nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 180 Lin Yuner's Live Broadcast

Chapter 180 Lin Yuner's Live Broadcast (Two in One)

Realizing the mistake just now, the little girl took him to the elevator and said with a smile: "You are so handsome too! I thought it was a blogger who came here temporarily to shoot a short video or an artist who just collaborated!"

Jing Hao smiled, but did not speak.

Pressing the elevator button leading to the fourth floor, the elevator door opened, and the two walked in. The little girl stood aside and said, "Mr. Zhao should be arriving soon, please sit in the lounge for a while."

"Okay, thank you." Jing Hao bent his lips.

The elevator quickly reached the fourth floor, and Jing Hao came to the lounge under the guidance of the little girl.

Not even a minute after sitting down, the door of the lounge was pushed open again by the little girl just now, and it was Zhao Yu who came oncoming.

Jing Hao got up and nodded slightly: "Mr. Zhao."

"It's so early, the concept of time is very good, Jing Haoxi." Zhao Yu walked to the single sofa beside him and sat down.

The receptionist brought over two cups of coffee and placed them on the glass table between Jing Hao and Zhao Yu.

There is still half an hour before Lee Min Ho arrives here, afraid that they might feel bored, the little girl lowered her head and asked proactively.

"Five minutes from next door, there will be a personal interview with Ms. Yun'er, Mr. Zhao, are you interested in watching it?"

"Huh? Who is the interviewer?"

"I'm not very clear about this. It was a live interview temporarily added by the company today, and the name was not disclosed."

"So mysterious?" Zhao Yu smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

The little girl turned on the projection screen in the lounge, chose the page of the personal interview in the meeting room, and then left.

The interview has not yet started, and the staff is arranging the equipment on the screen.

Zhao Yu picked up the coffee and took a sip: "Actually, personally, the one I really hope to shoot with Lin Yuner is Jing Hao."

Jing Hao intertwined his hands on his lap, pursed his lips and smiled, and explained his hesitation last time: "Mr. Zhao, actually last time..."

Zhao Yu put down the coffee cup, and said for him first: "I can understand the reason why you don't want to participate, but according to my observation, the relationship between you and Lin Yuner should be unusual. If Lee Min Ho participated in the filming, you are really psychological Don't you mind?"

Jing Hao admired his insight very much.

He was indeed a little unconfident last time, but after being comforted by someone, he felt that he was a little too groaning.

Besides, Zhao Yu probably already guessed the relationship between Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er, no matter how secretive he was, it was a little fake.So Jing Hao nodded truthfully: "Indeed, if Lee Min Ho and Yoona are working together, I would indeed feel a little uncomfortable, but that's all. I believe in my relationship with her."

Seeing his calmness, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yu's mouth: "Actually, I know Ms. Gu Minyan. At the beginning, I chose Lin Yuner because I wanted to hook up with Ms. Gu Minyan, but after choosing After choosing her as the spokesperson of our brand, she has indeed received unexpected brand influence."

When Jing Hao heard the word "Gu Minyan", his pupils obviously lit up for a moment, but soon, he covered it up by drinking coffee.

Jing Hao replied: "This fact is a bit beyond my expectation. I really didn't expect Mr. Zhao to know Aunt Jing."

Zhao Yu responded to his words: "Actually, I'm not the only one who thinks this way. In fact, Ms. Gu Minyan also hopes that you will be the one who cooperates with Lin Yuner. If you cooperate with Miss Lin Yuner, it is really a win-win situation for all parties." situation."

Hearing this, Jing Hao's pupils flickered, but he quickly regained his composure.

The two chatted for a few more minutes, and the sound of high-heeled shoes "da da da" came from the projection screen on the wall and the corresponding office.

Zhao Yu and Jing Hao warmly looked at the screen at the same time.

An office on the fourth floor has been transformed into a warm live broadcasting space after simple decoration and renovation.

A young lady is sitting in front of the camera and live broadcast equipment in a formal dress, with a very gentle smile.

Originally it was just a recorded interview, but after some negotiations, Lin Yuner agreed to her 10-minute outbound live broadcast.

