumination of the light, the people sitting opposite to take pictures are vaguely reflected.

Out of psychological instinct, Jing Hao couldn't bear it and zoomed in on the photo infinitely.

The figure in the line of sight is very blurred, as if covered by a thick layer of clouds, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Especially, the pen on the table.

Black body with green stripes.

Jinghao suddenly remembered the pen coiled in her hair when she met Lin Yun'er in the night market at night.

Just as he was watching carefully again, the vibrating sound of incoming news from the mobile phone came out.

He exits the photo.

Lin Yun'er: 【Thank you for your photo, it makes my brain seem to be really active, so I have to continue studying. 】

Jing Hao retracted the thoughts just now, reminded her not to stay up late and study too late, said good night to each other, and ended the conversation.

And here, Lin Yuner looked at the photo of the full moon in the phone, and the clean palms of the ancient street, and there was a light mole on the tiger's mouth, which looked a little cute.

Through the deep pupils of the lenses, there is a smile flowing.

Lin Yuner dragged her face sideways with one hand, and unconsciously drew the tip of the pen on the white paper.

She didn't take it very seriously.

But after this night of unstable emotions, after finishing chatting with Jing Hao, she suddenly became clearer.

Because of this, she became more certain of her heart.

For Jing Hao, this person is not yet fully familiar with him, but he has already integrated into her life.

His weight has long been deeply engraved into the deepest part of his heart.

No one can beat it.

She kept every word belonging to him in the chat box very well,

These words have now become the faint light that she uses to heal herself when she is upset.

It was only dimly lit, not very hot, but it gave her a good sense of security.

Minister Zhao made an appointment to come and meet on Monday.

On Saturdays and Sundays, Jing Hao wandered around the whole of Athens for two days.

When he was free, he would read books in the hotel, remotely check the patient's condition with Li Yanxi, give some medical advice, and then chat with Lin Yun'er on the phone.

And she seems to be very busy, she has been learning Chinese, and every time she sent a message, she didn't reply quickly.

The hand that was pinching the footer of the book and was about to turn to the next page suddenly clenched a little bit, and at this moment, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

Jing Hao took a good look, and it showed an email with the logo of Innisfree.

Picking up the phone and clicking on it, eleven points is a very formal invitation letter.

Jing Hao was stunned, put down his phone, and looked out the window into the distance, the shadows of cars and high-rise buildings constantly flowing, a glimmer of darkness flashed in his eyes.

On Monday morning, Jing Hao simply asked the front desk of the hotel to bring him a sandwich and a cup of hot milk.

After breakfast, Jing Hao checked that it was still early, so he changed into a semi-casual business suit.

A loose army green shirt made of cotton and linen, paired with black cropped casual pants, and a pair of shallow casual leather shoes.

The hair was simply sprayed with some setting spray, and a neat hairstyle was randomly grabbed with hands.

Since Lee Min Ho will also be present on today's occasion, Jing Hao looked at his slightly swollen fingertips, and decisively tore off the dolphin band-aid.

Without stopping any longer, Jing Hao went downstairs, took a taxi from the side of the road and went out.

The sky was as blue as washing, the sun was shining brightly, and the road was unimpeded.

When I came here, it was only 09:30, which was exactly one hour away from the agreed time.

Jing Hao got out of the car and found a nearby coffee shop. He sat in and sipped his coffee while looking at the scenery outside.

The sunlight refracted down and sprinkled all over the ground, Jing Hao looked away boredly, while tapping the cup with his finger, he wondered if he would bump into Lin Yun'er for a while.

Finally, when the time was almost up, Jing Hao settled the bill and went straight to the building rented by Innisfree.

Standing in the middle of the hall, he took a deep breath, then walked towards the reception desk, where several receptionists were busy talking on the phone.

"It has just been confirmed, and there are still 5 minutes to arrive..."

"Lee Min Ho's plane here at ten o'clock is expected to be delayed by half an hour..."

Jing Hao sat quietly on the sofa beside him, and finally waited until one of the little girls finished calling.

He got up and leaned over, the little girl moved her eyes away from the laptop screen in front of her, and looked up.

Wearing a simple and clean shirt, black cropped trousers with straight long legs, the young man had a smile on his brows, and his temperament was gentle and elegant.

The little girl looked surprised at first, and then asked politely: "Hi, may I ask..."

Jing Hao smiled slightly: "I am Jing Hao who made an appointment with Minister Zhao. I came to meet you today."

"Jing Hao?" The little girl sized him up thoughtfully, then looked down on the computer for a few seconds.

When I raised my head again, I looked at Jing Hao with amazed eyes, and hurriedly ran out of the workbench, and said with a sorry face: "I'm sorry, I was too busy just now and forgot your identity for a while, so you are that Doctor Jing Hao!"

Jing Hao nodded: "Yes."

Realizing the mistake just now, the little girl took him to the elevator and said with a smile: "You are so handsome too! I thought it was a blogger who came here temporarily to shoot a short video or an artist who just collaborated!"

Jing Hao smiled, but did not speak.

Pressing the elevator button leading to the fourth floor, the elevator door opened, and the two walked in. The little girl stood aside and said, "Mr. Zhao should be arriving soon, please sit in the lounge for a while."

"Okay, thank you." Jing Hao bent his lips.

 Today's recommended song: Moody——Savannah Sgro
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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