nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 181 Do You Want To Accept Zhao Yu's Invitation?

Chapter 181 Do You Want to Accept Zhao Yu's Invitation (Two in One)

The barrage has become a bit uncontrollable. The young lady who hosted the live broadcast finally had to smile and stop everyone's free love and all kinds of screen-licking remarks.

"Miss Lin Yuner has 5 minutes left. Everyone, please be quiet for a while and think about any problems. If you want to interact with Miss Lin Yuner, we will pick them from the comment area."

These words really worked, and the barrage gradually stopped.

Problems started to rise gradually, Jing Hao wanted to see clearly what everyone's concerns were.

But his eyes were like honesty against each other, staring closely at the delicate face on the screen.

Can't look away at all.

Lin Yuner carefully looked at the message on the screen, she had very little experience in live broadcasting interactive barrage before.

But it's okay, just to answer some questions.

[The goddess has been under the spotlight since her debut. Even at the beginning, during the difficult journey of Girls’ Generation, the popularity of the goddess is still the most prominent in the idol world. May I ask the goddess so Over the years, do you have any regrets? 】

"If we talk about regrets, there are indeed many, many regrets, including before and up to now, and there are many regrets that I want to make up for. In fact, in private, I often think about myself. Better? If you change your mind, will the result be different?"

Lin Yuner pondered for a while, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "However, even with all kinds of regrets, to be able to come to this day, to meet so many fans who like me and Girls' Generation, it is still considered the best part of my life." , One of the most fortunate things. And there are many people I care about, and there are many important things that I want to accomplish with them. This is also a very romantic thing for me. "

Many people immediately developed a gossip mentality, and developed a strong curiosity about this very important matter and who those "careers" are.

But helplessly, everyone's thoughts and problems are different.

It was directly replaced by other questions.

[There are many people who like goddesses, and they all want to become idols like goddesses, do you have any suggestions for goddesses? 】

When Lin Yuner saw this question, she didn't hide it too much. After pondering for a while, she calmly told everyone her thoughts: "Actually, personally, I don't have any special suggestions. I can tell everyone Yes, just work hard, work hard, and work harder."

"As an idol, when you are still a trainee, you have to do your best to enrich your professional ability, including your dance, including your vocal, and many more, as an idol The courses that must be experienced, such as the management of facial expressions before flashing lights, including being able to stabilize your mind when you are on stage and facing the audience, these are all necessary courses that require hard work to connect."

"The industry of idols is a professional identity that directly faces all the people who like you or don't like you. You can't ask others what to do. All you can do is to constantly improve yourself and your business ability. When it comes up, it will attract more attention.”

A seemingly simple question in the eyes of many people, but it hides a lot of sadness and bitterness that only idols know.

Hearing Lin Yuner's explanation, while lamenting the hard work of the trainees, everyone also started booing in the comment area, wanting to see what kind of person the perfect goddess is in their hearts.

"I think, probably no woman would refuse a diamond..." She answered directly without thinking.

Half-jokingly, like a child: "Although I am an idol, I am also a web swimmer, and of course I also like beautiful things and things."

[It turns out that the goddess is not from the mortal world after all! 】

【Oh, I'm not worthy! 】

[It's numb. . . . 】

After hearing Lin Yuner's answer, everyone's Dao heart collapsed a little.

Thinking about her is nothing more than that, like all vanity women, they will choose the latter in front of bicycles and BMWs.

But immediately afterwards, she reversed everyone's misunderstanding of her remarks and gave the most honest opinion.

She looked at the screen earnestly, with the flickering light in her eyes, sincere and sincere: "But liking and getting are two different things, getting and really owning is another concept."

She flicked her wrist casually, the bracelet that Jung Soo-yeon gave her two days ago, that sparkling blue shattered light, as an example of proof.

"This is a blue glass ball. Although it looks beautiful, it is low-quality and cheap."

"Not only did it not affect my quality of life, but it kept my mood in a very good condition."

"Of course I like expensive jewelry, but at the moment, if I have it, I think I might not be very happy."

"Because I really don't have much money now. I just bought a house and I'm still paying off the mortgage. If I buy expensive jewelry, I have to buy matching shoes, clothes, and bags."

"And if I went to buy those things, it would put my life in a state of anxiety."

"In the end, it is very likely that the quality of my life will become unhappy because of these things I got. In that case, it is definitely not the original intention of my choice."

Every sentence she answered was as if she had done her homework in advance. Every sentence was very appropriate, but it sounded extraordinarily sincere.

She sat there with a smile in the corner of her eyes, a casual yet polite posture, and she spoke softly and eloquently.

Naturally, it's more like making friends and having a heart-to-heart talk, without any idols in front of the audience, trying to maintain an elegant and superior attitude.

"Like is based on happiness, and possession is based on the ability to match it."

"It's about every choice in life, including studies, love, family, and your career, etc."

"What I want to tell you is, don't suppress your choice of blindly making decisions, and don't be stingy with the opportunity to say what you like, and don't lose yourself because you want to have it."

"Jewelry is in front of everyone, and it has nothing to do with trade-offs. I hope that everyone who likes me will spare no effort to love yourself."

"Under such prerequisites, choose the one you like."

She pointed to the glass on her bracelet, which looked like broken diamonds.

Suddenly, he said in a relaxed and humorous tone: "So, the reason why I am not qualified to wear expensive jewelry is probably because I am still a migrant worker who works hard every day to make a living."