In order to save time, the young lady briefly introduced today's theme, and then looked at the place that the screen could not reach with a smile on her face.

It seems to be waiting for someone.

At this time, the staff ran over and reminded in a low voice: "Do you need a beauty treatment?"

The young lady shook her head: "No need."

"Neither does a sound processor."

"Also remove all the previous highlights, just restore the simplest mode, don't make it like a live broadcast platform for selling goods."

"Then the device is slightly further away to create a personal interview scene."

This young lady obviously knew Lin Yuner's character in advance, and she doesn't like too complicated scenes very much.

By the time the legendary Lin Yun'er arrived, the comment area had already become lively.

【Goddess Yoona!I can finally see you! (peep!)】

[Don't come to another male celebrity for a while, just want to see my Yoona beautifully! 】

【. . . . 】

The comment area was refreshed infinitely, and in just a few minutes, the number of viewers had already exceeded [-].

In the current time, it has reached the largest number of viewers on Youtube Live.

The young lady looked at the wailing in the comment area, and replied with a smile: "Everyone wait a moment, your goddess, it will take about 2 minutes."

"We will draw lucky fans in the comment area in a while, and Ms. Lin Yuner will answer the questions raised."

It was just an interactive topic, and the comment area started to explode again.

[Hurry up and swipe the screen, brothers and sisters! (Tears collapse!)]

[I feel like it will draw me, I have never been so confident in my life (peek) (peep)]

[What are you afraid of, if I can't get it, I will brush it! 】

【Everyone’s self-confidence, how to achieve the unity of the world (smile)】,

The barrage in the comment area has begun to change. Netizens from all over the world can no longer restrain their inner excitement.

Zhao Yu in the waiting room looked at the various bullet screens at the bottom of the screen, and said with a smile: "I heard before that the popularity of celebrities on the Internet is quite high, and many people will watch it. If you watch it today, it's really good." It's extraordinary. Miss Lin Yuner hasn't arrived yet, there are already so many barrages."

Jing Hao nodded. He didn't pay much attention to the live broadcast on the Internet, but he had personally experienced Lin Yuner's popularity. Before that, he could still see the explosion of comments on ins and Weibo. remember.

Tapping his fingers on his knees, Jing Hao smiled slightly: "It's the Internet age now, especially for an unprecedented group like Girls' Generation, and it's also a popular member of the group, it's normal to have such popularity and traffic. .”

Zhao Yu nodded, but looking at Jing Hao's proud look, he still couldn't help but said sourly: "Everyone is also fantasizing about their looks."

Jing Hao smiled slightly and didn't speak again.However, if it is really just based on appearance, everyone will always have a day of visual and aesthetic fatigue.

How could he keep following them like this?

Time passed minute by minute.

The number of people watching the live broadcast is also increasing, probably due to the enthusiastic response from everyone in the comment area.

At this time, Jing Hao also felt his heart be slightly touched for no reason.

He also couldn't help becoming more and more curious about Lin Yuner's live interview.

On the way, Zhao Yu answered the phone and went out, leaving Jing Hao alone in the lounge.

He turned the phone, and the silence around him made him feel a strange feeling creeping into his body.

At 10:00, the time was frozen.

In front of the screen, everyone's gazes followed the direction the young lady was looking at.

Including Jing Hao who was sitting in the lounge right now.

The sound of anticipation on the barrage at the bottom of the screen has been maxed out, and everyone's emotions are tightened at this moment.

The first thing that broke the vision was the well-cut, well-crafted, lavender hip-wrapping skirt.

There were no wrinkles on the fabric, and it tightly wrapped the girl's tight figure.

The unslit skirt is just right, sticking to the long white legs.

At the neckline is an extremely gorgeous pink rose flower, which slowly follows the curve of her figure and spreads to the bottom of the skirt.

She walked lightly into the live broadcast room.

Her hair was pulled up, and there was a just right smile on the corner of her lips, carrying the graceful temperament of a Jiangnan woman.

The background wall behind him was the warm color of egg yolk, and the light poured down, staining the gentle and pretty face that showed his bones.

She turned slightly sideways, sat on the sofa, put the blanket just handed over by the staff on her knees, and bowed her head in thanks.

