Chapter 182 Honey Juice Embarrassment (Two in One)


The elevator door opened slowly, and Zhao Yu led Jing Hao towards the lounge on the first floor.

After taking a few steps, Zhao Yu suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Jing Hao who was following behind, and said hesitantly.

"The question I asked you before will be confirmed today."

"Lee Min Ho is also here this time, between the two of you, we must choose someone to cooperate with Lin Yuner today."

"If you are willing, we will still choose you, but if you are not willing, then it can only be Lee Min Ho."

Zhao Yu glanced at Jing Hao, turned his head and walked forward, with regret in his tone: "I really hope that it is you who can cooperate with us in the end, sincerely."

Jing Hao followed closely behind, remained silent and did not respond.

"Lee Min Ho's arrival seems to be half an hour late because of the flight. Just in time, you should take a rest during this time, and then consider my proposal by the way."

Zhao Yu stopped in front of a closed lounge, turned around and looked at Jing Hao quietly, and then pushed the door open.

Jing Hao stood five or six steps away from him, his angle was blocked by the wall, and he couldn't see the people in the room.

With the movement of Zhao Yu waving.

Jing Hao slowly raised his steps to keep up.

The moment he walked into the door again, Jing Hao's gaze was fixed on the sofa by the window.

The sunlight was blocked by the white, fluttering curtains, leaving a soft ray of light.

Lin Yuner was leaning on a corner of the sofa, holding a half-read Chinese book in both hands, her eyes were quiet.

A few minutes ago, Jing Hao looked at Lin Yun'er through the screen, and a few minutes later, he bumped into her again without any warning.

Jing Hao's heart sank, and he felt that the word "logic" probably didn't exist in his life.

It really was an accident.

Seeing someone coming in, Lin Yuner put down the book she had been reading for a while, stood up and greeted Zhao Yu politely: "Mr. Zhao, long time no see."

When speaking, his eyes just casually glanced at Jing Hao for a few seconds.

After a brief pause of staring, he shallowly retracted it.

Zhao Yu nodded: "Sit down, don't be too restrained. Speaking of which, I didn't watch your live broadcast today. It's a pity that it's true."

"Does it feel okay here? After all, it's not the peninsula I'm used to, but Athens."

Lin Yuner was still standing, and responded with a slight smile: "Well, it's pretty good."

"I heard that your company asked you to learn Chinese, how do you see it now?"

"Thank you Mr. Zhao for your concern. It seems to be relatively smooth. Maybe I have a little talent in language, so I can learn well."

Zhao Yu nodded, then patted Jing Hao on the shoulder, and said to her: "For this cooperation, the man's candidate is between Lee Min Ho and Jing Hao."

After saying that, Lin Yuner's gaze skipped over Zhao Yu, and once again shifted to Jing Hao beside him.

Dressing is the most popular Korean casual workplace style at the moment, but Jing Hao's half-vertical arms are always somewhat discordant and rigid.

Lin Yun'er looked at him, her eyebrows and eyes warmed up for a few seconds, and then she returned to her usual calm.

"Hello, Teacher Jing Hao."

She bent her lips and called Jing Hao by a special name, her voice was as sweet as ever.

With a confident smile on his face, he stood in front of the window and looked at him against the light.

For a moment, Jing Hao felt that this silhouette surrounded by halos was the same as the Lin Yuner he had seen in the past.

There is a feeling of familiarity and strangeness.

However, Jing Hao quickly suppressed his thoughts.

When she looked away from him, Jing Hao raised his breath, took a deep breath, and took two steps forward with his legs, getting closer to her.

"Hello, long time no see."

When these two people met, the jerky opening of the meeting really made Zhao Yu on the side a little bit uncomfortable.

He smiled and looked at the two of them: "Let me tell you, you two have been in love at least once, but are you so estranged now? It makes me feel a little embarrassed."

Hearing the sound, Lin Yun'er glanced at Jing Hao suddenly, raised her eyebrows, and signaled, "You said it?"

Jing Hao shook his head with a wry smile, then stroked his scalp and said, "How dare I, I didn't say it."

Lin Yuner nodded when she heard Jing Hao's words. Jing Hao should not lie in front of her. Since he said so, then Zhao Yu should have some other channels to know the news.