Then the subject turned around, his eyes looked at the camera playfully, and he said something joking and playful: "If Mr. Li Xiuman nim sees this, I hope teacher nim will give me some extra money. I will stick to it every day." Yoona, who is paying off the mortgage, is really poor~~~"

Her self-deprecating sentence made the comment area more and more active.

[The goddess summed it up very well, I am ordinary, but it doesn't affect my liking for beautiful things at all. (peep)】

【Yunbao is so cute!If I'm with such a girl, I'll beat myself up when I quarrel! 】

[After listening to the words of the goddess, I feel that I will fall in love a little bit (happy)]

Jing Hao, who was only separated from her by a wall, showed appreciation in his eyes and turned into a smile.

Lin Yun'er's tone was calm, and her words and demeanor were also full of gentleness.

In the noisy live broadcast room, Lin Yun'er was not influenced by anyone.

Instead, as if telling a story to everyone, I told everyone my understanding of values.

Compared with her good-looking skin, her rich spiritual soul also allowed Jing Hao to gradually enter her inner world along with many fans and friends.

The beauty of a person is the radiance of self-confidence that emanates from the field under his control.

Time passed with her explanation, and the popularity of the live broadcast room and the number of fans set new highs on the live broadcast platform time and time again.

In the end, Lin Yuner picked out the last question in the comment area, and it was the perfect curtain call for this live broadcast.

[Yun'er, can you tell me, do you still have standards for your future spouse?What do you think you should become to attract better people. 】

"Tacit agreement, soul harmony!"

The eyes facing the camera suddenly lowered, and Lin Yuner sat in the warm light.

Simple words are spoken, but deep affection is implied.

The end of the eye was raised, and the curled eyelashes trembled.

She was quiet for a few seconds, and when she looked up, the smile in her eyes melted away.

"Give yourself time to grow, then stand in the sun and give others a chance to love you."

"Everything in time has its own unique magnetic field. The requirements for oneself are also the expectations for the future spouse."

Quite bluntly, without any deep meaning.

Enjoy the present life, people who love you, will naturally appear.

She didn't deliberately pretend to be a very warm persona, and still maintained the freshness between her brows and the aura all over her body.

But between her words, when she looked at the screen, she saw her body leaning forward slightly, her bright red lips, her delicate makeup, and her hair on her ears and temples. . . .

Captivating, straight to the heart.

The comment area is full of titles like "wife and goddess".

The 10 minutes has already unknowingly timed out. Although there are still many fans in the comments, there are still many various questions that I want her to answer.

But because it was already overtime, Lin Yuner had to choose to say goodbye to the fans on her own initiative.

"Actually, I am not as tall and tall as everyone imagined. I am just like everyone else, and I am just an ordinary person."

"It's just that my work is different from everyone else's. This is the real me. I don't have too many inspirational and sad things to tell everyone."

"Everything I have comes from my own love, so far I have paid and worked hard."

She didn't care much about the purpose of the host lady inviting her, the stories behind the so-called successful people.

However, no one will know that the more understated the past, the more hard work and perseverance it requires, the more difficult it is for ordinary people to achieve.

The equipment in the live broadcast room was turned off, Lin Yuner got up and took off the blanket, handed it to the staff next to her, and the young lady led her to the lounge on the first floor.

Passing through the office area, a few enthusiastic fans who were watching the live broadcast suddenly came over with a notebook and asked for their autographs.

Lin Yun'er did not refuse, and very humanely followed their request and wrote a message.

In the lounge on the fourth floor, the huge projection screen returned to calm as the live broadcast room was closed.

Zhao Yu pushed the door open and walked in, smiled at him, and was still sitting on the sofa. Jing Hao said, "Let's go, the meeting of the council is on the first floor."

Jing Hao nodded, got up and left the lounge with Zhao Yu.

After walking into the elevator and pressing down the floor, Zhao Yu stood side by side with Jing Hao with his hands in his pockets.

"It's a pity, because I was delayed by the phone just now, I didn't see Ms. Lin Yuner's live broadcast."

Within a few minutes in the elevator, Zhao Yu, the cold-faced devil in the industry, instantly transformed into a gossip prince.

Looking sideways at Jing Hao, a flash of interest flashed in his eyes: "How did you fall in love with her before? Isn't it easy to approach a big star like this?"

Jing Hao didn't respond, looking at the curiosity in Zhao Yu's eyes, the truth made Jing Hao a little hard to resist.

He just tried his best to control his expression, smiled politely, and didn't respond.

At this time, Zhao Yu continued: "When the company first invited her to be the spokesperson, I honestly didn't think much of her. At that time, I was more inclined to find a full-time actor to speak for me."

"But I really didn't expect that her performance as an endorsement is really good. And her exceptionally good emotional intelligence, when she really cooperates, everyone praises her. It's really good to be such a worry-free spokesperson. .”

"However, her life experience is really complicated. Gu Minyan and Sanxing are really a very complicated issue."

Jing Hao stared directly at the elevator door and trembled.

Zhao Yu noticed his expression, and said with a smile: "But Jing Haoxi, it's not surprising to me that Ying likes such a hardworking and beautiful girl."

Jing Hao calmed down, and then said seriously: "Well, she deserves everyone's love."


The elevator door opened slowly, and Zhao Yu led Jing Hao towards the lounge on the first floor.

After taking a few steps, Zhao Yu suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Jing Hao who was following behind, and said hesitantly.

"The question I asked you before will be confirmed today."

"Lee Min Ho is also here this time. Between the two of you, we must choose someone to cooperate with Lin Yuner today."

"If you are willing, we will still choose you, but if you are not willing, then it can only be Lee Min Ho."

 Today's recommended song: Bonamana——Super Junior
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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