Then he raised his eyes and looked at the camera in the live broadcast room.

The pupils are bright, the makeup is light and bright, but the smile overflowing between the brows is extremely charming.

It is completely the most perfect picture in everyone's mind while sitting in front of the computer at this time.

Even through a layer of screen, the picture quality of the movie version still has a somewhat unreal feeling in the eyes.

Jing Hao's shoulders leaned on the sofa, and his shoulder blades felt stiff for a moment.

In an instant, a bit of amazement flashed in his eyes, and the intricate thoughts in his mind were automatically generated, and suddenly jumped out, in his mind, the memories of being with her.

Face the natural light and the angle of the camera plane.

No beauty filters.

Her every move, every frown and smile, naturally formed a natural and dynamic painting.

At this moment, the barrage that was very lively just now suddenly quieted down. On the screen, the popularity and popularity kept refreshing the highest value.

But no one continued to speak at this time.

Lin Yun'er was quiet for a moment, then stretched out her hand to tuck the broken hair on her cheek behind her ear, and kept smiling slightly at the camera.

"Hi everyone, it is a great honor to meet you in this way."

"I am Lin Yuner from Girls' Generation. I am very grateful to everyone who accompanied me all the way for such a long time, so that I can be more confident and persevere on this road."

She sat in the warm light, with a playful smile on her brows, which became extra gentle because of her smile.

The sound is very soft and penetrating at the same time, like gurgling water, refreshing.

The screen, which was still for a moment, recovered at this moment, and the barrage comments scrambling to be the first filled the entire screen.

【Ah ah ah!It's my wife! (Slobber)】,

[Goddess, I finally see you again! (peep)】

[This is Girls' Generation, Girls' Generation will be in the future, and Girls' Generation will always be! (tears)]

【This temperament is what we, as women, dream of (envy)】

【As men, we also dream of it (drool)】

[Quiet me up, I'm going to lick the screen! (stab)]

[I really don't understand how Yooner would go down such a path at such a young age!Where is the morality, where is the dignity, where is the address, where is your kakao contact information? (cover face)]

[Brothers in the bullet screen, let me mention the sentence, I tripped up when I first came in (squinting smile) (squinting smile)]

The uproar turned into a scrolling word frequency, which completely shocked Jing Hao once again.

This is a bit crazier than what Jing Hao experienced in his previous ins.

Because that time, it was not because of the live broadcast, but the comments in the comment area, which were not as intuitive as this live broadcast, and could be seen so clearly.

Now he finally understands the points, why the number of fans can only increase after waiting for 2 minutes after the young lady finished speaking, facing the still empty live broadcast room.

At this moment, through the cold screen, she belongs to the hearts of millions of male and female fans, and deserves to be the most beautiful face.

It was also the person Jing Hao dreamed of and missed for a long time.

Lin Yuner!
Jing Hao sat upright on the sofa, his amazed and complex eyes changed in his expression.

It's hard for him to stay calm.

When he first chatted with Zhao Yu, he thought that the two of them would not meet today.

But at this moment, Lin Yun'er was sitting in the live broadcast room of the office next door, which was only separated from him by a wall.

Her eyes were exceptionally clean, when she looked at the direction the camera was facing.

There was an illusion of quietly looking at Jing Hao across the air.

There is a feeling that at this moment, she is really sitting opposite her.The gentle scattered light created warm shadows around the outline of her cheeks.

She faced the eyes of thousands of people.

And he is one of the artists.

The barrage has become a bit uncontrollable. The young lady who hosted the live broadcast finally had to smile and stop everyone's free love and all kinds of screen-licking remarks.

"Miss Lin Yuner has 5 minutes left. Everyone, please be quiet for a while and think about any problems. If you want to interact with Miss Lin Yuner, we will pick them from the comment area."

These words really worked, and the barrage gradually stopped.

The problem started to increase gradually, and Jing Hao wanted to see clearly what everyone's concerns were.

But his eyes were like honesty against each other, staring closely at the delicate face on the screen.

Can't look away at all.

 Today's recommended song: Tonight——BigBang
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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