Then Zhao Yu said haha: "It's true that Jing Hao didn't tell me, I found out from other sources, but you don't have to worry too much, Yun'er."

Then the three sat opposite each other, with only a transparent glass table in between.

The living room was so quiet that the sound of people walking outside could be clearly heard.

Lin Yun'er held the unfinished book with both hands, and put it on her knees. At this moment, she half-cast her eyes, and her jade fingertips slowly rubbed on the book cover.

He pursed his lips and remained silent.

But Jing Hao's hands were intertwined obediently in front of him, and he remained silent, his eyes wandering around the room for a short time.

It just landed on Lin Yun'er who was opposite, but her mind kept reminiscing about the change in her expression when she bumped into her just now.

The two sat facing each other like this, and an inexplicable low pressure came over. Zhao Yu had to take the initiative to break the silence, and said half-jokingly.

"You don't need to be so reserved. As far as I know, you don't seem to have broken up because of a broken relationship. Don't you have nothing to say when you sit together? Is it because I'm here that it affects the two of you to speak freely? ?”

Lin Yun'er stopped her fingertips, her expression was startled, she clenched her fingers, and moved her lips stiffly.

"No, Mr. Zhao. It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't know where to start."

Zhao Yu smiled and said: "From my personal point of view, I hope that the candidate for this cooperation is Jing Hao's, and you and I have known each other for so long. For Jing Hao's aspects, I have also learned about it, and I very much hope to see the two of you, and finally come together."

Jing Hao's eyes widened suddenly.

Mr. Zhao started to be a matchmaker as soon as he came up. This is more or less a bit of social bullshit!

When Zhao Yu came here, he glanced at Jing Hao, patted him on the shoulder and said to Lin Yuner: "To be honest, it's not the first time I met Jing Hao today. I also met him last time. This Young man, he is relatively stable, and according to what I know, he is quite responsible."

When we got here, we couldn't talk anymore, Jing Hao bit the bullet, and finally opened his mouth: "Mr. Zhao, let's talk about the matter between Yun'er and me in private. As far as I know today, it seems that we are going to talk about it. Let's discuss the issue of the spokesperson."

Lin Yun'er looked at Jing Hao's slightly embarrassing face, her eyes suddenly sank, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

The fingers on the book were clenched unconsciously.

In the next second, Lin Yun'er raised her eyes abruptly, looked at him, and shifted her gaze to the scars on his fingertips that were exposed to the outside.

I stayed for a moment.

I feel a little distressed.

Lin Yun'er's fingernails were lightly held in the palm of her hand, leaving traces.

She spoke slowly, trying to make her voice sound calmer.

"I don't know if we will get back together later, but for now, I still have a good impression of him."

At this time, Zhao Yu's cell phone rang, he got up and went out to answer the call, opened the door and left.

The door of the lounge was closed softly, and the two people sitting opposite each other remained in the room, as quiet as two masses of air that had no intersection.

Jing Hao's hands were hanging on his knees, tapping his fingertips in boredom.

Jing Hao, who had never talked about a girlfriend before, didn't know what to say to relieve the awkward and tense atmosphere.

Lin Yun'er sat directly in front of Jing Hao, both of them pursed their lips and remained silent, as if they were masters in martial arts novels when they were playing games.

However, under the floor-to-ceiling fine gauze curtains, the scorching sun shone in, making it unbearably soft.

Tranquility enveloped her whole body, and there was no critical point for a long time, creating an appearance of tranquility.

Jing Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes slowly fell on the book rolled up in her hand.

His eyes flickered, maybe he could use the contents of the book to start the conversation with her and ease the atmosphere.

But when he saw the book cover ["Ode to Joy", ah patience].

It's over. . .

He has never read this book.

The slender fingers squeezed and loosened, the wound on the fingertips was still aching.

Jing Hao was a little overwhelmed.

Why hasn't Mr. Zhao come back?

Suddenly, he thought of him like this like never before.

Also, why hasn't the staff come into the lounge yet?

Even if it's just a glass of water, it can adjust the weird atmosphere of the moment.

Time became more and more tormented, but Lin Yun'er on the opposite side seemed much calmer than him.

The closed book, white hands, tightly pinched the pages.

There is absolutely no point in continuing to watch.

Jing Hao's eyes wandered around the room for several times, thinking of her embarrassing appearance in the live broadcast room, chatting with fans.

Why is there nothing left now?
Gritting his teeth, Jing Hao held his breath and opened his mouth: "I just saw your live broadcast in the lounge on the fourth floor. I didn't expect that your ability to control the field is so good."

The sound is clean and pleasant, and it blends in with the warm colors of the sunlight in the room.

In fact, in Jing Hao's life, although he doesn't talk much, he is not the type of social phobia.

But since he came to Athens, every time he faced her, Jing Hao felt as if his throat was being choked.

Jing Hao breathed slowly and evenly, and the person opposite suddenly spoke with a clear voice.

"It's been a long time since I saw fans, and occasionally a live broadcast can be regarded as interacting with fans."

She stared at him without blinking, with a faint warmth in her eyes, maintaining a calm and elegant posture.

Those beautiful eyes that can be used as specimens now have bright light seeping into them.

Bright as the stars are generally dazzling.

Lin Yuner looked at Jing Hao's fingers, a smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and said in a very soft voice, "Is your hand feeling better?"

Jing Hao looked at her quietly, his eyes met, her back was facing the light, and she was in the shadows.

Luo Kuo's lines were tight, and a thick blackness spread silently in his eyes.

"Thanks to my students, it's almost healed."

The two looked at each other for a moment, then laughed at the same time.

"I miss you very much, long time no see."

Jing Hao also responded with a smile, "I miss you a little too."

At this moment, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open.

Jing Hao turned his head just now, but no one came in, but he could already hear whispers outside.

Just as he was about to get up and close the door, several young girls showed up pushing and shoving.

All of them have youthful faces, and they wear the badges of Innisfree's interns. They are all local peninsula students hired by Innisfree in Greece.

Out of nervousness, their steps in this direction all followed a cautious rhythm.

"Miss Lin Yuner, we are your fans, we like you very much, and we have been following you online for a long time."

"Yeah, I watched your live broadcast just now, and your remarks really make us agree."

"Can I add your kakao? If there is a chance, we hope to communicate with you in private and want to live broadcast with you."

Jing Hao wanted to laugh a little, after all, the little girls who just stepped into the society probably regarded Lin Yuner in front of them as an ordinary Internet celebrity.

If you want to contact me casually.

At this time, the leading girl had already taken out her mobile phone, opened the kakao interface, and handed it to Lin Yun'er.

Lin Yun'er looked up at them without showing any disdain.

Even in order to protect their initial aspirations when they first stepped into society, there was a gentle smile in the corner of her eyes, and her voice was gentle.

"Contact information cannot be given out easily. This is also stipulated by the company. And if we cooperate, the company must agree."

"Isn't it okay not to tell your company?" The girl holding the mobile phone was a little bit unwilling.

She continued to take a few steps forward without hesitation: "Lin Yuner O'Neil, you are such a fan, you will definitely not refuse our small request."

In a word, Lin Yun'er was placed on the moral high ground.

She understands that these little girls' little thoughts are nothing more than wanting to use their fame to gain some popularity and make a profit.Lin Yuner forced a smile: "I'm sorry, our company doesn't allow..."

The girl was half bent, rolled her eyes a few times, and said slowly, "Then..."

"Just need your contact information."

Lin Yun'er tried her best to restrain herself, the girls in front of her came here under the banner of her "fans", no matter what angle she looked at, she couldn't reject them very strongly.

At this moment, her body was leaning back slightly, and a strong, uncontrollable suffocation rushed up her throat.

She tried her best to restrain herself, but she didn't realize that the pages of the book had been creased by her.

But the person in front of her didn't compromise, she carried her on her knee with one hand, leaning forward urgently, when her limbs were about to touch her arm.

"Just leave a contact information, and we promise not to harass you like an illegitimate meal."

The distance between the girls is already approaching, the toes of her shoes have touched her shoes, and the folds on the book cover are getting deeper and deeper,

His eyes were forced to look at the infinitely magnified mobile phone screen in front of him.

 Today's recommended song: Ring Ding Dong——SHINee
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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